irclog2html for psilinux on 2002.03.10

10:22:00InertiaTangent :)
10:22:20TangentInertia : Hi
10:23:21InertiaDo I remember correctly in thinking  that you installed Linux on your iPaq - or was that Chris?
10:24:07TangentInertia : Probably both of us actually
10:25:46Inertiaoh right - fair enough - that would explain my confusion
10:26:15Inertiaso then - should I?
10:26:57TangentInertia : Depends if you want a useable PDA, or a geek toy ;)
10:34:50Inertiaooh - im a compsci - now lets think
10:35:31Inertiaso how do you go about it?
10:35:33TangentInertia : Your choice should be easy then.... get that bootloader installed
10:35:40ctrlinux rocks because, you can run the same shit on your [insert device here] as you can on your desktop
10:36:10TangentInertia : You want to follow the install instructions for familiar 0.5.1 at
10:38:15Tangentctr : linux also sometimes sucks because you run the same shit on your [insert device here] as you do on the desktop ;)
10:38:40TangentKDE2.2 runs dog slow on my iPAQ
10:39:05ctrfair enough
10:39:27johnixso it *might* need some tuning to run on my S5;)
10:39:44Tangentjohnix : Erm... possibly a little
10:40:09ctrof course you have to be sensible to run certain things and not others
10:40:25johnixOh darn, the sun is shining so bright out there, and I'd like to go out
10:40:31ctrbasicallly the ability to use mutt,term,vim/jed etc etc is so powerfull
10:40:43johnixbut all I do is sit in a dark room in front of a computer...
10:40:57johnix(of a laptop computer)
10:40:59Inertiabtw - do I need a serial port?
10:41:42Tangentctr : vim on the iPAQ sucks... that's a classic example of using the wrong app for the job... vi.. designed to make really efficient use of a keyboard, but no mouse input... iPAQ... no keyboard.. mouse only
10:42:04ctrTangent: it was an example, but yes i agree
10:42:09TangentN.B. I use vi on the ipaq
10:43:21Tangentctr : My big problem with my iPAQ is.... I got the microdrive.. and the expansion sleeves.. and the network cards... and installed linux onto the disk.. and now.. after all that... it's about as good as the computer I owned 8 years ago
10:43:39Tangentctr : When it had CE on it, it made a shiney new top of the range PDA..
10:43:46ctrbut a computer you owned 8 years ago wont fit in your pocket :)
10:43:56Tangentctr : By adding linux to it, I've reduced it to an 8 year old PC with no keyboard
10:44:05ctryou can't build kernels on it or something
10:44:08ctrbut it's usefull
10:44:34Tangentctr : Ah.. that's my problem.. I've yet to make handhelds linux do something useful for me
10:44:47Tangentctr : I can build half a kernel on it before the batteries die
10:45:14johnixhave you seen the Royal Lin@x?
10:45:38ctrTangent: i suppose it's a case of what you want to do with it
10:45:44johnixThat may be a nice geek toy, with an useful PDA included
10:46:26Tangentctr : It's not linux's fault... it's my fault... but now I can't help seeing my iPAQ as either a badly configured linux on an old PC, or on overpowered CE machine (i.e. waste of space)
10:46:30johnixand it should be pretty cheap compared to the Zaurus (if it's not vaporware)
10:46:49Tangentctr : At least I have a specific use for my Tuxscreens
10:47:19ctrwell if you dont want your ipaq, *wink *wink *nudge *nudge
10:47:25Tangentctr : How's the buildroot stuff going?
10:47:30ctri just wish there was a
10:47:46ctrwhich was a cludge of the ipaq and psion5mx
10:47:48TangentI see that Linux runs on the Jordana 720 now
10:47:53ctrso you had the power and kb
10:48:10TangentThat's a close contender for the 'Psion with all the stuff I want' category
10:48:42johnixwhat about coupling an iPaq-like device with a keyboard?
10:49:06johnixapart from the screen size, it should be pretty cool too...
10:49:14TangentActually, I have a Targus Stowaway keyboard to go with my iPAQ, but it's only seen about 2 mins use so far
10:49:41johnixand apart from psion's unbeatable battery life. Darn, you can't ever get everything at once...
10:49:45TangentIt takes up quite a lot of space when it's unfolded... probably about the same as my laptop.. maybe a little more
10:50:07johnixTangent: funny...
10:50:30TangentI'm hoping that they'll bring out a 400MHz Xscale Jordana 720 (or something similar made by someone)
10:50:43TangentWould be quite a rocking little machine
10:51:00ctryou could get one of those amstard kb's and rig it to the ipaq
10:51:07johnixhas anybody here ever used a netboot/s5?
10:51:31johnixI think that with a nice kbd and color monitor, they must be pretty cool too.
10:52:04johnixCouple that with a big microdrive, and you can almost get rid of the desktop PC
10:52:12TangentEvery time I pick up my Psion I wish for a colour screen and a faster cpu
10:52:30TangentI wonder if the 36MHz CPU in the 5mx can be overclocked
10:52:41johnixTangent: and you'd have to give up battery life
10:52:56Tangentjohnix : Pah... battery life.. smattery life ;)
10:53:35johnixTangent: taht's still a compromise to me
10:54:11johnixand the S5's screen resolution is still hard to beat, even in grayscale
10:54:19Tangentjohnix : I'd actually like to do a series of feasible upgrades to my Psion... I know that I can take the memory up to 28Mb.. which would be nice...
10:54:44TangentI'd also like to replace the dull poor contrast screen with a better one... and a better backlight too
10:54:55Tangentand get rid of those AAs and replace with Li-Ion
10:55:03johnixI don'
10:55:08johnixt like  li-ion
10:55:22TangentWhat's wrong with li-ion?
10:55:23johnixI think AA is a huge advantage
10:55:35johnixyou can replace the batteries!!!
10:56:03johnixI use 2 sets of Ni-Mh AAs, and I have some spare non-rechargeable ones in my pocket
10:56:18TangentNod.. but you could have one li-ion battery that filled the same space as 2XAA, and provided the same voltage.. but about 6 times the lifespan... if it's flat, you can still use AAs
10:56:23johnixso I *never* have to worry about battery live
10:56:34johnixerr battery charge level
10:56:59TangentCharging the Psion once a week/month wouldn't be too bad
10:57:16johnixMmh, maybe
10:58:20johnixbut I wouldn't feel as confident w/o having a second battery set at hand (which can't be cheap)
10:58:39johnixhas anybody used the Zaurus here?
10:58:58Tangentshakes head
11:01:22Inertiaso then - after all this discussion - should I try it? - I have the bluetooth sleve - a 64mb cf and a stowaway keyboard...?
11:01:47TangentInertia : Yep.. you should definately try it
11:02:49Inertiado I need a serial cable for it though? - I read this somewhere?!? :S
11:03:22TangentInertia : Yep.. you need to use a serial console to get it all started
11:03:35Inertiahmm - anythoughts on where to get a serial cable?
11:03:37johnixTangent: I never used mine...
11:04:04Tangentjohnix : How did you do the 'load root' part ?
11:04:18Inertiaso guys - how do I install it with only a usb cable?
11:04:41johnixAre you talking about a Psion Series5?
11:05:06Tangentjohnix : Nope.. iPAQ
11:05:13johnixOops, sorry;)
11:05:23johnixI don't have one
11:05:39TangentInertia : You can actually do everything with a usb cable and a bit of imagination
11:05:53InertiaTangent - why does that not fill me with confidence?>
11:05:56TangentInertia : I've got a kernel+initrd that you can use from CE
11:06:17TangentInertia : But that's as far as it gets... no install procedure.. no finished product.. no power management etc
11:06:49TangentInertia : You can double click something in CE.. and end up with linux running on.. erm.. a serial console... Hrm.. not much use really
11:07:17TangentInertia : If you have an old mouse lying around, you can always add serial support to your USB cable/cradle
11:07:17Inertiabut Tangent - you can get full working systems no?
11:07:33johnixTangent: you can always arrange to run a dumb terminal on your Psion;)
11:07:43TangentInertia : Yep.. I had linux on my 1Gb microdrive.. full gcc etc... running KDE (dog slow)
11:08:01johnixTangent: (maybe even export an X display, or something like that)
11:08:26Tangentjohnix : You could use the VNC client certainly ;)
11:08:38johnixTangent: yup...
11:08:40Tangentremote control the iPAQ from the Psion ;)
11:09:08johnixnow *THAT* would be an neat geek toy;)
11:09:36johnixok, time to heat the soup
11:10:05Tangentjohnix : Watch in awe as I control my Fast Colour PDA from 6ft away using this slower greyscale machine... ;)
11:10:56TangentHrm.. maybe run the two machines in parallel and pass tasks to each other at 115200 via IrDA ;)
11:11:30johnixor even set up a mosix cluster, or a dual-screen setup;)
11:11:37TangentActually, that could make a neat app... Psion = Keyboard +Extension Display for iPAQ via IrDA...
11:11:59TangentDamn it... I'm gonna have to get me another CF card...
11:12:24johnixnow, let's see who's the first guy to get that running
11:12:39Tangentcan't be bothered today...
11:12:47johnixand I'll vote for him as the geek-of-the-month
11:40:07Tangentungrzna : Hey
11:44:03Inertiaso then - Tangent - how does one get a really good working linux system on an iPaq (with only a USB cable) -> dense persons guide please :D
11:44:58TangentInertia : 1.) Get soldering iron... 2.) Dismantle old mouse for it's cable... 3.) Add serial cable to USB, making a dual cable/cradle 4.) Proceed with normal linux install
12:28:36Inertiaerrm Tangent - Ive been contemplating that one for some time now and its a little bemusing
13:24:34George-Hey guys
13:24:55George-johnix: Are you Thomas Tempe?
13:25:05George-your nick is.. familiar
13:26:20johnixGeorge-: yes I am
13:26:38johnixnice to meet you
13:27:16George-How's the PsiLinux port going?
13:27:19ctri'm chris, hi :)
13:27:26George-I've er.. been hiding under a rock for ages :)
13:28:22johnixwell, the 4bbp fb driver is supposed to work at least on thr
13:28:34johnixthe S5,
13:28:42George-When was that done?
13:28:56George-I remember having a long discussion with a (Russian?) guy about that
13:29:03George-"stanson" I think he was
13:29:08johnixand there has been some talking about porting linux 2.4 to the S5 too
13:29:27George-yea.. I saw thta
13:29:30johnixwell, a few weeks ago. Don't ask me;)
13:31:31George-I've had to pull outa devel until I get a cross devel env going on my PPC machine
13:31:41George-Which'll prolly never happen.. :(
13:35:00johnixis doing some tricky soldering right on top of his laptop keyboard
13:35:36George-johnix: Are.. you.. mad? :)
13:36:07johnixGeorge-: probably
13:38:36johnixdarn headphones
13:39:02johnixcheap, good sound, but breaks after a year, and so tricky to solder back to work
14:23:20George-ping all
15:02:04johnixI was thinking about something
15:07:30johnixIf Emacs is everyting you ever need (including a kitchen sink, calendar, search tool, MUA, windowing system, development environment and interpreter, and the ever-missing quality text editor),
15:07:58johnixif all Emacs needs is a keyboard,
15:08:30johnixthen _why on earth_ are we bothering with things like PicoGUI???
15:09:18johnixOk, Emacs takes up disk space. So *what*? A 64Mo CF should be enough for a running OS + GNU Emacs...
15:12:31George-GNU emacs can span up to 80MB =P
15:13:01George-GNU Emacs is bloated, in comparison to luvly vi :)
15:13:12George-GNU emacs contains useless psychiatrists
15:14:21johnixnow, I got an installation of GNU Emacs running in less than 45Mo on my school's NT account
15:14:45George-I'm a stupid little boy :)
15:15:08johnixPsychiatrists and 200Ko history files and maya calendars can be removed easily.
15:15:30George-psyciatrists :)
15:15:37George-YOU go and make an emacs distro
15:15:42George-*I'LL* stick with QPE
15:16:03johnixand if you remove the pre-compiled files, you can cut down by another 5-10 Mo
15:16:51johnixnow think about it: if we fit a feature-full (well, I'll keep the psychiatrist and zippy quotes) Emacs run on your psion,
15:17:13George-EMACS IS CRAP
15:17:15johnixthen write some synchro stuff and put all your todo lists and calendar items in plain text files,
15:17:16George-VI RULEZ!
15:17:31johnixthen what *else* would you *ever* need?
15:17:38johnix(apart from eye-candy)
15:18:23johnixHey! If we use GNU Emacs 21, we'll ever get *syntax-coloring*
15:18:42George-on a monochrome screen?
15:18:56johnixWhen's the release of the next syntax-coloring programmers editor awaited for PicoGUI?
15:19:10johnixwell,  syntax-grey-scaling;)
15:20:22johnixnow *that* is THE ULTIMATE geeks toy, and it comes with a psychiatrist and a PDA included;)
15:20:36johnix*has* to do just that
15:21:02johnixHell with homework. Let's get down to the *real* thing
15:21:12johnixis hysteric
15:21:54johnix(well, after another one of those tasty jelly sandwich)
15:40:00johnixthe sun is shining...
15:40:08johnixI'm going out!

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