irclog2html for #phlyte on 20050712

01:07.26*** join/#phlyte wps (~wade@
01:07.29*** mode/#phlyte [+o wps] by ChanServ
02:20.07*** join/#phlyte wps (~wade@
02:20.10*** mode/#phlyte [+o wps] by ChanServ
03:19.53*** join/#phlyte ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:19.53*** mode/#phlyte [+o ChanServ] by
03:33.19*** part/#phlyte jm_ul|w (~vircuser@
03:50.42*** join/#phlyte greygnome (
07:51.15*** join/#phlyte macnewbold (~mac@
07:51.15*** join/#phlyte mindjuju (~mindjuju@
07:51.15*** mode/#phlyte [+o macnewbold] by
16:03.48*** join/#phlyte jm_ul|w (~vircuser@
17:28.57mindjujuthere is nobody in here!
17:37.43macnewboldsome of us are still here
17:37.58macnewboldmindjuju: did anyone talk to you about having the meeting on Thursday at your location?
17:38.40mindjujunews to me; but then i've been swamped with projects lately, hence no news reports-- but meeting here would be cool
17:47.48macnewboldI was just wondering
17:48.05macnewboldlast time we told them "If you want to meet in Draper, talk to mindjuju, and its fine with me."
17:48.13macnewboldbut if nobody asked you,
17:48.16macnewboldthey must not care,
17:48.20macnewboldso we'll keep meeting in SLC :)
17:48.38macnewboldIf I can avoid driving an extra hour round trip to the meeting, I'd like to do it,
17:48.50macnewboldand right now, the utah valley people are a minority in phlyte
17:53.44*** join/#phlyte ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
17:53.44*** mode/#phlyte [+o ChanServ] by

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.