irclog2html for #opie on 20031115

00:22.33*** join/#opie W8TVI (
00:31.56quaqoGood night...
00:50.04*** part/#opie RobiWan (
01:02.08*** join/#opie treke|laptop (~ggilbert@
01:03.24*** join/#opie jg (
02:06.58*** join/#opie ShortWave (
02:07.08ShortWaveHey all
02:13.55*** join/#opie W8TVI (
03:55.11*** join/#opie _Psycho (
04:48.07*** join/#opie Pendalar (Pendalar@
05:06.59*** join/#opie rogerlink (
05:07.27rogerlinkhas anyone tried rat on opie???
05:07.39rogerlinkor know any good voip program
05:16.48*** join/#opie ibot (
05:16.48*** topic/#opie is The Open Palmtop Integrated Environment - Distribution specific questions in #openzaurus and #familiar - Looking for developers, graphic artists, release coordinaters and even more developers. | OZ3.2 + Opie1.0.2 @
05:28.29*** join/#opie ibot (
05:28.29*** topic/#opie is The Open Palmtop Integrated Environment - Distribution specific questions in #openzaurus and #familiar - Looking for developers, graphic artists, release coordinaters and even more developers. | OZ3.2 + Opie1.0.2 @
05:34.25*** join/#opie TimRiker (
05:39.37*** part/#opie TimRiker (
05:44.41*** join/#opie mithro (
05:49.12*** join/#opie treke|laptop (
06:27.25*** join/#opie ljp_laptop (
06:35.30*** join/#opie Lethargic (
06:35.38LethargicHello all
06:38.13mithrowhat is the tag for Opie1.0.2?
06:52.45*** join/#opie qfh (
07:22.33*** part/#opie Lethargic (
08:24.18*** join/#opie CAMCAM (
08:27.54*** join/#opie Chicken (
08:49.57*** join/#opie Chicken (
08:56.42*** join/#opie BadCode (
09:06.44*** join/#opie lsmith (
10:04.25*** join/#opie Ridcully (
10:15.47*** join/#opie eworm (
10:18.49*** join/#opie W8TVI (
10:38.12*** part/#opie icct (~icct@
10:56.58*** join/#opie XavierXeon (
11:06.30*** join/#opie dweller (
11:06.39*** part/#opie dweller (
11:08.03*** join/#opie quaqo (
11:40.33*** join/#opie ar_oszine (
12:06.16*** join/#opie tomimo (
12:08.06*** join/#opie blacK^Imprint (
12:39.07*** join/#opie pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
13:24.58*** join/#opie jig (
13:49.36*** join/#opie ag0ny (
15:07.17*** join/#opie lsmith (
15:08.11*** join/#opie {HyGy} (
15:08.22{HyGy}is there anybody?
15:08.48{HyGy}when I restart ipaq
15:08.59{HyGy}the bootloader is shown up
15:09.28{HyGy}and it is not booting anything :(((
15:18.17*** join/#opie pb___ (
15:32.18treke|home{HyGy}: try booting while holding down the enter key
15:34.14{HyGy}dont help :(
15:48.07*** part/#opie ar_oszine (
15:59.51{HyGy}how can I syncronize evolution and opie?
16:17.06AntiProxyi remember back in the days,, opie unstable feed used to get rebuilt from CVS every couple of days..
16:17.18AntiProxyit's almost 20 days old now
16:17.35AntiProxyhasn't there been any work done on opie in the past month?
16:17.46{HyGy}20 day's before have finished opie?
16:18.15AntiProxy{HyGy}: i'm talking about the current unstable opie feed.. the packages in it are 20 days old
16:18.35treke|homeAntiProxy: Feeds are only published of the stable releases iirc
16:18.50AntiProxythat wasn't the case back then
16:18.56treke|homeAntiProxy: This isnt back then
16:18.57AntiProxythere used to be 2 different unstable feeds
16:19.23AntiProxywtf is the point of an unstable feed .. if it's only published when the release is stable?
16:19.31AntiProxyit doesn't make sense now does it?
16:20.04treke|homeTo encourage people to use the stable release
16:20.30AntiProxyi guess that's why you have a "stable" "unstable" and "latest" feeds.. which are merely copies of one another
16:20.32treke|homewhich is what people should be using
16:20.36AntiProxyinteresting theory.. i wonder who's behind it
16:20.37*** join/#opie tomasito (
16:21.43treke|homeprobably whoever noticed that HEAD was unstable
16:22.55AntiProxyi personally think it was much better back then.. when the stable feed contained the latest stable release.. and unstable feed had the latest development snapshot
16:23.08AntiProxyhaving both feeds mirrored makes no sense to me
16:23.39treke|homeback then there were no stable feeds.
16:24.22treke|homeEveryone was encouraged to use the unstable feed because chances were it would be less buggy than than any of the "stable" snapshots
16:25.40*** join/#opie ar (
16:25.43*** join/#opie XavierXeon (
16:27.20arhi, has anyone compiled opie with use of distcc?
16:30.26*** join/#opie W8TVI (
17:24.16*** join/#opie tomasito_ (
17:29.07*** join/#opie tomasito (
18:20.22*** join/#opie treke|laptop (~ggilbert@
18:56.24*** join/#opie jig (
18:56.24*** join/#opie pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
18:56.24*** join/#opie Ridcully (
18:56.24*** join/#opie kne ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:56.24*** join/#opie nelson (
18:56.24*** join/#opie Disconnect (
18:56.24*** join/#opie jobi (
18:56.24*** join/#opie drw|bbl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:56.24*** join/#opie Twiun ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:56.24*** join/#opie yann (~ydirson@
18:58.21*** join/#opie quaqo (
20:47.24*** join/#opie gortsleigh (~chatzilla@
21:01.03*** join/#opie treke|laptop (~ggilbert@
21:11.43*** join/#opie jg_ (
21:22.27*** join/#opie tomimo (
21:24.15*** join/#opie sdaf (
21:51.31*** join/#opie ljp_laptop (
21:54.14*** join/#opie tomasito (
22:03.39*** join/#opie W8TVI (
22:41.33*** join/#opie lsmith (
22:43.45*** join/#opie th3cl3aner (
22:43.55th3cl3anerhello opie brethren
22:44.27th3cl3aneri'm having a problem getting an internet connection on my IPAQ
22:44.36*** join/#opie muaddib (
22:44.38*** join/#opie rogerlink (
22:46.15rogerlinkhas anyone installed or know any program that uses voip
22:47.07muaddibHello all
22:47.13muaddibquestion I've attempted to upgrade my Zaurus with unstable but now the drawpad application doesn't work
22:47.21muaddibhello th3cl3aner
22:47.31th3cl3aneris that a dune reference
22:47.42th3cl3aner>>just curious
22:47.49muaddibYes it is its the Min character
22:47.52muaddibYes it is its the Main character
22:48.02th3cl3anerthats what i thought
22:48.05th3cl3aneri love dune
22:48.16th3cl3anerbut sometimes people are random...
22:48.32muaddibI love it too been a dun fan since 6th grade
22:49.01th3cl3aneryeah im actually new
22:49.16th3cl3aneri became a fan after i watched the sci-fi series
22:49.22muaddibhave you read any of the books
22:49.46*** join/#opie gortsleigh (~chatzilla@
22:50.19th3cl3anerlol..not all the way through i have them all on pdf i've just been messing around with linux so much
22:50.53th3cl3anerso im not a hard core fan
22:51.27th3cl3aner; )
22:51.41muaddibHey you have the dune books on PDF were did you get them
22:54.43th3cl3anerill pm u
23:06.29*** join/#opie Ax (~ax@
23:19.51quaqoBye bye...
23:57.12muaddibHas nyone been succssful installing opie packages over opnzaurus packages
23:58.40muaddibHas anyone been successful installing opie packages over openzaurus packages
23:59.21lpotterwhich device?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.