irclog2html for #project24 on 20031206

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04:27.12Patlabor221so IS boy learned today why I was right about his network setup saying it had issues
04:27.24Patlabor221and why I didn't want to put any of my machines on the internal net :)
04:27.38Patlabor221and did he ever learn the hard way
04:27.43orchidwht haappened?
04:28.06Patlabor221well he has our web, ftp, and mail servers all set on internal IPs
04:28.13Patlabor221with the firewall doing NAT routing to them
04:28.22Patlabor221so somone goes and exploits the web server
04:28.28Patlabor221gets access to the internal net
04:28.33Patlabor221and starts jacking with the cheese
04:28.48Patlabor221he no longer has permisions on the machine to change stuff
04:29.00Patlabor221and the web server is sending out spam
04:29.25orchidthats not good
04:29.55Patlabor221and they had got some things on some of the other machines
04:30.09Patlabor221ones that are not even allowed incoming network trafic
04:30.22Patlabor221and he wonders why I wanted to put asgard off on it's own little net
04:31.29orchidwill he be reprimanded for this?
04:31.44orchidits surely obvious this shouldnt have happened
04:32.27Patlabor221well our website will be down for the entire weekend
04:32.34Patlabor221they will get mad at him
04:32.48Patlabor221but they never actualy "do" anyting to people
04:33.32orchidthis is what im worried about
04:33.41orchidwe talked a bit last night bout it
04:33.57orchidi cant seperate a webserver from the other pc's here
04:34.07orchidthey have to be on the same net
04:34.24Patlabor221well yeah, but he didn'e even have ANY ports blocked
04:34.41Patlabor221basicly he said "here have at it"
04:34.59Patlabor221puting the machine on a subnet is not the only way to make it safer
04:35.11Patlabor221in my case it's a viable method in adition to port blocking
04:35.58Patlabor221here at home I am in the same situation as you are
04:36.17Patlabor221all the exploits the hacker did were thru non http based services
04:36.27Patlabor221he got in via some windows file transfer protocolls
04:40.47Patlabor221had the machine had at least some port blocks ( all but 80 and 21 ) then it would have been a lot saffer
04:42.41orchidhe should be yelled at
04:42.52orchideven i know better than to do that
04:43.53Patlabor221he dosn't even know how to set up our firewall
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07:37.55Patlabor2221if (this == &r)
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07:38.13Patlabor2221if (this == &r)
07:38.15Patlabor2221return *this;
07:38.19Patlabor2221if (info)
07:38.21Patlabor2221delete (info);
07:38.26Patlabor221like that
08:09.19Patlabor221trepan, it is posible for GetExtension to return null, as the file may not have an extension
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08:34.44trepanPatlabor221: NULL is not a string, \0 is a string, but that's just semantics
08:35.08Patlabor221a char* can have a value of null
08:35.22Patlabor221in that case there should be no truncation
08:35.27Patlabor221as the file has not extension
08:35.28trepanya, but it doesn't work with the ANSI C string functions
08:35.32Patlabor221I know
08:35.35Patlabor221it was a bug
08:35.45trepani agree, but that's the way it is
08:36.03Patlabor221I just changed your fix a bit
08:36.10Patlabor221it's not as ugly now
08:36.20Patlabor221that and if it is null you remove one character,
08:36.27trepanheh, that's why I left the FIXME in there  ;)
08:36.36Patlabor221I didn't remove the character
08:36.47Patlabor221cus there may not even be a .
08:38.32trepanclient/inc/p24.h is whacked
08:38.43Patlabor221yes I am still working on that
08:38.50Patlabor221I'm redoing the state
08:39.25trepanah, that would explain p24.cpp being whacked as well then
08:54.03Patlabor221it should build now
09:02.31Patlabor221tho with this change, it may not work just right :)
09:03.02trepanseems to work as it did before
09:03.12Patlabor221I just commited
09:03.33Patlabor221OSDir has a linux todo now
09:03.48Patlabor221the file searcher in OSDir needs to be able to take a fileMask
09:03.54Patlabor221like *.txt
09:04.03Patlabor221I didn't know how to do it in linux
09:04.16Patlabor221actualy it will work it'll just grab more files then it should
09:05.16trepani wrote a parser to allow * and ? search chars for my bzmapper, should work for ya
09:05.31Patlabor221there isn't an OS function for it?
09:05.35trepanunless i'm missing what you're trying to do
09:05.50Patlabor221OSDir will scan a folder and find all the files
09:05.58Patlabor221that match a mask
09:06.01Patlabor221and return them
09:06.02trepani think that they * type chars are usually processed by the shell, i could be wrong
09:06.28Patlabor221on windows I just pas the "*.whatever" to the findNextFile function
09:06.31Patlabor221and it does it all
09:07.45trepanyou're probably using readdir() and friends, and they don't have anything like that
09:07.53Patlabor221cap wrote it
09:07.59Patlabor221so I'm not sure what it does
09:08.05Patlabor221I looked at scandir
09:08.12Patlabor221and it seemed to be something more like what was needed
09:08.32trepandamn, that does seem to do what you want.  my bad
09:08.56Patlabor221well it needs a callback for the select
09:09.20Patlabor221it's closer but it seems somone still has to povide the thing that does the "*." stuff
09:09.27trepani'm wrong again, just returns a sorted list
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09:09.59trepanya, i've got a *.??? matching routine
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21:19.05Patlabor221so how is the computer updates going?
21:19.16orchidwell i got my ram today
21:19.22Patlabor221how much?
21:19.26orchidand now the bios only sees 512
21:19.34orchidi got 2 sticks of 512
21:19.44orchidbut it only lets one work
21:19.59Patlabor221is the sdram still in there?
21:20.10orchidso my roomie has the exact same mobo, and i put it in his, and he gets 1gb
21:20.18orchidno, i took it out :)
21:20.30Patlabor221there may be a bipos update
21:20.46orchidthe revision on his and mine are the same
21:20.52orchidplus i dont have a floppy
21:20.54Patlabor221same mobo?
21:21.01orchidsame mobo yes
21:21.14orchidexact same mobo
21:21.15Patlabor221you could try a bios clear
21:21.25Patlabor221go back to the facory settings
21:21.36orchidyeah maybe
21:21.42orchidbut im scared it wont boot then
21:21.57Patlabor221well you will have to go in an reset the bios settings
21:22.11Patlabor221but it just blows out the settings not the actual bios
21:22.21Patlabor221it's not like a flash
21:22.34Patlabor221and if it won't boot after that, there are more serious problems
21:23.00orchidi could switch his mobo :)
21:23.07Patlabor221yes, yes you could :)
21:23.15Patlabor221just bonk him oh the head :)
21:23.18Patlabor221how much ram does he have?
21:23.28Patlabor221a gig?
21:23.29orchid2 512's
21:23.45Patlabor221well then he would have to go down to 512
21:24.01orchidno, the ram is good
21:24.10orchidmy ram works fine as 1gb in his mobo
21:24.32Patlabor221but if you swaped mobos he woudl have the one that can only see 512
21:24.36Patlabor221does his ram work in your machine?
21:25.18orchidno, i only see 512 of his ram
21:25.24orchidand i wont swap mobos
21:25.38orchidi can get this mobo replaced if its faulty
21:26.34orchidso in the meantime i decided to update my kernel
21:26.50orchidas im not frustrated enough today, and need more aggrivation
21:29.43orchidi need to compile p24 also
21:29.48orchidmaybe that will help
21:30.05Patlabor221well it dosn't actualy play anyting yet :)
21:30.12orchidthats ok
21:30.17orchidit will one day :)
21:33.47Patlabor221well yeah, if stuff would stop happening to prevent me from working on it
21:35.59orchidoh dear
21:36.12orchidwell, take your time, no rush right?
21:36.31Patlabor221but it sucks to be in the mood then pulled away :)
21:36.54orchidyup :)
21:37.16orchidcan i cvs the sources anway?
21:37.26orchidis anon cvs setup?
21:37.41Patlabor221it should be
21:37.45Patlabor221but you are a CVs user
21:37.52Patlabor221so you can do a ext
21:38.47orchidim cluelss about cvs
21:42.31Patlabor221there is a forum post on how to do it
21:42.50orchidoh right
21:44.03Patlabor221cvs co nivie
21:44.07Patlabor221then co project24
21:44.11Patlabor221and project24_data
21:44.26orchidahh ok
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