IRC log for #riftuidev on 20120325

00:00.31ZorbaTHutbtw this isn't in yet, buuuut keep your eyes out for a lua zlib binding to show up in the next PTS
00:00.37seebsWhat is the downside of database mining, exactly?  I mean, given that we obviously have the ability, across the player base, to develop a very close to complete list.
00:00.39ZorbaTHutwhich might help your data requirements a bit
00:01.14ZorbaTHutyou can develop a complete list of quests that players have seen
00:01.18seebsAnd once we have all that done, it's not obvious to me that we're noticably worse off than we would have been if we coulda just used IQD to get it in the first place.
00:01.28ZorbaTHutthis is not the same thing as a complete list of quests in the quest database. :)
00:01.51seebsWell, everything in IQC is definitionally a quest players have seen.
00:02.05seebsDo you track shard/world firsts for quests?
00:02.18seebsIf so, "players have seen" is easily determined.  Otherwise... hmm.
00:02.41seebsIt would be SUPER convenient if it worked for "anything in IQC", because otherwise people are gonna spam up databases of that and act as though it always worked anyway.
00:02.43Imhothar_yes they do
00:02.51Imhothar_the XMl files have "firsts" for evry shard
00:02.54ZorbaTHutthere's no reason that IQC doesnt include the checksum, besides "the client doesnt have that data"
00:03.03ZorbaTHutwhich it doesn't :)
00:03.06seebsBut I admit, I can't think of any reason for which I *need* to be able to look up a quest that's not in the XML.
00:03.08ZorbaTHut(hmm, my apostrophe is sticky)
00:03.36seebsI was thinking it'd make sense to have the server give an answer for any IQD that matches a known-seen quest.  Which, given first-tracking, is doable.  But slow.
00:03.57seebs... but now I have to run out for dinner.  Back later!
00:03.58Imhothar_I think the issue is people spamming the server with thousands of quest requests
00:04.11seebsAnd thanks a TON, Zorba, for working so hard to make the API pleasant and effective.
00:04.29seebsI continue to have a great deal of fun playing with it.
00:04.52ZorbaTHutimhotar, a possible issue as well, yeah
00:06.32Imhothar_but now i wonder, what would be a practical scenario for zlib in the current state of the API? All I can think of for now is SavedVariables. But needing zlib for savedVariables would mean there was a whole lot of stuff in memory before. And now I might start guesstimating if the zlib binding is just a step in getting something even more awesome soon(TM)
00:08.06Kreiridoes zlib mean that saved vars would not be readable/editable manually anymore?
00:11.50Imhothar@Kreiri what just come to my mind: You could provide the Quest details for certain areas as separate addon modules for people to download separately
00:12.47Kreiriwhen someone wnats to know which wuest they did and which didn't, they want at least names of the quests.
00:13.19Kreiriat this point all I can do is give them quest ids.
00:14.52Imhotharwell its a start
00:15.38Imhotharthe ids can be typed in the url of for example
00:16.02Imhotharnot a perfect solution, but its something to start with
00:17.25Kreirityped. manually. decimal representation of 8-digit hex numbers.
00:17.55Imhotharyou could dump the url in a textfield
00:18.39Imhotharits either that or loading a 22 MB Lua file, you decide
00:18.46KreiriIsn't much better. looking at zone quest list and trying to remember what I did not do yet is less bothersome.
00:18.58Imhotharof course it is
00:19.58Imhotharhow long does loading the file in Rift take?
00:20.18KreiriI didn't try loading it in Rift yet.
00:20.46ZorbaTHutkreiri, it'll just be a pair of functions you can call to compress/decompress data. Obviously compressed data won't be all that readable, but it's up to the addon author to determine what to do.
00:21.44Kreirifwiw, file:write part of my script  took a couple of seconds.
00:22.26Imhotharbut I wonder, the Quest.xml here has 64MB, how comes a Lua file with only the quest names takes up 1/3 of the original XML?
00:23.06KreiriI discarded discoveries data
00:24.14ImhotharNo I mean, how comes it's so big, wouldn't have expected 33% of the XML to consist of quest names
00:24.44Kreirinames, description, rewards, zone, et cetera
00:24.52Imhotharah I see
00:25.56Kreirifor comparison, file with quest ids only in  ["1744483310"] = true format is 121 KB
00:28.10Imhotharnow here we have a use case for sqlite. even if limited to select only
00:30.21Kreirian example of quest description in my 22 MB file:
00:44.39Imhotharwell there's quite some stuff that's probably not relevant for just showing people which quests they haven't completed yet. everything else is on the interwebs
00:48.36Imhothargnah, why can't item types have the simple ItemKey as in the XMLs
00:48.39Imhotharthis is driving me nuts
01:08.37Imhotharis it indended for the the "type" of a rune enchanted item to include the rXXX field? I thought the "type" was meant to represent the raw unmodified item type
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04:55.32seebsSo I've been thinking about zlib support, and I am not sure what I would use it for.  I've thus far simply ignored data size issues for savedvariables because everything I want to save is too small to measure on modern computers anyway.  I guess it'd be a lot more noticeable for something like a large auction database.
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