IRC log for #opie on 20080906

03:32.05*** join/#opie `fred` (
05:13.00*** join/#opie gardar (
05:58.28*** join/#opie goxboxlive (
08:44.01*** join/#opie bluelightning (n=blueligh@pdpc/supporter/active/bluelightning)
09:30.35*** join/#opie pogan0 (n=karol@
10:36.30pogan0did someone install linux on smartphone?
10:38.59bluelightningpogan0: lots of people :)
10:39.24bluelightningopie does not provide a phone application though
15:31.31*** join/#opie diogo (n=diogo@
15:32.43diogohey everyone, I was looking on the network and thought how about taking the Micro$oft out of my Qtek... so I saw the opie... how usable is it and is it compatible with Qtek (HTC) A9100, to use together with a cellphone usability?
16:09.52bluelightningdiogo: first, Linux would need to boot on that device
16:10.00bluelightningnot sure if that works or not
16:10.20bluelightningsecondly, Opie does not provide a phone application so it wouldn't be much use as a phone anymore
16:10.37*** part/#opie diogo (n=diogo@
18:20.30*** join/#opie mr_nice (
18:25.07*** join/#opie gardar (
19:08.09*** join/#opie polyonymous_ (

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