IRC log for #opie on 20080113

00:52.49*** join/#opie mzb_d800 (
02:42.18*** join/#opie neural (
02:43.25neuralwow connected from a palm t3 hello to all
02:43.49bluelightninghi neural
02:45.08neuralmust fiigure out how to install new app
03:34.15*** join/#opie mzb (
04:47.54bluelightningxjqian: can't view that without logging in and it's not accepting my password atm, what is it?
04:48.45xjqianzroadmap 1.1.0 running on opie/angstrom
04:49.41bluelightningxjqian: cool :)
04:49.43xjqianjust pushed the fixes to .dev
05:09.33xjqianbluelightning: have you tried opie-1.2.4-pre with Angstrom 2008.1
05:10.03xjqianbluelightning: libopie2 is not buildable right now
05:36.16bluelightningxjqian: not recently no, I will have to try it out soon
05:43.23xjqianbluelightning: seems to be more stringent gcc checking, causing some uninitiated virtural functions to fail
06:30.31bluelightningxjqian: I think I've already fixed those in CVS, perhaps the CVSDATE you are using is a bit old?
06:32.00xjqianvery likely, 1.2.4-pre fetched srcdate ~= 200707**
06:37.00bluelightningxjqian: ah right, those patches weren't in until 20071027
07:09.01*** join/#opie Marex-notebook (
07:22.48*** join/#opie polyonymous_ (
09:02.50aquadranbluelightning: hi
09:03.05bluelightninghi aquadran
09:03.32aquadranbluelightning: i see new opie only on angstrom
09:03.49bluelightningaquadran: at the moment yes
09:04.20bluelightningI have waited for Familiar to ramp up again, so far no news...
09:05.53aquadranbluelightning: absence of george and eric starting a bit annoiyng
09:06.16bluelightningaquadran: Erik's still around
09:07.54aquadranbluelightning: ah, so i didn't noticed
09:24.51aquadranbluelightning: hmm, but no changes in past half of year in familiar tree
09:26.09bluelightningaquadran: yes, hence why Angstrom is the only option at the moment
09:27.18*** join/#opie polyonymous-note (
09:27.55aquadranbluelightning: i'm not suprised
09:31.00bluelightningaquadran: well, George is in charge of Familiar, if you want to find out what's going on you'd have to talk to him
09:31.30bluelightningIf he decides to continue working on it then I will of course assist with any Opie-related issues
09:33.48aquadranbluelightning: yeah, it seems i need to talk to him
09:48.11*** join/#opie z72ka (
10:05.20*** join/#opie utrrrongeeb (
10:36.13*** join/#opie s____gint (n=gints@
14:11.46*** join/#opie mickeyl (n=mickey@openmoko/coreteam/mickey)
15:34.35*** join/#opie z72ka (
15:57.29*** join/#opie DarthWader (
16:10.16vekexasiacan someone help me please?
16:30.31*** part/#opie mickeyl (n=mickey@openmoko/coreteam/mickey)
17:59.45*** join/#opie vud1 (n=vud1@unaffiliated/vud1)
18:56.04*** join/#opie goxboxlive (
19:15.04*** join/#opie |fred| (
22:49.19*** join/#opie ts____gin (n=gints@
22:57.39*** join/#opie vud1 (n=vud1@unaffiliated/vud1)

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