IRC log for #opie on 20070727

00:00.52polyonymousthat's why I still believe in fairy tales! :)
00:01.21Marexheh ;-)
00:01.57polyonymousbut really, I don't feel 34 even though I'm not a woman :)
00:02.35MarexI dont feel 19 either
00:02.45Marexat least not mentally :-B
00:03.01Marexbut uhm ... mentally I should be sealed in madhouse :T
00:03.02polyonymouslemme guess, you feel 91? :)
00:03.27Marexpolyonymous, not really ... I feel like 9 ;-)
00:03.35polyonymousah :)
00:03.41polyonymousPippi's age :)
00:03.51Marexjeez :D
00:04.01polyonymousI love Pippi! She's my hero! :)
00:04.06Marexok ... maybe 13 is more appropriate ;)
00:04.56Marex oh yeah :D
00:05.06Marexthats my hero :-B
00:05.59polyonymoushmm.. the difference is not really the age, but the birthdate... And in this respect I feel like I was born in 19th century, I don't give a shit about anime :)
00:06.02MarexI have also hacked opie so I can use cool Dokuro wallpaper there without that dumb scaling
00:06.34Marexpolyonymous, :D
00:06.39polyonymousI used to have claude monet as a desktop wallpaper
00:06.53Marexscary :T
00:07.18polyonymousnot Monet himself, I mean his painting :)
00:07.38MarexI understood ... that doesnt change anything about its scariness ;)
00:07.40polyonymousone of his waterlilies
00:08.02Marexwasnt he an impressionist?
00:08.28polyonymoushe was
00:08.43polyonymousis that scary? :)
00:09.24polyonymousif so, you're way too easily scared :)
00:11.04MarexIm trying to recall what I learnt on highschool
00:11.33Marexin literature classes ... darn ... I just recall our teacher was perv and was abusing my friend (girl)
00:11.35polyonymousArt is not something you can learn about, unless you love it :)
00:11.44Marexyea ;-)
00:11.54polyonymousyeah, school does a good job about making kids hate art.
00:12.18Marexthis was extereme case though ... he really was a moron
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00:19.28*** topic/#opie is Opie Developers and Users - Open Palmtop Integrated Enviroment - - Welcome back everyone!
00:19.31polyonymousdebian... Linux was developed like 2 years after I finished the school :)
00:23.05Marexpity I was too small to see the begining of linux
00:23.43polyonymousyou can still download it, I think :)
00:23.52polyonymousI remember I've tried 1.0.3something
00:24.08MarexI know, I even looked at 0.0.1
00:24.13polyonymousI haven't :)
00:24.22Marexbut its not like seeing the whole process :)
00:24.29polyonymousI think I started actually use it at ..hmm.. 1.3? could that be? I can't remember now..
00:24.50MarexI started at ... 2.4.19 ?
00:24.58Marexhmm :T
00:25.27polyonymousbut beginnging of linux isn't like beginning of the world to me, I've seen a lot of OSes before ;)
00:25.44polyonymousSo I can't say I watched the process closely, it was just another os.
00:26.35Marexit would be cool if one could move back in time and see
00:27.15polyonymousnot so sure :)
00:27.17Marexbecause at least my view of linux changed over the years and I really would like to see the begining now
00:27.35Marexit must have been interesting
00:28.05Marexbut thats maybe from being overdosed with "RevolutionOS"
00:28.16polyonymousbeauty is in the eye of the beholder :)
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00:58.04Marex hehe :B
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09:36.52bluelightninghi all
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09:51.50Marexhi :)
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10:23.31Marexbluelightning, Im now looking on the doctab issue ... looks like opie sheet has beaten me
10:25.29bluelightningMarex: ok
10:25.51bluelightningthe ultimate would be to have the doc tab not even shown, but I don't know how easy that is
10:26.20bluelightning(not shown when it's disabled, I mean)
10:33.16Marexbluelightning, who did that opie-sheet?
10:33.49Marexbtw it looks like a bug in Qt to me :-/
10:33.55Marex(sheet problem)
10:36.29bluelightningsome people called "thufir" and "hayzel" did most of the early work with little bits from other people since then
10:36.34bluelightning(according to CVS history)
10:36.44bluelightningI don't know either of them, must have been before my time
10:37.04bluelightningthat bug you were looking at is very likely a qt issue
10:37.24bluelightningit's possible it was fixed in a later version of qt 2.3.x (.11 or .12)
10:37.34bluelightningif so, we could derive a patch from there
10:38.23Marexwhy cant we just switch to qt 2.3.12 ?
10:39.05bluelightningIIRC someone said it introduced more bugs
10:39.21bluelightningperhaps zecke would be able to comment... ?
10:39.39Marexno idea ... he still ignores me :B
10:40.02Marexbecause he was not nice on me and I refused to accept it
10:40.13Marexwe had some argument about some OEbug
10:42.22Marexbtw as for qt 2.3.12 it didnt even started LCD for me :T
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11:16.26bluelightningyes... no announcement from drw and no message from him to say why he didn't send it :/
11:16.56m0d0rups ;-))
11:52.28zeckebluelightning: should be quite easy to not show it
11:52.42zeckebluelightning: it is a QTabWidget and one can just not call addTab
11:53.02bluelightningzecke: ok
11:53.25bluelightningI just figured if it was easy, with all the complaints we had about it someone would have done it by now :)
11:53.54bluelightningbtw can you remind me why we aren't using QtE > 2.3.10 ?
11:54.32Marexbluelightning, Im looking at the launcher now ;)
11:54.39bluelightningMarex: cool
12:00.07zeckebluelightning: every new QtE has other optimisation. AFAIK 2.3.12 has broken alpha transparency
12:00.57bluelightningzecke: hmm, fun...
12:15.49Marexmaybe IE6 is written in Qt :-B
12:16.02Marexsomeone told me it also has such issues
12:25.31bluelightningnight all
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17:18.22*** topic/#opie is Opie Developers and Users - Open Palmtop Integrated Enviroment - - Welcome back everyone!
17:52.51*** join/#opie Belldandy` (
17:58.59*** join/#opie slapin (
17:59.16slapinhi, all!
17:59.48slapinMarex, ping
18:00.16slapinMarex, thanks
18:00.25Marexslapin, what?!
18:00.50slapinMarex, do you please remember URL for opie bugtracker?
18:01.35Marexslapin, your laziness lost borders :T
18:07.18slapinCould you please look into ?
18:11.55Marexslapin, what about it?
18:14.41slapinMarex, I need that committed.
18:14.58Marexslapin, ask someone with cvs access
18:15.03Marexmoreover tree is closed now
18:16.32slapinMarex, why?
18:19.14slapinMarex, that fixes thing with absence of 320x320 backgrounds
18:19.46slapinpolyonymous, ping
18:20.41slapinpolyonymous, which reciepe in OE generates opie-taskbar-images-x-y?
18:21.04slapinpolyonymous, do you have opie cvs access, btw?
18:21.06polyonymous(in packages/opie-taskbar, I think)
18:21.16polyonymousUnless you mean read access :))
18:21.32slapinpolyonymous, I mean r/w access :)
18:21.50polyonymousThat's why I said no :) I don't really want to have it as long as opie uses cvs :)
18:22.42polyonymousMarex, I'd think it's open now (the tree). As of a couple of days ago, no?
18:34.03slapinpolyonymous, is it posible to add backgrounds OE-wise then?
18:34.25slapinpolyonymous, I mean
18:35.04polyonymousslapin, theoretically, yes, you can add it in .bb, but now that the tree is going to be open again I'd prefer to add it to opie and use cvs bbs.
18:36.10slapinpolyonymous, who is to be asked about it?
18:36.20polyonymousTry psokolovsky
18:36.33polyonymousOr about what?
18:36.37polyonymousAbout adding to opie cvs?
18:37.00slapinpolyonymous, about that bug
18:37.22polyonymousslapin, about that opie bug or about fixing it locally in OE? Those are different things.
18:37.40slapinpolyonymous, about opie bug
18:38.32polyonymousI dunno, as Marex pointed out you need someone with opie cvs access. Maybe Marex can elaborate on that too, even though he has no cvs access, he may be more acquainted with the situation.
18:40.00slapinMarex, ^^
18:40.27Marexslapin, ask bluelightning
18:41.01Marexpolyonymous, I think I will visit psychologist ... I spent two days digging in opie with no result
18:41.31slapinMarex, ??
18:41.34polyonymousMarex, I wouldn't qualify "visit psychologist" as a "no result" :)
18:41.45*** join/#opie drw (
18:41.46polyonymousslapin, Marex has just suggested that you ask bluelightning :)
18:42.00Marexpolyonymous, thanks for translation ;)
18:42.26Marexhi drw
18:42.34polyonymousMarex, you're welcome ;-) I just don't get which part (or two parts for what I can tell by the number of question marks) is questioned.
18:43.19Marexpolyonymous, probably both words were hard to understand ... thats why there are two question marks ;)
18:43.33slapinI was asking Marex about what actually made him somuch frustated about opie.
18:43.44polyonymousslapin, ah :)
18:43.51polyonymousslapin, have you ever digged opie code? :)
18:44.12Marexpolyonymous, slapin doesnt need it ... he is ill enough :-B
18:44.15slapinpolyonymous, yes, then ran away terrified.
18:44.24polyonymousslapin, so what the question is? :)
18:46.06drwhi Marex
18:46.11slapinMarex, why are you poking me all the time? :-E~~~
18:46.25polyonymousbecause you're here :)
18:46.31drw1.2.3 notices going out now...
18:50.22drwDigg up :-) -
18:53.08Marexm0d0r, I will translate it into czech in ~ 1 hour
18:53.31Marexdrw, I and m0d0r will put announcements on czech and slovakian servers
18:53.51Marexslapin, wanna do the same for russian ones?
18:54.11m0d0rMarex: do you think that i am not able to translate from english ?:)))) but ok you do the work ;-)))
18:54.32Marexm0d0r, I think you can ... ;)
18:54.40Marexpolyonymous, you can do the same for german servers ;)
18:55.12drwMarex: cool, thanks
18:55.13polyonymousMarex, what do I have to do with russian servers? :)
18:55.42polyonymouswith germans.
18:55.47m0d0rpolyonymous: hack
18:55.55polyonymousI don't have much to do with russians either, but more than germans :)
18:57.00Marexpolyonymous, arent you in germany now ? :D
18:57.08polyonymousyes. So what? :)
18:57.13slapinMarex, I have no idea about russian servers, at all.
18:57.27polyonymousmaybe you want me to translate it into german too? :) I'd rather translate it to russian then :)
18:57.27Marexslapin, I see ... you are lazy again
18:57.38polyonymousAlthough, I'm afraid, my russian is too good for average russian geek.
18:58.01Marexpolyonymous, thanks
18:58.20polyonymousthanks for what?
18:59.30slapinpolyonymous, my russian is worse than my english now, so :)
18:59.43slapinpolyonymous, thanks
19:00.40polyonymousslapin, unfortunately, those russian geek don't know russian, anyway. Neither the know english :) Lost case.
19:02.47slapinMarex, I'm not lazy, I have lots to do. I need to finally test this sleep mode thingy...
19:03.05slapinMarex, :-P
19:03.23Marexslapin, you are lazy to test it? I see ...
19:05.47slapinMarex, I'm not
19:06.03slapinMarex, I just wait for volunteers
19:06.23Marexbecaues you ARE lazy ... get to live with it ;)
19:06.25slapinMarex, anyway, I need that image with backgrounds working
19:06.36slapinMarex, no, I'm not.
19:06.43Marexslapin, stfu, thanks
19:07.01slapinMarex, not yet
19:31.23Darth_Wa1er///wi 52
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19:43.45lopez-7xxhi guys?
19:44.44lopez-7xxis possible running opie in x86?
19:46.40lopez-7xxhey Marex, you know any "how to" to do this?
19:46.49Marexuse OE
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19:56.52Marexabclinuxu updated
19:59.19Darth_Wa1eris it already added to OE?
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21:43.57Marexhi bluelightning
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22:02.04bluelightninghi Marex
22:02.07bluelightningwhat's up?
22:02.31Marexbluelightning, docTab ...
22:02.41Marexit is not as easy as zecke said
22:09.25bluelightningstill no announcement either... :/
22:09.36bluelightningthis is getting ridiculous
22:09.37Marexthere already is
22:09.47bluelightningeh? I don't see one in my inbox is already updated :B
22:10.18Marex26.07.07 Opie version 1.2.3 released
22:10.44bluelightningoh, hang on, email is still downloading :o
22:10.51bluelightningmy bad
22:11.03Marexno problem ;)
22:11.16bluelightningit takes ages now because I get tons of spam
22:11.33Marexdamn :T
22:11.40Marexbtw I saw your website :B
22:12.02Marexyeah ;)
22:12.12bluelightningoh right... not much to see there really
22:12.43Marexbut BTTF is my favourite movie too ;-)
22:13.47Marexwoohoo ... now I have TWO doctabs X-D
22:14.28bluelightningyeah BTTF rocks
22:14.36bluelightningwoohoo... I'm sure that's useful :)
22:15.14slapinwhat is BTTF?
22:15.20bluelightningBack To The Future
22:15.23Marexbluelightning, one on left and one on right ... its so cool :-B
22:15.27slapinah, yes!
22:15.32bluelightningMarex: stereo! ::D
22:15.40Marexyeah! :D
22:16.38slapinbluelightning, btw, about that bug 1881...
22:16.55Marexnp: Johnny B. Goode - Marty McFly and the Starlighters - Back To The Future OST
22:17.06Marexslapin, sheesh :T
22:17.24slapinMarex, ?
22:17.42slapinMarex, I added that to OE anyway.
22:17.59Marexyour OE commit access should be revoked for that
22:18.00bluelightningslapin: yep, what about it ?
22:18.16Marexslapin, you should add stuff to mainstream, not abuse OE
22:18.24Marexbluelightning, please commit it ;)
22:18.32slapinbluelightning, commit, yes :)
22:18.36bluelightningMarex: it doesn't matter, it'll go into 1.2.4 and then it can be removed from OE
22:18.39bluelightningyes, I will
22:18.58Marexbluelightning, yea ... for 1.2.3 is quite late ;)
22:19.33MarexBTTF soundtrack is just perfect ... I cant stop listening to it
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