irclog2html for #project24 on 20031117

00:25.32*** join/#project24 Koba (
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00:48.49*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:48.59*** join/#project24 JBDiGriz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:48.59*** join/#project24 Guu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:07.15*** join/#project24 Koba (
01:10.41*** join/#project24 Koba ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:26.04*** join/#project24 captain_proton (
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01:31.26orchidhowd the movie go?
01:32.29Patlabor221just some pickups
01:32.42orchidi like that screenshot
01:32.45orchidthe lobby one
01:32.59Patlabor221ohh the menus?
01:35.16Patlabor221they look a bit bland to me, but they will work for now
01:35.38Patlabor221they do look cool when they  transition tho, one panel fades out as the next fades in :)
01:36.47orchidhow slick
01:38.10Patlabor221I have another transition idea, where each item splits into 2 50% transperant versions and slides left and right
01:38.15Patlabor221but I can do that later :)
01:40.10orchidwell it looks great so far
01:40.26Patlabor221for some menus :)
01:57.59Patlabor221gotta run an errand, be back in a bit :)
02:10.45*** join/#project24 ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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02:16.35*** join/#project24 ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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02:16.38*** join/#project24 Guu (
02:17.41Guuorchid: Admin, Alias, Channel, ChannelDB, Debian, Factoids, Friendly, Fun, Google, Http, Karma, Lookup, Math, Misc, MoobotFactoids, Movies, Owner, QuoteGrabs, Quotes, RSS, Services, Status, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, User
03:28.39*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 (
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03:34.36*** join/#project24 Patlabor2221 (
04:00.25*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 (
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04:51.44*** join/#project24 Chikorita (
04:51.58GuuBurrrrrrp, ahhhhhhhh
04:52.23Chikoritawhere r ur manners Guu ? ;)
04:52.39*** part/#project24 Chikorita (
06:12.29*** join/#project24 Chikorita (
06:12.42Chikorita!google chikorita
06:12.43GuuChikorita: Search took 0.144962 seconds:  FAQs: Pokemon Crystal: Pokemon of the Day: Chikorita (#152): <>; Yukilele...wait for it: <>; Chikorita Pokemon: <>; Chikorita Animations: <http://www.dltk- (2 more messages)
06:13.18Chikorita!google rebel chikorita
06:13.21GuuChikorita: Search took 0.111751 seconds:  Battles: <>; BZFlag Centrum :: Index: <>; - Player Info: <>; - Current Players: <>; BZFlag Centrum :: Index: (2 more messages)
06:14.02Chikorita!google sn0w_kitty
06:14.03GuuChikorita: No matches found Search took 0.065458 seconds:
06:15.22*** part/#project24 Chikorita (
06:19.42*** join/#project24 captain_proton (
14:16.27*** join/#project24 ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:42.51*** join/#project24 JBDiGriz (
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16:10.35*** join/#project24 JBDiGriz (
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16:48.15*** join/#project24 captain_proton (
17:01.55*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
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18:09.46*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
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18:15.17JBDiGrizTrying to get the machine working before the storm troopers arrive?
18:16.07JBDiGrizYour latest quit message is straight out of my favorite Star Wars movie.
18:16.13Patlabor221yes :)
18:16.18Patlabor221I love that part
18:16.30Patlabor221that and "it's not my fault!!!"
18:16.49JBDiGrizOf all of them, that was the best made movie.
18:17.06JBDiGriz"Would it help if I got out and pushed?"
18:27.09Patlabor221some days it feels like the stuff here is like the falcon in that respect
18:28.51JBDiGrizbzflag is like the falcon, started out pretty good, and has been patched up to make it pretty respectable.
18:28.59JBDiGrizbut it looks like ****
18:34.09Patlabor221well cept she ain't the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy
21:50.38*** join/#project24 bryjen (~bryjen@
21:53.40JBDiGriz!load babelfish
21:53.41GuuJBDiGriz: The operation succeeded.
21:56.08Patlabor221mmmm fish
21:56.21JBDiGriz!translate en jp mmmmm fish
21:56.22GuuJBDiGriz: mmmmm 魚
22:00.23Patlabor221you and your double byte langs :)
22:01.00JBDiGrizMy double byte langs? I have been involved in standards efforts, but I don't recall any dealing with unicode. :P
22:01.50JBDiGrizor are you just grumbling because I have a standards compliant machine, and you don't ;)
22:17.16Patlabor221depeends on what standard :)
22:17.41Patlabor221I just meant character sets with more then 128 chars
22:17.49Patlabor221don't know the real term for them
22:17.57Patlabor221we just call them the double bytes here
22:18.23Patlabor221as we have to make sure our software works some of them on windows
22:19.28JBDiGrizI believe unicode is the standard, and utf-8 is the character set.
22:19.44Patlabor221I don't even know what windows does
22:19.50Patlabor221it's probably some bastard thing
22:20.39Patlabor221I just know they make me externalise all my strings I have to use in Compost Language errors, so I have to ask the Mac resource people for new IDs every time I add a warning or something
22:20.47JBDiGrizI'm sure it's something so that it doesn't quite work with the standard. :)
22:52.58*** join/#project24 Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
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23:46.15*** join/#project24 orchid (
23:55.00Guuproject24: 03JeffM * 12nivie/LGE (2 files in 2 dirs):
23:55.02Guuproject24: Make Resolution a class,
23:55.03Guuproject24: add getFullScreen method to engine.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.