irclog2html for #opie on 20030306

00:03.09bipolar_awayHarlekin: email sent....
00:05.32*** join/#opie pragma (
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01:02.58*** join/#opie PenguinLord (
01:03.52PenguinLordcan someone tell me the difference between opie-mediaplayer and opie-mediaplayer2
01:08.46trekeopie-mediaplayer2 is better
01:11.28PenguinLordi just installled it and the codecs on the latest opie (v0.7-pre3) and it will not launch
01:11.47trekewhat version of codecs and media player>
01:12.40PenguinLordthere an ipkg command that will tell me that?
01:12.46trekeipkg status
01:15.48PenguinLordwhen i tap it i get an hour glass, then nothing
01:21.53PenguinLordif i run it from a Konsole i get opieplayer2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Error 9
01:22.16trekesounds like opie-mdediaplayer-codes isnt fully installed
01:23.18PenguinLordi just did an ldconfig -v and it's happier now
01:45.23*** join/#opie jg (
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03:25.45smaloneWhere can I find the latest Familure with Opie?
03:27.55smaloneI've tried that version.  The TODO List doesn't work.  I can remember installing an image that had the media player and opie sheet with it.
03:28.18treke|homeupgrade to the feed
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12:08.23dwmw2grrr. Why does cvs die _every_ time I update, bitching about directories going away.
12:08.40dwmw2can't we move stuff by copying and then 'cvs remove' the originals, rather than just moving directories?
12:10.07dwmw2hmm. granted in this case it seems to be because the whole thing moved from /cvs to /usr/cvs ... :)
12:12.16ljpya. moved the whole lot a while ago
12:12.53ljpwhen they do that, I usually co again
12:41.22*** join/#opie merf (
12:42.02merfi'm trying to compile opie, and although it's giving arm-linux-gcc -L<the right path to qt-2.3.4-beta5/lib>, it says 'cannot find libqte'. does anyone know how i can fix this?
13:01.37ljpits amazing how many people dont know that all TT's linux libs are gpl'd as well as qpl..
13:02.44mickeylljp: right. it is amazing how people start going crazy about rumours instead of doing fscking researching the facts.
13:04.47ljppeople _still_ bash TT. it's like "wake up! its GPL!!"
13:08.15ljpthere was something I read from that gnome guy saying gnome is behind kde, but commenting on some 'royalties' issue with kde.
13:08.56ljphe said which is why redhat and someother co was shying away from kde
13:09.55ljpand I'm thinking.. man these guys are fanatics when the GPL isnt good enough anymore
13:12.05ljpgnome wouldnt even be around if it wasnt for TT
13:13.06mickeylyes, but it takes an open mind to realize this.
13:15.56ljpI still want to try kde on windows
13:16.42dwmw2I hate nethack makefiles _sooo_ much
13:18.37merfbah.. why can't opie find libqte?!
13:19.20ljpwhat does point too?
13:21.02merflrwxrwxrwx    1 isaac    isaac          15 Mar  5 18:52 /home/isaac/data/programming/qt-2.3.4-beta5/lib/ ->
13:21.42ljpdid you apply the opie qte patches?
13:21.47merfljp: yep
13:21.59dwmw2haven't rebuilt qt for a while, so not recent ones.
13:21.59merfalthough it rejected two hunks, but i ignored it (cause i'm lazy :D)
13:22.22ljpmerf: that wouoldnt causwe it to notfind it
13:22.30merfljp: i know, that's why it's odd
13:22.32ljpmerf: echo $OPIEDIR
13:22.49merfboth $OPIEDIR and $QTDIR are set correctly
13:23.29ljpmerf: cross compile?
13:55.41mickeyldwmw2_gone: you need qt-embedded-2.3.4-beta5
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17:41.16Harlekinibot: kitchensync
17:41.17i guess kitchensync is the ultimate syncing tool for KDE3 written by Aliens at the Area 51a ;) or not out yet. or in the kde3 cvs, or at
18:49.14*** join/#opie Markiedam (
18:49.39Markiedami'm just asking again.. are the new images for the H3950 ??
18:50.11trekeMarkiedam: #familiar
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18:51.03HarlekinMarkiedam: there are
18:52.40MarkiedamHarlekin: thanks
18:54.16Markiedami am now tranfering this image with windows... :(... linux does not work properly yet... but wat do i have to fill in bij Flow Control ??
18:54.28MarkiedamHardware = Xon Xoff
18:54.30Markiedamor non
18:57.25Markiedamkergoth: i just did :D
18:57.28clemHarlekin: whhich image should one use for 38xx iPaq's? is the 3800 architecture about the same as 31, 36 or 39xx?
18:57.31kergothMarkiedam: good.
18:57.47trekeclem: 36
18:57.54clemok thx!
18:58.14Harlekinclem: 36
18:58.20clemok thx! :)
19:04.49gruemelmonsteris kitchensync runing without kde, too? with kdelibs/qtlibs/... of course
19:05.14Harlekinshould be
19:06.50gruemelmonsterhmm i`ll give it a try
19:30.29Markiedamhmm.. still no sound on the H3950 with Pre-7... :(
19:30.47Harlekintell the familiar people
19:31.09Markiedami don't get it... isn't this a problem of opie ?
19:31.32trekeopie is just a user environment
19:31.45trekethe kernel provides sound support.
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20:38.40bipolarHarlekin: I got a response from the kPilot coordinator
20:38.51Harlekinwhat did he say?
20:39.37bipolarHarlekin: he said that Adriaan de Groot has been working with the kitchensync guys for a while now.
20:40.01bipolarHarlekin: want me to forward the msg to you?
20:40.08Harlekinfunny I havent noticed it yet
20:40.16Harlekinbipolar: its ok like that .-)
20:40.40Harlekinlets see, maybe one day there will suddenly be a plugin
20:40.45bipolarHarlekin: he also said to ask on the kde-pim mail list for more info.
20:41.24trekeHarlekin: maybe he was talking about the other kitchensync :)
20:41.34Harlekinwho knows .-)
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22:37.07ljp_workoi oi oi ...
22:39.49ljp_workheh oh, nothering. just a newbie dev in #openembedded
22:39.56ljp_workerr nothing
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22:55.28Harlekinhey drw
22:57.32Harlekinhey mewyn
22:57.34Harlekinhey mickeyl
22:58.08mickeylhi all
23:01.26mewyndebian is such a pain in the ass
23:01.54Harlekindepend on level off experince
23:02.15kergotheh? how is apt a pain in the ass?
23:02.21kergothapt-get install balh is as simple as it gets
23:02.25mewynkergoth: not apt
23:02.37mewynapt's debian's redeeming factor
23:02.54mewynwell, this is the thrid time i've had to reformat.
23:03.04mewynfirst time pcmcia was freaking out my kernel
23:03.05kergothi've never had to reformat when installing debian
23:03.10kergothjust went in, smooth as silk
23:03.13merfyou never have to reformat
23:03.13mewynsecond i couldn't even reboot into debian
23:03.22merfyou just have to have a rescue disk and a kernel source
23:03.36kergothand even that is rarely needed, if ever
23:03.44kergothif its needed, 95% chance its cause you hossed something
23:04.25kergothyou know what i love.. is update-grub
23:04.33kergothredhat needs that
23:04.44kergothi mean autogenerated grub config based on what installed kernels exist is beautiful
23:04.56merfi use lilo :)
23:04.59merflilo and symlinks
23:05.06kergothswitch to grub
23:05.08kergothyou wont regret it
23:05.11trekekergoth: do you have to use make-kernel-package to use it?
23:05.14kergothif grub fails to boot due to a typo..
23:05.19mewynok, once i have the base system installed, i edit /etc/apt/apt.lists to read unstable and do apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade?
23:05.22kergothjsut drop to a grub prompt and type it in
23:05.23merfvmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.4.20 ; vmlinuz.old -> vmlinuz-2.4.17
23:05.27kergothmewyn: yep
23:05.39trekekergoth: maybe if I actually rebooted once in a while :)
23:05.42kergothmerf: i always have at least 5 installed kernels in various types
23:05.57merfmy box is an unstable hell with just one kernel
23:06.00merfi've no need for five :)
23:10.53mewynkergoth: you are insane
23:11.10mewyni don't reboot often enough to justify having more than one kernel
23:12.17drw2 is enough, 1 new one, 1 old one to fall back on in case new one doesn't work out
23:12.39kergothwell, i have two -ck3s, one with AA VM, one with RMAP, to compare and contrast
23:12.40mewyni don't like rebooting
23:12.51kergothand each kernel i build i have one with FB console enabled, and one with just text mode console
23:13.00kergothsince the slow redraw speed of FB console gets annoying at times
23:13.06mewyni'm gonna really hate using my next laptop until ACPI suspend is supported
23:13.16kergoththen theres the 2.5 kernels to play around
23:14.07mewynkergoth: you know anything about the acpi in linux?
23:14.35kergotha bit, i always enable it myself. not a lot tho
23:14.59mewyni'm wondering when suspend will be there
23:16.08trekedownload the swsusp patch
23:16.37kergothsoftware suspend?
23:16.47kergothnever played with that myself
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23:17.10trekemewyn: it writes the contents of memory to swap space
23:17.26mewyndo i need an unused swap partition?
23:17.40trekeno but you need a large enough swap partition
23:17.56mewynwhat if swap is in use?
23:18.27trekeyou should be fine as long as you have enough not used to store physical ram + used swap
23:19.12mewynyou play around with it at all?
23:19.33mewynhow does it tell the system to restore state?
23:19.36trekeI think the author recommended 2*physical rm
23:19.50trekemewyn: Dunno. never looked at the code
23:19.57kergothwhat do you mean by tell the system?
23:20.25mewyni'd imagine it'd either need to be in the boot loader or the very first thing the kernel did
23:20.36kergothits in kernel
23:20.39trekemewyn: its in the kernel
23:20.52trekemewyn: the kernel says oh look suspend data, lets resume
23:21.11mewynany way to override, if something goes boom?
23:21.27mewynboot parameter?
23:21.50trekedont do it if you can avoid it
23:22.17mewynkergoth: i'm reading the site at the same time :P
23:23.14mewyntreke: what i'm thinking of doing with my laptop (one thing at least) is keeping all my financial transactions in it, and i'd like to usually put them in at the time they are made.  that's the biggest reason i need suspend/resume
23:23.15trekeI seem to remember that not restoring could result in a trashed file system
23:23.26trekemewyn: opie-checkbook
23:23.50mewyncan that talk back and forth between gnucash?
23:24.05trekedont think it can at the moment
23:24.32trekemight not be that tough to write a opie-checkbook -> qif converter
23:26.16drwtreke: I am starting to do a QIF import/export for checkbook
23:26.23mewyni wonder how kapital is
23:26.42trekekapital seems to be rather universally regarded as a steaming pile of shit
23:26.55drwI had it at one time and thought the UI was terrible
23:27.02drwway to confusing
23:27.05trekethe ui was horrid
23:32.37mewyngod damnit
23:32.52mewynpcmcia killed everything in dist-upgrade again
23:33.31mewynfuck debian
23:34.05trekewhat is pcmcia doing?
23:34.18mewyni told the installer /not/ to restart pcmcia.  it went and restarted pcmcia, and caused an oops
23:34.51trekesounds like a fucked up kernel
23:35.20mewynwell, it still shouldn't try to restart pcmcia if i tell it not to
23:49.22*** join/#opie david_r (

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