IRC log for #riftuidev on 20140127

02:38.54*** join/#riftuidev Fisker (~ballmer@2a01:4f8:d12:1104:d1e:d1e:d1e:d1e)
05:15.59seebsToday I learned: (1) Somehow my UI was configured such that I had no target cast bar. (2) If you are right next to Twisted Lord Greenscale, you can't see the cast bar on his nameplate. (3) Why so many people just quit instantly if they get RotD as an expert.
05:20.10*** join/#riftuidev Amadeus (
05:21.32Nosheilol seebs, why do you think that is?
05:21.59seebsIt is apparently very annoying. I think we gave up on our third try at greenscale.
05:22.12seebsProblem: I couldn't get a visible indicator of when he was casting things. Like, say, Feast.
05:22.36Nosheiyeah all the bosses in there are a bit annoying
05:22.38seebsThis makes it pretty hard to dodge.
05:22.56NosheiI can see that
05:23.00seebsMaelow, we wiped once because I ended up against a wall and couldn't tell whether I was facing him or not.
05:23.25seebsWe eventually gave up.
05:23.26Nosheijust be glad you didn't get to the last boss, that one is really annoying
05:23.50Nosheitrash before the 4th one is just stupid as well
05:24.12seebsThat really feels like it wants to be a Second-Tier instance that you never see until you've done the others a few times. Rather than, say, the very first SL expert you ever see.
05:33.24seebsIt's been nearly three years.
05:33.41seebsThere is still, so far as I can tell, no way whatsoever to get a /who listing for a user whose name is a substring of another user's name.
05:33.56seebsAlso no account-wide ignore or friend. No working channel moderation. GAH.
05:34.08seebsI really feel like Trion is massively underestimating the impact of social tools in MMO play experience.
06:53.45Amadeus-man ...the only thing I like in rift now is pvp ..and the premades in warfronts are just ruining it ...eveyr match is 500 to 20
06:53.51Amadeus-guess I'll be quitting rift soon
06:54.09Amadeus-spending an hour getting one win for daily != fun
06:54.11seebsThe amount of work that goes into trying to make it so premades mostly go against other premades is insane.
06:54.20seebsBut for some reason, it's never quite actually worked.
06:54.40Amadeus-well, the matchmaker is very broken right now
06:54.53Amadeus-it's literally been entire teams of rogues/warriors against mages/clerics
06:55.12Amadeus-and I'm not kidding ...I've been doing randoms for an hour ...lost about 5 now ...all have been complete steamrolls
07:09.05Amadeus-and another ...guess it's just a bad night ...bad luck every match for 90 minutes now
07:09.18Amadeus-(and I'm rank I know when it's good vs. bad)
07:09.31Ivnedarah, that might be why I don't see that issue
07:09.44IvnedarI'm not p90
07:11.34Amadeus-and now I have to go, 90 minutes without a win is not fun ..not sure why the devs can't see that it makes people want ot quit
07:11.57Ivnedarjoin a premade?
07:12.07Amadeus-I don't enjoy taht as much
07:12.21Amadeus-I like the idea of meeting new people and playing with new people ...starting a match and feeling that dynamic
07:12.31Amadeus-it's boring if you just go in with people you already know and kick ass
07:12.49Amadeus-Steamroll isn't fulfilling in the end's like godmode in a single player game
07:13.06Amadeus-premading in warfronts is like premades in pve experts's boring
07:13.21Amadeus-unless you're paired up against another equally good premade ...which rarely happens.
07:14.04Amadeus-..the irony is that I LOVED how the pvp was when I first returned to the game back in ...what was it...sept. or oct. ...then it all got ruined by the "new matchmaker" allowing premades back into it.
07:14.30Amadeus-now, a lot of quality players won't even do warfronts unless it's in a premade, you never really get to see how good people are get to see how good they are with their buddies helping them.
10:25.21Ivnedarso, apparently Breaker X-1 isn't 14 mannable :(
12:06.25*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
12:20.50*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
12:31.46Repogadgets-buffs: Lifeismystery master * v0.5.0-1-g198560f  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] * Add options to on/off text outline * Add options to on/off border
12:32.12Repogadgets-buffs: Lifeismystery v0.5.1 * a5e9726 /: [new tag]
12:54.36*** join/#riftuidev Repo_ (~repo@
13:08.13Imhotharoh wrong window
14:00.22*** join/#riftuidev Cairenn (~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
14:00.22*** mode/#riftuidev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
14:35.01*** join/#riftuidev Repo-- (~repo@
14:44.12*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
14:58.37*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar1 (
16:36.30Nosheireally like this race in PoE that is going on right now
16:36.48Nosheithey do 3 of them back to back.  12 minutes to get as far as you can.
16:37.38Nosheisee some people getting to about lvl 10 in that time.  I'm happy to get to lvl 5.
16:50.22Ivnedarroflmao, someone finished my sky platform :D
16:50.28IvnedarTrove Alpha1
16:56.03*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
17:10.44ZorbaBetaI should really participate in a few of those
17:11.04Nosheidecent way to get some free loots
17:11.38Nosheijust got my second unique from it, last one of the 12 minute races got me to 14 points
17:12.35Nosheiplus it is pretty fun
18:02.10ZorbaBetaright now I'm trying to accumulate enough for a bow upgrade. good items are expensive. :(
18:03.03ZorbaBeta(money, not points)
18:10.29Nosheiany specific bow ZorbaBeta?
18:10.57ZorbaBetahonestly I'd take any 1.7-or-higher bow with 300+ DPS, but the one I've got my eye on is Lioneye's Glare
18:11.13ZorbaBetalooking to be around 10ex
18:11.25ZorbaBeta(in 5l form, which is what I need)
18:14.35Nosheiwe have like 3 Death's Harps sitting in out guild stash, but those are far 2 low level for you, cant even get 5s on them
18:14.58ZorbaBetayeah I've already sold one of 'em for a chaos
18:15.17NosheiI've got a Quill Rain on my ranger right now
18:15.22ZorbaBetasadly I'm at the point where I need high-end gear
18:15.33ZorbaBetaif it doesn't cost exalted, it's probably not an upgrade :(
18:16.26ZorbaBetaokay I could probably get some gear upgrades for ten chaos or so, but . . . getting up there
18:18.30NosheiI've yet to even have an exalted drop for me
18:18.35Nosheihighest is 68 right now
18:18.54ZorbaBetaI had one. in the middle of a 6-person Docks run without permanent allocation. I was scared I'd misclick and fail to loot it :P
18:19.06ZorbaBetaall the others I've gotten through trading
18:19.39NosheiI dont trade much and I rarely do group anything.
18:19.49NosheiMost people dont want to group with a summoner anyways
18:20.16ZorbaBetawhich I always find weird, summoners are great to have in group. my wife plays summoner and we just destroy maps when we're together
18:20.35Nosheilot of people with lower end computers cant handle it
18:21.32NosheiI've got 29 minions right now, thats a lot of stuff to render and if I go with 4 flame sentinels all casting augmented fireballs it is a ton of spell effects
18:21.41ZorbaBeta*nod* yeah, it adds up
18:22.09ZorbaBetaalthough honestly most late-game builds end up being flashy - I cause a perpetual electric storm at anything I'm shooting :P
18:22.42Nosheinot 4 flame sentinels flashy though
18:22.56Nosheion big pulls my screen is basically a mass of exploding fireballs
18:23.24NosheiLMP + Chain = ton of fireballs
18:23.37ZorbaBetaI actually think it might be flashier - my wife uses flame sentinels also (though only 3 of them) with GMP and, yeah, it's a lot of fireballs, but it doesn't actually hurt my framerate like a good volley from my bow does
18:23.58ZorbaBetakeep in mind I have GMP+Chain on lightning arrow, so in the best case, I hit 60 things at once. it's a lot of special effects
18:24.20Nosheiyeah that would do it
18:24.42ZorbaBetasure is fun though :V
18:26.22Nosheiyeah I bet
18:32.14ZorbaBetahmm, wonder if I can rustle up a cheap eye of chayula somewhere. could've gotten through that last map with one
18:34.56Nosheidont have that passive?
18:35.26ZorbaBetanope, and it's too far away from my tree to reasonably get it
18:35.37ZorbaBetain most cases it's not an issue, it's just rhoa and blackguards that destroy me
18:36.56NosheiOddly I'm going to be in that area with my ranger, when it gets high enough
18:39.03ZorbaBetain retrospect I think this build might not be great, but it's good enough to do difficult enough content that it can farm up the supplies for builds that rely on expensive items
18:39.49Nosheiwhats your skill tree?
18:40.57Nosheithat intelligence bit is interesting
18:41.05ZorbaBetayeah, I'm not convinced that's worth it
18:41.28ZorbaBetaall the things I get out of it are nice, and I actually need a chunk of intelligence anyway, but I'm not convinced that's the best way to do it
18:41.39NosheiI would say no
18:41.59Nosheioh you should so get point blank
18:42.05Nosheiit is pretty nice
18:42.16ZorbaBetaI actually had it originally - eventually I realized I hated it :V I rely too much on kiting for point blank to work well
18:42.28ZorbaBetaand when I'm grouped up with wife I'm hanging out behind her zombie wall
18:42.49Nosheiah fair enough
18:43.01Nosheiits good solo if you can stand the damage
18:43.12ZorbaBetait's great when I'm attacking at close range, but in general when I'm attacking at close range my goal is "gtfo before I die"
18:44.11NosheiI've got enough life leech I can sit in melee with no issues, but I'm also only 24
18:44.21Nosheion my ranger at least
18:44.35ZorbaBetayeah it gets tougher on level 70 maps :(
18:54.03ZorbaBetayeah, I think I'll end up dumping that intelligence diversion. looks like, at my current level, I can get about 20% more DPS, along with 5% more HP and 20% more defense. or trade some of that for stun immunity.
18:54.26ZorbaBetanow I just need to figure out where to find 20 respec points
18:56.42Nosheican get the orbs from act 3 vendor in merciless
18:57.00ZorbaBetaI've also got a bunch of quests I can finish
19:01.14Nosheijust linked up Projectile Weakness with Curse on hit to my main attack
19:01.45ZorbaBetaI don't have the gem slots for it, unfortunately :/
19:02.19ZorbaBetawonder if I can talk my wife into using it :V
19:02.22Nosheionly 24, but I have really good gear. more gem slots than I have gems to use
19:02.44Nosheidoesn't work with zombies
19:03.02ZorbaBetayeah, that's pretty common at 24 - it gets tough when you want to link five support gems in to a single gem
19:03.20ZorbaBetaI think she mostly uses the zombies as meatshields, the damage comes heavily from spectres with gmp
19:03.34ZorbaBetawill have to ask
19:03.35NosheiI'm still trying to get some 6 links for my witch and maruader
19:03.51ZorbaBetayeah 6l is pricey :(
19:03.58Nosheiyeah but curse on hit doesnt work with minions
19:04.24ZorbaBetashe casts curses manually, most of the time
19:04.31*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar_ (
19:04.51Imhothar_"I'm hanging out behind her zombie wall" that's something I always wanted to be able to say about my gf
19:05.09ZorbaBetahah, yeah
19:05.27seebsI would like to state for the record that I really hate when people assert that things which they recognize could be problems in real life are magically never an issue in "a game".
19:05.32seebsAt least when talking about MMOs.
19:05.46seebsSocial interactions, it turns out, continue to be social interactions even in MMOs.
19:06.03Imhothar_but in real life you aren't anonymous and people can punch you in the face
19:06.06Nosheino way, not true at all
19:06.45seebsThe reduction of consequences doesn't take away the potential for impact.
19:07.00Imhothar_of course not, but that's subcontious
19:07.10seebsSpecifically, people being hostile to you will nearly always make you less-happy. The fact that they are doing so in a game doesn't magically make it stop making you less happy.
19:07.32Imhothar_of course not
19:07.36Imhothar_but it has no consequence on them
19:07.41seebsSomeone was explaining to me that it's stupid for Trion to moderate chat because only weak-willed people will leave a game if the chat is a toxic cesspit.
19:07.57seebsAnd it has no effect on you if you ignore them, see.
19:07.57Imhothar_there are studies about this phenomenon
19:08.32seebsBecause there is no way in which my experience of a game is changed by everyone I meet being in a bad mood, or by most of the people I meet and start talking to leaving the game within a couple of weeks.
19:09.08NosheiZorbaBeta: I bet your wife is looking forward to the next patch, I know I am
19:09.16Imhothar_there are a lot of factors in play. it has no impact on your imminent well-being, you cannot see their faces and reactions, and you are unlikely to ever meet them again
19:09.22Imhothar_or let's s ay in RL
19:09.55Imhothar_those are a few things that make people act weird in games
19:10.02ZorbaBetanoshei, very much so :3
19:10.33ZorbaBetaand I am too - I use a devouring totem as part of a CwDT panic button, and I'm thinking of rigging up a second CwDT with the corpse generator spell as well
19:10.38NosheiI'm really interested to see what all the new uniques will be, 5 new ones and all designed to be good for summoners
19:11.09Nosheioh that would be nice to do
19:11.16Imhothar_seebs many of these changes in behavior between in-game and in-rl are actually subconcious
19:11.35Imhothar_which is sad because you can't even blame them
19:12.07Nosheiyou see the video of the new abilities and one of the uniques?
19:12.10seebsAnonymity isn't nearly as big a part as you might think, the same people often do the same stuff openly on things like Facebook. Which is sort of hilarious.
19:12.47ZorbaBetanot yet, got a link?
19:12.50ZorbaBetaah nice :D
19:13.59Imhothar_when it comes to neuroscience the biggest part is the lack of interaction. you don't see how people react to what you say and therefore you don't connect empathically as much as ou would do otherwise
19:14.03Nosheiyeah I want desecrate
19:14.26Imhothar_and it may
19:14.43ZorbaBetahah, that staff
19:14.49Imhothar_cause you to not notice when you're insulting or otherwise misbehaving
19:14.49seebsYeah. It's always weird to me to see people treating other people differently in text than they would with facial cues.
19:15.14seebsThing is, the bulk of my friends are autistic, so we're all trained for thinking about impact based on analyzing the text.
19:15.22Nosheiyeah that staff is pretty nice, he got part of it wrong though
19:15.38seebsIt took me the longest time to realize that many non-autistics genuinely *can't* recognize sarcasm in text, because they've never learned to analyze the meaning and think about it, just to listen for tone.
19:15.47Nosheiit buffs the damage that allies deal, not reduces the damage taken
19:16.01Imhothar_that's why people invented smileys
19:16.11Noshei*not increases the damage they take
19:16.21ZorbaBetaah, that's good - I was about to ban my wife from using it :P
19:16.59Nosheilevel requirement on it is only 23, so hard to say if it will be good at end game
19:17.05Imhothar_the thing with sarcasm is you usually cannot tell the difference without context when visual and audible clues are missing
19:17.16Nosheihave to see what the itemlevel ends up being
19:17.21ZorbaBetait's all percentage bonuses, not flat bonuses, so it's got a reasonably good chance of being strong
19:17.38ZorbaBetashould be able to find a high-ilvl drop with (in theory) 6l
19:17.52Imhothar_for autists it's different since those clues never meant anything to them. but even they couldn't tell the difference if the sentence I'm writing is exactly the same in both meanings
19:18.00NosheiI thought uniques all had a fixed ilvl
19:18.14ZorbaBetahmm . . . maybe, but I'm not sure I buy that
19:18.18ZorbaBetawell, easy enough to check - one sec
19:18.33Nosheinope they dont
19:18.42ZorbaBetayep, just checked a duplicate pair of uniques I had too :V
19:18.44NosheiI just tested it
19:19.06Nosheiso yeah, that staff will be pretty sick
19:19.24Nosheithough I sitll like my Queen's Decree
19:19.51Imhothar_although they would spend more time trying to analyze it then others
19:21.14Nosheiguess it is time to try and find a higher ilvl one I guess, or maybe wait and see what other uniques come from the patch
19:21.16Imhothar_I can sort of understand the change in behavior, that's why I tend to keep a distance to random people in MMOs
19:21.41Imhothar_or ignore public chat in general, that's terrible in every game I played so far
19:22.09Imhothar_unless there are only a few people, but the more the worse it gets
19:23.42Imhothar_there are too many good evolutionary reasons for this, sadly
19:27.59*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar__ (
19:28.31Imhotharthose talent trees in path of exile are... huge
19:29.41ZorbaBetaargh I still can't figure out how some of poe's numbers are calculated >_<
19:29.47seebsImhothar: What's interesting is, most autistics I know are quite good at picking up sarcasm in plain text, because there *are* other cues, they're just more subtle, and most people don't have any reason to learn to read them.
19:30.35seebsIt's not perfectly reliable, but then, it's never perfectly reliable for anyone. But autistics are much more likely to pick up the tone just from the set of words used.
19:30.50seebsBecause being able to do that is a useful skill for us the rest of the time too. :)
19:30.58Nosheilike what ZorbaBeta?
19:31.11ZorbaBetaaha, I think poebuilder is just doing something wrong
19:31.26seebsAnd yeah, the number of people does seem to be a factor, which is one of the reasons many games don't have a problem like 1-29 -- they don't have a general channel everyone can be in.
19:32.07ZorbaBetayeah, poebuilder is miscalculating. I think it's counting the agility evasion bonus as a standard "increased" bonus, and I think it applies at a different time in the calculations
19:32.13Nosheinever used that before, thats nice
19:32.36ZorbaBetait's pretty nice when it gets things right :V
19:32.43seebsEven so, 1-29 in Rift can be pretty good when the trolls are mostly away. We've gotten rid of the worst and it's a lot better. Now it's mostly just the newcomers who come in, troll it up a bit, then discover to their surprise that even though they can just create new accounts, it's actually not emotionally rewarding to do so.
19:33.41seebsUnrelated, but possibly of interest: <-- the after-action reports from our D&D game. As with many tumblr blogs, most recent posts are newest, so you might want to go back to the beginning.
19:33.43seebsBack later.
19:36.08Imhothar"Fixed some very strange memory leak bugs stemming from a gcc lambda capture bug.
19:36.13Imhotharfrom today's Starbound patchnotes
19:36.22Imhotharwhy use gcc in the first place...
19:36.34Nosheiit is slightly off for me, but pretty close
19:36.34ZorbaBetait's crossplatform and very highly supported
19:36.44Imhotharand so is clang
19:37.01ZorbaBetaclang isn't as trusted yet, honestly. I think people are still leery of it
19:37.24Imhotharwell argh okay the windows port of libc++ is not there but a different std lib can be used
19:37.26ZorbaBetain my case I'm still using gcc just out of inertia - there isn't much benefit I'd get from clang, so I haven't switched
19:38.10Imhotharwell apple is using it in all its products as it's behind Xcode, but besides that to my experience clang is now by far superior to gcc in almost every way I can think of
19:38.27Imhotharthe build times! omg the build times are so much shorter
19:47.59NosheiZorbaBeta: someone just price checked a 5l Lioneye's Glare
19:48.38ZorbaBetawhich shard are you on, anyway? I'm on standard
19:50.13NosheiI've tried to do hardcore, but I'm just not that great at not dying
19:50.31Nosheiand the 4 month leagues really dont appeal to me at all
19:50.41ZorbaBetayeah, same
19:52.18NosheiI've heard that ggg plans to add more classes in the future, really wonder how they will handle that
19:52.53ZorbaBetaI wouldn't say this about most game developers, but I'll trust that GGG will come up with something clever. They've done a very impressive job of design so far.
19:53.21Nosheiwould just have to be a complete revamp of the skill tree
19:53.22ZorbaBetapersonally I wonder how they're going to manage taking difficulties out when they add new acts, but, again, they'll come up with something
19:53.32ZorbaBetait's possible they could just add new nodes way out on the fringe
19:53.38NosheiI hope they dont
19:54.02ZorbaBetaI've joked about an archmage class - 52 intelligence, 4 dexterity, 4 strength
19:54.29ZorbaBetapersonally I wonder if they'll start doing mutually exclusive nodes in the sphere grid
19:54.37Nosheithat was meant for the removing difficulties part
19:54.48Nosheiwhat do you mean?
19:54.54ZorbaBetaah, nod - I think they've said the ultimate long-term plan is 10 acts, one difficulty
19:55.12Nosheithat would be nice
19:55.14ZorbaBetabut with things like elemental penalties and death penalties being phased in along acts
19:55.40ZorbaBetamutually exclusive nodes: "here are three nodes, they're all really good. if you take one, the other two lock themselves. choose wisely"
19:55.41Nosheieasy enough to just do that at certain acts
19:56.04Nosheiyeah I get that part, but not sure what you mean by sphere grid
19:56.25ZorbaBetaoh, the passive tree
19:56.39ZorbaBetaI played too much final fantasy, which is what it's loosely based off :V
19:56.49ZorbaBeta(very loosely - final fantasy did a bad job of it)
19:57.09NosheiI thought you meant like the little class icons where you start at in the skill tree
19:59.00Nosheioh I just had a horrible idea
19:59.11ZorbaBetaokay, yeah, this respec is going to work well - I even have the node budget for Celerity
19:59.20Noshei5 summoner party
20:00.47Nosheiwhat are you going to end up with?
20:02.21ZorbaBetafully aware that I'll probably never get this far,
20:03.17Imhothardafuq... how much time do you spent in that view the first time you load up the talent tree?
20:04.37Nosheionly have to get to 98 for that zorba, assuming you killed all 3 all 3 times
20:04.46ZorbaBetanope, oak/oak/kill
20:05.02Nosheiah so that is 100 for you
20:05.13ZorbaBetathough I'm tempted to switch to oak/kraitlyn/kill, but I'll need to theorycraft that one some more
20:05.56NosheiI think it really just depends on your current cast speed
20:05.58ZorbaBetamy current-level spec will end up at - one more level and I can finish rejiggering that area around Aspect of the Eagle, then pick up
20:05.58ZorbaBetaCelerity immediately
20:06.04Noshei*attack speed
20:06.22ZorbaBetaI think it does, though, in my case, since I rely on LGoH and kiting, attack speed is *really* good for me, more so than DPS alone would show
20:06.48ZorbaBetaI'd happily eat a 2-3% DPS decrease if it got me a 10% attack speed increase
20:07.16ZorbaBetaimhothar, generally your first build just chases whatever seems immediately good. the hallmark of a good build is that you know which important nodes you need to go after, and you go after 'em
20:07.34Nosheihow much attack speed do you have right now?
20:07.49Imhotharsure, but the first time I would see that talent tree I would spend 2 hours just reading all the talensts
20:08.18ZorbaBetasomething like 24%, lemme check
20:08.23Nosheiwell you only get a possible max of 120 points to spend and there are well over 1000 nodes I think
20:09.47Imhotharad that's what would make my brain explode
20:10.11Nosheiit is pretty daunting at first
20:10.25Nosheibut the possibilities are just amazing
20:10.30ZorbaBetalooks like I've got 12% attack speed from passives, another 12% from gear
20:10.42Nosheiso 24%
20:10.55ZorbaBetabut my revamp goes up to 41% from passives by the end :V
20:11.10Nosheiit should say on your character sheed Main Hand Attack Speed Increase
20:11.26ZorbaBetaoh hey you're right, didn't notice that before. yep, 24% total
20:11.47NosheiI'm running quill rain right now, sitting at 152%
20:11.59ZorbaBetathough note I'm also going to be jamming Faster Attacks on there as soon as I can get a 6l
20:12.21NosheiI can almost get 4 attacks per second
20:12.53ZorbaBetaand hopefully end up with a 20/20 faster attacks and a 20/20 gmp, which will give 64% more
20:13.17Nosheithat would be nice
20:14.16ZorbaBetaonce I get a nice fast bow - 1.7 or so - I can probably do 3 attacks per second. In theory.
20:14.22Nosheihave you played a marauder at all?
20:14.29ZorbaBetaobviously quill rani is always going to obliterate me of course :V
20:14.36ZorbaBetaearly on, open beta. not recently
20:14.50Imhothar"All player drops are persistent now. So if you accidentally throw your diamond drill down a mineshaft, you don t have to suicide trying to get it back before it disappears
20:14.56Imhotharpatchnotes like that are just owesome
20:15.19NosheiI've got a leap slam build going, really fun
20:15.36Nosheijust got endurance charge on stun as well, that was a huge boost
20:15.47ZorbaBetaimhothar, good patch notes are wonderful
20:15.57Nosheiall I do is leap slam everything, though I have heavy strike for bosses
20:16.28Imhotharthe question is though, how many people *did* drop their diamond drill down a mineshaft and jumped after
20:16.35Nosheinow I just need to 6 link my weapon and I'll be set for a while
20:17.13Imhotharthe way it's written someone certainly did it and complained
20:17.35NosheiZorbaBeta: feel free to add me to your friends list if you want to, IGN is Noshei
20:18.35ZorbaBetaI bet you can figure out my IGN :V
20:19.10Nosheiits good to have a name you like to use
20:25.17Imhotharthe hell... everytime I get to the steam forums in my browser they have a different language
20:27.30ZorbaBetalooks like I will need to scrounge up 6 regret orbs, once I do all the respec point quests
20:27.37ZorbaBetaa project for another day, though, I'm off to bed
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23:14.11Ivnedarseebs: I tend to put a :P at the end of any text I write that isn't immediately obvious that I'm being sarcastic or cheeky, which is interesting because my wife takes the :P emoticon in a really negative way
23:16.57seebsOh, interesting.
23:17.15Ivnedarwhich apparently my brain forgets when typing as the :P is automatic
23:17.25IvnedarI remember as soon as I press enter and reread what I typed
23:17.55Ivnedarshe takes it to mean that the person writing :P is really put out over what they've said
23:18.50Ivnedarto make it even more 'fun', she uses it to express sarcasm herself, but doesn't parse it as such when reading it back from someone else
23:19.41IvnedarI tend to read text in the "voice" of the person writing and if it differs from what I've previously seen them say/state, and could be taken as sarcastic, I'll read it that way
23:20.00Ivnedarif it's someone I've not interacted with, they get a generic voice until further info is gathered
23:24.36Ivnedarboo to not knowing when 2.6 comes out, I want to book leave already
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23:49.31NosheiIvnedar: my guess is the 12th or 18th
23:49.35Nosheiboth seem possible
23:50.18Ivnedarroflmao @ Laeris saying Daglar only spreaks in PR lingo double speak
23:53.58Nosheiwhy do news sites think it is a great idea to design their sites with a static width
23:54.27Nosheithis shit of only tanking up the middle half of my screen when I'm on their site is really annoying
23:54.34Ivnedarbecause they all still live in print media mindsets
23:58.14Nosheieven youtube doesn't use my whole screen...

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