IRC log for #opie on 20080125

00:07.23*** join/#opie Harlekin_42 (
00:31.20*** join/#opie Harlekin (
01:04.01*** join/#opie docgnome (
01:04.21docgnomeis there a way to convert calenders from the iCalendar format to whatever opie uses?
02:58.58*** join/#opie exastra (
03:35.28*** join/#opie gints__ (n=gints@
04:29.43*** join/#opie bluelightning (
05:14.34*** join/#opie hvontres|home (
06:18.43*** join/#opie exastra (
06:51.40*** join/#opie xjqian (
06:57.04*** join/#opie exastra (n=go@
07:14.24*** join/#opie xjqian (
07:21.59*** join/#opie polyonymous (
07:35.04*** join/#opie Chicken (
08:02.16*** join/#opie exastra (n=go@
08:04.23*** part/#opie xjqian (
08:12.35*** join/#opie renderful (n=renderfu@
09:19.49*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
10:01.59*** join/#opie Belldandy` (
10:07.03*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
10:19.08*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
10:53.12*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
11:59.48*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
12:25.48*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
12:57.13*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
13:02.00*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
13:22.12*** join/#opie mzb (
13:26.25*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
15:03.38*** join/#opie hvontres|work (
15:06.34*** join/#opie ArjanS (
15:35.12*** join/#opie cyberdeck (
15:47.44*** join/#opie exastra (n=go@
15:47.56*** join/#opie gints___ (n=gints@
16:42.44*** join/#opie exastra (n=go@
16:55.24*** join/#opie france (n=George@handhelds/founder/france)
17:07.29*** join/#opie goxboxlive (
17:26.12*** join/#opie gardar (
17:28.02*** join/#opie goxboxlive (
18:11.42*** join/#opie vud1 (n=vud1@unaffiliated/vud1)
18:58.31*** join/#opie `fred` (
19:08.10*** join/#opie par (
19:35.12*** join/#opie bluelightning (
19:53.35*** join/#opie hvontres|work (
21:00.26*** join/#opie drw (n=drw@
21:07.06*** join/#opie JW (
21:08.05*** join/#opie leandr0 (n=leandro@
21:08.18leandr0Hello, from Argentina.
21:08.59leandr0I can translate to Spanish  some code for OPIE project.
21:10.09leandr0Do anybody know can I help or if my help is needed
21:10.38gintsleandr0: did you check Spanish aiviablility in ?
21:10.59bluelightningleandr0: translations are slowly getting out of date, so any help would be greatly appreciated :)
21:11.21bluelightningIIRC there is a spanish translation, no idea what the state of it is though
21:11.44gintshi bluelightning
21:11.50bluelightninghi gints
21:12.05leandr0Ah, Ok. I really don't find that translation!
21:13.17bluelightninghmm, well there's an "es" directory under i18n in the source code
21:13.19gintsleandr0: install aditional packages ... and look of translation quality
21:13.27bluelightningsomewhere there should be a package to install an es translation
21:13.54gintshmm.. may be info of responsible person in source?
21:15.39bluelightningSee:  and
21:16.08bluelightningafaik though none of the people listed there are still involved
21:17.51gintsbut may be contact is informed about state :)
21:18.35bluelightningof course state gets worse and worse as new features are added / changes are made
21:20.15leandr0Thnks a lot
21:20.21bluelightninggints: you don't use it all the time?
21:20.38*** part/#opie leandr0 (n=leandro@
21:20.40gintsI stop using opie for some half year
21:20.47bluelightningah ok
21:21.02gintsbecause no distro for my device :(
21:21.36bluelightningyes, hopefully we are on the way to sorting that one out...
21:21.45gintsI hope
21:21.54bluelightningjust need sound and battery stuff for h3900, hopefully someone can figure that out
21:22.21gintsI would like to see my wireless workin :)
21:23.05bluelightninggints: does the sleeve at least detect cards?
21:23.19gintshmm ... let me check :)
21:29.47gintshmm. not sure how to check
21:30.38gintsI have now GPE
21:30.55gintsgpe-conf says PCMICIA initialisation failed
21:39.16gintsI check does it is possible to connect Ipaq with usbnetworking
21:43.05gintsbluelightning do you know what module is responsible for usbnetworking in angstrom?
21:43.25bluelightninggints: g_ether
22:39.28gintsopie image after insmod g_ether says No Such file
22:39.45bluelightningmodprobe g_ether?
22:39.55bluelightningworked for me on my h2200...
22:40.36gintsit's ok
22:41.18gintshe he... seems like I got it
22:52.02gintsbluelightning have you link with instructions on routing by hand?
22:52.31gintsso I can access internet with ipaq
22:52.37bluelightningif you mean with iptables, I have a script
22:52.52gintscould you chare it pls?
22:53.19bluelightningyou'll need to adjust it to suit your setup
22:55.36goxboxlivei guess
23:05.41gintshmm.. I did everything but ipaq seems cannot ping even host eth0 interface
23:05.56gintsusb0 are pinging fine
23:11.28gintsok...seems like I off today
23:14.00*** join/#opie vud1 (n=vud1@unaffiliated/vud1)
23:35.13bluelightninggints: try unplugging and plugging back in

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