irclog2html for #opie on 20060108

00:01.24*** join/#opie ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:01.24*** topic/#opie is Opie 1.2.0 is here! Release announcement: | Bluetooth updates :
00:30.16*** join/#opie ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:30.16*** topic/#opie is Opie 1.2.0 is here! Release announcement: | Bluetooth updates :
00:46.39*** join/#opie FortMax (
03:09.45*** join/#opie keeper (
03:29.15*** join/#opie George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
03:32.21*** join/#opie aquadran_ (i=pablo@scummvm/undead/aquadran)
04:07.10*** part/#opie wingel (
05:20.17*** join/#opie vIkSiT (n=Viksit@unaffiliated/viksit)
07:33.51*** join/#opie mithro (
07:42.02*** join/#opie uv1 (
07:43.23*** join/#opie wingel (
08:03.04*** join/#opie zap (n=zap@
08:03.37*** join/#opie zap_ (n=zap@
08:53.19*** join/#opie mithro (
08:55.50*** join/#opie Chicken (
09:34.40*** join/#opie Shoragan (
09:38.40*** join/#opie Chicken (
10:12.12*** join/#opie zecke (n=ich@
10:18.12aquadranzecke: hi, what is suggested stuff currently to run opie on linux PC for development ? OpieSDK from opie site or Opie native on x86 from OE ?
10:19.40zeckeaquadran: compile QtE and Opie yourself ;)
10:19.48zeckeaquadran: isn't hard at all
10:22.15aquadranzecke: should i use the same sources version of QtE same as in Opie from OE ?
10:22.55zeckeaquadran: did you read the wiki page on howto build QtE and Opie for x86? ;)
10:26.48aquadranzecke: last time i tried build QTE and Opie from OE but it fails compile somewhere. so thats why i asking. about wiki page i'm just searching
10:28.15aquadranzecke: thanks :)
11:05.08*** join/#opie incinerator (
11:19.25uv1Hi all!
11:19.57uv1Recognized, that OpiePlayer2 works now. Which modules are needed for ogg playing ?
11:26.35aquadranzecke: opie x86 is building :)
11:31.12uv1aquadran: Did you start from scratch ?
11:43.40aquadranuv1: yes
11:48.36uv1aquadran: Which compiler ?
11:52.08*** join/#opie _alwin_ (
12:16.27aquadranuv1: debian gcc 4.0.3
13:16.18*** join/#opie FortMax (
13:22.10*** join/#opie {-award-} (
13:32.25*** join/#opie FortMax (
13:38.52*** join/#opie luother (
13:39.49luotherhi, what does a fileselector return and how do i convert it to a qstring?
13:43.09zeckeluother: what does the API documentation say?
13:44.11luotherzecke, the API documentation says that I'm too dumb to read and use it :)
13:44.34luotheri'm already searching...
13:46.31*** join/#opie FortMax (
14:00.39zeckeluother: what does the header look like?
14:02.01luotherzecke thanks, got it now. (your) opie documentation is really good.
14:38.22*** join/#opie FortMax (
15:03.46*** join/#opie theturtle (
15:05.22*** part/#opie luother (
15:14.32*** join/#opie zecke (n=ich@
15:35.47*** join/#opie jal (
16:26.14*** join/#opie vIkSiT (n=Viksit@unaffiliated/viksit)
16:36.59*** join/#opie _law_|iBook (n=_law_|iB@
16:48.00*** join/#opie jott_ (
16:49.43*** join/#opie jal (
17:22.57*** join/#opie vIkSiT (n=Viksit@unaffiliated/viksit)
18:33.08*** join/#opie FortMax (
18:59.54*** join/#opie FortMax (
19:16.18*** join/#opie dan2003 (
19:16.38dan2003wot might cause messgae such as these? | main.o: In function `__tcf_0':
19:16.39dan2003| main.cpp:(.text+0xbcc): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::~Init()'
19:16.39dan2003| main.o: In function `global constructors keyed to txMutex':
19:16.39dan2003| main.cpp:(.text+0xbdc): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()'
19:16.39dan2003| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
20:01.56*** join/#opie FortMax (
20:28.42*** join/#opie JeaK110 (
20:43.19*** join/#opie _alwin_ (
20:55.17*** join/#opie mithro (
22:18.31*** join/#opie hhhcz (
22:28.57*** join/#opie vIkSiT (n=Viksit@unaffiliated/viksit)
22:58.34*** join/#opie orangey (
23:33.16*** join/#opie FortMax (
23:51.35*** join/#opie FortMax (
23:54.06*** join/#opie mnm (
23:55.50mnmI recently installed opie along with OZ 3.5.3 and noticed the when I open a app in the tool bar I get the app icon , being a circle, within a black square... why does this happen? how can I fix it? is it a known bug??
23:58.41*** join/#opie orangey (
23:59.22*** join/#opie FortMax (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.