IRC log for #riftuidev on 20130531

00:00.18Nosheithat means I may go back and do all of them now
00:00.21Ivnedarold ones I found that I was killing 15+ of the carnage mobs while questing
00:00.32Ivnedarnow I'm killing 15-20 of the carnage mobs, but carnage ends at 8
00:00.49IvnedarI don't tend to avoid mobs between quest objectives, plow on through
00:02.04IvnedarBut not really complaining, works for more people's playstyles now :)
00:03.19Ivnedarthe new macro editor help is nice
00:03.47Ivnedarif you haven't see it
00:03.54Ivnedarwe finally get to see all the slash commands and what they do :D
00:04.15Nosheithat has been there since launch
00:04.52Ivnedarso many people have complained about there being no way to work out slash commands, or what they do, never had an answer
00:05.15Nosheiany time i see people asking i send them to that screen
00:09.54Ivnedarhrrm, cool, summon guild banker is a nice addition
01:03.07seebsOooh. That's new!
01:03.24Nosheipatron perk
01:03.27seebsI was told in general the reduction in carnages was supposed to be about 20-25%.
01:03.35seebsI meant the "macro editor help". :)
01:03.45seebsHuh. Hey, have they added credits to PTS yet?
01:03.55seebsI really want to find out whether extra profession slots are account-wide.
01:04.09Ivnedarthey weren't available for purchase yet as of 12 hours ago
01:04.22seebsSo, apparently, partially-completed carnages autocomplete.
01:04.25IvnedarI assume they want it all bedded down before opening up pts for real money
01:04.26seebsThis leaves me with a question:
01:04.44seebsIf you had 6 carnage quests all-but done before the update, would you lose a quest?
01:05.16Ivnedarif you had 5 diamonds stored up though, you'd lose one of them
01:05.30Ivnedaras the carnage would push one off, complete
01:05.43seebsDiamonds stored up?
01:05.45Ivnedarat least that's how it's happened in the past
01:06.03seebsOh, is there some regular quest that produces diamonds of some sort as a reward?
01:06.05Ivnedarpeople store up completed daily dungeon diamonds
01:06.13seebsAhh, makes sense.
01:06.25Ivnedarif the reward changes after patch, they get 5 days of turnins straight up
01:06.43seebsI suppose it doesn't matter hugely, but the 5-reward limit, while reasonable for many purposes, interacts poorly with a change in quest goals for quests you could have partially done.
01:06.45Ivnedarbut, if you have auto completing quests like carnages, they push one of them off the stack
01:07.07seebsAhh, Morgana answers:
01:07.10Ivnedarsame's happened in the past with world event quests
01:07.15seebs> This limit is now 10! It warns at 8. (Instead of the previous 5 and 3.) If you go over? Unfortunately, you would lose the rewards-- but Customer Support would be able to verify your losses and grant you the missing rewards.
01:07.25Ivnedarwow, interesting
01:07.36Ivnedarthat's just opening up more for abuse :P
01:08.29Ivnedarthe customer support bit
01:08.31Ivnedarnot the 10 limit
01:09.26seebsI don't think so, just 'cuz, well. "verify". They do have logs. I imagine most people don't try *very* often to scam support.
01:11.11IvnedarI guess it depends on whether or not stacking diamonds across patch boundaries is a form of exploit
01:11.28Ivnedarprobably a minor one that's not really repeatable, so is ignored
01:13.13seebsI continue my tireless crusade to assert that, while it's fine for race change to be a for-credits thing, gender change ought to be purchasable with in-game currency. On the grounds that that is how Outside does it, and that is the most successful MMO ever, with roughly 7 billion active players.
01:13.42Ivnedarrace changes can be purchased for in-game currency in Outside too
01:13.52Ivnedarcosmetic surgery can do wonders!
02:12.23Ivnedarand since you can buy rex with in game currency, you can technically buy a race change without forking over cash :D
02:14.24IvnedarI do find it amusing/cool how daglar sounds like he's making off the cuff decisions on things on the forums
02:14.31Ivnedarlike the 4 then 9 role slots
02:14.55IvnedarThere's probably more going on behind the scenes, just the way he says it is amusing to me :)
02:17.39Ivnedarinstead of "we've decided to increase profession slots to 4" it's "I came in last night and changed it to 4, there ya go" then the next day "ok, 9 then"
02:20.47seebsWell, I assume the plan to add a way to increase profession slots was preexisting. The decision to bump it, harder to tell.
02:21.33IvnedarIt's also assuming that other people behind the scenes know it's happened
02:21.37Ivnedarfrom the sounds of it, they don't
02:21.43IvnedarZorbaBeta seems surprised by most of them
02:23.06seebsWell, Zorba's probably busy enough to not be checking on all the stuff in other fields. That happens a lot near a release, I find; I can be totally unaware of what kernel version we're shipping even though I'm totally clear on the state of the toolchain.
02:23.35seebsOh, noes! I appear to have offended someone by suggesting that maybe RMT companies are not as pure as the driven snow.
02:24.12seebsApparently, he finds it highly offensive to suggest that RMT companies might lower themselves to account compromises, because he firmly believes that no one in business would ever do something shady, because that would be bad for business.
02:25.14Ivnedarwoo, lunch time!
02:34.07*** join/#riftuidev seebs_ (
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02:41.09seebs_Drat, the profession unlocks are per-character. I may actually not get those, just because 1200 credits per character adds up quickly.
02:53.48Ivnedaryeah, it makes them ok to me
02:54.05Ivnedaryou'll have one group of people buying rc on every toon they raid on
02:54.18Ivnedaranother group who don't have any alts may buy every slot
02:54.35Ivnedarpeople who have all professions maxed out across 3-4 alts not buying any, or maybe a few gathering
02:54.49Ivnedarmore flexibility, and the cost means it won't be everyone buying every slot
02:58.11seebs_Hmm, that's a point.
02:58.37seebsIt's actually sort of arguably *good* if they are too expensive to just grab them all, or immediately buy them on an alt you're not sure about running.
03:00.38Ivnedaryeah, people only buy the ones they really want on the toons they want them on
03:00.54Ivnedarmakes it a bit harder if someone wants to "switch mains"
03:00.59Ivnedarbut they have to redo a lot of work anyway
03:04.05seebsYeah. And in practice, my profession mix is mostly based on a plan such that: (1) each character has at least one gathering and one crafting profession (2) out of my original 4 per faction (one per calling), I have one of every craft and two of every gather.
03:04.27seebsWhich means I'd want one more gathering profession on two of them, and two more on the other two, to have all gathering everywhere, for instance.
03:04.47IvnedarI've currently got one toon, never been a fan of alts, I have 2 gathering and 1 crafting
03:05.05IvnedarI'll likely buy most if not all of them, so I have a better excuse for not using alts :D
03:05.14Ivnedarbut that's only one toon I need to buy them for
04:44.08*** join/#riftuidev Thorarin (
06:16.47seebsHuh, that's odd.
06:16.57seebsMy 52 rogue can do one of the very early quests now.
06:17.06seebsI am about 80% sure she did it when she first got to Freemarch.
06:18.56Ivnedarprobably changed quest id due to some streamlining thing and wasn't flagged as excludes other quest
07:31.40Ivnedaroh wow, I've just been shown the hands free whopper
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11:37.21ZorbaBetayeah, seebs is right - it's a big company, there's a lot going on, there are many things that simply never have to hit engineers (like profession slot limits, which I'm guessing was maybe a day of work for one engineer at most), and most things simply don't cross my desk
11:38.05ZorbaBetafor example I still don't actually know what dendrome is :V it's a zone, I think? I hear it's pretty. but "new zone" is simply not a thing I ever have to deal with, because all of my code that deals with zones is perfectly happy to deal with an arbitrary number of zones as long as the datafiles are set up properly
11:39.54Ivnedarnew zone
11:40.05ZorbaBetasweet! new content is always good :D
11:40.09Ivnedarjungle/desert hybrid, architect based zone
11:40.14Ivnedarmassive hive up top
11:40.24Ivnedarbigger than Ember Isle
11:40.32ZorbaBetaoh I think I might've seen one of the artists working on the hive
11:41.13ZorbaBetain fact I bet that bug I dealt with was related to the hive. well, in that case, cool, it looks great ^^
11:41.17IvnedarI was more thinking that what may take one engineer a few minutes to implement, has ramifications on other areas they may not consider, and if those areas don't know about the changes, it hits live and gets noticed then
11:41.23IvnedarIt does :D
11:41.33ZorbaBetaivnedar, yeah, that sort of thing can happen. luckily our QA team is really really good
11:41.39Ivnedarawesome :D
11:41.52Ivnedaramusingly, the same rare is currently up 3 times in Dendrome :D
11:42.07Ivnedareach one is ~5m from each other
11:42.10Ivnedarquite amusing to see
11:42.21ZorbaBetasomeone screwed up their spawner parameters, methinks
11:43.20ZorbaBetafun QA story from a previous company: after code freeze, about two weeks away from the gold master, we get a report from QA that one of the game abilities - which has been "finished" for *months* - does no damage
11:43.59ZorbaBetait turns out that the lead QA person had tried the ability when it was implemented and determined that it "sucked". Which it did, because it was buggy, and did no damage. And instead of reporting it, he'd simply told the other QA people not to bother with it because it wasn't any fun.
11:44.10Ivnedarlol, oops :D
11:44.14ZorbaBetathe only reason we found out about it is because a new guy showed up on the team and he tried the ability out before the lead QA person got to him.
11:44.35ZorbaBetathat was an *awful* team :P The Rift QA team, though, is fantastic :)
11:46.16IvnedarOh dear, my wife is trying to buy credits on the rift store several times a day now on pts
11:46.20Ivnedarrather keen :P
11:46.31ZorbaBetawith luck we'll have it up and running soon :)
11:46.54IvnedarDaglar made a comment a while ago that any real money spent on pts would be added to live account 5x
11:47.00Ivnedarso she's more than happy to pay :P
11:47.08ZorbaBetahah :D
11:48.01IvnedarFar out, loyalty credits plus $500 worth of credits at launch, crazy
11:50.38IvnedarOoh, do Trion staff get staff discounts on credits? ;)
11:50.57ZorbaBetano, but I've heard we are planned to get a monthly fund of credits
11:51.02ZorbaBetamore than that, I think we need to pay full price :V
11:52.53IvnedarHrrm, I wonder if I can run a russian or korean rift client against the US servers
11:53.30ZorbaBetaI doubt it, the version numbers will probably be different. and korean rift clients have a wacky login system
11:53.33Ivnedarswitching languages to do my own translations :D
11:54.00Ivnedarhrrm, fair enough
11:55.41IvnedarIs there a pts for eu?
11:56.49ZorbaBetaI'm honestly not sure
11:57.08Ivnedarothers in here may know, can't see any mention of one
12:42.13Ivnedarok, I'm lazy, no UI for carnage book, but if it finds a chat window called "Carnage Book" it will dump its output there instead of into General :P
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16:09.30seebsI've heard very disparate reports on what if any the bonus is from PTS purchases of credits.
16:10.04seebsI think Daglar said any bonus was TBD, but that it wasn't a bonus for purchase, it was a bonus from credits purchased-and-spent, which would be refunded.
16:10.29seebsSo, if you buy $10 worth of credits on PTS, and spend $5 worth of credits, when 2.3 launches you get back some multiple of those $5 worth of credits.
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16:51.06Ivnedarhuzzah, 37/37 carnages, time to sleep finally!
17:32.00*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
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20:09.19seebs <-- boring thread until the guy who buys gold shows up and starts insulting people for not understanding how the world works.
20:41.42Imhotharmeh I couldn't care less about this f2p thing
21:16.22Solsis00So when the event api changes happen in 2.4 is it changing the table.event setup? or just the attach event object/function event stuff?
21:17.41Solsis00sorry if that isn't real descriptive. Just saw a post a couple days ago when I was browsing the forums.
21:29.29seebsI believe both.
21:29.46seebsBasically, we should stop using any event code which worked prior to 2.2, and replace it with new code. :)
21:30.31Solsis00Is there a post or some piece of info so I can start fixing it?
21:30.55seebsYeah. I asked about this recently, someone linked me to a wildtide (aka DoomSprout on the forums) thread with some details.
21:31.12Solsis00I <3 wildtide
21:31.15Solsis00he's so helpful
21:37.24Solsis00Do you happen to have the link to that info seebs? or do I need to go diggin?
21:42.07Solsis00sweet thanks
21:42.57Solsis00This is helpful.. I still want to go a step further (since I'm still learning so much), and find the information that got him to do this.
21:43.20Solsis00It's great he's showing how he's updating/adjusting his addon for the changes. But I want to understand what/why.
21:43.54Solsis00Makes things better and I can better code my addon if I better understand whatsup
21:44.09Solsis00But thanks for the link. I'll do some more digging around from there
21:44.39Solsis00and if I'm correct the API functions we need are already live. So we can actually start making this switch now yes?
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21:53.14Baananoyes solsis, they've been live for a few months
21:53.59Nosheiwow, so I just tried out /script"%")
21:54.11Nosheiand it is basically the same as hitting Alt+F4
21:54.16Solsis00I figured they had based on the posts I have found and since I used some of the "new" methods for attaching events in recent change
21:54.33Solsis00lol... :( @Noshei
21:58.45NosheiZorbaBeta: So I just saw on the live stream that when you send someone a gift it sends it to them via the mail box.  So I just want to make sure that there is a way to distinguish these from other mail messages.  Currently the API doesn't have a specific way to distinguish between different types of messages.
22:04.40seebsNoshei: Not quite. alt+f4 actually pops the logout window. :)
22:05.01Nosheiah s its even better than Alt+F4
22:09.48Nosheialready saw it
22:10.43NosheiI am never going to stop asking where my crucia mount is
22:10.44seebsOf course, I have no clue at all either how many credits I get for sub time (past or future), or how many I'm likely to want.
22:11.15NosheiI'll probably buy $50-100 worth or so.
22:11.26Nosheiat least to start out
22:47.01Solsis00I know how to do a reloadui in an event if you click a button. Is there a way to do a reloadui from a slash command?
22:49.21seebsWell, /reloadui :)
22:49.30Nosheiother slash
22:49.39seebsThe annoying thing being, for me at least, that there's a very large delay between hitting slash and getting a prompt.
22:49.54seebsSo if I try to /r, and I am not carefully slow, I usually start running and then get a slash prompt.
22:50.05seebsSimilarly, /g normally opens the guild window.
22:53.17Solsis00right.. so I wanted to shorten it. Make it like /rl from the addon without forcing the user to setup an alias
22:53.37Solsis00wait... omg.. one sec.. gonna look at something
22:55.59Solsis00bummer.. I was going to say I wonder if I could set it for them.. but I could see how that would be problematic. And I don't see a way to do it either.
22:56.03Solsis00Rightfully so I suppose
22:58.04seebsShould be able to.
22:58.08seebsI think. Hmm.
22:58.14seebsWell, you can make a slash command, anyway.
23:02.05Solsis00right.. making the slash command is the easy part.. I don't know how to actually execute a /reloadui though without them clicking a button or something
23:02.41Imhotharthere's a reloadui addon on riftui that shows a little frame for reloading
23:07.34Solsis00It's not a big deal. It was more of a convenience thing. Was just going to make /reloadui act as /rl via a slash command without having to setup an alias
23:20.49Imhotharand I*m telling you there's already an addon just for convenience ;)
23:21.15Solsis00that would need a frame on my screen that I don't desire to have
23:21.19Imhotharall it das is make a movable reloadui button
23:21.56Solsis00would be just as easy to make a /reloadui macro and put it on my bars
23:24.25Solsis00It's not a big deal. I appreciate the response. Thanks

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