IRC log for #riftuidev on 20120813

00:15.11Imhotharhmm this is nice, my first attempt at getting strings from the game and voilá, it's inventory stuff
00:21.28ZorbaTHutimhothar, I'll work on that once I solve the halting problem :V
00:22.27Imhotharwho cares about the halting problem
00:27.32ZorbaTHutthe reloadui text bug isn't going to be fixed until the next major patch, but should be included in there
00:41.01Imhotharhm which items are of transcendant rarity? I keep forgetting...
00:43.29ZorbaTHutI'm not sure there are any, to be honest.
01:07.01Imhotharoh interesting, ZorbaTHut's email address is in Rift's memory
01:07.52Imhotharhm of course it is, it's in the devtools toc
01:08.02Imhotharlooks like I found the Lua stirng table
02:50.10*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
03:51.30*** join/#riftuidev zz_Cidan (
03:51.55*** join/#riftuidev Cidan (~cidan@conspiracy/developer/Cidan)
08:18.14*** join/#riftuidev Noshei_Mobile (
08:50.36*** join/#riftuidev Wildtide (0fe3b949@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:51.21Wildtidemornin' all
09:29.13Cairennhi Wildtide
12:40.17*** join/#riftuidev Torhal_ (~torhal_wo@
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12:54.39*** join/#riftuidev Wildtide (0fe3b949@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:36.19*** join/#riftuidev g0urra (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
15:45.47ThorarinBeen quiet here today...
16:03.30*** join/#riftuidev g0urra_ (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
16:15.21*** join/#riftuidev Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
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16:32.53WildtideThorarin: Ssshhhh!
16:35.20Wildtidesadly enough, now that the doggy is under control, we've got nothing to talk about :)
16:35.33Wildtidehe might have been a pain, but at least he was interesting ;)
18:09.41*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar (
18:55.55*** join/#riftuidev Baanano_ (
19:36.47Imhotharhm anyone of you have experience with horizontal RiftScrollbar? Looks like it doesn't render in the correct location
19:40.02Baananonoshei had the same problem some days ago
20:13.55Imhotharthis is funny, the scrollbar is rendered about 200px below its hotzone
20:17.40ZorbaTHutyeah I'm pretty sure it's bugged. which confuses me because it didn't used to be
20:20.14ImhotharI remember having the same problem when I wrote StorageViewer
20:21.04Imhotharwhich is quite a while back
20:42.56*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
20:51.01NosheiImhothar: try using SetParent on the scrollbar after you have created it, I haven't tested it yet, but just a hunch.
20:51.47Imhotharno change
20:55.59Nosheidid you change it's parent with it? that might make a difference.  Only reason I think SetParent might work is because in gadgets wildtide has it setup to change the parent from the creation window to the modify window which is what fixes the issue for me.  Though SetParent is not being used on the scrollbar but I think 2 parents up from it
20:56.24ZorbaTHutargh how can that fix it that makes no sense at all >:(
20:56.34ZorbaTHut(I'll work on that one, but it may take some time)
20:57.10Imhotharah ok that fixed it
20:57.18ImhotharSetParent() to a different frame than it was created with
20:57.24ZorbaTHutI'm not sure if I'm glad that fixed it or not :P
20:57.41Imhotharbefore or after SetOrientation() doesn't matter
20:58.11Imhotharlocal self = UI.CreateFrame("Texture", "", parent)
20:58.11Imhotharlocal scrollbar_h = UI.CreateFrame("RiftScrollbar", "", parent)
20:59.02Imhotharso SetParent() moved it one step down the frame chain
20:59.08Nosheithats so funny
21:00.07NosheiZorbaTHut: dont you love it when stuff makes absolutely no sense at all, makes for an interesting day at least
21:00.28Imhotharat least work doesn't get boring :)
21:05.04ZorbaTHutit's the game industry. if it's boring, you're doin' it wrong. :)
21:08.35ThorarinI must say that I'm puzzled by the button size issue as well :S
21:09.03ThorarinMaybe I should try SetParent for that as well ;)
21:09.29Imhotharbutton size issue?
21:10.25ThorarinWhen I set a button to the position the mouse is on, the button height is like half of what it should be
21:11.03ThorarinI assume it is something to do with mouseover
21:11.18Nosheithat completely makes sense, had that issue for a while with the reloadui button in gadgets
21:11.30ThorarinIt's still there
21:11.44ThorarinWhen you click it and hold the mouse there, the button gets screwed
21:11.58Nosheiif I leave my mouse over it through the reloadui the button is small, if I move my mouse the button is normal size
21:15.36ThorarinI created a "message box" type frame (what Rift calls the Question window) and I trigger a few in a row
21:15.48Thorarinit's really annoying there
21:16.00ThorarinMouse is always over a button :S
21:24.44ThorarinHmm, I'd screenshot it, but apparently you can't when you have a window open in modal strata?
21:26.15Nosheijust use Alt+Print Screen, saves the current window to the paste bin so you can paste it into paint or something else
21:26.25ThorarinNope, didn't work either :S
21:26.46Nosheiok then your computer just hates you
21:31.21ThorarinSame thing as with Gadgets
21:32.30ThorarinExcept this doesn't involve a reloadui, so that isn't part of the problem :)
21:35.37ThorarinNow to figure out why it keeps thinking some buffs are "new" :p
21:41.25ZorbaTHuttweak going in with the next major patch, btw - Event.Buff.Add will no longer output {buffid = true}, it'll output {buffid = bufftype}
21:41.33ZorbaTHutshould make buff addons a bit more efficient
21:55.49ThorarinOh cool :)
21:56.20ThorarinUnfortunately I only use buff names at the moment, but I should refactor in that case
22:02.02ZorbaTHutusing buff IDs has the advantage that your addon can automatically localize itself :)
22:03.29NosheiZorbaTHut: any idea why mail messages wont localize?
22:03.54ThorarinI would have done it like that yeah, but Karuul once decided otherwise :>
22:04.17ThorarinIt should be possible to change, but I foresee some annoying edge cases in conversion
22:04.56ZorbaTHutnoshei, hmm, what do you mean?
22:06.22Nosheilike if I'm on a french client and buy something from the auction house the information in the default mail window is in french, but in mine it's in english
22:07.57Baananoiirc ah mails are in the shard language
22:08.38ZorbaTHutoh, that's odd. I wonder why that happens
22:08.59ZorbaTHutI assume noshei is saying that the ingame mail window shows something different than the addon API
22:11.52Nosheiok this is kinda strange
22:12.19Baananoit would be fine if AH mails' text were always in english, i wouldn't need to change the code to extract the auction ID for each language :P
22:12.19Nosheicant chat or send messages cross shard when one user is on a different language
22:13.34ThorarinBaanano can't you just use a simple pattern to extract the only thing long enough to be an auction id?
22:13.50ThorarinI doubt you need to parse the actual text of the mail
22:14.15Baananoi'd need to search for keywords like "expired" or "sold" too
22:14.24ThorarinAh, true
22:14.55ThorarinAlthough you could derive that from the fact if there is money in the mail perhaps
22:15.40ThorarinJust thinking out loud :)  Anyway, I should go to bed
22:15.46ThorarinLaters ppl :>
22:15.54Baananogood idea, money -> sold, item -> expired/cancelled
22:18.01NosheiThorarin: Money shows as an attachment just the same as an item
22:19.50ThorarinWell, I didn't look at the mail API at all, but I assumed you could tell the difference
22:19.54ThorarinAnyway, sleep.
22:23.09NosheiZorbaTHut: I'm probably just remembering it wrong or something, can't seem to get it to happen now
22:24.49ZorbaTHutwell, if it happens again, let me know
23:05.03*** join/#riftuidev Torhal (
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23:09.49Baananosee you tomorrow
23:10.01*** join/#riftuidev Noshei (
23:35.30*** join/#riftuidev g0urra_ (~g0urra@unaffiliated/gourra)
23:36.53*** join/#riftuidev Imhothar_ (

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