IRC log for #riftuidev on 20111016

00:18.51*** join/#riftuidev Aurorus (~Aurorus@unaffiliated/aurorus)
00:37.07*** join/#riftuidev Aurorus (~Aurorus@unaffiliated/aurorus)
00:37.21*** join/#riftuidev Kraps (
00:45.38SunspotsI'm having no success using SetLayer() :(
00:51.06*** join/#riftuidev Kraps (
01:01.05Sunspotsbar:SetLayer(1) bar.texture:SetLayer(2) SHOUL mean that bar.texture is above bar, right?
01:11.02*** join/#riftuidev Kraps (
01:17.07*** join/#riftuidev Sling_ (Sling@unaffiliated/sling)
01:32.36*** join/#riftuidev sylvanaar (~sylvanaar@pdpc/supporter/active/sylvanaar)
02:24.09*** join/#riftuidev Snstrrr (
03:24.20SunspotsI've got quite a script that uses recursion and takes some time to finish. It works and it will end eventually if it doesn't but it stil seems to break the game :(
03:27.23SunspotsI'm trying to build a texture search :P
03:27.47SunspotsThe bruteforce approach doesn't seem like it works too well
03:44.42*** join/#riftuidev Torhal_ (
03:44.42*** mode/#riftuidev [+v Torhal_] by ChanServ
05:30.49*** join/#riftuidev lXl (
05:51.19*** join/#riftuidev lXl (
05:56.10*** join/#riftuidev lXl (
06:38.56*** join/#riftuidev Marru_Home (
06:39.27Marru_Homewats up guys
06:43.45lXlHello o/
07:01.13Cairennnight all
07:01.37starlonThey call me El Maestro Starlon -
07:04.24Krapsevery revision of my role gets worse  /sigh
07:04.55Krapsi need to suck it up and level
07:11.14Marru_Homehey if i had a table, inside a table
07:11.27Marru_Homeand i wanna know the side of group
07:11.43Marru_Homewould i do
07:13.43starlonthe first
07:23.44*** join/#riftuidev lXl-M (
07:24.01lXl-Mis anyone pn belmont defiant
07:24.28lXl-Mf my internet
07:30.34seebsI am.
07:30.48seebsI'm in <Extra Life Defiant>, and have been all day.  Except for the sleeping parts.
07:31.47lXl-Mcan you msg ryvn and.tell him my net is fucky?
07:32.47lXl-Mi was in the middle of healing first boss dd before it dropped
07:34.24seebs"haha, thanks" says Ryvn.
07:36.37seebs"feel free to tell him he's failed us and has been replaced :)"
07:37.56lXl-Mok wtf if i gave this kind of downtime id get my ass chewed
07:38.41starlonI want to wipe a raid just for kicks.
07:38.46lXl-Mi wonder if rr has a 24hr number
07:38.51starlonwould make me feel better about MMOs
07:39.04Marru_Homehey guys, got another question
07:39.28Marru_Homei put this aside for a while but i'd like to get it working and it shouldn't be complicated
07:39.31Marru_Homei have a time
07:39.37Marru_Homeright now just in seconds
07:39.47Marru_Homebut i want it to print out in mm:ss format
07:40.16Marru_Homestring.format("%d:%02d", tempTime / 60, tempTime % 60)
07:40.17seebsstring.format("%d:%02d", t / 60, t % 60)
07:40.37Marru_Homethat doesn't work...
07:40.41seebsseems to me that you are on the right... no?
07:40.49Marru_Homeit works up to like 30 seconds
07:40.57Marru_Homethen at 31 it says 1:31
07:40.58Marru_Homeor somethin
07:41.06Marru_Homelike the minute counter isnt right
07:41.14seebslua 31 / 60
07:41.22seebs... I did that wrong, I guess
07:41.28Marru_Homelua> 31/60
07:41.28lua_botMarru_Home: 0.51666666666667
07:41.36Marru_Homeu missed the >
07:42.07seebslua math.floor(31/60)
07:42.12seebslua> math.floor(31/60)
07:42.13lua_botseebs: 0
07:42.17seebsthere you go.
07:42.26Marru_Homeso instead of temptime / 60
07:42.35Marru_Homei want math.floor(temptime/60)?
07:42.41seebsI believe so.
07:43.01Marru_Homei'll make the changes and test it out 2morow
07:43.10seebsBTW, grats on the persistence.
07:43.33seebsThe difference between some random guy who hangs out in the channel for a week and never gets anything done, and a successful addon author, is plugging away at it.
07:43.43Marru_Homelol ty
07:43.48seebsA lot of people get frustrated and give up.  :)
07:44.03Marru_Homei get frustrated and give up all the time
07:44.14seebsHeh, me too.  I just come back to it.
07:44.16Marru_Homebut i go back within a few hours or so
07:44.33Marru_Homebut tbh
07:44.35seebsYeah.  Anyway, if you're getting all frustrated because it's not working, don't sweat it, you're doing fine.
07:44.37Marru_Homemain reason im writin addons
07:44.53Marru_Homeis im only taking one cs class right now in school
07:44.58Marru_Homeand theres no actual writing in it
07:45.05Marru_Homedata structures and algorithms...
07:45.18Marru_Homethat class is killin me
07:45.23seebsI've never taken a CS class in my life, for better or worse.
07:45.30Marru_Homeits about to
07:45.35Marru_Homein the first midterm
07:45.56Marru_Homelol i like the classes
07:46.30Marru_Homehopefully next quarter i get to take multi touch programming which is all about iOS and droid apps
07:46.31Marru_Homeshould be fun
07:46.42seebsI really enjoy iOS programming.
07:46.56seebsThe NeXT was brilliant, and I am SO happy that, in effect, it's one of the major modern platforms.
07:47.08Marru_Homewats NeXT
07:47.31seebsThe company that Steve Jobs did after he left Apple.  Later, Apple bought NeXT for $400M, and basically handed everything over to them.
07:47.40seebsEverything in Macs and iOS today is NeXT software.
07:47.56seebsThey are one of the rare cases of a computer company that was quite unambiguously ahead of their time.
07:48.14seebsThey really did get a ton of stuff "right" that was unworkable when they did it because computers weren't fast enough.  :)
07:48.40Marru_Homewhat im most interested in though is pc software development, games if i can :)
07:49.07seebsThe world does not contain enough money to make me program on Windows again.
07:49.15Marru_Homelol, why?
07:49.23seebsHard to put into words, but...
07:49.40seebsBasically, they wouldn't know a software design if it bit them.
07:49.50seebsThat's why they have The New Language And API every few years.
07:50.05seebsMost of the code I write is running on an API that's largely unchanged since the 70s since it *doesn't actually suck*.
07:50.30seebsIt's a lot like WoW addons and RIFT addons.
07:50.37seebsThe WoW API does all sorts of stuff, and there's a huge market.
07:50.47seebsThe RIFT API isn't as complete, but it's *pleasant* to work with.
07:51.01Marru_Homeyeah im likin it
07:51.02seebsExcept the iOS and MacOS APIs are pretty decent in terms of completeness.
07:51.18seebsBasically, when I had to deal with Windows, it was *work*.  It was frustrating, hard, and Not Fun.
07:51.30seebsWhen I did an iOS app, it was playing around with computers and I had a great time.
07:51.34Marru_Homehow come games aren't designed for macs then?
07:51.44tetshiWindows has a bigger market.
07:51.48seebsCombination of things, about 90% of which is "market share and historical inertia".
07:52.02tetshiWindows isn't hard to program for either though.
07:52.08seebsThere's more Windows machines, and especially more Windows gamers.
07:52.10tetshiIt's actually stupidily easily.
07:52.19seebsIt's not *hard*, it's just that I don't find it pleasant.
07:52.26tetshiIf Mac's didn't cost a retarded about of money, there would certainly be more.
07:52.46tetshiI mean, the OS is only 30 bucks.
07:52.55Marru_Homei've never coded outside of C and Java, and that didn't get into window API at all
07:53.14seebsWell, the OS is effectively free, it's subsidized by the hardware.
07:53.15tetshiNow that Jobs is out, maybe they'll open Mac OS to other machines as well, though I highely doubt it.
07:53.24tetshiTo buy Mac OS is 30 bucks though.
07:53.24seebsI doubt it, it'd be economic suicide.
07:53.51tetshiI just bought the new disk from Best Buy this afternoon for my hackintosh.
07:53.59seebsIt's like iOS, you are really buying hardware+software.  The 30 buck upgrade is a token thing, they don't actually care about that.  :)
07:54.03Marru_Homebut personally i prefer using a windows computer
07:54.12Marru_Homeits partly just cuz im used to it
07:54.12tetshiMarru_Home: As do I.
07:54.14tetshiMore flexible.
07:54.23Marru_Homei just feel limited with a mac
07:54.25seebs... flexible?
07:54.27tetshiMac OS is nice for "get in and get it done"
07:54.33seebsWell, keep in mind, I program compulsively.
07:54.50seebsSo to me, Mac OS comes with a complete and very exposed programming environment with which I can script and automate everything.
07:55.11seebsThey have done a pretty good job of making it so I can control what it does even without using C, just shell and applescript.
07:55.11Marru_Homehow do you script with a mac?
07:55.16tetshiWell, to put it another way, there is aboslutely nothing you can't do on one that you can do on the other.
07:55.21tetshiSo, it's a matter of taste.
07:55.22Marru_Homein windows i know batcha and vbscript
07:55.27tetshiAnd even still, a stupid arguement over which is better.
07:55.48seebsThe command prompt in OS X is a standard Unix shell, which is a fully functional (albeit... quirky to put it nicely) programming language.
07:56.06seebsI agree with "matter of taste" for the most part.
07:56.11Marru_Homeisn't batch and vbscript?
07:56.12seebsA lot of it is just comfort and familiarity.
07:56.28*** join/#riftuidev Snstrrr (
07:56.45seebsDunno about modern batch, but historically, it wasn't really in the same ballpark as a programming shell would be.
07:56.48seebsMaybe it's changed.
07:57.08tetshiI just started with Lua this afternoon, it's quite interesting.
07:57.11tetshiThe for loops crack me up.
07:57.56tetshiWish the documentation on Rift's API was a little bit more written out.
07:58.38seebsIt's a work in progress.  But compare it to the WoW API docs Blizzard provides.
07:58.46seebs... Which is to say, they don't.  :)
07:58.58tetshiYeah, but there is enough people using it to have written 9,000,000 tutorials on it.
07:59.05Marru_Homeyeah idk anything about programming shells yet, but i'd love to
07:59.06tetshiI don't get the Events > Tables thing.
07:59.21tetshiAccessing Unit Health was harder than I had expected it to be.
07:59.24seebsGrab something like cygwin for Windows and mess with it a bit.
07:59.42seebsThe basic idea is, the shell has hundreds of small programs which are designed to be bolted together however you want to do stuff.
08:00.29seebsSo I tend to take it for granted that I can do stuff like "for each of these hundred thousand files which is date-stamped, make a directory with the date as its name if needed and move the file into that director".
08:01.05tetshiSeebs, how well are you progressing with Rift's API?
08:01.06seebs... hah, purl failed to notice the implied context
08:01.20seebsI've barely touched it, I've only written a slash command magic thing.
08:01.27seebswas gonna do some more "soon".
08:01.30tetshiAh, gotcha.
08:01.33seebsbut today is extra life day
08:02.11seebsokay, going into smith's haven, may not be able to talk for a bit here.  :P
08:02.20tetshiNo worries.
08:02.32Marru_Homewatcha need to know tetshi?
08:02.41seebsElrar's running a naked run from Meridian to Sanctum event.
08:02.56Marru_Homeim fairly new to lua but im gettin fairly decent with the API
08:03.13tetshiWell... Okay, so my idea is a little nutty for someone who knows nothing of Lua, but I'm going to "recreate" the new FFXiV UI (or similar to it).
08:03.26tetshiThe unit frames are my first task, but accessing Unit Health for the player is challenging.
08:03.33tetshiSince I don't understand the concept of Events > Tables.
08:03.40seebsTables first.
08:03.42Marru_Homewell player health is simple
08:03.46seebsWhat languages do you know?
08:03.52tetshiC++, C#, Java.
08:03.55Marru_Homehealth = Inspect.Unit.Detail("player").health i think
08:04.04Marru_Homeor wait
08:04.12seebsOkay, tables are what some other languages call hashes, or associative arrays.
08:04.19Marru_Homei think theres health healthmax and healthcap
08:04.23seebsThey're just key=>value pairs.
08:04.28tetshiI gotcha.
08:04.36seebsSo the thing you get from, say, Inspect.Unit.Detail("player") is a table.
08:04.43Marru_Homeyeah i use tables like an arraylist from java
08:04.50seebsAnd that table .health = the current healthy.
08:04.59seebsAlso, syntactic sugar abounds.
08:05.03tetshiRight right, I gotcha. That makes much more sense.
08:05.07seebsfoo.x == foo[x]
08:05.18seebser, foo["x"]
08:05.29Marru_Homewell, you can still do foo[x]
08:05.35Marru_Homelike my for loops
08:05.40seebsSo if you know that player["health"] is a thing, then is the same thing.
08:05.43Marru_Homefor i=1,20 do
08:05.56tetshiAhhh I gotcha.
08:06.00Marru_Homegroup[i].dps = group[i].dmg / temptime
08:06.06seebsThere is some magic for the special case where the keys in a table are mostly small integers, but it's not all THAT magical.
08:06.11tetshiSo, basically the Inspect.Unit.Detail is the array and it has a lot of options available.
08:06.21seebsAnd note!
08:06.28seebsInspect.Unit is a table, of which Detail is a member.
08:06.29Marru_Homeevents and tables took me the longest
08:06.36seebsFunctions are just values in this language.
08:06.52seebsYou can stash the value of a function in a variable, you can pass functions around, and so on.
08:06.53Marru_Homeim still learnin lua, but i love it lol
08:07.07seebsIt's... really, Lua is probably my favorite ever small programming language.
08:07.16tetshiIt seems so simple to pick up so far.
08:07.20tetshiCompared to C++, ugh. lol
08:07.22Marru_Homeit really is
08:07.27seebsThey did a wonderful job of picking the right concepts to implement, and leaving crap out if they didn't need it.
08:07.28Marru_Homestill dont know C++
08:07.39Marru_Homejust know very basic C
08:07.47tetshiThey're very similar of course.
08:07.52Marru_Homei know
08:07.55seebsI am not sure I'd agree.
08:08.08Marru_Homei hear its mostly syntax
08:08.11seebsThere are superficial similarities, but modern C++ is basically an unrelated language.
08:08.23seebsThe STL and template stuff is crazy.
08:08.28tetshiYeah, that stuff is whack.
08:08.40seebsThere is a very nice page someone does about C++ called "frequently questioned answers
08:08.46tetshiSo, let's say I had a frame that had a simple text variable.
08:08.53seebswhere he points out how a lot of the things in the C++ FAQ are... dubious.
08:09.05tetshiI could swap that variable for the player health, but would it update automatically?
08:09.13tetshiLike, if the player was hit, or do I need to force an update?
08:09.19Marru_Homeyou'd have to call :SetText(text)
08:09.21seebsWhat you'd normally do would be to register for some relevant event.
08:09.29seebsAnd then whenever the event fires, update.
08:09.37tetshiI can't just have it check on all events can I?
08:09.45Marru_Homeeasiest way to update frames
08:09.49tetshiBecause implementing all the different events on which a player could lose or gain HP would be tedious.
08:09.51Marru_Homeis to have an update function
08:09.55Marru_Homethat fires every frame
08:10.04Marru_Homeand frame:SetText(text)
08:10.10Marru_Homethen if some other function changes text
08:10.16Marru_Homeit'll get changed in the frame in the next frame
08:10.17tetshiThe SetText part I've got, so far anyway.
08:10.19seebsIf I recall correctly, the intent is that you could ask for events when the player's state changes, basically.
08:10.44Marru_Homethat help at all tetshi?
08:10.49tetshiIt does indeed.
08:10.55seebsMuch more convenient then trying to catch all the possible ways that could have been caused.
08:11.03Marru_Homeit helps to look at other addons imo
08:11.14Marru_Homei have an update function in my addon
08:11.20tetshiYeah, trying to find more basic ones that don't have 9,000,000 lines for me to look through. Get's confusing.
08:11.27tetshiOh yeah?
08:11.37Marru_Homemines got, 6 or 700 lines i think
08:11.40tetshiDownloading. >:D
08:11.42Marru_Homein the current version
08:12.33tetshiRiftCount DPS Meter?
08:12.44Marru_Homeif you look at the bottom you'll see the table.insert that add the update function to the event tables
08:12.51Marru_Homedas is mein
08:13.01tetshiChecking it out.
08:13.18Marru_Homebut yeah, take a look thru the table.inserts at the bottom
08:13.24Marru_Homethen the functions they connect to earlier
08:13.56Marru_Homemy update only fires every frame if the player is in combat
08:14.06Marru_Homeso i have some set texts etc outside of update
08:14.18tetshiOhhh, I see (sorta)
08:14.23tetshiThis is going to take some doin' haha.
08:14.28Marru_Homelol yeah...
08:14.32Marru_Homejust a warning tho
08:14.44Marru_Homecreating a replacement UI atm
08:14.46Marru_Homeis impossible
08:14.59tetshiDue to the level of exposure to the Rift AddOn API?
08:15.03tetshiOr lack there of.
08:15.21Marru_Homewell, not the lack of exposure, but the lack of implementation so far
08:15.34Marru_Homecurrently there is no way for addons to access the current rift UI
08:15.46tetshiWell, I don't technically need it to.
08:16.07tetshiNot yet anyway.
08:16.09Marru_Hometheres no way to make buttons cast either, so actionbar replacement isn't availbale
08:16.12tetshiI've seen some unit frames so far, so that's cool.
08:16.21tetshiThat was my next one. :(
08:16.38Marru_Homeyeah so far the closest we have to controlling skills, is cancelling buffs
08:16.56Marru_Homewe can get all the info we want about em, cooldowns etc
08:17.05Marru_Homebut actually casting them isn't available
08:17.11tetshi This is what I'm going for.
08:17.35Marru_Homeanother big factor you should know
08:17.45Marru_Homeright now you can't click on an addon and target anything
08:18.00Marru_Hometheres no way to make it so you can click a unitframe and target the player
08:18.07Marru_Homeyou can currently do mouseover
08:18.20Marru_Homeso, macro'd skills with @mouseover will work
08:18.44tetshiWell, in due time I'm sure that'll all change.
08:18.54tetshiI can't wait to see the slew of WoW devs who start developing for Rift.
08:19.00tetshiI want a new Scrolling combat text too.
08:19.23tetshiBut I want to learn it now so as they update it, I'll be caught up and have less to learn.
08:19.29Marru_Homezorba has said that access to ui will come soon
08:19.42Marru_Homei think like in the next major update maybe
08:19.55tetshiGood deal.
08:20.02Marru_Homebut just access
08:20.05tetshiI'm so envious of that FF14 UI.
08:20.06Marru_Homenot control
08:20.42Marru_Homeso what it sounds like is we will be able to see if bags are open kind of thing
08:20.48Marru_Homebut not see or edit bag content stuff
08:21.08tetshiIn due time I suppose.
08:21.15tetshiThe more they find they can saftly let us use.
08:21.38tetshiNeed to find someone else who's really new and see if they want to work on something.
08:21.53Marru_Homelol id offer to help
08:21.54tetshiMore fun learning with someone else. I miss stuff on my own a lot lol.
08:21.58tetshiNah, you're not a noob.
08:22.06Marru_Homebut i'm pretty much making riftcount a full time thing
08:22.31tetshiI could do the enemy target at the top of that screenshot though.
08:22.32Marru_Homelol im a noob, just a noob with like a 2 week headstart or so
08:22.47tetshiThat should be my first one I guess.
08:22.59Marru_Homethat as a totally aesthetic piece would be doable
08:22.59tetshiI CAN use images made in Photoshop right?
08:23.07Marru_Homei do >.<
08:23.13tetshiLike, I can import and stuff.
08:23.15tetshiOkay cool.
08:23.24Marru_Homeyeah, just save the image as a png and put it in the zip
08:23.25tetshiI already did all the graphics.
08:23.49tetshiI'm a web developer and graphic designer, so that was a fun thing I *could* do. haha
08:23.52Marru_Homemy background is a fansite kit image photoshopped to fit size needs
08:24.05Marru_Homeim a college student... O.o
08:24.13tetshiI was, 6 years ago.
08:24.14Marru_Homewhere u work?
08:24.36seebsMan, you guys make me feel old.
08:24.38tetshiRight now I work for no one. Record Label just opened up and I'm getting our artists catelogues together.
08:24.41seebsI graduated from college in 1991.
08:24.53Marru_Homelol seebs
08:24.57Marru_Homei was born in 1991 O.o
08:25.19tetshiMy fiancee was born in 1990, and she doesn't know who the Fonze is.
08:25.21tetshiI almost cried.
08:25.31Marru_Homeeven i know that
08:25.48Marru_Homegranted ive never actually seen him in the show...
08:25.58tetshiHappy days was brilliant!
08:26.00Marru_Homebut i know the image and catch phrase >.<
08:26.13Marru_Homenow stargate is brilliant...
08:26.26Marru_Homebtw, im watchin stargate atm
08:26.46tetshiSo, would it be Inspect.Unit.Health("target")?
08:26.51tetshiOr something similar to that?
08:27.01tetshiI guess I could just go look the shit up, eh? yeah, I'll do that.
08:27.02Marru_Homei think ""
08:27.20tetshiOh right, because it could be someone elses target also.
08:27.21Marru_Homeone thing i did at the beginning that i found very helpful
08:27.44Marru_Homewas get triondevelopmenttools, obviously get it so you can /log /dump and get all the api documentation up to date
08:27.46Marru_Homebut also
08:27.54Marru_Homei think its /event
08:28.08Marru_Homeit prints all event firing to your chat log
08:28.15tetshiOh snap.
08:28.18tetshiI need to do that then lol.
08:28.46Marru_Homeuse that and just make a basic addon and do stuff like print(Inspect.Unit.Detail("").name)
08:29.00tetshiThat's a good idea.
08:29.01tetshiThanks man.
08:30.39Marru_Homethat and the riftui wiki helped me out a lot while learning
08:30.44Marru_Homebut mostly
08:30.48Marru_Homepeople in this IRC O.o
08:31.22Snstrrrfirst time u come across :SetPoint u'll go .. what
08:31.35Snstrrrbut its not that hard when u take a closer look :P
08:31.38Marru_Homeits not that bad...
08:31.58Marru_Homei just think of it as "line up topleft with bottomleft of this frame"
08:32.02*** join/#riftuidev lXl (
08:32.53tetshiEvent.Unit.Detail.Health is what I was use to check for updates to HP.
08:32.57tetshiAhh man this is awesome.
08:32.58lXlTHANKS SEEBS <3
08:32.59tetshiSo helpful.
08:33.21tetshiCan you use x,y for SetPoint?
08:33.23Marru_Homesee you'll learn stuff like that by watching the events fire
08:33.28tetshiInstead of TOPCENTER and stuff?
08:33.29Marru_Homeyes you can, sorta
08:33.40Marru_Homeyou'll have to do x,y offset
08:33.40tetshiI would assume that's how you could do a mousedrag frame.
08:33.48Marru_Homefrom something like the topleft of the screen
08:34.04Marru_Homethats how you position your main frame in most cases
08:34.15tetshiAh, gotcha.
08:34.17Marru_Homei made my context to fit the users screen
08:34.34Snstrrru can use coordinates too
08:34.46Marru_Homethen did topleft to topleft and my x is UIParent:GetWidth()*.7
08:34.48Snstrrr1, 1 is topleft and 0,0 is bottomright
08:34.53Snstrrror was it the other wayaround? ;P
08:34.58Marru_Homeso its always 70% across the screen at default
08:35.07lXlThere's dynamic scaling like that?
08:35.29Snstrrrwell if the parent element changes
08:35.39Snstrrrit does take the children with it
08:35.49Snstrrrbasically thats what happens on moveing a frame
08:36.19Snstrrrbut for scaling, as of resize
08:36.58tetshiSo, for using the mouse events, just use an if statement?
08:37.00Snstrrrim not so sure, unless u base the scale of the child elements of the main one and u'd prob need to call an update on all still on change
08:37.04tetshiOr do they have handlers?
08:37.48Snstrrrwell take a look at the way ppl do it
08:37.55tetshiI am actually.
08:38.08Jor_Riftwow active IRC for 4 in the morning
08:38.15seebsextra life
08:38.15Snstrrrthe event would call a function and that function does what u'd like it to do
08:38.23Jor_Riftalthough, this is a hacker IRC so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
08:38.41Snstrrrits actually 10:40 am here ;)
08:38.56Marru_Home2:38am here
08:40.02Jor_Riftyeah I'm finished with extra life.
08:40.14Jor_Rift7 hours to go, but I can't be totally wrecked for tomorrow.
08:42.21seebsI'm only 11 hours in, but I'll be doing more tomorrow and all.  And a few more hours before napping.
08:43.42seebsI had a bad start due to cat drama.
08:43.51tetshiThanks everyone for the help. Going to bed now, and back to it some more tomorrow.
08:43.55Jor_Riftcat drama?
08:44.13seebsLong story short, I did not get very much sleep
08:44.32Jor_RiftI did about 6 hours on atrophinius on a new alt and was like, why am I not working on my real characters?
08:44.51Jor_Riftso switched back to deepstrike
08:45.15seebsI'm doing it all on a new alt, just for fun.
08:45.39seebsPynkheepai the Friendly.
08:46.22Jor_Riftheh what lvl is he now?
08:46.39seebsshe's 17
08:47.07Jor_RiftI stopped at 17
08:47.16seebsA little over 11 hours /played
08:47.19Marru_Homeim doin my 3rd 50 >.<
08:47.26Marru_Homehes over 300 hit now lol
08:47.45Jor_Riftwow looks like highest lvl is 28
08:47.50Jor_Riftthat's alot of lvling
08:48.03Marru_Homehighest lvl is 28?
08:48.27Jor_Riftlooks like
08:48.35Marru_Homefor what?
08:48.40Jor_Riftextra lif
08:48.51Marru_Homeis that the play for 24 hours thing?
08:48.51IndustrialKay so, having picked runecrafting as my first and only proffession was dumb. I'm broke :( (but Expert now)
08:49.05Marru_Homelol yeah
08:49.08Marru_Homemix it with outfitter
08:49.15Marru_Homerunebreak all ur outfitter crafts
08:49.17Marru_Homebest way to go
08:49.21Industrialhmm, okay
08:50.42Jor_Riftlol I found an artifact and put it on the AH for 1p and it actually sold.  Now I'm rich!
08:52.13lXlWow, bought new HD, makes horrible noise :(
08:52.48seebsI am basically down to nearly-all-SSDs.
08:53.06lXlI use SSD for OS and commonly used programs
08:53.16Marru_Homethats what i was gonna do...
08:53.21Marru_Homebut i just have way too much
08:53.27seebsI have maybe two machines left that use real hard drives.
08:53.33Marru_Homeand didn't have enough money to get a sizeable enough ssd to do that
08:53.47Marru_Homei only have 2 machines total O.o
08:53.59Marru_Homedesktop and laptop lol
08:54.08seebsI have... uhm.
08:54.29Jor_Riftwow Extra Life guild is lvl 6 now
08:54.31lXlYeah this drive is really FUBAR
08:54.40seebsServer, work server, work laptop, windows gaming laptop, small laptop, mac laptop, mac netbook, mac dev machine...  I think that's it these days.
08:54.42lXlThat or Samsung isn't as quiet as people make it out to be.
08:54.58seebsI used to have a lot more.
08:55.05Jor_Riftmac netbook???
08:55.07lXlOn this system I will end up with a 4TB raid5 and a 120gb SSD
08:55.12seebsmacbook air =~ netbook
08:55.12Marru_Homei guess i do have a ftp server too
08:55.17Marru_Homebut thats back at home
08:55.28seebsWell, I have three colocated servers, but they're not here.
08:55.42lXlI get to help manage coloc :)
08:55.44seebsAnd I'm not counting machines I don't power up.
08:55.52lXlRather, do their maintenance for them
08:56.17Marru_Homewhy do you have 3 servers?
08:56.27Marru_Homewhat are they for?
08:56.38seebsTwo for primary/secondary DNS, one that is going to replace one of the others when time allows.
08:56.46lXl This is actually a pretty nifty quick solution, I'd be concerned for excessive movement though.
08:57.03Marru_Homeyou have ur own DNS servers?
08:57.26Marru_Homei need to catch up lol
08:57.40lXlIt's alright. I was about to kit my first home server
08:57.44Marru_Homeoh i guess i have an old tiny linux box at home too...
08:57.50lXlThat is until I realized I'm probably going to RMA :\
08:58.06lXlWell return
08:58.12lXlThis HD
08:59.03lXlI had a frankincompy for the last few years and recently overhauled with all new everything but carrying over the psu and vid card i bought in feb
08:59.22seebsI used to run an ISP.  I still have a handful of vanity domains and such.
08:59.32lXlSo all that is missing from the original Dell is the 500gb HD which I'm still using as storage, once I get some new HDs that 500g will be a linux drive :)
09:00.13seebs<-- sort of a computer geek
09:00.31Marru_Homeso am i but damn... guess i have more to learn
09:00.37seebsTo put the computer collection in perspective:
09:00.57Marru_Homegranted i currently dont have enough money to have that many comps and servers and stuff
09:00.58seebsMy windows gaming machine that I'm using for the extra life thing, the only part of it I owned Friday afternoon was the video card.
09:01.17seebsYeah, no one has ever accused me of skill at financial planning.
09:01.52seebsThe old one started acting up in a way I couldn't figure out how to fix or work around.
09:03.40seebsBut I still have it, and will later reload it with Linux or something and use it as a spare build machine or something.
09:04.18Marru_Homefor now im good with an all round machine, and a portable machine
09:04.58seebsHeh.  Some day the US may have a market for as many as a dozen computers.
09:05.16seebsThat was basically exactly right, except that he forgot to mention "per capita".
09:18.49lXlEverything points to this drive being fine with the ticking being read noise, which it is, but I've tested 4x1TB raids that are quieter :\
09:20.36*** join/#riftuidev Dramiel (
09:26.06seebsI've had some drives that were noticably louder but not broken.
09:26.19lXlThis one sounds like it's from the 80s
09:31.40lXlHmm might also be cause it has an extra platter too, oh well if it doesn't error out I guess it's fine.
09:33.26seebsWoot, finally got "the Stalker".
09:33.51seebsNext up:  Start posting on the forums on my other account and see if I can get "the Friendly" for that account too.
09:43.00lXlThe Friendly? I'd never get that :(
09:46.02seebsMight be about to nap a bit more, I don't really wanna do iron fortress while this sleepy.
10:00.58lXlSo you had to sign up to contribute to the event thing right?
10:01.08lXlNo seebs just another 5 hours left
10:01.18seebsLots more for me.  I'm only 12 hours in.
10:01.31seebsI had scheduling problems.  Gonna nap for a bit, then play more.
11:06.55*** join/#riftuidev Sunspots (
11:32.18SunspotsAnyone managed to make SetLayer work?
11:40.47Snstrrrwhat exactly isnt working for u
11:41.05SnstrrrI think its acting weird for anything else but the own parent
11:41.14Snstrrrbut im not quite sure..
11:43.05Snstrrrmaybe not..
11:43.31SnstrrrI just set my config frame to layer 10 just to be sure and it definetly is above everything else
12:13.35SunspotsThe thing is that SetLayer doesn't seem to change anything no matter what I do
12:14.39SunspotsMy layers are even supposed to be in the right order from the start but they end up wrong anyway :(
12:59.10Snstrrrdid u try on a seperate frame? just for testing
12:59.22SunspotsI'm working on an example right now
12:59.55SunspotsI think SetLayer is somehow related to parent frames (maybe?)
13:01.26Snstrrrye I got that impression
13:03.08SunspotsI think that was it! I just changed the parent and the layering is dones as I want, without SetLayer
13:04.24Sunspotsthe SetLayer works now at least :)
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17:16.36Kraps1 point of Dexterity equals 1 point of Critical Rating. cool
17:26.09*** join/#riftuidev MentalPower (~MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
18:28.30*** part/#riftuidev Wonsu (
18:32.59tetshi_asleepTo refresh the Inspect.Unit.Detail.* event, do I have to do anything special? I have it set in the LeftClick event so when I target someone, it refreshes a text frame and should show the name of the player, however - it's not working. It doesn't even change the default text in the frame.
18:38.01*** join/#riftuidev Cairenn (~Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:00.55seebsI don't think that's an event, I think that's a function y ou can call.
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21:16.48SnstrrrplayerbarHPText:SetFont("SimpleUI", "fonts/ariblk.ttf") < that should browse the "fonts" folder in my addon directory right
21:16.53SnstrrrI mean
21:17.01SnstrrrI set textures like that
21:17.10Snstrrrwhy isnt it working for fonts
21:17.25Snstrrror maybe its just me being stupid
21:17.31Snstrrrlet me double check spelling :P
21:25.04Snstrrron my groupframes its working..
21:25.07Snstrrron my hud not
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