irclog2html for #opie on 20040310

00:03.13*** join/#opie _pj (
00:04.03_pjI've just installed familiar+opie on my h5455 and the backlight at full power is so low :( is this some opie-related issue?
00:04.26[T]arugaupgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
00:05.38_pjthanks :)
00:09.18*** join/#opie morem (
00:13.33Tyg1_pj: upgrade the kernel too..
00:13.47Tyg1it's up to hh36.5
00:14.50_pjok... Just now I'm trying to put the wlan up :-\ heh..
00:15.36[T]arugaanyone knows how to boot familiar+opie from compact flash ?
00:30.52*** join/#opie bedboi (~bedboi@
00:44.16*** join/#opie [R] (~R@coronado2-42.rescomp.Arizona.EDU)
00:44.31_pjis it possible to copy .ipkg to the CF and update from there? :)
00:48.07_pjand is there any way of using the h5455(+cf sleeve) as a usb mass-storage device in my linux box?
00:48.28bedboino idea
00:48.33bedboidon't have such a beast
00:48.43[R]usb gadget!
00:49.21_pjbedboi, beast? yes... it's BIG with the cf sleeve heheheh
00:49.38_pj[R], I'm lost :-\
00:49.46[R]its called usb gadget
00:49.51[R]you can tie it to a device node
00:49.54[R]and when you plug in the pda
00:49.58[R]it'll think its a usb mass storage
00:50.07[R]file-storage gadget to be exact
00:51.10_pjhow do I use it? :(
00:51.50[R]its a module
00:51.54[R]dunno if it works for your device tho
00:52.02_pjoh oh
00:52.08_pjnow I understand you
00:52.20_pjI use a usb mass-storage module with some things..
00:52.27_pja usb pendrive, the nokia n-gage..
00:52.41_pjbut my question was if it wass possible to do it the same with the ipaq :)
00:52.45[R]its a module for the pda
00:52.51[R]kernel module
00:53.06_pjok ok
00:53.14[R]i dunno if its in 2.4
00:53.16[R]your probably running 2.4
00:53.26_pj2.4.19 I think
00:54.52*** join/#opie Wimpie (
00:55.00Wimpiezecke here ?
00:56.21_pj[R], I think that I don't have that module :'-(
00:56.31[R]i dun think its in 2.4
00:59.30WimpieGuys I have problems with loading some plugins.  It misses - some - symbolx that are defined (i think) in the moc generated files
01:22.56*** part/#opie Wimpie (