irclog2html for #opie on 20060625

00:01.25*** join/#opie _jal (
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00:23.58*** join/#opie thejapa (
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05:04.23*** topic/#opie by -> Opie 1.2.2 is here! Release announcement: | Bluetooth updates :
05:07.49*** join/#opie hrw|gone (
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17:33.53*** join/#opie thejapa (
17:34.25thejapahullo ppl
17:35.35thejapaanybody knows some doc to use kdevelop for opie development?
17:35.54zeckeeverything is outdated
17:37.05thejapamaybe I should assume I can't use kdevelop3 for opie devlopment... or am i wrong?
17:40.38*** part/#opie Sadly (n=Timur@
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18:47.53lpotteryou probasbly can
18:48.31lpotterhave to add paths and such. you might have to hack the templates if you want to use those
19:22.22thejapalpotter: ah, thanks.
19:43.50*** join/#opie france_ (
21:32.00thejapahi all: opie dev docs state i need to download qte-2.3.7, but on trolltech there is qte up to version 2.3.10... considering the docs are outdated, can i use 2.3.7 or should i go for newer version?
21:34.25mickey|fifa2006dunno which opie dev docs you mean, but the README in the cvs tree recommends 2.3.10
21:35.38thejapamickey|fifa2006: i'm using this as my guide:
21:35.49mickey|fifa2006that's _pretty_ old :)
21:35.52thejapathanks for the pointer for the README
21:35.58thejapaoh, is there a newer doc?
21:36.03mickey|fifa2006doubtfully :/
21:36.15mickey|fifa2006check the wiki on the
21:36.27thejapathanks a lot
22:29.02*** join/#opie Shoragan (
23:56.04*** join/#opie {-award-} (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.