irclog2html for #opie on 20030717

00:14.05*** join/#opie George- (~Test@
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02:28.22George`ZZZzzznight all
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06:41.14*** join/#opie Groucho_ (~ofels@
06:41.45Groucho_hi there
06:42.33treke|homeer. probably noon
06:49.39Groucho_mornin, still
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07:40.14schurigtreke|ho1e: moin!
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07:49.35treke|ho2eok. one try at multisync, then I give up and go  to bed :)
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07:53.46treke|ho2ehrm. It's sort of working
07:57.24Groucho_mutlisync ?
07:59.04treke|ho2eit's a sync program that can sync with opie and evolution ( and others)
08:03.56treke|ho2eit seems to sync well with the local folders, but not remote folders
08:07.08treke|ho2eguess I'll have to poke about pilot link to see what it does
08:11.40*** join/#opie dwmw2_gone (~dwmw2@
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10:22.29*** join/#opie willi (
10:25.10willihi guys - is there anything special I have to take care of when installing application via the Opie Packet Manager on the SD-Card ?
10:26.54Harlekinnormally not if ipkg is working right
10:30.16williwell it seems to have problems to create the links - but you think that I normally only have to select "sd" instead of root, ram, or cf and then have to select "apply changes" ?
10:38.03Harlekinlook if thats just messages or if the links are really missing
10:42.48willi... well on the system info it shows that the sd memory is completely empty
10:44.54willibut thanks for so long - I'll try again - but for that I've got to go outside and find a hotspot...
10:50.06*** join/#opie pb_ (
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11:20.30*** join/#opie ljp (~lpotter@
11:32.36*** join/#opie Vir (
11:41.11*** join/#opie NoRemorse (
11:41.29NoRemorsehi, what packages do I need to install when installing opie from scratch please?
11:41.39NoRemorsejust the base stuff to get it working
11:42.38HarlekinNoRemorse: task-opie
11:44.06NoRemorseOh Harlekin, did you know of a bug with opie-irc that caused it to close down after connecting to a server? cos it seems to be gone now?
11:44.51Harlekinnever saw that
11:44.55Harlekinwhich server
11:45.15NoRemorseit' an austnet server
11:47.20Harlekinseems to work
11:47.31NoRemorseyep tho it was intrmittent
11:47.38Harlekinit has a very long welcome message
11:47.39NoRemorsei'll let u know if I see it again
11:47.42Harlekinpretty stupid
11:48.43NoRemorsewas prolly sumfin in their motd causing a buffer overflow or segfault maybe
11:51.36NoRemorseharlekin, task-opie has not installed bin/qpe?
11:51.48Harlekinit should
11:51.52NoRemorseI know :(
11:52.06NoRemorseI even removed/re-installed libqpe1 package
11:52.16NoRemorse# ls /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qpe
11:52.16NoRemorsels: /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qpe: No such file or directory
11:52.37Harlekinwhich feed
11:52.39Harlekinwhich device
11:53.01NoRemorseto answer both :)
11:53.40Harlekinhmm, qpe bin is in opie-taskbar
11:53.58NoRemorseipkg search claims it is in libqpe1
11:54.29NoRemorseah shit no it doesnt sorry
11:56.21NoRemorseany way I can see the files in a .ipk?
11:57.21NoRemorse-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          886 Jul 17 11:56 task-opie_0.9.3-20030611_arm.ipk
11:57.23NoRemorselook ok?
11:57.31NoRemorseseems small
11:58.35NoRemorseoops wrong chan
12:00.39dwmw2hmmm. opieplayer still doesn't work on 3600
12:03.28Groucho_works on th 3630 here
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12:04.38dwmw2playing is all garbled.
12:07.27Harlekinabsolut perfect here on 38xx
12:07.32Harlekinthe calling
12:08.10NoRemorsewhats the bitrate?
12:09.34NoRemorsewhat url I need to put in mediaplayer to get that?
12:10.01pb_dwmw2: is that a mono stream?  maybe op2 doesn't correctly convert to stereo.
12:10.39NoRemorseno plugin found for that media?
12:11.22NoRemorseis hanging not doing anything
12:12.03Harlekindwmw2: which kernel, which sound driver?
12:13.20dwmw2not sure whether it's mono
12:14.28Harlekindwmw2: which kernel, which sound driver?
12:14.42Harlekinthe oss driver is missing an important ioctl
12:16.15Harlekinthats it
12:16.18Harlekininstall the alsa-modules
12:20.39NoRemorsehow do I enter that url into op2 please?
12:20.49NoRemorseit says no plugin found for that media
12:21.31Groucho_heh- had the same here without solution
12:21.32Harlekininstall the codecs
12:21.41HarlekinGroucho_: ?
12:21.45NoRemorseah thanks
12:22.07Groucho_Harlekin: real audio. we had that a few days ago.
12:22.09HarlekinGroucho_: btw, renamed codec pack to opie-mediaplayer2-codecs now
12:22.13goodiethe asset partition on the h38xx, is it of any importance? (managed to do a dd if=somefile of=assetpartitiondeviec
12:22.14HarlekinGroucho_: ?
12:22.36Groucho_opē -> add URL -> StreamingURL -> play -> no codec found
12:22.47Harlekinwhich url?
12:23.17Harlekinhmm, wheres syphos
12:23.28Groucho_Those we had tried lately- a few days ago
12:23.30Harlekini need him as decryption modul for his bugreports
12:23.37Harlekinthe url redirect stuff
12:23.43Harlekinyeah, xine cannot handle some of those
12:23.49HarlekinGroucho_: allways try what xine desktop does
12:24.30NoRemorsewhats this mean again please?
12:24.31NoRemorsePackage 3c574-modules version 2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh13 has no architecture specified, defaulting to arm.
12:24.40NoRemorsedoes it mean my ipkg is fubar?
12:25.42NoRemorseipkg install opie-mediaplayer2-codecs
12:25.42NoRemorsePackage 3c574-modules version 2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh13 has no architecture specified, defaulting to arm.
12:25.42NoRemorseCannot find package opie-mediaplayer2-codecs.
12:25.53Harlekincurrently its still without 2
12:25.59Harlekinor you take ipks from me
12:26.10Harlekinbut not sure if they work on openzaurus out of the box
12:26.26NoRemorseno this is for my ipaq harlekin
12:26.37HarlekinNoRemorse: email address?
12:29.00ljpoz and ipaq feeds call the xine codecs package something different... :(
12:29.14Harlekinyeah, oz choice
12:29.18ljpwhich is kinda silly
12:30.25NoRemorsewhat they called in ipaq?
12:30.29George`ZZZzzzhi ljp
12:32.06NoRemorseARGH it was just I need a re-calibrate godamn it
12:32.41HarlekinNoRemorse: you got mail
12:35.54NoRemorseany idea why my ipkg now gives that stupid error?
12:42.49ljpoperator error??
12:43.05NoRemorse# dmesg -c
12:43.06NoRemorsecheck backup battery !
12:43.06NoRemorsesplit old frag 0xc2000-0xfc000 -->hole
12:43.06NoRemorsesplit old frag 0x140000-0x15b000 -->hole
12:43.06NoRemorsecomadj = 128,ffffffff,44414d43
12:43.09Harlekinoperator, i need an exit
12:46.35*** join/#opie mkretz (
13:28.33willidoes anybody know the reason why when installing packages the packet manager often tells me: wget has a temporarily problem to resolve the hostname ?
13:41.57pb_dwmw2: yo
13:42.13dwmw2did you build hcid for familiar?
13:42.33dwmw2are you responsible for it no longer accepting the pin_helper config option?
13:42.44*** join/#opie George- (~Test@
13:42.54pb_yes, I guess so.  whoops.
13:43.20dwmw2also, if it thinks it wants dbus but can't actually connect, perhaps it should start up anyway just not do any dbus-stuff?
13:43.37pb_what goes wrong with pin_helper - does it spit out a syntax error, or just quietly not work?
13:43.43dwmw2syntax error
13:43.44pb_yes, good thinking.
13:43.58pb_darn.  ok, let me look at that.
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13:45.40pb_dwmw2: did you try putting the pin_helper string in quotes?  I think it might prefer that.
13:46.02dwmw2doesn't like that either.
13:46.20dwmw2hcid[391]: syntax error line 26
13:46.47dwmw2your original patch worked fine
13:47.17pb_mm, I thought that's what I'd applied to build the new packages.
13:47.22pb_obviously I screwed something up along the way.
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15:44.25Groucho_network reset
16:08.07*** join/#opie treke (~ggilbert@
16:10.57willihi there - some of my progs are now running from the sd card for example: kismet and irc but other refuse to show up on the screen like wellenreiter, mailprogram and some others - any help ?
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17:54.01Skaaghm... after reflashing with 0.7 I can no longer sync with KitchenSync
17:54.05Skaagmust have forgotten to do something
17:54.56Skaagah yes, need to install it
17:56.14Skaagcan I search with ipkg or do i have to install another pkg for that?
17:57.30Skaagcool i'm synchronized
17:59.14Skaagno dillo for opie?
18:00.05Skaagtoo bad, that was a pretty fast browser on gpe
18:00.05kergoth`foodSkaag: use konq
18:00.20HarlekinSkaag: yeah and the frames and tables look great .-)
18:00.21kergoth`food'someone' should start on a qtopia graphics driver for links 2.x
18:00.36Skaagah right
18:00.38Skaag~ # ipkg install konq
18:00.39SkaagCannot find package konq.
18:01.06kergoth`foodipkg list|grep konq
18:01.26Harlekinits not in ipaqs 0.99 feed
18:01.30Skaagkergoth`food: nothing there
18:01.35Skaagbut I found opie-ubrowser
18:01.37Harlekinneed to get it from the 0.9.3 feed
18:01.54SkaagHarlekin: can you give me the line for sources.list please?
18:02.12Harlekin0.9.3 instead of 0.9.9pre
18:02.21Harlekinbut better wget it instead of feed
18:03.38Skaagthis ne?
18:05.25Skaaganything else cool I should install before I disconnect it from the cradle and go home?
18:08.57Skaagholy mama, konqueror rox
18:15.31SkaagAll I installed on top of the base system is konqueror and now I only have 1.2mb free
18:15.34Skaagi'm in trouble
18:15.47SkaagI need a CF card pronto
18:22.23Skaagis there a way to have less ram and more storage?
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18:49.29clemHarlekin: I would like to build a prototype for Opie using plugins, could I use the Today framework?
18:50.19Harlekinyou mean interface - how to work with plugins? why not
18:50.22Harlekinas any other example
18:50.33kergothsounds like he's goign to do what i already started, a plugin interface for applications
18:50.48kergothcourse i cant work on spiffy new things like that anymore due to my wonderful noncompete agreement
18:51.49Harlekinyeah, US companies suck
18:52.16clemHarlekin: yes, I mean as an example (and i assume your implementation is much better than what I would do only looking at :)
18:52.56clemkergoth: err I don't pretend to build an interface for any application, it's just for an opie-security replacement, with the possibility to have plugins
18:53.56clemkergoth: opensource development breaks noncompete agreements too? eeergh :/
18:54.25kergothclem: this one anyway, there were no exception clauses
18:54.28kergothah well
18:54.50trekekergoth: Damn
18:54.56trekekergoth: So no more new stuff from you?
18:55.41kergothtreke: well, I can obviously contribute to existing {,l}gpl codebases, since even if TI owns the copyright, the license is nailed down
18:55.49kergothtreke: new stuff, yeah, thats moreq uestionable
18:56.26trekekergoth: have you spoken to anyone at ti yet about this?
18:56.47kergothnot yet
18:56.53kergothneed to ask tim who's the right person to pester
19:01.46trekehopefully there is some procedure for getting stuff approved
19:02.06kergothi doubt one exists.. yet.. hopefully they'll implement one though
19:18.15ljp_laptopkergoth: can you outline what you wanted to change with launcher?
19:22.33ljp_laptopI have a non compete for commercial apps
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20:17.36clemHarlekin: by the way is oapp a new way to simplify Opie applications that use plugins? (I see Today can be compiled with oapp or not)
20:18.08trekeclem: not quite.
20:18.33trekeIt's for the launcher idea kergoth was working on, where all apps would be plugins and oapp would launch them
20:18.39ljpzauruswhat is oapp anyway
20:18.50kergothyeah, its just a plugin interfacde for applications
20:18.52ljpzaurusheh ..
20:19.05trekeAt least that was my understanding
20:19.42ljpzauruswould they show up as a tab?
20:20.54clemtreke - ok, thx
20:21.26kergothljpzaurus: depends on the loader
20:22.02kergothin a tab based launcher app, yeah
20:24.02ljpzaurusthat might be cool, if the tab was smaller, well for small screens anyway
20:24.43ljpzaurusI just want the taskbar at the top of the screen
20:24.44kergoththe advantage is, 1) you can embed any application, 2) you reduce fork overhead by being able to link the app in directly rather than forking an ew process
20:24.55kergothand of course the launching tool ends up rather minimal and modular
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21:01.26trekeso it seems like the evolution guys are pretty royally fucked syncing wise
21:04.38trekeit looks like it's syncing is pretty well tied to gnome-pilot
21:05.09Harlekinthe wombat server is more or less general
21:05.18Harlekinon is the only part of evo with a decent design
21:05.27trekehmmm. wombat.
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21:15.01trekeactually looks like wombat doesnt do what I want :)
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