IRC log for #riftuidev on 20121123

02:01.46*** join/#riftuidev Empyria (
06:38.52*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
06:57.51seebsZorbaBeta: Someone in-game has just gotten the thing where supersampling breaks nameplates again, so it may have come back. (It's fixed for me, though.)
09:00.21*** join/#riftuidev seebs (
09:00.22*** mode/#riftuidev [+o seebs] by ChanServ
13:53.44ZorbaBetahuh, interesting
14:35.36Imhotharyou found ownerless cookies on your desk?
15:25.20Imhotharthat might be suspicious...
16:04.55*** join/#riftuidev g0urra (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
17:01.57*** join/#riftuidev Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
17:01.57*** mode/#riftuidev [+v Torhal|work] by ChanServ
18:54.51*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
19:26.54*** join/#riftuidev Empyria (
21:56.24*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
23:36.02Nosheihey ZorbaBeta would the changes to the event system give us better key detection?
23:37.20Nosheithough I guess it wouldn't have much effect on being able to Inspect Key states though as that isn't entirely event based

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