irclog2html for #opie on 20040324

00:00.45bedboiok. btw i think that new kppp applet is broken.
00:00.50bedboii got to see what's going on there
00:02.01zeckeBTW: does anyone think killing Yassin was plain wrong and illegal?
00:03.04bedboidon't have opinions regarding that
00:03.20bedboibtw i don't know nothing about Yassing killing
00:04.35bedboiwhat's up?
00:04.51treke_I would agree that it probably wasnt a bright idea
00:05.02*** join/#opie vicodan (
00:07.47Kenjust tried to install linux on my ipac
00:07.56Keneverything went well, when i tried to reboot nothing happens
00:08.02Kenany ideas?
00:08.12zecketreke_: killing some one without a trial is something which should not happen in modern societies and specially not by someone from Israel...
00:08.39zecketreke_: murdering a handicapped is also not right. And they even released him from custody some years ago
00:09.50Kenforgot to push reset
00:09.53Kenjust powerd off
00:10.01zecketreke_: so you think people deserve death penalty in general?
00:10.08zecketreke_: anyway I move to bed now
00:10.24treke_In general? No. In specific cases? Yes I think some people deserve killing :)
00:10.51zecketreke_: killing or get killed
00:11.14zecketreke_: anyway it's late already
00:11.19treke_good night.
00:11.26zecketreke_: do you've fun to help me on the GUI front of my image viewer?
00:11.46treke_I'm going to compile it up tonight and take a look at it
00:12.00treke_See how it compares to tximage
00:13.11zecketreke_: have an url
00:13.31treke_nope. tximage is urlless, I just have some source on my drive
00:13.40treke_it used to be hosted on
00:14.18zeckeit still lacks a good image display widget
00:14.33treke_might be worth stealing the one from tximage :)
00:14.42treke_Dont recall what it did
00:15.24treke_I like the gimp idea
00:15.39treke_where you can pull up a thumbnail to use for navigation
00:15.57zeckehmm what is that?
00:16.13treke_you have gimp installed?
00:17.32treke_open an image in gimp and click on the compass in the lower right hand corner
00:18.57*** join/#opie Lars_G_ (
00:18.59Lars_G_Hey all
00:19.07Lars_G_I just found out abotu ewe, is it what I think?
00:19.16Lars_G_is the Zurus ewe a full J2ME vm?
00:19.41treke_? Did I miss some new opie module?
00:19.53Lars_G_treke_, a Java library. but which comes with what seems like a Java VM for the zaurus.
00:20.24Lars_G_I wonder if this would give me Java under ipaq/opie
00:20.53zecketreke_: ah to navigate inside a image? yeah that is planed
00:21.07zecketreke_: tximage got a structure which is good
00:21.26zecketreke_: mine is better anyway but why did he not work on it inside of opie? did we contact him?
00:21.39treke_He never did much on it
00:21.45treke_just released two releases and dropped it
00:22.10Lars_G_sigh nope it's a custom VM not a persjava one
00:22.17zecketreke_: I can read image info from GIF,JPEG,PNG
00:22.30zecketreke_: generate thumbnails, scaled loading of jpeg
00:22.37treke_zecke: do you parse the exif stuff on jpegs?
00:22.46zecketreke_: yeah :}
00:22.59zecketreke_: taken from KFile Plugins of KDE
00:23.12treke_we should just switch opie over to kde :p
00:23.38zecketreke_: better not... or I would have to stop developing on it as well :}
00:24.13zecketreke_: basicly Opie Eye consists out of two processes. The slave generating thumbnail and image info
00:25.09zecketreke_: the GUI features a tuneable PixmapCache. The QIconViewItems try to get a QPixmap from the cache and if that fais it requests the Thumb from the Lister
00:25.33zecketreke_: then we've a timer event to send the request out
00:26.01zeckeI've the feeling it is faster than pixie plus
00:28.20Lars_G_sigh I'm sure I'll eventualyl get java-ipaq-opie working
00:28.39Lars_G_kde-pim, sigh I was fighting it these days
00:28.42zeckeLars_G_: why not use the ME profile from sun?
00:28.52zeckenite guys
00:28.55Lars_G_zecke, DOes it includes awt support too?
00:29.03Lars_G_zecke, woudl you share the url before you go please?
00:29.11zeckeLars_G_: the Mobile Profile got AWT but lacks swing
00:29.18zeckeLars_G_: :}
00:29.27Lars_G_zecke, it's to be expected, swing isn't part of J2ME
00:29.45Lars_G_zecke, Heh something more specific please?? ;) it's ok thanks I'll keep diggin sun
00:30.09treke_zecke: the imap resource might do what I want
00:30.33zecketreke_: that would be kolab
00:31.10Lars_G_thanks zecke
00:31.11treke_zecke: Yeah, but I'm trying to use it without kolab :)
00:31.21treke_zecke: kolab is too much crap for me :p
00:31.22Lars_G_is kolan functional already? I tought it was early beta
00:31.37treke_Lars_G_: Contract is complete for it iirc
00:31.39zeckeLars_G_: 1.0 was released last year
00:31.46Lars_G_well not that it helps me anyhow, kontact refuses to work and kmail is throwing random errors, it's so nasty I am switchignt o evolution...
00:32.03zeckeLars_G_: evolution is nasty as well
00:32.07zeckebut I'm going to bed now
00:32.15Lars_G_zecke, It is but it works, sleep well and see you around
00:32.19treke_zecke: I've played with a couple different servers, and it's all really over kill since I just want my todo/calendar at home and at work :p
00:32.28treke_Lars_G_: Kontact has been working pretty well for me
00:32.40zecketreke_: would be really kewl if you could help on the GUI part of the image viewer
00:32.59Lars_G_treke_, What I am trying to do is share the contact todo and calendar (and maybe email) between kde, web and wap
00:33.07zecketreke_: So I can tackle BigScreen/PIM as well. I'm so lame/lazy when it comes to gui
00:33.15treke_hehe. I'm lazy in general :p
00:33.27zecketreke_: Normal=Lazy
00:33.37zeckeLazy= more lazy than normal :}
00:33.57treke_Lars_G_: Well what I was doing earlier today was running Kontact against  an egroupware backend which gave me local and web.
00:34.07treke_Wap would be fairly trivial to work out of that
00:34.28treke_but local access was slow over my connection
00:34.47treke_and still a bit brittle
00:34.55Lars_G_I think that would be bad
00:35.06treke_it depends
00:35.13treke_Once it cached everything it wasnt too bad
00:35.13Lars_G_imagine a project handled by zecke and treke, it would sound like a comedy show
00:35.17treke_it was mostly load time
00:35.54Lars_G_Hmmmm interesting, and reusing the DB from egroupware in a custom made wap app would be quick to code.
00:36.22Lars_G_did you run this local or to a remote server?
00:36.31treke_egroupware was running on a remote server
00:36.37treke_locally it would probably be much quicker
00:36.58Lars_G_How well did kontact respond? over what kind of a link?
00:37.26Lars_G_If I do this, to keep the laptop functional at all times I might set a laptop-local egroupware system whose DB is a mirror to the main one
00:37.38treke_There was about 10-15 seconds initial lag when it downloads the information
00:37.42Lars_G_it'd automatically sync during connection, and be readable offline
00:37.47treke_after that it's kept in ram
00:37.57Lars_G_but once the info is cached then it must run as quick as always
00:38.20treke_I don't know how often it updates off the remote server to take into account changes
00:38.37Lars_G_The DB mirror might even be a quicker response since only the sync (transactions) should pass between the DBs not the whole data (after fiorst sync)
00:38.53treke_Yeah. DB syncing is black magic I dont like getting into :p
00:40.07treke_it's still a bit rough, this stuff is all only enabled in the CVS tree :)
00:40.12Lars_G_It's not that terrible as long as your system doesnt decides the fate of lots of dollars or human beings
00:40.36Lars_G_Yes altough kde-pim 3.3 is supposed to get out soon and have some of the groupware backs enabled by default
00:40.50treke_Yeah. This is the code that is meant to be 3.3 :)
00:41.25*** join/#opie Luke-Jr (
00:41.42treke_fairly stable overall since they've had fairly limited goals for the release
00:42.13treke_Lars_G_: The IMAP resource also looks primising
00:42.23treke_Lars_G_: Where it just stores all your info in imap mail boxes
00:43.25treke_would require a little bit more complicated code to handle for the web interface and wap
00:43.38treke_but it looks closer to what I need :)
00:43.54treke_since web is something I'd like, but not really essential
00:44.07Lars_G_Theoretically, IMAP+LDAP should provide most of a universal groupware, but not all programs support it all. specially server side haven't seen anything (other than SuSe's propietary code) that handles it all as a whole.
00:44.20treke_that's what kolab is
00:44.35Lars_G_But there are already made imap interfaces for web and wap
00:44.55Lars_G_for web check out squirrelmail, the best webmail I've ever seen (open source or otherwise)... pretty nice
00:45.06Lars_G_kolab is a wrapper over ldap+imap?
00:45.28Lars_G_promissing since I can then readapt wap and web imap and ldap code to work together as client interface and be done with it
00:45.31treke_Lars_G_: Well the mail aspect is pretty easy, it's extracting the calendar info from imap thats more of an annoyance
00:45.34Lars_G_and handle it all through kolab
00:45.48treke_the thing I dont like about kolab is that they use their own branch of everything
00:46.13Lars_G_but safer too
00:46.33Lars_G_if you work with third party so closely either you readapt your structure to the library, or patch the library
00:46.35treke_I'd just as soon keep my mail system running as it is now :p
00:46.51Lars_G_and patching becomes a progressive messy work wich ends up in disaster....
00:47.14treke_but the big parts of it are openldap and the imapd
00:47.16Lars_G_another choice is a branch but that is as good for others as creating your own libs, it only benefits the codder not the final user.
00:47.16*** join/#opie bedboi_ (~bedboi@
00:47.39treke_I dont know how different these are from the actuall main trees
00:47.54Lars_G_a diff might tell you :)
00:48.06treke_they provide their own sed :p
00:48.09Lars_G_use KDiff3 it's really cool ;)
00:48.18Lars_G_they have implemented theyr own sed? nasty
00:48.28treke_but at the base its postfix, openldap, proftpd, and cyrus
00:48.48Lars_G_Well as long as it's all nicely fenced in to avoid conflicts with system wide elements it should not be that bad
00:48.57Lars_G_afterall microsoft programmers have been doing it all theyr life
00:49.09treke_Yup. it's all in it's own little corner, which is why I dont really like it :)
00:49.19treke_that and its just more functionality than I care about
00:49.52*** join/#opie Tygger_Bob (
00:49.58Lars_G_Well see it from this viewpoint, reusing system components to that extent would create a source of unstability or possible bugs unless you perform periodic (for detecting upgrades too) compatibility tests onto your components, tedious to say the least
00:50.12treke_Right. i under stand why they did it.
00:50.28Lars_G_I'm going to have java on the ipaq
00:50.38treke_And I'm sure it could be made to work with the system components without too much effort
00:50.55Lars_G_Too sad I can't use them while connected thru the modem
00:50.58treke_This is probably just for ease of support.
00:51.10bedboican't find out why kppp applet is not working anymore
00:51.16Lars_G_(have a one CF sleeve only, and a 16MB ipaq, not enough to push java onto main flash)
00:51.27Lars_G_what did you do just before it broke bedboi?
00:51.29treke_go buy a second sleeve? :p
00:51.32Kenwow, when you said that linux w. opie was faster than wince you weren't kidding
00:51.33bedboionly things changed is
00:51.48Lars_G_treke_, What a fridge?? no way I preffer to dream that I'll get a 3700 someday
00:51.58treke_A fridge?
00:52.00bedboiLars_G_: i just upgraded
00:52.21Lars_G_bedboi, Then something alongside that upgrade foobared your kppp, try reinstalling it :)
00:52.30treke_Lars_G_: what do you mean by that?
00:52.41Lars_G_treke_, Have you seen the dual CF or pcmcia sleeve for the ipaq? it's bigger than a fridge
00:52.50treke_I've got a dual CF sleeve for the ipaq
00:53.04Lars_G_treke_, You pass from carrying a sleek PDA to pulling around an unvitamined laptop
00:53.04treke_it's the same size as my single CF was.
00:53.10Lars_G_it is?.....
00:53.18Lars_G_I better check
00:53.19treke_Maybe a hair smaller.
00:53.27Lars_G_not that I can buy it (exchange embargo) but I will check
00:53.43Lars_G_I wonder if the silver sliver was ever made for the 2 CF sleeve
00:53.49treke_it was
00:54.09Lars_G_now that I'd kill for
00:54.24treke_I liked the black better than the silver
00:55.07Lars_G_You know when I will be in total Bliss?
00:55.20treke_Lars_G_: The sleeves are fairly cheap. 50 bucks
00:55.37Lars_G_When I can get a sleeve that is smaller than mine, cuter and that has 2 CFs, Bluetooth, WiFi and a second battery in it
00:55.49treke_hehe. It's called a 5500 :)
00:56.17treke_the 2xCF expansion with battery looks huge
00:56.33Lars_G_yes almost as big as the dual pcmcia
00:56.38Lars_G_Hmm the SS3 is cute
00:56.43treke_about 10CM thicker
00:57.32wimpiesJust put current snapshot of networksetings app in ...hh../~wimpie
00:58.07bedboiwimpies: are you talking to me?
00:58.21wimpiesbedboi : to all
00:58.57bedboiwimpies: are you able to use kppp ?
00:59.17bedboii don't know if i'm PEBKAC-ing
00:59.31wimpiesI can give you ppp settings but i believe that the networking stuff is not complete ... hence the new app
00:59.46*** part/#opie treke_ (
01:00.40Lars_G_time to go do stuff
01:00.42Lars_G_see you all
01:00.43Lars_G_be well
01:00.45wimpiesDo any of you know skinfs for qvfb ?
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01:05.09bedboigoing to sleep
01:05.14bedboisee you tomorrow
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