IRC log for #opie on 20071012

00:30.12*** join/#opie polyonymous|note (
04:33.08*** join/#opie s____gint (n=gints@
05:15.59*** join/#opie dion (
06:00.23*** join/#opie polyonymous-note (
07:13.06*** join/#opie cyberdeck (i=molter@unaffiliated/cyberdeck)
07:15.39*** join/#opie bluelightning (
08:11.57*** join/#opie Marex-notebook (
08:15.37*** join/#opie tomimo (
10:26.40*** join/#opie polyonymous (
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11:33.35*** join/#opie Marex-notebook (
11:50.21*** join/#opie alp42c (i=545cf9df@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:51.05alp42cPlease can anybody tell me if there is a opie image For My Spitz ??
11:55.11bluelightningalp42c: that would be dependent on whether a distribution provides one...
11:56.19alp42cOk  I have been using angstrom for the last 3 months Before that I had openzaurus ?
11:56.57bluelightninghmm ok... at the moment Angstrom does not provide official Opie support
11:57.02bluelightningwe hope they will do so soon
11:58.06alp42cIs there anything Unoficial (:-}}
11:58.27alp42cIve downloaded the latest gpe image
11:59.40Darth_Waderbluelightning: koen starts to weaken in his crusade agains opie? %)
11:59.49alp42cI was hoping to be able to install opie omn top of the latest gpe Image
12:00.19Darth_Wadergo build images manually
12:00.24bluelightningDarth_Wader: probably not... but I'm hoping that psokolovsky and polyonymous have not given up the batte ;)
12:01.24bluelightningalp42c: I know that's not a good answer but unfortunately there isn't really any alternative at the moment
12:09.45*** join/#opie IAW7657 (i=545cf9df@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:20.30*** join/#opie gardar (
12:41.52*** join/#opie Alp42 (
12:42.26Alp42ah i am back
12:43.39Alp42I think i was talking to bluelightning about opie on spitz
12:44.39bluelightningAlp42: well I can read you now so I guess so :)
12:45.35Alp42ah thanks the web based version was crashing  and the wondows based Irc client was fighting Mcafee AAARGH
12:47.20Alp42what i was trying to ask is there any info on installing opie on top of a Angstrom gpe image
12:47.52Alp42Darth it was Mcafee 8.0i
12:49.59Darth_Waderso what?
12:50.48Darth_Waderfor opie+gpe on the same image you`ll need dual-boot switcher, can't remember it's name though
12:52.05Alp42Sorry darth i saw request version
12:53.50Darth_Waderwhat irc client was blocked by mcafee?
12:55.08Alp42it was Hirc 1.18 I was getting server disconnect messages on every connect
12:55.48Alp42i dont care Mutch (-)) Ive jus disabled the mcafee  
12:58.40Alp42I cant build it in angstrom as I cannot get kubuntu tribe 5 to Install on My new hdd
12:59.37Alp42:/topic #opie i
13:08.34*** join/#opie Alp42 (
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13:09.16bluelightningbedtime... night all
13:10.12Alp42Hmm Irc in Windoze Not Stable Got a grash dump ... LOL
13:11.58Darth_Waderswitch to other clients like kvirc
13:13.31Alp42thanks gownloading it now
13:14.46Alp42Does anyone Know of a Spitz opie Image (I hope I am not Repearting Myself)
13:17.11Darth_Waderyou may ask on #angstrom channel, but it's more likely that u'll end up building it by self
13:18.09Alp42Thats what I tghought
13:18.59Alp42My New Hdd Refuses to Accept a install of Kubuntu Tribe 5
13:19.18Alp42For Somthing Differant have a Look at
13:20.08Alp42its a asus minibook thats supposted to run linux
13:20.35Darth_Waderbut u'll be unable to build angstrom/opie/gpe on it anyway
13:21.58Marex-notebookAlp42, install debian
13:22.34Darth_Waderhi Marex
13:22.51Marex-notebookhi Darth_Wader
13:24.01Alp42on the kubuntu pc it built angstrom gpe ok
13:24.24Alp42i used debiamn on my main pc 4 years ago
13:31.38*** join/#opie iManGo8888 (i=iphone@gateway/tor/x-5fa1288ff30ce2f6)
13:36.04Alp42but they will email me on Monday
13:36.29Darth_Waderi think that eeePC will use some custom DE
13:37.39*** join/#opie goxboxlive (
13:39.08Marex-notebookI think you can install whatever you want there
14:01.32Alp42ive just downloaded debian etch aad burnt a cd
14:01.48Alp42THANKS For The Help Info
14:02.13Alp42I am ging to take this Pc to Bits To Install Etch
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19:35.12*** topic/#opie is Opie Developers and Users - Open Palmtop Integrated Enviroment - - Welcome back everyone!
20:21.24*** join/#opie gardar (
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21:20.22*** topic/#opie is Opie Developers and Users - Open Palmtop Integrated Enviroment - - Welcome back everyone!
22:09.47*** join/#opie bluelightning (
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22:24.03*** join/#opie bluelightning (n=blueligh@pdpc/supporter/active/bluelightning)
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22:25.15*** join/#opie aquadran (i=aquadran@scummvm/undead/aquadran) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]

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