IRC log for #riftuidev on 20111006

00:00.09jmerlini'm too lazy to check, but can the API read/write files?
00:04.51*** join/#riftuidev Jor_Rift (
00:05.28NerfedWarthanks Zorba
00:09.10NerfedWarjmerlin: I have a small animation library almost complete that let's you set start and end positions for frames and a duration and they will move. also supports animation on other values like background color in the same manner. you could likely write convert it into a sprite library quite easily and write a breakout clone
00:09.57NerfedWar... yup I had a boring day in the office and plenty of time to play today lol
00:18.08Marru_Homeuhh zorba
00:18.34Marru_Homeembed and moving the libs into folders made my addon freak
00:18.45Marru_Homecan't find safesraidmanager anymore
00:24.25ZorbaBetamake sure you've still got the dependency listed, make sure they're correctly in directories
00:25.02Marru_Homei had the dependencies and it wouldn't load cuz it said they were missing
00:26.30ZorbaBetawell, about all I can say is that there's probably something done wrong in there :)
00:30.02Marru_HomeEmbed = {
00:30.07Marru_HomeDependencies = {
00:30.08Marru_HomeSafesRaidManager = {"required", "before"},
00:30.08Marru_HomeLibUnitChange = {"required", "before"},
00:30.36*** join/#riftuidev Marquis (~Hawl@
00:30.59Marru_Homefolder structure is: RiftCount/my lua files + LibUnitChange(folder) and SafesRaidManager(folder) both containing their respective lua files
00:30.59CairennMarru_Home: longer than a couple lines, please drop code bits into pastebin?
00:31.13Marru_Homei know
00:31.20Marru_Homei only considered that a couple lines :)
00:31.34ZorbaBetaSafesRaidManager = true,
00:31.43Marru_Homein the embed?
00:31.56ZorbaBetathe other way is equivalent to Embed = { nil, nil }
00:32.46Marru_Homethat did it
00:35.11ZorbaBetayay :)
00:52.54Marru_Homewoo, 3rd 50
00:56.10*** join/#riftuidev methyl (
01:07.34*** join/#riftuidev Torhal (~torhal@
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01:31.02*** join/#riftuidev Hawl (~Hawl@
01:56.39CairennNight all
02:02.10*** join/#riftuidev methyl (
02:30.52*** join/#riftuidev Marquis (~Hawl@
03:19.08*** join/#riftuidev Torhal (~torhal@
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03:30.59*** join/#riftuidev Hawl (~Hawl@
04:00.48*** join/#riftuidev methyl (
04:56.35starlonstill haven't heard anything from financial aid at the college... *anxious*
04:56.56starlonTHey sent me a reminder to get my vaccines today.
04:57.03starlonbetter than bad news I guess
05:00.34Lyme1You have zabies
05:37.19*** join/#riftuidev methyl (
06:29.06*** join/#riftuidev lXl (~Main@
06:30.02*** join/#riftuidev methyl (~Miranda@
06:58.36*** join/#riftuidev Aurorus_ (
07:48.30*** join/#riftuidev NerfedWar (~NerfedWar@
09:57.57*** join/#riftuidev Dramiel (
10:50.12*** join/#riftuidev Sunspots (
12:01.26*** join/#riftuidev Cairenn (~Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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12:08.10*** join/#riftuidev Snstr (
12:08.20Snstrgood afternoon ladies and gents
12:09.00CairennHi Snstr
12:21.20Snstroppinions :P
12:49.33*** join/#riftuidev TMc51 (
12:50.57*** join/#riftuidev NerfedWar (~NerfedWar@
13:05.35*** join/#riftuidev TMc51 (
13:06.26*** join/#riftuidev Snarty (
13:27.59*** join/#riftuidev Jor_Rift (
14:35.16*** join/#riftuidev NerfedWar (~NerfedWar@
14:40.22NerfedWarany chance someone can approve my latest update to an addon on riftui. addon is TableInfo
14:40.48NerfedWarI'll move over to using the riftui svn when I get a chance
14:43.47nicoli_sNerfedWar:we have svn on rift.curseforge as well
14:44.05nicoli_sand if you use our svn, it skips our approval queue
14:44.43nicoli_sjust throwing it out there
14:44.44Snartythat'll be helpful, guess I'll sort that out later
14:46.41NerfedWarI'm using curseforge ATM
14:49.42NerfedWarI can point curseforge at external repositories, so hopefully if I mov over to use the riftui repo I can get auto approval on both sites
15:00.50NerfedWarmoved over to riftui svn, no need to approve now
15:12.24*** join/#riftuidev Calthine-ZAM (
15:26.10nicoli_si need to put my addons on the repo
15:26.17nicoli_sim so ready to start working on them again
15:33.20starlondiddly dooby doo
15:35.00*** part/#riftuidev Snarty (
15:37.16NerfedWarmoving mine over to riftui at the moment
15:38.00nicoli_sso yer gonna stop having it on cf?
15:39.22NerfedWarwill upload manually to cf for the time being. if only cf could tag on external repos. it supports external Reid but no tagging
15:39.48NerfedWarreid=repos ...typo
15:43.39nicoli_sNerfedWar:im talking to the CF dev about external repos now
15:44.36Ackismake sure you speak very slowly and use small words nicoli_s (tell him I said that please)
15:50.34*** join/#riftuidev Snarty (
16:11.56NerfedWartks nicoli
16:16.24nicoli_snp, i do what i can
16:16.53nicoli_swe want as many people using CurseForge as we can, so that more people can use our rewards system
16:17.08nicoli_sive already made 5 bucks off my Hello World addon :P
16:17.31Calthine-ZAMooo, sugart daddy!
16:18.03NerfedWarso would you rather I use riftui or cf?
16:19.18NerfedWarremind how that rewards points thing works, got a few thousand and was wondering what I do with them
16:19.27Ackistbh to hit the most users, use both sites, both have their advantages/disadvantages
16:20.03nicoli_sNerfedWar:yeah ackis said it best, use both
16:20.08NerfedWaragreed acktis, but if you use svn on one site, your stuck with slow manual approval on the other
16:20.10nicoli_sthen you guarantee to hit all possible audiences
16:20.32Ackismanual approval is pretty fast on both sites
16:20.47nicoli_syah we brought on someone to help with the rift addon approval
16:20.50AckisI know I bug Cairenn|afk if it takes wowi more than 3 minutes to approve one of my uploads
16:21.54NerfedWarok :) tks fir the link:)
16:21.56Ackisother option is to switch to git (I think wowi/riftui have git support?)
16:26.38NerfedWarcool 1 point = 5 cents, 3356 points = 167 dollars :)
16:28.26nicoli_sAckis:i dont think riftui has it yet
16:28.47nicoli_sand i know someone who has made like 30k from his curse points
16:29.10NerfedWarwow, that's impressive. must have been wow addons lol
16:29.30Ackiswish I could make 30k!!!
16:30.31nicoli_sjust make ARL for rift :P
16:31.13NerfedWarwell I don't have that much, but whoever can link cf and rui together so I get auto approval on both when ii tag on one can have them lol,
16:31.36NerfedWarjust msg me when it's resolved
16:34.52Ackisnicoli_s: that would require effort, I'm thinking of getting torhal to do it however
16:47.44*** join/#riftuidev sylvanaar_work (
17:17.26*** join/#riftuidev Sling_ (~Sling@unaffiliated/sling)
17:21.16*** join/#riftuidev Sling (Mathijs@unaffiliated/sling)
17:26.36*** join/#riftuidev methyl (
17:30.28Torhal|workNerfedWar: The solution is to drop SVN and use a real VCS like Git or Mercurial.
17:30.51Torhal|workAlso, kick Ackis.
17:36.19seebsARL would be a lot less exciting in RIFT, just 'cuz there's virtually no random drop rare recipes out in the world.
17:45.39Torhal|workseebs: We could pretend!
17:47.08*** join/#riftuidev Adys (~Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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18:24.03*** join/#riftuidev nicoli_s (~test@
18:42.13NerfedWarif I create a frame at runtime, how do I delete it to free up memory? even if I remove all references its info still resides under the UI structure
18:42.36NerfedWarmore simply put, how do I destroy a frame
18:42.50nicoli_sframe smash!
18:42.54*** mode/#riftuidev [+o nicoli_s] by ChanServ
18:46.09NerfedWarhmm even manually removing it from UI does not work, guess it's referenced somewhere else
18:49.53seebsI am not sure, but I think the answer is "you can't delete a frame, but you could repurpose it and reuse it later".
18:51.15Cairenn|afkugh, I had to go out for a while, sorry about the files waiting for approval, all done now
18:51.46Snstryea you cant destry frames yet
18:52.21NerfedWarok no probe, will wrap stuff into a pool allocation
18:52.28Snstrthats why ppl work with frame pools where they pull out frames before they create a new one, and if not needed put it back
18:52.56*** join/#riftuidev Jor_Rift (~Jor@
18:52.57NerfedWarthanks both
18:53.29Snstrif anyone ever teaches his/her cat to fetch beer, let me know
18:55.36*** join/#riftuidev Sling (Sling@unaffiliated/sling)
18:57.13nicoli_sSnstr:i have a friend whos dog can go grab a beer from the fridge
18:57.56Snstrthats quite cool :D
18:59.26Snstrmy GFs dog is eating like everything
18:59.41Snstr(only food but nothing is save)
18:59.49nicoli_sthey just put a piece of cloth around the door handle that goes to the floor so they dog can grab it
18:59.58nicoli_sand just puts the beers in coozies so they can grip it better
19:00.10*** join/#riftuidev Sunspots (
19:03.41*** join/#riftuidev lXl (~Main@
19:25.19Snstrwhat happend to WAR?
19:25.25Snstrim really clueless ..
19:25.33CairennIt died a slow and not so painless death?
19:25.38Snstrfrom what I understand, bioware owns it now?
19:26.00Snstror at least bioware is "tending" to it
19:26.10SnstrI really liked it :(
19:26.52SnstrI just stopped playing cuz I had noone of my friends to play with and I kinda stopped with MMOs altogether back then
20:09.43NerfedWarlike the beta su
20:09.50NerfedWarsite nicoli_s
20:10.18nicoli_swe are working to get all the rest of the content synced, so some rift addons might be missing in the mean time
20:10.45NerfedWarwas wondering why avatars and other stuff was playing up on curse
20:23.49*** join/#riftuidev Calthine-ZAM (
20:37.35*** join/#riftuidev NerfedWar (~NerfedWar@
20:38.14NerfedWarI moved the TableInfo addon back to cf and I no longer get file zips generated when I tag. is this to do with the upgrade?
20:38.59nicoli_snope shouldnt have anything to do with it
20:41.20NerfedWarahh just checked the packager logs, looks my switching between svn repositories has broken it. doesn't recognize the repo uuid lol
20:41.39NerfedWarI'll move to git, about time I did anyway
21:14.48*** part/#riftuidev Calthine-ZAM (
21:26.29Snstrhow can u access the role icons?
21:26.36Snstrlike dps, heal, support
21:27.30Snstrsource: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
21:27.44Snstrso how do I find the identifiers for textures im looking for? :P
21:28.10nicoli_sSnstr:i dont think they have released how those work
21:29.22Snstrmaybe I stop looking for now :P
21:29.43nicoli_ssadly they dont have filenames in the .pak archives
21:30.03nicoli_sthe only thing you could do is extract out the files, find the .swf, decompile them, then find out how it accesses textures
21:30.58Snstrthe UI is flash?
21:31.20Snstrim like.. wow
21:31.22nicoli_sthats why addons cant interact with existing ui elements
21:31.46Snstrdidnt have nothing to do with addons before rift so ... is this ur average way to realize the UI?
21:32.06nicoli_snot really, but alot of games do use it
21:32.18Snstrgood to know
22:00.33*** join/#riftuidev Calthine-ZAM (
22:07.45*** join/#riftuidev Supernatural (626e31c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:08.42SupernaturalHow easy is it to port a mod over from another game? Is the RIFT API open, is there alot of restrictions?
22:09.03Marru_Homenot restrictions, but limitations
22:09.40Marru_Homejust not enough available yet to port everything
22:10.17SupernaturalWhere can I dive into this idea? I have an idea, plus motivation and want to get started
22:10.31Marru_Homeget triondevelopmenttools addon
22:10.34SupernaturalI believe it will make my necro / warlock / archon mage a mor efficient caster.
22:10.45Marru_Homeand /log /dump
22:10.50SupernaturalI'll find full documentation to get started too?
22:11.02Marru_Homeand you'll have a list of everything you can do in a log file in your rift directory
22:11.35SupernaturalWill I come across alot of obstables? Im only a master with HTML / CSS
22:11.58Marru_Homeeh... might wanna look into basic lua first
22:12.14Marru_Homebasic function structures
22:12.22Marru_Homeif/for/while statement syntax etc
22:12.43SupernaturalIs it something I can dive into with a "firebug" like inspection and start tweaking?
22:13.14Marru_Homemore or less what i did, but i knew very introductory C and java first
22:17.14SupernaturalI understand
22:17.20SupernaturalCan I outsource this stuff?
22:17.43Marru_Homeyou can always request addons
22:18.34SupernaturalWhich should I download.
22:19.12SupernaturalRift Addon API Library
22:20.49SupernaturalThank you for your help too Marru_Home
22:21.17Marru_Homejust google search triondevelopmenttools if u wanna get started urself
22:21.23Marru_Homenot on
22:21.27Marru_Homezorba put it up himself
22:21.46SupernaturalI will, I'm going to reasearch this right away
22:23.09SupernaturalFound it, thanks for the starter advice
22:23.38Marru_Homegood luck
22:51.12Gibbouswe can make structs in lua, right?
22:52.45*** part/#riftuidev Calthine-ZAM (
23:08.04SupernaturalAuto-invite all online buddies currently not in a group. Does the RIFT API have limitations on creating an addon that will do just that? Perhaps a macro might do this instead?
23:08.23SupernaturalGibbous, no idea. Good luck with your answer
23:14.15Gibbousthere's no way of really interacting with the game yet
23:14.21Gibbousaside from setting mouseover, and canceling buffs
23:28.58TorhalGibbous: You can simulate structs using tables.
23:31.23Gibboustrue, though I'd need multiple tables to do so
23:31.35Gibbousit'd be much easier if I could do an object :/

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