irclog2html for #opie on 20030630

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08:09.17*** topic/#opie by schurig -> Open Palmtop Integrated Environment - - - Wann treffen wir uns auf dem LinuxTag?
08:09.55schurig/topic - Submit detailed bug reports at - deb
08:09.55schurig opie unstable - - You have documentation skills? Join NOW! || driving fast is dangerous,
08:09.55schurigbut that doesn't stop me || who's me?
08:10.20*** topic/#opie by schurig -> - Submit detailed bug reports at - deb opie unstable - - You have documentation skills? Join NOW! || driving fast is dangerous, but that doesn't stop me || who's me?
08:17.31*** join/#opie kurre ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:56.54wijnandi installed ODict from the 0.9.9 feed but it doesn't come with dictionary files... can i download them somewhere?
09:04.51dwmw2those are in the i18n packages aren't they?
09:08.20*** join/#opie lsmith (
09:26.27wijnandahhh ok, let me check :)
09:31.51wijnandhmmm there only appear to be .qm files in the /opt/QtPalmtop/i18n dir and they seem to be translations for apps
10:30.11*** join/#opie Groucho (~ofels@
10:30.25Grouchohi there
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12:00.10giuppihi! is there a printable version of the pyqt book anywhere ?
12:04.25*** join/#opie Groucho_ (~ofels@
12:04.34damjanhas anyone compiled qt-embeded for x86? I was trying to compile 3.1.1 with the "transformed" gfxdriver but it complains about unreferenced GfxRaster symbol
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13:07.25tomanyone knows about support for J2SE and swing + RMI in Familar + Opie
13:24.37Groucho_tom: well ...
13:24.47Groucho_J2Se is not available.
13:25.21Groucho_You can get a PersonalJAVA implmentation from Insignia (jeode) or you can use kaffe with Opie
13:26.01Groucho_There is SUNs reference implementation of a J2ME personal profile for the Zaurus which also works on the iPAQs
13:26.31Groucho_There is Wonka (PJ) and J9 from IBM without Opie GUI available
13:27.44Groucho_The only fully fledged JAVA implementation is a J2RE 1.3.1 from with X11 support (and it is extemely large)
13:42.32Thomas_allright... i think i've got 64MB of disk space... counting away that used by the os...
13:42.46Thomas_maybe there's a chance to put it in, how large is it?
13:43.09Thomas_Groucho_: and do you think it will run on my iPaq?
13:50.00*** join/#opie pattieja (
13:51.33Groucho_Thomas: You have 64 MB heap space, butonly 32M flash for file system ;-)
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13:51.50Groucho_Thomas: Over all approximately 15-20 M
13:52.53pb_Thomas_: if you are on iPAQ H3970, you have 48MB of flash storage available.
13:53.32Thomas_sounds like it could fit in then...
13:57.03*** join/#opie Harlekin (
14:02.15Thomas_Groucho_: what linux distribution and what gui should i use to make Blackdowns jvm to work?
14:03.14Thomas_...and do you know how swing applications will look?
14:04.15Groucho_Thomas_; A standard Familiar is enough and you need X to make it work
14:04.25Groucho_HArlekin: re
14:04.29Groucho_HArlekin: wb
14:05.15Groucho_Thomas_: Standard Swinf apps will look ugly and slow if they are not tailored to the embedded device- smaller screen eg.
14:09.06Thomas_how do i tailor them?
14:09.40Thomas_will it run smoother if I use awt ?
14:10.52Thomas_Is there any look and feel to use?
14:11.03Groucho_Tailoring means: Reducing the Swing set to the minimum required and adapting the GUI the smaller screen sizes as well as modifying input methods
14:11.13Groucho_no look and feel for this.
14:11.32Thomas_ok... not too heavy then.
14:11.48Groucho_Thomas_: Of course, using AWT only will accelerate the apps and reduce memory footprint
14:12.14Thomas_but i will get an unpretty gui...?
14:14.01Groucho_Depends on your skills. You donīt  need Swing to make a pretty GUI
14:14.19Thomas_thanks guys =)
14:16.13Thomas_Buttons and windows created by awt... do i have to customize them or will they automaticly look like native?
14:19.33Twiunthey'll look native
14:19.52Twiunthat's because AWT delegates such drawing to the native layer
14:20.13Thomas_ahh... thats what we hoped for...
14:20.38Thomas_going book-shopping then
14:21.07Thomas_can you recommend one?
14:21.28Groucho_in swedish ??? :-D
14:21.50Thomas_"Ja tack"
14:21.56Thomas_yes please
14:22.03Thomas_or english...
14:22.51Thomas_there _might_ be more litterarure available in eng.
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14:23.26Groucho_best you can get
14:23.40Twiunthe javadoc is also very handy
14:25.45Thomas_using Jbuilder, javadoc's always there...
14:26.19TwiunI prefer using shell+gvim ;)
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14:27.27Thomas_not on windows i suppose =)
14:28.09Twiunah, no ;)
14:29.45Thomas_well, thanks for all your support! gotta get something to eat and leave the school for a while... you make my heart smile guys!
14:35.49ljp_laptophey kergoth
14:37.45Groucho_moninī chris
14:39.00kergothhow goes it?
14:40.28Twiunhey kergoth
14:40.43schurigbecause he doesn't go into the sun anyway
14:41.00Twiunmy forearms hurt so much today...
14:41.16Twiunand my fingers can't grasp with any strength ;)
14:41.36schurigTwiun: you can't even grasp your mouse?
14:41.37kergothhehe, i remember doing that.  climbing is the best exercise for the forearms and hands, especially early on
14:41.49kergothI need to start climbin again, but left my equipment in MN\
14:41.58schurigkergoth: Climbing in TX?
14:42.06Twiunplace I went to had rentals
14:42.06schurigAre there any hills there?
14:42.20Twiunschurig: you can go climbing indoors
14:42.36schurigHmm, no fun. No nice scenery
14:42.46ljp_laptopbut they make you wash the windows while you are there. ;)
14:42.54kergothi'll miss that about MN
14:43.06schurigthe alps are 4-6 hours drive (depends on traffic jam) from my place
14:43.17kergothschurig: nice. you dont climb tho?
14:43.24schurigkergoth: no
14:43.38ljp_laptopkergoth: MN is a short flight
14:43.42schurigI just ride my bike
14:43.46kergothljp_laptop: true that, pretty cheap too
14:44.09kergothI should fly up to MN and get my mountain bike, bed, and rock climbing equipment
14:46.31Groucho_schurig: 30 minutes from me ;-)
14:47.06schurigGroucho_: from Karlsruhe?  By plane?
14:47.26Groucho_schurig: ok, from home :-)
14:47.39schurigso, you're from Basel?
14:48.05Groucho_lake constance
14:48.38schurigGroucho_: ah, then it's a "Katzensprung" :-)
14:48.50schurigcat jump
14:48.51Groucho_A catwalk, yes
14:49.59schurigmy wife is from Rottweil, that's not far away either. They used to go for Ski by car ...
14:51.15ljp_laptopskiing?! in the Alps?
14:51.28Groucho_schurig: yes, I drive by on my way north and south
14:51.32Groucho_ljp: where else ?
14:52.32ljp_laptopI heard there's ok skiing in the Alps
14:53.35Groucho_ljp: Thatīs more than ok ;-)
14:55.06schurigljp_laptop: hehe, Skiing was invented in the Alps (oddly enought by british gentlemen)
14:55.29ljp_laptophmmm, I heard it was the vikings
14:56.16schurigljp_laptop: not things like down-hill and slaloms
14:56.27Groucho_sure, they were supposed tom come down all thway. I canīt imagine the tommies goin for skiijng in the scottish  highlands
14:56.33ljp_laptopoh, modern skiing
14:56.53schurigGroucho_: to much sheep there
14:57.56Groucho_ljp: really ?
14:58.36Harlekinljp_laptop: thats modern again nowadays
14:59.10ljp_laptoptoo bad snowboarding is an olympic sport but telemark isnt
14:59.44ljp_laptopya, they have all kinds of plastic boots and stuff
14:59.50Groucho_ljp: only telemarking ?
15:00.02ljp_laptopno, I also downhill, too
15:00.38ljp_laptopbut its harder to go backcountry skiing with your heals plastered down
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15:52.40kergothdan just dropped by (drw)
15:53.50kergothibot: seen mickeyl;
15:53.51kergoth: i haven't seen 'mickeyl;'
15:53.54kergothibot: seen mickeyl
15:53.54mickeyl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 1d 21m 57s ago, saying: 'may come from opie itself - don't worry'.
15:58.22schurigkergoth: you terminate everything with semicolon;
15:58.43schurigtreke: no, it's not;
15:58.59schurigjust an interesting habit;
15:59.03kergothit is when you're trying to write python code;
16:20.06Groucho_kergoth schurig: What if you have a question ? Still  use the semicolon ?
16:20.55kergothhmmmm yeah
16:22.32Groucho_ibot: programmers
16:22.33Groucho_: I give up, what is it?
16:22.49Groucho_ibot: programmers always end a phrase by using the ;
16:22.50Groucho_: have you tried ?
16:23.04Groucho_ibot: programmers are people who always end a phrase by using the ;
16:23.04Groucho_: okay
16:23.14Groucho_ibot: programmers
16:23.19programmers are people who always end a phrase by using the ;
16:24.19Groucho_ibot: kergoth
16:24.20well, kergoth is at, or that openzaurus guy
16:24.36kergothcant change it
16:24.39kergothibot: kergoth is also bleh
16:24.40kergoth: cannot alter locked factoids
16:24.40kergoth: have you tried ?
16:25.45Groucho_Hmm- there is a missing ; in the topic .........
16:26.12kergoththe topic is an exception to the rule
16:26.41Groucho_ibot: rules
16:26.42Groucho_: i haven't a clue
16:26.56Groucho_ibot: rules are a requirement for having exceptions
16:26.57Groucho_: okay
16:27.13Groucho_This dumb ibot needs some more brain :-D
16:27.34Groucho_ibot: Groucho
16:27.35[groucho] the official feed maintainer of the iPAQ feed at Questions, kisses and money transfers go to
16:27.50Groucho_ah, yes, thatīs the current
16:28.53Groucho_especially the one with the "money transfers" is sweet. kisses are optional
16:31.16Groucho_sorry, forgot something: kisses are optional;
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17:27.04wijnanddoes anyone here use ODict? I have it installed but it doesn't have any dictionary files...
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17:31.02Groucho_Errm- yes. You will have to fetch them from the internet
17:31.15Groucho_Look for dict file via Google
17:31.50wijnandGroucho_: you happen to know which type of dict files? there are several formats out there
17:32.13Groucho_I once did... though I forgot
17:32.21Groucho_*shame* on Groucho
17:32.49wijnandwhat can i say, i dont know either so why would i blame you :)
17:33.06Groucho_yep- why would you ? ;-)
17:33.54Groucho_Well, I once digged into the code and played around with the dict files so I should know...
17:35.23Groucho_However I noticed that large dict files do not work anyway- too large causes odict to crash
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17:50.27wijnandhmmm thats no good
17:51.02*** part/#opie Groucho_ (~ofels@
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21:29.00*** topic/#opie is - Submit detailed bug reports at - deb opie unstable - - You have documentation skills? Join NOW! || driving fast is dangerous, but that doesn't stop me || who's me?
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.