irclog2html for #pet on 20040122

00:04.19TimRikertell prathiba I'll have to send the email after I get home. gotta run.
00:05.16TimRikerkergoth: basics: set umask in apps start up so files are all world writeable. chmod go+rw /device/backpack
00:05.35TimRikerset umask on apache so dav files are world writable.
00:06.15TimRikercheck uboot mmc update to see that a package file without a user partition leaves a valid user partition in tact.
00:06.52TimRikergive CUPPDs 2 mmc cards. one with sample user partition, one with no user partition (for recovery etc).
00:07.00TimRikerback later.
00:30.05AlanSmithkergoth:  any ETA on the newest build?
00:37.39kergothAlanSmith: not sure.. its still going, but looks like all the long builds are done, shouldnt be more than a few minutes
00:38.35AlanSmithNo need to rush.  I am toast and will put the package together at 6:30 tomorrow morning when I get in.
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00:59.57kergothwhee, build's done, time to go home
01:01.49xrharrisanyone know the size limit of environment variables?
01:01.58xrharristhe value that is
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10:47.43a-atwoodwhoohoo!  the build worked
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15:49.29TimRikerwho created /etc/network/interfaces ?
15:49.59TimRiker192.168.1.x is the most likely network to have internal conflicts. It should be changed. I requested 192.168.0.x
15:50.07TimRikerwhy did it get changed?
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15:52.34TimRikerxrharris: I got eth0 to start. I had to restart udbcpc. don't know why.
15:52.48TimRikerdns lookups are failing now... again, don't know why.
15:54.08xrharrisbryanw: I have a few more tweaks I want to make to the /etc/apache/httpd.conf and then I want to make sure it gets incorporated into the next OS build
15:54.58xrharrisbryanw: also, we need to incorporate a "chmod u+s /bin/busybox" somewhere in an init or start script
16:00.09TimRikerhmm. ifdown eth0;ifup eth0;ifdown eth0;ifup eth0   then dns works.
16:01.35xrharrisvery interesting, any ideas why?
16:03.05a-atwoodkergoth: what is the status of the ftp and telnet services in the image?
16:03.15TimRikerusr is a really really really bad name for /mnt/usr
16:03.49TimRikeruser, internal, home, would all be better. I'm partial to internal
16:04.53TimRikera-atwood: I have the 22 image. no telnetd, no ftpd, etc.
16:05.07TimRikerapache with webdav should work.
16:05.16TimRikerI'm trying nfs now...
16:08.30TimRikerworks great. some irq issues with the usb d-link card, but minor.
16:23.57Neo|Workkergoth: is there a plan to fix (or is it fixed) /dev/rtc support in the os build?
16:25.17kergothTimRiker: i set them to the addresses handed me by gerry/bill/etc
16:25.26kergothTimRiker: *shrugs*
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16:27.42Neo|Workkergoth: also on an unrelated not, prelink worked in terms of not crashing but I still got the problem when prelinking qtopia (out of size something or other)
16:28.39kergothcould be something as simple as us forgetting to -fPIC a lib
16:28.52kergothand also, are you guys still inadvertantly linking in libstdc++, or did you fix that?
16:30.34Neo|Workactually it is being linked by mistake
16:30.35kergothxrharris: done. (busybox suid)
16:30.37Neo|Workmight be fixed now
16:31.07Neo|Workyes, it should be fixed
16:31.19bryanwxrharris:  i'm in now
16:31.46Neo|Workas of 2004/01/22 01:49:57 (UTC I suppose)
16:35.02Neo|WorkMust say the device is looking really nice (played some with it, using hte buttons and such)
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16:45.25TimRikerkergoth: I changed it on the wiki and in cvs.
16:45.33kergothTimRiker: k
16:46.27TimRikerlooks like the first dns server handed out by dhcp is down.
16:46.27kergothTimRiker: what about /mnt/usr, theh apps team doesnt have any dependency on that location directly, correct?
16:47.19TimRikerkergoth: need to no have /var and /tmp in flash.
16:47.45TimRikernot yet, but the device to device is using some hardcoded paths that might include that.
16:47.53kergothhmm, k
16:48.06Neo|Workkergoth: if I make a /etc/init.d/hwclock, can you add it?
16:48.13Neo|Workor do you have one already?
16:48.46kergothNeo|Work: i have both a syslogd and hwclock init scsripts. both belong with busybox, and neither are included atm
16:48.49kergothoversight on my part
16:48.59kergoths/both a/both/
16:50.31TimRikercolor on virtual console is meesed up. probably a symtom of bad frame buffer code someplace.
16:50.36Neo|Workbut does it modprobe omap-rtc (actually add omap-rtc to /etc/modules would work) and ln -s /dev/misc/omap-rtc /dev/rtc? :)
16:51.47TimRikerkergoth: where does /etc/passwd come from?
16:52.07kergothTimRiker: the initial one came from debian's base-passwd.  then modified
16:52.14kergothTimRiker: need something changed there?
16:52.48TimRikerneeds a "default" user added and we can likely remove gnats,list,irc
16:52.59TimRikerdefault should be 1000:1000 imho
16:53.29TimRikerso add a default group in /etc/group as 1000 too.
16:53.54TimRikerwant me to do it?
16:54.07kergothyeah, go ahead
16:54.34Neo|Workyep, hwclock does work
16:57.02Neo|Workalthough on at least the devboard the hwclock loses time if you pull the power
16:58.06TimRikerkergoth: k. changed base-passwd-3.5.4/passwd.master base-passwd-3.5.4/group.master
16:58.52TimRikeroh, I added a eth1 and eth2 dhcp entry in interfaces.
16:59.03TimRikernot auto. for usb ether devices.
16:59.32kergothdidnt gerry change the naming to usb#? should confirm with him that eth# is correct
17:03.07TimRikerkergoth: need a /home/default where do I create that?
17:03.39kergothTimRiker: probably base-files, just edit the .oe and add an install -d to its install task
17:04.18TimRikerusb0/usbd0 are set to 192.168.0.x and eth[0-2] are non-auto but dhcp
17:06.27TimRikerwhat knows about /mnt/"usr" ? fstab alone? I think backpack searches /mnt/*/backpack
17:07.14kergoththe apps start script (*cough*hack*cough*) also knows about it.  hema requested that /mtn/usr/backpack replace /device/backpack, via symlink.  i suggested bind mounts as a better implementation
17:07.22kergothis that the way it should be done?
17:07.45TimRiker/mnt/*/backpack is how it should be done.
17:08.37kergothare the apps searching there currently?
17:09.11TimRikerwhere is the apps start script so I can change that too?
17:09.25kergothPET/build/rootfs_conf is where mark put it iirc
17:10.14TimRikerhow do I get /home/default to be 1000:1000 ? flags to install in the oe?
17:12.03kergothTimRiker: probably easiest to just chown it in the do_install of base-files, so it ends up that way in the tarball.  i run the whole schebang in fakeroot anyway
17:12.14TimRikerk. changed the script too.
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17:12.48TimRikerinstall takes user and group options. the install -d get's run in the fakeroot too, yes?
17:13.17TimRikerthe script change what the /mnt/internal issue... not the /home/default one yet.
17:13.52TimRikerrichardw: your vc fix works, but not completely.
17:14.03TimRikerI can switch consoles but colors are broken now.
17:14.07a-atwood~lart bmw_3
17:14.17TimRikeralso what's up with the spastic cursor?
17:15.28TimRikerkergoth: install -u 1000 -g 1000 -d ${D}/home/default   ok?
17:15.50kergothTimRiker: looks fine
17:16.15kergothspastic cursor.. david hedbor reported touchscreen being jittery, i'm looking into it today
17:16.30kergothprobably just a matter of tweaking the config for the filters
17:16.32TimRikernot that one.... the console blinking cursor.
17:16.36kergothohh, that
17:16.52kergothTimRiker: the odd horizontal lines flickering through it? i was wondering about that
17:17.04TimRikeryeah, that.
17:17.15TimRikerand the ls -l /dev not being in color
17:17.19kergothTimRiker: hmm, just for the heck of it, try doing /etc/init.d/dpm stop
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17:21.20kergothTimRiker: opinion on the rtc situation? quickest fix is ln -sf /dev/misc/omap-rtc /dev/rtc.  better fix is probably name it /dev/misc/rtc, and patch hwclock to use that
17:22.25TimRikerkergoth: no change to the cursor with dpm off.
17:22.38Neo|Workbut that's just me
17:22.50Neo|Workbtw, there's a second "rtc" something module
17:22.55Neo|Workdoes the device have two RTC's?
17:23.55Neo|Workthat one doesn't seem to add any device driver however
17:24.15xrharrisTimRiker: i had to restart my device and I cannot change the MAC address with "ifconfig eth0 hw ether 08:00:28:32:16:99"
17:24.28xrharrisTimRiker: it tells me the device is busy
17:25.56TimRikerkergoth: I don't care what you do for /device/backpack for pilot. I meant that that dir will not exist post pilot. bind mount is fine. hema just asked.
17:26.16kergothTimRiker: k, wanted to make sure
17:32.59bmw_3TimRiker: OT question -- If one is using Outlook under Crossover Office, does the baseline linux distribution have anything running that will check for virii?
17:33.40richardwTimRiker: i doubt that switching VC and having color screen ever worked.
17:35.09richardwThere is a very specific sequence for shutting down the LCD in order to turn it back on in the same boot.  If its not followed bad things happen.  I sweated over this back in inferno.  Others did the MV porting, that code is likely not quite right.
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17:39.20kergothTimRiker: hmm, my irc channel scrollback isnt long enough.  what changes were necessary to umask, etc again?
17:44.30Neo|Work<TimRiker> set umask on apache so dav files are world writable.
17:44.31Neo|Work<TimRiker> check uboot mmc update to see that a package file without a user partition leaves a valid user partition in tact.
17:44.31Neo|Work<TimRiker> give CUPPDs 2 mmc cards. one with sample user partition, one with no user partition (for recovery etc).
17:44.52Neo|Workyou mean that?
17:45.06Neo|WorkI have about forever backlog.
17:45.11Neo|Workactually I think I have it set to no limit
17:51.43hemaTimRiker: Tim, you said in start apps script, do, chmod go+rw /device/backpack. Shouldn't this be chmod go+rw /mnt/internal/backpack, since that is what the apps are going to use?
17:52.42hemaTimRiker: Also, I talked to Jian and tiinstallos correctly handles "not erasing" user partition, if we want to update just OS & Apps. I'll test this as soon as we have a new build with correct mounting of backpack.
17:53.50TimRikerkergoth: link in /dev/rtc is fine for now. I'll think on it more
17:53.56kergothTimRiker: k
17:54.27TimRikerxrharris: you can't change the hw ether address if the interface is up.
17:55.25TimRikerbmw_3: no virus protection under cxoffice, but not a lot that would be possible. all the dll's etc are owned by root and the user does not have write access to them
17:55.45TimRikerrichardw: color console used to work with jians first images.
17:56.17bmw_3TimRiker: True, but I didn't want to archive "badd stuff" and then access it later under Windoze and get bit
17:56.57TimRikerkergoth: umask for apache to 000 and umask for apps to 000 and backpack/ to file 666, dirs 777
17:57.21richardw...I added a bounded wait for DMA done, maybe its not long enough...I was seeing lockups in the LCD off code.  I'll up the wait time, if that doesn't do it then its working before was probably luck.
17:57.46Neo|Workalso shouldn't the chmod be recursive?
17:57.48TimRikerchmod go+rX  on backpack should work to get x only where needed.
17:58.07kergothk. umasks are in, will add the chmod now
17:58.09TimRikeryes. chmod -R go+rX /mnt/internal/backpack
17:58.29kergoth666/777 would be go=rwX not go+rX. minor nit. ;)
17:58.36Neo|Workgo+rwX even
17:58.56TimRikerah.. yeah go+rwX
17:59.34kergothk, done
17:59.37TimRikernot sure = works with X. I know the + will work. = should too but you might test first. ;-)
17:59.56Neo|Worktechnically speaking, chmod g+rwX and chmod g+s for all directories probably would work just as well, if the group was set to the group apache uses
18:00.12kergoth= does work with X, but if i use = itll remove the +x on non-dirs if any exist
18:00.16Neo|WorkNever seen /'=' used
18:00.22TimRikerbmw_3: your windows checking should catch it no?
18:00.43Neo|Workmakes sense now
18:01.06TimRikerkergoth: sounds safe to me.
18:01.45kergothTimRiker: = does, or + does? :)
18:01.49TimRikerhmm... might not be safe in the future with backpack/.apps/ or whatever is coming.
18:02.04kergothyeah, i'll leave it + for now
18:02.09Neo|Workman, for having used Linux/UNIX since '93 it's funny how I never used 'fdisk -l' or chmod x=y
18:02.11TimRikerkergoth: agreed.
18:02.22TimRikeror cat /proc/partitions ?
18:03.17Neo|WorkX actually doesn't just set 'x' for directories
18:03.43Neo|Workit also does it if "some user" already has execute permissions
18:03.46kergothoh, or already has execute permission for some user
18:03.57kergothso =rwX would be safe after all
18:04.22Neo|Work: 0 neotron@cn014xf015460l1 ls -l dfqew                                      ~/
18:04.26Neo|Work: 0 neotron@cn014xf015460l1 chmod g=rX dfqew                                 ~/
18:04.26Neo|Work: 0 neotron@cn014xf015460l1 ls -l dfqew                                      ~/
18:04.47Neo|Workso yes, seems like it
18:04.49kergothheh, interesting
18:05.19richardwTimRiker: so I made the easy change, next kernel source pull may work.  if not some more effort is needed to get the screen clean.
18:05.20Neo|WorkI never knew that either
18:05.20kergothTimRiker: you planning any more changes in cvs, or should i start a build?
18:05.41TimRikerkergoth: you might want to chown -R default:default /mnt/internal/backpack while you're at it. ;-)
18:05.58kergothTimRiker: heh, preparing for the non-root are we?
18:06.56TimRikerrichardw: nice. thanx.
18:07.08TimRikerkergoth: at some point, yes. ;-)
18:07.17kergoth12:05 < treke> greg's first law of corruption. Everyone is corrupt.
18:08.09TimRikerkergoth: do we start anything on vc/2 ?
18:08.22TimRiker2 is probably a better choice than 5 for vc.
18:08.36TimRikercan I change that in cvs?
18:08.41kergothprobably. and it looks like i have a getty spawning on vc/0, that should be vc/1.
18:08.52kergotherr no, its vc/1
18:08.55kergothremembered incorrectly
18:09.01TimRikervc/1 is correct.
18:09.17kergothk, go ahead and change to vc/2, i'm about to start a build
18:09.53kergothout of curiosity, if the apps die atm, the unit is probably useless eh?  we start the apps as a once in inittab, not respawn, and itll never return to vc/1 from vc/blah
18:10.27TimRikerkergoth: changed.
18:10.43TimRikeryes, change that to a respawn
18:10.58kergothk, you want to change the apps script to remove the & on the call to start? ;)
18:11.06kergothotherwise we'll get a nice fun respawning too rapidly
18:11.35TimRikerI changed it. removed & added exec
18:12.25TimRikershould ln -sf /dev/vc/0 /dev/tty0 really be ln -sf /dev/vc/5 /dev/tty0 ?
18:12.33TimRikerer should ln -sf /dev/vc/0 /dev/tty0 really be ln -sf /dev/vc/2 /dev/tty0 ?
18:12.39Neo|Workis that ln really needed at all?
18:12.45kergothtty0 is the master. the foreground
18:12.53TimRikerdon't know. I'll check...
18:12.54Neo|WorkQWS_KEYBOARD should take care of that or is it for some othe reason?
18:12.56kergothso no, vc/0 -> tty0 is correct
18:12.59kergothbut dunno if its needed
18:13.47Neo|WorkIf it's only for Qtopia, then it shouldn't be needed as long as QWS_KEYBOARD is set
18:14.05kergothwell, it may be opening it for the vt handling in qte
18:14.08kergothnot just for keyboard
18:14.17kergothare you guys buliding a patched qte for devfs yet?
18:14.22kergothbleh, building
18:15.09kergothbmw_3: did you have the guys linking devdisc add -lnet to their link lines?
18:15.10Neo|Workusing your patch which is ... not perfect. :)
18:15.20Neo|Workit had hardcoded keyboard to /dev/vc/1
18:15.21kergothhehe, yeah, it was quick and dirty, but did the job
18:15.22TimRikerseems to work without the link on my pet
18:15.48TimRikerkeyboard works, touchscreen works. trying virtual keyboard...
18:16.15TimRikerand buttons. looks safe to remove.
18:16.29Neo|Workchanging vt works as expected too?
18:16.47kergothyeah, try switching to 1 and then back to 5/2
18:18.41TimRikerblinking cursor is there without the link...
18:19.28kergothconfirming its happy with the link?
18:20.31TimRikeryep.. adding back the link removes the blinking cursor. leave it in for now.
18:21.00kergothprobably a missing devfs change in teh vt handling
18:21.07Neo|WorkLooking for any /dev/tty references in qtopia..
18:21.18bryanwxrharris: hows the httpd.conf ?
18:21.21TimRikerwill be tty0 explicitly
18:22.52Neo|Workint tty=::open(*dev,O_WRONLY);
18:22.52Neo|Workif ( tty>=0 ) {
18:23.10kergotherrr, why's it looking at vc/1 instead of vc/0?
18:23.11Neo|Workthe second code is writeTerm
18:23.14kergoththatd busted
18:23.20Neo|Workbecause that's what you sent...
18:23.28kergothheh, oops
18:23.37Neo|Workall /dev/vc stuff used /dev/vc/1 :)
18:23.41Neo|Workwell, the two places
18:24.30Neo|Workthat would be why it turns of the cursor all over the place too
18:24.36kergothNeo|Work: or, just kill the /dev/vc/1.. we do have a /dev/tty iirc.
18:24.42Neo|Workand notjust in the term it should kill it in
18:25.00kergothyeah, its killing it in the master, not in the current vt
18:25.02kergothwonder why that is
18:25.16Neo|Workit should probably use /proc/self/fd/0
18:25.23Neo|Workboth ther eand for default "keyboard tty"
18:25.49kergothsilly trolls.
18:26.53kergothhmm, we have the hid drivers in monolithic, and the mousedev input layer driver as a module.. should work. unless qte doesnt support /dev/input/mouse or somethingm
18:26.56Neo|Workin the apps? did you export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=USB  and modprobe mousedev?
18:27.13Neo|Workyou have to specifically tell it to use USB mouse
18:27.51Neo|Workthere would have to be support specifically added to support plugging a mouse in and enabling it
18:27.58Neo|Workand enable the mouse cursor
18:28.05TimRikerQWS_MOUSE_PROTO=USB gets usb mouse as well as ts then?
18:28.07Neo|Worklikewise disable the mouse cursor when you unplug it
18:28.18Neo|Workthere's no way of having both without adding code for it
18:28.20Neo|Workwhcih is not done
18:28.29bryanwkergoth:  i heard you were starting a new build. would you  hold on and let me go ask xrharris if he is finished with this httpd.conf changes
18:28.30TimRikerah. bummer. reall bummer.
18:28.35Neo|WorkQt supports multiple devices but there's no "non-code" way of adding more
18:28.43kergothbryanw: k
18:28.49Neo|Workie. it's an app-level coding task, not qt
18:28.52TimRikerI thought you had both active?
18:29.00Neo|Worknever have
18:29.32Neo|Workthe api's are odd
18:29.57Neo|WorkI can add an input device, which puts it on the first of a list
18:30.07Neo|Workthere si no way to "pop" i toff the list however
18:30.27Neo|WorkI believe you have to clear the list completely and readd the touchscreen on an "disconnect mouse" event
18:31.10Neo|WorkTimRiker: check the iteration plan to see if this is in there. if not, get it in if you want it :)
18:34.43kergothbryanw: i'll start the build, we can at least confirm the permissions changes and stuff are happy
18:34.48kergothbryanw: then we'll just do another later
18:43.41mindfunkkergoth: john just checked in his keypad fix
18:43.49kergothyup, he told me
18:43.52kergothitll be in this build
18:43.56mindfunkya building?
18:43.58kergoth(hasnt gotten to the kernel yet)
18:45.12kergothudev 014 out. man its improving fast. and greg k-h got his patches into 2.6 to add things like the input layer, sound, misc devices, etc to the driver model :)
18:45.16kergothmost spiffy.
18:45.22kergothnot that it benefits us, obviously, but spiffy nonetheless
18:45.47kergothjbot: thursday
18:45.51Thursday sucks, because it isnt friday (See friday).
18:55.30kergothwhy, oh why, do people insist on mailing toolchain,etc issues to l-a-k instead of l-a
18:56.52TimRikerwhat keypad fix is that?
18:57.14TimRikerkergoth: cause they have not been flamed by rmk lately.
18:57.37kergothjust talked to him.  he says suspend/resume still isnt reliable on handhelds. the fix he committed was a change to the interrupt handling
18:58.17kergothsuggested adding debug info to DPM to see the suspend/resume call order
18:58.49kergothfood is good
18:59.32TimRikerkergoth`lunch: is it there? "ctrl-a f 7" should show the msgs again.
19:08.37bryanwqcop commands aren't working when run through hotplug
19:08.46bryanwyou can run the same script by h and no problem
19:09.04bryanwprinting out umask,whoami,export,etc... shows that the environment when running by hand is the same as run through hotplug
19:09.09bryanwany suggestions?
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19:36.01bmw_3Is it too late to switch to gtk+ instead of qt/qtopia?
19:37.24kergothbryanw: "aren't working" means what? error when calling hotplug? add 2>/tmp/blah to the qcop line
19:37.31kergotherror when calling qcop i mean
19:40.57bryanwkergoth:  qcop returns  1 with no error message
19:41.16kergothheh, how helpful
19:41.37kergothbmw_3: did you have them try -lnet on the -ldevdisc link line for the apps that use it? should take care of that error
19:42.02bryanwgot the error (:
19:42.09bryanwQSocket::writeBlock: Socket is not open
19:42.09bryanwNo Qt/Embedded server appears to be running.
19:42.09bryanwIf you want to run this program as a server,
19:42.09bryanwadd the "-qws" command-line option.
19:42.21bryanwworks fine when i run it by hand though..
19:42.31bryanwanyway, i've got to go talk to people about flash drives
19:55.01Neo|Workbryanw: it needs to run as the same user as qtopia, which is root. it ALSO needs LOGNAME to be root
19:55.04Neo|Workcould that be the issue?
19:55.23Neo|Workwell, LOGNAME to be identical to the LOGNAME used by qtopia, which is root
20:04.57bmw_3kergoth: I talked w/ Joel earlier and he said they have it in there. I have asked him to send me his commands and any failure messages + questions to forward to you.
20:05.14bmw_3kergoth: So far, they seem to be too busy to send them to me...
20:33.00mindfunkkergoth: just a friendly reminder: please tag the build with PILOT1_CANDIDATE_date_10000
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20:37.53kergothi should really write a script for building outside of nightly
20:37.57kergothbeen doing it manually
20:38.32kergothbmw_3: k, keep me posted.  i'd like to get the sdk happy so i can move on to other stuff
20:38.33mindfunkI assume another build is coming?
20:38.43kergothalready up
20:38.50kergothsame as prevoius, but with /mnt/internal actually existing this time
20:41.01bmw_3kergoth: What about the problems I sent you the other day when I tried the toolchain/sdk w/ qte/qtopia build?
20:41.31kergoththats what i'm talking about
20:41.38kergothadding -lnet will fix the link problem with the libnet symbols
20:41.50kergoththe tslib ones, not sure whats going on there, need to look into it further
20:42.32bmw_3kergoth: I thought you were talking about the device discovery link problems the apps folk were having. Sorry, I'll make a nore to work w/ David tomorrow on this one.
20:42.46kergoththey're one and the same
20:42.52kergothin part anyway
20:43.10kergothbmw_3: can you reproduce the build failure on your machine, then come get me so i can hack on it first hand?
20:43.20kergothbmw_3: its probably a quick fix, but doing it indirectly is slowing us down
20:47.27TimRikerbryanw: fixed yet? got HOME LOGNAME QTDIR QPEDIR etc?
20:49.13TimRikerkergoth: oops. yeah, creating the directory would be good. hmm. actually I thought I did change that. did you have to change something I missed?
20:49.34kergothjust an install -d in base-files
20:49.48kergothwas still /mnt/usr in my cvs up a few minutes ago
20:51.14Neo|Workso I tried to connect a usb keyboard to my pet on battery
20:51.16Neo|Workit hung
20:51.29Neo|WorkI am guessing it was too low on battery but still not very graceful. :)
21:07.51a-atwoodmindfunk:  I have an email in to Lorrie to get it reset, but I need you to put every related for the fresh build somewhere that I can access it.  I'm locked out of petnet web access again
21:19.54mindfunka-atwood: gimme a sec
21:26.09bmw_3kergoth: I can reproduce it on my system fairly quickly, but can we do it tomorrow?
21:26.16TimRikerkergoth: cool. sorry I missed that. I thought I'd changed it. :-/
21:27.02TimRikera-atwood: I think I can add a local password for you on petnet.
21:29.54mindfunkkergoth: please tag that last build as like PILOT1_....10002
21:30.07mindfunkso far... that looks good
21:32.01kergothmindfunk: k, im on it
21:32.03kergothgood good
21:51.44bmw_3kergoth: ping
21:51.51kergothbmw_3: pong
21:52.16bmw_3kergoth: Can we get together in the morning re: toolchain/sdk?
21:53.01kergothbmw_3: thats fine
21:53.16bmw_3kergoth: Roughly when?
21:53.40kergothlately i've been working really late, so havent been getting in till like 10. i can be in around 9 if you'd prefer
21:54.00bmw_39 or 10 are both OK w/ me
21:54.21kergothill drop by when i get in
21:54.40bmw_3I have been getting here around 6:30 +-, so I will be here when you come by
21:55.08bmw_3You want me to have the "broke" build at the broken point, or do you want to be here when I kick it off?
21:55.32kergothgo ahead and have it at the broken point
21:55.34kergothwill go from there
21:55.55bmw_3nite-nite 8)
21:55.59kergothfor i in PET/src/os PET/build/oe PET/build/metadata PET/build/rootfs_conf; do cvs rtag PILOT1_CANDIDATE_`date +%Y%m%d`_10002 $i; done
21:58.48TimRikerwhen's the next os build?
21:59.04a-atwoodby me, tonight at 21:00
21:59.07TimRikerkergoth: did you put one up that just finished? does it have apps in it?
21:59.23kergothTimRiker: i dont do the app merge, teh os test folks do. they're confirming the permissions fixes as we speak
21:59.41kergothi put one up not long ago though, yes
22:01.23TimRikerwho does the merge, and with what apps image will they merge?
22:01.42kergothask mindfunk
22:08.05TimRikermindfunk: who does the merge? and with what? and how the heck can you qualify an os image with no apps? ;-)
22:09.05TimRikerkergoth: did you boot the new build? did richard's changes get in? does "ls /dev" show more than 2 colors?
22:09.18kergothi havent booted it, a bunch of the test folks have though
22:11.19mindfunkvery easily ;)
22:11.43mindfunkSo... I do the os qual... then merge in the apps, then do some sanity checking
22:11.52mindfunkthe apps guys test the apps
22:12.20mindfunkbut... since pilots are so hecktic, we've been merging before os testing
22:13.13mindfunkthe script that merges the two is mktotopkg
22:13.23mindfunkin PET/src/os/tools
22:21.59bryanwTimRiker: pong
22:23.43bryanwi was off getting 188 usb flash drives
22:28.13bryanwTimRiker:  works now
22:28.20bryanwkergoth: sending you new uflash script
22:28.25bryanwdidn't have HOME and LOGNAME set
22:35.07kergothbryanw: k
22:35.38xrharrisbryanw: I just sent you an email with the httpd.conf we need for PET2PET
22:37.09a-atwoodmindfunk: <pester>?</pester>
22:37.24kergothbryanw: put the httpd.conf and the uflash in your users area on petdoc and let me know when they're there
22:37.31kergothafter sanity checking the .conf of course
22:38.02bryanwwill do
22:38.04TimRikerbryanw: how's the speed? do we get binders now?
22:38.20bryanwTimRiker:  the drives we picked out did that 45 binder speed test in 6.5 seconds
22:38.29bryanw64mb for $30
22:38.31kergothTimRiker: woo, holger schurig is OE hacking again, now i'm not the only one improving the core :)
22:38.42bryanwthey fit in the happy hacker keyboards and come with extension cables
22:38.56TimRikermindfunk, kergoth: the apps merge should be part of the build. but you guessed that. ;-)
22:39.10bryanwTimRiker: i'll bring one down and let you see  if you want
22:39.57bryanwkergoth:  it'll be a tarball that extracts to $PWD/hotplug  and that hotplug dir needs to be whats in /etc/hotplug . i changed a few files so i'm just sending the whole lot
22:40.05bryanwand i'll test the httpd.conf now
22:40.06kergothbryanw: k
22:40.44bryanwTimRiker:  and i won't be doing bzflag for gba. i got the stuff i needed for gamecube development instead (:
22:41.44bryanwkergoth:  users/me/hotplug.tar
22:46.59bryanwTimRiker: what should the server admin email address be ?
22:50.54kergothbryanw: uploaded new image with the hotplug updates.
22:52.18bryanwkergoth:  eek need to get this httpd.conf change from xrharris in as well
22:52.24bryanwim editing/testing it now
22:52.30kergothyeah, ill do another when you give me that
22:57.42kergotherr, crap, i didnt add in the omap-rtc link and autoload of omap-rtc. should do that for this upcoming build
22:57.51kergothtoo much stuff to keep track of
22:58.33kergothTimRiker: you know of a decent linux outliner and/or decent task tracking software?
22:59.06bryanwkergoth:  petdoc/users/me/hotplug.tar  petdoc/users/me/httpd.conf
22:59.11bryanwhttpd.conf in /etc/apache/
22:59.19kergothhas hotplug changed since the last one/
22:59.25kergoth15 minutes ago
23:01.52a-atwoodmindfunk:  ok, what is the label to this so I can pull the os?
23:02.28bryanwnot since the hotplug.tar no
23:06.04TimRikerkergoth: never really looked. entering tasks in bugzilla with dependancies has worked, but it leaves a lot to be desired. gforge has some of that integrated now. sill lacking.
23:06.41TimRikerthere are gui project management apps for linux, but none with windows versions as well that I've found so I've not considered them.
23:07.16TimRikerthe outline mode on openoffice is usable. if that's what you are after.
23:07.30TimRikerpasting into the impress (slide shows) works well too.
23:10.41a-atwoodkergoth:  what is the label you put on the build that just went to release?  Need to pull ther kernel sources for Wipor
23:10.42TimRikerbryanw: bring the cube in so I can see what the kit looks like.
23:10.50a-atwoodkergoth: er Wipro
23:11.07TimRikerI'm looking for someone with a action replay kit for the xbox so I can hack mine without opening the case.
23:11.30bryanwTimRiker: it consists of cube controller>keyboard/mouse connector , cube network adapter, and phantasy star online game(has a network exploit for you to run your own code)
23:11.52bryanwgoing to pickup the last copy of pso for 15 miles after work today
23:11.52TimRikeroh cool. so got it booting linux yet?
23:12.02bryanwTimRiker:  no one has it booting liniux yet
23:12.05bryanwbut there are many dev kits
23:12.11bryanwyou can write you own code for it
23:12.14bryanwlinux is in the works
23:12.17TimRikerxbox needs a savegame and 007. that's why I need the action replay to load the save game.
23:13.31kergothNeo|Work: ping
23:13.41kergotha-atwood: PILOT1_CANDIDATE_10002, iirc
23:13.53kergotha-atwood: something like that, bu tits datestamped between dandiate and 10002
23:14.01kergothgah, cant type
23:14.05Neo|Workkergoth: pong
23:14.38kergothNeo|Work: compared app behavior to ts_test behavior. apps are getting jumpy events. ts_test is solid as a rock.  its almost like qte is doing ts_read_raw, not ts_read calls.
23:15.15Neo|Workkergoth: if it would be reading raw, the events would be way out of bounds
23:15.28Neo|Workwhich to the user looks like the touchscreen isn't working
23:15.39kergothwell i dunno. outside the apps its flawless
23:15.41kergothits strange
23:15.55Neo|Workand you wrote the code :)
23:16.06kergothheh, yeah, i know
23:16.19kergothNeo|Work: where are hte qte sources ben weatherall is using?
23:16.29kergothi need a dev environment so i can debug
23:16.34Neo|Workone sec
23:16.37kergothis he applying any patches to it before the build?
23:17.12Neo|Workthat is patched versions
23:17.14kergoththats sources?
23:17.18Neo|Workwell, arm-debug and arm-release
23:17.22Neo|Workthe "-sdk" ones have no source
23:22.58kergothNeo|Work: is there a paint app or something that i can start -qws just for testing ts?
23:23.38mindfunkkergoth: there is a rumor going around that there is another build...
23:23.49Neo|Workonly image editor but I never had it running on the device...
23:24.11Neo|Workbut you can always run tirun -qws tisetup and use the scrollbars
23:24.19kergothmindfunk: i uploaded a new one with the new hotplug bits, but i havent built one with the new apache config yet. working on it.
23:24.34kergothNeo|Work: theres something wrong with teh scrollbars above and beyond the ts
23:24.36mindfunkok... pls let me know when it is there
23:24.47kergothNeo|Work: the position on teh srollbar isnt anywhere near the position of the cursor qte draws
23:24.59kergothcursor is correct, bar position is not
23:25.06kergothdunno whats up there
23:26.29Neo|Workyou don't see the cursor moving as much it seems
23:26.39Neo|Workthe refresh rate of the screen is kind of slow
23:26.55Neo|Workso it becomes kind of a blur. :P
23:26.55kergothi mean, i saw pat release the ts
23:27.01kergothleft it for seconds
23:27.11kergothcursor stayed inteh right place
23:27.15kergothscrollbar was still off
23:27.59kergothso doesnt seem to be just refresh
23:28.25Neo|Workit could be what I just experienced perhaps
23:28.34Neo|Workpress, move scrollbar around, release
23:28.39Neo|Workit jumps back to original position
23:28.41Neo|Workis that it?
23:29.03kergothno, what i saw was that the cursor was right, or clsoe to it, but the position of hte scrollbar was like 30 pixels off of the cursor position
23:29.18kergothit varied, but the point is that the cursor didnt match the scrollbar
23:29.33Neo|WorkI have seen the cursor jump like 30 pixels
23:29.35Neo|Workif not more
23:29.38Neo|Workand then move back
23:29.41kergothyes, the cursor can screw up
23:29.44kergoththats not the point
23:29.44Neo|Workbut it's almost impossible to see it doing it
23:30.15kergothi'm not saying there isnt a touchscreen problem, i'm saying theres more going on than just that.
23:30.16Neo|Workit's possible that it got a release event, press event, release event
23:30.19Neo|WorkI've seen that too
23:30.29Neo|WorkI honstly don't think there is
23:30.42Neo|Workif the events were printed out it probably would become clearer
23:30.42kergoththers nothing wrong with gettin ga release, press, release
23:30.52kergothyeah, indeed. adding debug messages now
23:30.55Neo|Workif you pressed, draged, released, sure :)
23:31.09Neo|Workwe can argue or discuss it but it's pointless because we can't see what's going on heh
23:31.18Neo|Workbtw, the best place to debug is readMouseData
23:31.33Neo|Workall other locations agree with that data (I traced it around when I got seriously odd behavior)
23:31.49Neo|Workor I should say, nothing happens between readMouseData and the end mouse event that changes it
23:32.17Neo|Workwell, I should say, thave I have seen / noticed
23:32.29Neo|WorkI think all processing of ts events is actually in that file
23:36.25*** join/#pet richardw (
23:39.06mindfunkkergoth: build ready?
23:51.22TimRikerkergoth: busybox needs to be u+s for the apache scripts to use su
23:51.25kergothTimRiker: it is
23:51.29TimRikerwhere should I do that?
23:51.35TimRikeroh. since when?
23:51.35kergothi did it earlier
23:51.41kergoththis morning
23:59.04bryanwkergoth: *poke* , build?
23:59.22kergoththis ts thing is weird
23:59.31kergoththe cursor appears right over the fin ish button, yet the button never gets pressed
23:59.51kergothoh, dont mind me, i'm a moron
23:59.55kergothbutton was greyed out ;)

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