irclog2html for #opie on 20050329

00:00.18*** join/#opie dwmw2_gone (
00:05.41Coumetreke, with ksync, u can only sync with kde?
00:06.13trekeCoume: There used to be an evolution target for it
00:06.17trekebut that was a few years ago
00:06.51zecke_treke: that was before people broke the KABC API and rendered my evo plugin useless
00:07.02zecke_treke: you can use two local konnectors
00:07.53Coumeerm :/
00:21.47CoumeNight everyone
00:27.02*** join/#opie bjohnson (~bjohnson@
00:29.18trekezecke, would that handle directories?
00:30.31zecke_treke: ah sorry, FileSync :}
00:31.49zecke_treke: good nite
00:32.02zecke_battery is running out :}
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01:09.24jotthm is there a zethereal ipk for 0.8.1/opie 1.2 ?
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05:59.15*** join/#opie Somez (
06:19.50*** join/#opie _law_ (
06:35.01*** join/#opie Coume (
06:50.58Somezguys what is hancom mobilesheet/word/mobilepresentviewer ?
06:51.02Somezis it working under opie?
07:00.02*** join/#opie bluelightning (
07:00.42Somezhi bluelightning
07:00.53Somezbluelightning: do you know hancom mobileword or textmaker for zaurus?
07:04.09gintshi Somez
07:04.27Somezhi gints
07:09.35_law_Somez, i think hancom mobileword works with compat-libs
07:11.01Somez_law_: and what are these compat-libs?
07:11.15Somezsomeone told me that the oper browser is also working with these
07:11.37gintsSomez: yes
07:11.51gintsthis is old libs from oie 1.0.1
07:11.56Somezand what are the disadvantages of this?
07:12.37gintsyou need aprox 2mb space for thease libs...
07:12.45Somezthat's no problem
07:12.57gintsthen go on...
07:12.58Somezbut are their any problems with them except this space thing?
07:13.10_law_Somez, mobilesheet doesnt work correct
07:13.13SomezI mean incompatibility with the latest opie packages etc
07:13.23Somez_law_: and what about textmaker for zaurus?
07:13.39gintsIf you do not use thease libs you just can't start...
07:13.50Somezgints: can't start what?
07:13.59gintsold apps...
07:14.04gintslike opera...
07:14.14Somezthat's ok, but what about the new apps with the old libs?
07:14.17_law_Somez, i haven?t tested testmaker
07:14.24gintsno probs..
07:14.36gintsnew apps will use new libs..
07:14.50Somezso I don't have to overwrite the new libs...
07:14.51gintsyou just will give lib path for old apps...
07:15.00Somezthat sounds great
07:15.23gints1. Say one has a a big warehouse. In this case the stores person will process picking list and hand over the printout to the (let us say) "Picker". Picker will pick the goods as per the printout and write down discrepancy on the paper. The stores manager will take this paper and register the picking list (taking into account the discrepancy).
07:15.23gintsThis is what I imagine must be the functionality, I dont think I have read this in any of the manuals.
07:15.47gintsThat was supposed for you
07:16.31Somezgints: I hope this will help :-)
07:16.41Somezand the libs are in the 7.2 familiar feed?
07:16.47Somez0.7.2 I mean
07:17.11gintstry to search inet for oz-compat
07:17.17Somezok :-)
07:17.19gintsthat's also is ok...
07:18.16Somezgints: have you tried TextMaker for Zaurus?
07:18.27SomezThey say, that it's a very good word processor
07:18.58gintsWhat's this?
07:19.03Somezwait a sec
07:19.18SomezI'll give you a link, but until that take a look at these:
07:19.53gintsCould be ok...
07:20.02Somezthis :-)
07:20.05Somezthis is for zaurus
07:20.52gintsSomez: You need MS Word compat?
07:20.56Somezyeah :-(
07:21.05Somezand xls, and power point too
07:21.12Somezpower point is not so important
07:21.17SomezI've installed opie-sheet
07:21.24Somezbut I can't import xls files with it
07:21.35Somezhowever it has an option for that
07:21.49gintsfor export...
07:22.11gintsah .. no for import !!
07:22.23Somezyes yes :-)
07:22.34gintsand it works..?
07:22.45Somezno, because I can't browse my device
07:23.00gintswhat do you mean by browse device...?
07:23.09Someztry it yourself :-)
07:23.13SomezI choose import
07:23.20Somezand I must choose the excel file
07:23.33gintsI see..
07:23.37Somezbut I can't browse my disk for the file
07:24.04Somezgints: wich package I need from this:
07:24.44*** join/#opie Coume (
07:24.59gintsand before install opie-sh from feed....
07:25.15gintsfrom distro feed.. not this
07:25.18SomezI must install opie-sh from the latest opie feed?
07:25.28Somezbefore I install the compat lib
07:25.28gintsfrom latest distro. :)
07:25.38Somezok thanks
07:26.04Somezthat compat lib is only 450k...
07:26.26gintsmay be I was wrong...
07:26.34gintsah that could be case...
07:26.43gintsbecause I used old opie from familiar....
07:26.48gintsthey could be bigger...
07:26.49SomezI see
07:26.55SomezI hope this will work
07:26.59gintslet's see
07:27.05Somezit would be great if I can use textmaker and maybe opera
07:27.13Somezor hancomshett
07:28.16Somezgints: what kind of device do you have?
07:31.03gintsSomez: I have idea...
07:31.17Somezwhat kind of idea? :-)
07:31.17gintsI would prepear one of my cards for old opie apps...
07:31.31gintsthey are not changing...
07:31.36SomezI have only a 16MB MMC in my Nokia 3650 :_(
07:32.00gintsthat means after install I just put that card and uala... I have old apps.. all compat libs...
07:32.10gintsjust need to create some script for that...
07:32.20SomezI think I don't understand you
07:32.45Somezwhy do you need to do this if you can install compat libs without overwriting the newer ones?
07:32.49gintsLike card for opera
07:33.06gintsI am doing reflash often...
07:33.15Somezdamn you're right
07:33.16Somezme too :-(
07:33.30SomezI have h5550
07:33.32gintsSo card with apps what does not change is very usefulll..
07:33.38Somezwhat type of cards are working good under opie?
07:33.44Somezgints: you're right
07:33.50SomezI must buy a 256MB SD
07:33.55gintsTranscend MMC 256 MB..
07:34.02Somezwhat about SD cards?:
07:34.07SomezMMC is too slow afaik
07:34.08gintsMMC because I use it for phone too
07:34.15SomezI see
07:34.18gintsI have other 128 SD
07:34.29Somezand SD is also working with familiar?
07:34.44SomezI've heared someone who said SD is not well supported...
07:34.59gintsThat's may be case about h5xxx
07:35.03SomezI've tried my 16MB MMC and it worked, altough I didn't write on it
07:35.06Somezdamn :-)
07:35.14SomezI'll ask this on
07:35.36gintsalso try search mail archives...
07:35.59gintsthere should be lot of info about that...
07:35.59gintsalso device project...
07:36.00Somezok thanks
07:43.26*** join/#opie _alwin_ (
07:43.49gintshi _alwin_
07:44.06_alwin_hi there
07:59.41*** join/#opie Chicken (
08:00.20gintshi Chicken
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08:14.35bluelightninghi all
08:15.08gintshi bluelightning
08:15.22gintsdo you have latest image?
08:15.36gintswith opie 1.2
08:15.38bluelightningI have 20050326 on both my ipaqs
08:16.06gintsI have strange issue with opie-security...
08:16.17gintsIt works fine with first start...
08:16.23bluelightninggints: what's happening?
08:16.25gintsenter pin and ceter...
08:16.35gintsthen after restart of opie...
08:16.55gintsI get screen... and taps is somthin like messed up..
08:17.03gintsmean pin screen...
08:17.18gintswhen I somehow enter pin...
08:17.19bluelightninghmm... I have seen that before
08:17.32bluelightningI should have reported it really :(
08:17.50gintsthen when work PIN window apears again...
08:18.02bluelightningonly seems to happen if you restart opie without rebooting
08:18.08gintsI wanted that you check too before...
08:18.09bluelightningthat's what I found anyway
08:18.36gintsso we found bug...
08:19.46*** join/#opie zedkatuf (
08:20.31bluelightningit would seem so
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08:24.00gintsseems like we should open 1.2 bug project in Mantis
08:24.29bluelightningunfortunately I don't have access to do that
08:24.36gintsdo you know who has?
08:24.38bluelightningwill probably have to talk to _ar
08:24.48gints~seen _ar
08:24.51iboti haven't seen '_ar', gints
08:25.01bluelightning~seen ar_
08:25.03ibotar_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 2d 22h 34m 57s ago, saying: 'hrw: have no time this weekend. ;)'.
08:25.08bluelightningoops heh
08:25.36gintscan't get rid from security...
08:26.23gintsuninstalled everything about opie-sec
08:26.40gintsand anyway get You have not succeeded enough auth... steps..
08:28.16bluelightninghmm :(
08:29.03gintsedited Security.conf
08:29.18gintsset nbSuccessMin = 0
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08:49.18gintsmornin mickeyl
08:55.30mickeylgood morning gints
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09:20.16bluelightninghi mickeyl
09:20.29mickeylhi bluelightning, time for bed? :)
09:20.49bluelightningnot yet, it's only 21:20
09:21.21mickeyl+10 hours from here
09:21.27mickeylor -14 ?
09:21.59bluelightning+10, we're ahead of everyone else down here
09:33.46mickeylwhere are you located again?
09:41.38bluelightningNew Zealand
09:42.21mickeyloh yeha
09:42.25mickeylquite some miles away
09:42.26mickeylfrom here
09:42.35mickeylyou're anywhere near Brisbane ?
09:43.21bluelightningBrisbane is on the "west island" :)
09:43.35bluelightningfair distance away
09:44.13bluelightningLCA is going to be in NZ next year though (down in Dunedin, apparently)
09:49.37*** join/#opie zecke_ (
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10:08.00gints|wrkSomez|lunch: runing TextMaker now on my opie pda...
10:16.02Somezgints|wrk: really??
10:16.05Somezand how good is it?
10:16.58gints|wrkSomez: more less nice...
10:17.08gints|wrkI would say I like it...
10:17.21gints|wrkIt's only problem is license...
10:17.28gints|wrkit's not GPLed...
10:18.49Somezgints|wrk: I don't care about that.l..
10:19.00Somezbut the 50 usd is very much :-(
10:19.06gints|wrkSomez: I like it..
10:19.38gints|wrkIt's full featured editor...
10:19.50Somezbut only word files are working right?
10:19.53Somezso no xls
10:19.54Somezor pps
10:20.11Somezfor those we must use hancommobilesheet...
10:20.17Somezand presentation
10:20.54gints|wrkI read html easy now
10:21.19Somezsounds great
10:21.23SomezI must by a SD card :-)
10:26.42Somezhi zecke_
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10:35.46bluelightninghi zecke_
10:51.49Somezgints|gone: are you here?
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11:08.19gints|wrkSomez: yes
11:08.29Somezre gints|wrk
11:08.41Somezso you simply installed the oz-compat.ipk and then textmaker?
11:09.19Somezand of course opie-sh is installed first
11:10.31gints|wrkI installed textmaker on card...
11:10.41Somezis it essential?
11:10.48gints|wrkthen did next..
11:11.02Somezgod damn it, something is wrong my opie again, because it won't start :-(
11:13.36gints|wrkalso I have thease compatibility libs in /media/card/afterinst/familiar_0_7-compat
11:14.00SomezI see
11:14.09Somezthen I'll try this after I bought the memory card
11:14.35gints|wrkI did so because I have not so much place for compatibility libs also...
11:15.05Somezbut this should work in the flash rom too...
11:22.34*** join/#opie alin5665 (
11:23.05gints|wrkSomez: yep...
11:23.44Somezok then
11:23.52SomezI'm currently flashing the latest snapshot
11:24.05SomezI hope it will work better than the one I've been using
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12:40.03bluelightningnight all
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15:59.50Somezhi all
16:00.28Somezgints: I bought a kingston 512mb sd card :_)
16:05.25*** join/#opie frdy (~adam@
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16:08.03jsmanriquehi, again
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16:14.36treke|homemornin zecke
16:14.58Somezhi zecke_
16:15.51gintsSomez: nice...
16:15.54gintshi zecke
16:15.58jsmanriquehow goes everything?
16:16.45jsmanriquewhat is the problem of Opie with utf8/latin1 chars in some apps? It shows a square..
16:17.06Somezjsmanrique: it's the same problem for me
16:17.08Someztry another font
16:17.38jsmanriqueanother font?
16:17.45Somezzecke_: what happaened with the latest opie snapshot, ipkg is twice as faster as it was before...
16:18.09Somezaltough ipkg has the same version :-)
16:18.12jsmanriquesome times it shows the right char (in some apps or wbsites), other it just shows a square.. I don't belive it is a font problem
16:18.25Somezwhat about the keyboard?
16:18.49jsmanriquethe keyboard shows tilded chars, but not ñ (ntilde)
16:18.52gintsSomez: most important part there is ipkg.conf
16:18.57jsmanriqueI am Spanish
16:19.02Somezgints: why?
16:19.20jsmanriquehow to load extra fonts in Opie?
16:19.30Somezyou must download them in ipk package
16:19.51SomezI know only these
16:19.55Somezbut ipkgfind maybe helps you
16:19.57jsmanriqueso, they aren't in 8.1 feed, right?
16:20.10Somezmaybe they are
16:20.35gintsSomez: most time ipkg spends on analyze all packages it got from feeds...
16:20.47gintsif there is no feeds it will be like wind...
16:21.02Somezgints: I've added 0.8.0, 0.8.1 and unstable feeds
16:21.04Somezlike before
16:21.09Somezand it's extra fast :-)
16:21.35gintsdid you update after?
16:21.56SomezI mean the update was very fast
16:22.07SomezI'm trying to install 2 package right now
16:22.12Somezlet's see how fast will it be
16:23.23gintsSomez: but anyway why so many feeds?
16:23.39Somezfor example konqueror-embedded is only in the unstable feed
16:23.52gintsSomez: then use only unstable
16:24.09jsmanriqueI have installed it from 0.8.1 feed I think
16:24.17jsmanriquein opie 1.1.9
16:24.41gintsthat could be true...
16:24.42Somezgints: there are lots of apps wich aren't in the 0.8.1 feed
16:24.51Somezfor example
16:25.12gintsif you use unstable everything should be there...
16:25.14jsmanriqueI installed it from 0.8.1 too, but it doesn't work too well, so I had to remove it
16:25.25jsmanriqueit is a 0.4-cvs version I think
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16:33.31Somezgints: what type of Filesystem should I place on the SD card?
16:33.55SomezI' using opie-formatter
16:34.06gintsif want to use with phone use somthin like dos...
16:34.13gintsif only for linux ext2
16:34.19Somezthere is no ext2
16:34.43Somezthese are the oportinites
16:34.54gintsshould use ext2 tools
16:35.05Somezit's a familiar app?
16:35.11Somezbecause I don't have card reader
16:35.25Somezso I must format it as ext2...
16:35.44gintsto have linux apps corectly installed on it yes...
16:36.20Somezgints: what's the ext2 tools package's name?
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16:38.42gintscan't find..
16:38.58gintstry to search familiar mail archives...
16:39.16gintsrecently there was question about that...
16:40.59*** join/#opie mithro (
16:46.43Somezgints: fdisk is not ok for formatting the mmc card?
16:48.07SomezI mean SD card
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16:55.21molivierhi all
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17:09.37gintsSomez: fdisk make partition... but not format it...
17:09.52gintslike devide disk...
17:10.15Somezgints: koen told me some mkfs.ext2
17:10.23Somezbut I don't have app like that :-(
17:10.27gintsand filesystem tools make filesystem on that part...
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17:14.40gintsSomez: so... lot of info is found on
17:15.01gintsthere is big part - Media (CF/SD etc.)
17:15.40gintsand one from them tells about what you need -
17:16.11gintsgo for familar...
17:16.37gintsand for opie
17:28.49*** join/#opie aloph1 (
17:37.39Somezgints: my SD card has ext2 now :-)
17:37.51gintsSomez: nice...
17:38.00gintshad mounted?
17:38.01Somezso how did you install that TextMaker app? :-)
17:38.12Somezautomount works greart
17:39.54gintsIf you remember there was opera starting howto...
17:40.09gintsyou should have thease libs... before...
17:41.23gintsin opera starting guide there is directory mentioned for thease libs...
17:41.36gintsput thease files to card...
17:41.49gintsthen you can reuse after reflash...
17:43.02*** join/#opie jg (~jg@
17:43.12Somezcan't find what you mentioned :-()
17:43.12gintsthen install TextMaker app on card..
17:44.23Somezthe opera howto says I must copy files from familiar 0.7.2....
17:44.43gintsMoment I would copy over thease files to
17:48.45Somezgints: "Note: Saving documents in Microsoft Word and RTF format is disabled in the trial version. Opening such files is possible."
17:48.52Somezmaybe we should buy textmaker :-(
17:49.09Somez50 EURO :-(
18:02.12gintsSomez: I will not buy...
18:02.48Somezgints: I think I have no choice
18:02.57Somezand I haven't found any warez from this :-)
18:16.54gintsMy network connection is terrable...
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18:28.16polesweet, a new release
18:28.53poledoesnt seem like much has changed from the screen shots
18:29.26poleare there any devices with intergrated phones that run opie?
18:29.59Somezgood questions
18:35.25polesomeone should make a generic gsm CF card that takes sim cards
18:36.04Somezpole: CF Sleeves are working under familiar...
18:36.51poleSomez, CF sleeve, or gsm sleeve?
18:37.05poleof course CF sleeves work
18:39.07*** join/#opie Pharao_ (
18:40.56polegsm sleeve wouldnt do much anyway... the device would only last a few hours at most
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18:44.50polewhat the heck is sharp thinking... make killer pdas but forget wireless builtin networking
18:49.15trekepole: they are probably thinking their target market doesn't care about it
18:56.03gintsSomez: copy file from here -
18:57.21Somezok thanks
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19:02.20*** topic/#opie is Opie 1.2.0 is here! Release announcement:
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20:06.31_law_has anyone obex-send tested with bluetooth? i have inserted my bt-cf-card but opie alway writes (Bluetooth is not available)
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20:32.50oris_wolfbanehey guys
20:41.59*** join/#opie rob_w (
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20:46.06BSMhi, where can i find the ~/.xmms/config file? it does not exist on my machine...familiar 0.81
20:48.24*** join/#opie cbkra (
21:13.17*** part/#opie BSM (
21:17.10Somezgints: are you here? :-)
21:35.49*** join/#opie RockClimber (
21:36.51RockClimberHow is opie-reader in the opie feed related to opie-reader on TimW's website - he's added flite support, can it be easily added to the opie source?
21:57.21SomezI've started to install opera on my sdcard, and it's still installing :-(
22:00.24CoreDump|homesomes oz3.5.3 snapshot?
22:01.07CoreDump|homesomez even
22:07.07*** join/#opie zecke (
22:22.11RockClimberi think I've found the source of the beaming problems from opie
22:23.29RockClimberit's irobex_palm3 sending the path
22:24.03zeckehehe that used to make PalmOS crash
22:24.06RockClimberif you beam the file from console it works "irobex_palm3 file.vcf", but if you do "irobex_palm3 ~/file.vcf" it doesn't
22:24.29RockClimberit seems to be a common problem (from the openobex maillist)
22:24.41zeckeRockClimber: core/obex2
22:24.55zeckeRockClimber: and use OProcess to set a current working directory
22:25.18RockClimberi'm just going to confirm this with my 6610i
22:28.29RockClimberdefinitely fails when the path is included (from command line)
22:29.19RockClimberand definitely (only) works from Opie when the file is in root (/)
22:29.21zeckeRockClimber: it used to work with PPC2002 and Nokia6210
22:30.08zeckeRockClimber: ok then use
22:30.08RockClimberlibopieobex just call obex_palm3, so somehow it must be made to strip the file path
22:30.40zeckeRockClimber: yeah porting it to libkobex is still on my todo
22:30.53RockClimberzecke, porting what?
22:31.21zeckeRockClimber: Originally I used irobex_palm3 because libopenobex was/is a horror
22:31.40zeckeRockClimber: since then I started implementing an OBEX library when Matthias Fröhlich came by
22:31.53zeckeRockClimber: and implemented libkobex the way I like it ;)
22:32.05RockClimberin opie or in multisync (which was the site you just posted)
22:32.19zeckeRockClimber: lol sorry
22:32.31zeckeRockClimber: Opie::Core::OProcess
22:33.00zedkatufSimilar note (but with Bluetooth): anyone got any clues as to why my collie nearly connects to my nokia 6310i....I get an error msg on my zaurus which says "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: resource temporarliy unavailable) {I'm running OZ 3.5.2).....BT card is recognised, I can scan my nokia etc, so I think I have the modules/rfcomm side of things set up OK......
22:33.28zeckeuse something like m_send->setWorkingDirectory( QFileInfo(m_file).basePath() );
22:34.10RockClimberzecke, this is above my head. I understand the problem, I'm not sure I understand how to fix libopieobex
22:36.16RockClimbermy older nokia 6510 doesn't seem to mind about the path being in there. I guess it's since nokia started building filesystems into their phones that the IR receive got picky!
22:37.18zeckeRockClimber: use QFileInfo on the file to send
22:37.25zeckeRockClimber: you get path to the file
22:37.30zeckeRockClimber: and the filename
22:37.46zeckeRockClimber: we execute irobex so we can change the dirctory first
22:38.09zeckethat can be done with the setWorkingDirectory method
22:38.29zeckeRockClimber: do you've a cross compiler set up?
22:38.56RockClimberI understand that now (thanks), are you expecting me to try and fix the code? I don;t have a build env set up (I'm at home, buidl env is on server at work)
22:40.04zeckeRockClimber: lets see who will be the first to fix it
22:40.13zeckeRockClimber: I'll no update some bitbake files...
22:40.38RockClimberI'll go and post what the fix is in the opie bugs site
22:43.13RockClimberi'm glad I found the source of the trouble as it's the only thing that's been annoying me with the 3.5.3-pre OZ
22:52.47*** part/#opie RockClimber (
22:55.11*** join/#opie drw- (
23:18.04Shark_yWhere can I get konqueror-embedded locale=it (crashes on italian pages)
23:18.27zeckeShark_y: there are no local packages
23:18.47zeckeShark_y: probably it is just a bug in konq/E
23:19.01zeckeand sadly changes of getting it fixed are low
23:55.24*** join/#opie R6s_Poor (
23:57.53*** join/#opie keeper (

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