irclog2html for opie on 2002.10.17

01:03:04rebootHow do I change the skin on the media player?
01:08:54treke|homereboot: one of the menus has a skins option
01:10:48rebootI don't see any menus in opieplayer like that.
01:11:11treke|homeyou need opie player 2
01:12:08rebootI don't see that in my ipkg list
01:12:29treke|homewhat feed do you use?
01:13:52rebootIm seeing it in the list, I just cant get it
01:14:00rebootipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-mp3iMz 0.2.2_arm.ipk'
01:14:00reboottype11error: Failed to download opie-mediaplayer-codecs. Perhaps you need to run `ipkg update'?
01:19:41rebootIs there a different feed I should be using?
01:20:04treke|homereboot: there is a feed at It is the official feed
01:23:58rebootThat fixed it :)
01:24:38rebootSo, I noticed the themes in the screenies, are there more than the one theme (luna) ?
01:24:59treke|homeinstall opie-appearance
01:25:17rebootThats already installed
01:25:28treke|homethen use it
01:27:55rebootI do, but I only see the one theme in there.
01:29:49rebootAnd when I run mediaplayer2 it won't come up.
01:30:50treke|homeopieplayer2 is under heavy construction. Some days it might be broken :)
01:34:37rebootI really like the opie-theme-luna.. can't wait for more. :)
01:35:50treke|home there are more. just install them
01:36:50treke|homethey are in the feed
01:36:52rebootI can't find them.
01:37:58treke|homeopie-liquid is one
01:38:02treke|homeI dont know the others off hand
01:38:06ljp-make more! ;)
01:39:01rebootIs there any docs on how to make them? Its something Id love to learn to do.
01:39:18ljp-there will be
01:39:35rebootThat and change the background
01:39:50ljp-ibot: message for sandman: we need docs explaining how to make new opie themes :D
01:40:27ljp-I am assuming he is asleep currently, and will login as sandman
01:40:39ljp-I'll remind him later
01:40:54treke|home<sandman> ibot: message for ljp- : write them
01:41:49ljp-hahaha.. themes are sandmans thing
01:42:16ljp-there should be a metal 'theme'
01:42:20treke|homejust about everything is thandmans theme :)
01:43:08ljp-yes! I know.. sandman MUST be stopped! He's all over the opie code!
01:43:52treke|homescrew that, he needs to do more since he rocks
01:44:52rebootI agree.. he rocks.
01:46:34rebootok Im going to head home. back later. :)
01:57:03ljp-heh.. you took me seriously?
02:36:37treke|homeljp-: you tried qtopiad desktop 1.6 yet?
02:36:56ljp-not the beta
02:37:04treke|homeany version?
02:37:27ljp-yes, I tried the snapshot they mistakenly added qtopiadesktop source too
02:37:41treke|homewell how does it work?
02:37:46treke|homesyncing any better?
02:37:57ljp-well, that was a while ago, and there were things missing.
02:38:13ljp-I only tried qtopia 1.6 from x86
02:38:22treke|homebleh. your no use
02:38:25ljp-oh.. qtopia _desktop_
02:38:33treke|homebeen reading long?
02:38:46ljp-nope.. been writing docs, and my brain is fried
02:39:37ljp-I was going to try that new version as soon as kergoth gets the sd issue cleared in the next oz prerelease
02:40:44ljp-I think I am "doc'd" out for the night.. blah
03:06:31Joe|-|3110 +|-|3R3 P30p13
03:07:06treke|homel33t d00d g0 4w4y
03:07:40JoeI'm not l337 i was just screwing around.
03:07:46ljp-hehe ahhh
03:07:49Joewhat's with the morse code?
03:08:01ljp-that how we prefer to talk here
03:08:13treke|homemorse code in german
03:08:31ljp-how do you do those accents?
03:08:38treke|homeljp-: carefully
03:09:20Joe-- -.--  -- --- .-. ... .  -.-. --- -.. .. -. --.  ... -.- .. .-.. .-.. ...  .- .-. .  ...-- .---- --... --... --...
03:10:47kergoth_attempts to comprehend that and promptly explodes
03:11:02Joegoogle morse to text
03:11:10Joebut that's not how I did it
03:11:28Joei used a binary I downloaded from the obfuscated c compitition.
03:11:43Joemorse code is cool man
03:11:54Joeit's really cool to pipe /dev/dsp into morse code
03:12:03Joelooks like primitive telivision static
03:12:11Joeor /dev/urandom
03:12:40treke|homekergoth_: drink a bit more, then come back
03:13:06kergoth_treke|home: good idea
03:13:12ljp-grabs a mop
03:15:40Joe-.-- ---  --.- ..- .. . .-. ---  - .- -.-. ---  -... . .-.. .-..  
03:15:54JoeYo quiero Taco Bell!
03:16:14kergoth_thats it
03:16:16kergoth_i need food
03:19:23kergoth_damn its only 8:45? fuck, it feels later than that
03:19:53treke|homekergoth_: uhm its later than that
03:20:04treke|homekergoth_: its 8:20 here in California
03:21:17ljp-no wonder kergoths beentwo hours late to work all week
03:21:33kergoth_my computer's clock is way the fuck off
03:21:39kergoth_my wall clock is accurate
03:21:46Joe/exec -o date +%r
03:22:18kergoth_i know what time my computer has
03:22:20kergoth_its 2 hours off
03:22:22kergoth_like i just fucking said
03:22:22JoeDo you really want God to damn your clock? Don't you think God has better things to do then Damn clocks? Geesh.
03:22:29kergoth_yes, i want god to damn my clock
03:22:35kergoth_but alas
03:22:46treke|homekergoth_: drink up
03:22:53kergoth_treke|home: good idea.
03:22:55kergoth_wanders off
03:23:10ljp-get one of those atomic time clocks that set themselves
03:23:33JoeIf God really did damn your clock it would only read 6:66
03:23:39treke|homebetter yet, just stop carrying what time it ws
03:26:16JoeO.p.i.e. = ??
03:26:33JoeOpen Projects I= E=??
03:26:41JoeOpen Projects I=?? E=??
03:26:55treke|homeOpen Projects Internet Explorer
03:27:12JoeOpen Projects Internet Exploitz
03:28:34JoeOpen Projects Intelligent Encryption.
03:29:01treke|homethe project is trying to write an irc client using the internet explorer framework to increase usage of open projects and fund future development of the network
03:29:33Joebah Internet Explorer
03:30:09treke|homethe end result will be made available under a free software license similar to the microsoft shared source license
03:30:56Joetoo Micro$oft if you ask me.
03:31:30treke|homeyou say that like its a bad thing
03:31:42JoeBecause that's how I feel.
03:31:55JoeI want Microsoft to be a Hardware developer only.
03:32:18somebody said opie was the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment. More info at or in the #opie channel. Installation instructions at or respect
03:32:18spiralmanibot opie
03:32:20Joes/Hardware/hardware/ even
03:34:59treke|homespiralman: way to spoil the fun
04:23:49hash|ST: what?
04:23:49hash|STibot: message help
04:23:51hashibot: message for harlekin: 2x05 is on my server. enjoy... ^_^
04:23:53hashtreke|home: i fixed all the key problems i was having with gnuboy
04:23:57hashi mapped the exit button to something else
04:24:01hashand totally disabled normal closeEvent()s
04:24:03hashso all those weird ways you can emit ESC wont close it
04:28:40ljp-even if I emit ESC though my butt?
04:47:29spiralmanis away: sleep
05:00:45hashljp-: yup, even your butt
05:00:55hashljp-: i'll make a shot of those fonts you told me about
05:01:38hashdo you know what file font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed- would be in?
05:03:11hashi want that on my handheld myself
05:08:13ljp-not sure where that font might be
05:08:37hashi'll just remove monospace
05:09:03hashcus the ones we aready have knownn as "fixed" is prolly clearer to read anyway
05:10:17ljp-ya that one looks kinda goofy
05:10:41hashanything else while i'm at it?
05:12:16ljp-maybe georgia
05:12:34hashisnt caliban almost like helvetica?
05:19:29ljp-maybe veranda
06:47:34JoeCan anybody here give me some good misinformation on how to use my linux command line?
06:55:48hashwrong channel
07:08:04hash <= funny stuff man...
07:36:33Joehrm, all of IPv4 address space in a file would be 60GB.
07:37:54Joehrm, all of IPv4 address space in a hundred files would be 60GB.
07:40:03Indi-depends how you store that data Joe
07:40:15Indi-an IP breaks down to 4 hex numbers
07:40:24Indi-which are only 2 bytes in ascii
07:40:35Indi-so that 8 bytes per IP
07:41:02Indi-as opposed to 15 bytes for
07:41:06Joeah but if it's decimal
07:41:13Joewhich is how it would be stored
07:41:14Indi-fuck decimal :)
07:41:19Joeit would be a maximum of 60GB
07:41:23Indi-thats how -ud- store it
07:41:29Indi-anyone with a brain would store it as hex
07:41:29Joeif my calculator is correct anyway
07:41:38Joethat's my calculation from
07:41:40Indi-computers convert it back to hex
07:41:48Joe0.0.0.0 -
07:41:48Indi-nice trivia anyway
07:42:17Joeactually it remains to be binary code in the computer if you want to get techinical
07:42:23Indi-00000000 - FFFFFFFF
07:42:25Joetechnical even
07:42:57Joebut if it were done that way it wouldn't be scriptable hahaha
07:43:16Indi-only if ur the shittiest programmer on the face of the earth
07:44:14Indi-if you store it as true hex in a binary file its only 4 bytes per address
07:44:25Joewhy not have 1431655765 periods in the file?
07:45:49Joeyeah I guess it would be pretty dumb to have it all in an ascii file
07:46:06Indi-back to the drawing board :P
07:46:08Joeconsidering it could just as easily be done with hex
07:46:20Joei just think that's interesting though
07:46:22Indi-imo itd be easier to do it with raw bytes :)
07:46:35Indi-you wouldnt have to worry about line seperators either
07:46:39Joean entire planets worth of communication on an 80mb hard drive.
07:46:41Indi-cause every adress is 4 bytes long
07:46:49nchipwhy would one want to store all ip addressess :P
07:47:04Indi-same reason someone 'd do it in ascii ;)
07:47:13Joewhat do you figure it would take to physically write that amount of data?
07:47:18nchipbecides, you don't need to store them all, ass there are blocks unused
07:47:55Joe0.0.0.0 is void
07:48:01Joe169.*.*.* is void
07:48:07Joe127.*.*.* is void
07:48:20Joeand theres another right?
07:48:26Indi-theres a few
07:48:28Joe192 hahaha
07:48:33Indi-plenty of reserved space
07:48:48Joemy brother always tells me to hit his webserver on
07:48:52Joei'm like dude
07:48:55Joethat's your local address
07:49:00Joeand he argues it
07:49:10Joehe's a noob
07:49:25Joewhat is the math on ipv6 address space?
07:49:41Joehow much disc space would it take for all ipv6 address space?
07:49:50Joeprobably like ten zillions of gigabytes
07:51:14nchip82.* - 126.* is all just "reserved"
07:52:24Joedude you could totally finger the planet hahaha
07:53:12Joepretty intelligent math behind ipv4
07:53:20Joeeven more intelligent math behind ipv6
07:53:20Indi-we already do a good enough job of fingering the planet :(
07:53:28Joesmart guys who thought up the whole idea
07:54:01Joeyeah I could always just walk around with my middle finger up everywhere I go.
07:54:08JoeMaybe people will get the idea lol
07:54:20JoeFinger some granny
07:54:22Joefor no reason
07:54:25Joenow that's comedy!
07:54:52Joeactually that's mean
07:54:57JoeI should never have suggested it.
08:51:11Joewell I got kicked from #linux
08:51:22Joeactually I had my voice stolen.
08:51:42Joeplenty of #linux channels out there
08:52:12Joe<Joe> it's cool to have freedom of speech
08:52:12Joe--- #linux :The channel demigods have stolen your voice
08:58:35Nermal_Workoh no
10:02:08DrJonesAnyone awake?
10:03:34DrJonesIm trying to run some of the newer opie apps in my Familiar  distro. mail2 and appearance2 when I run them I get nothing back. When I run them from the command line I get relocation errors... any clue?
10:06:52Indi-you like familiar/opie ?
10:07:03Indi-after all that effort getting it on there... :)
10:07:04DrJonesI can run the mail ap from the today ap, but not from the tab.
10:07:20DrJonesIndi- : So far, I like it alot.
10:07:35Indi-i was using it too take GPS notes today
10:07:44Indi-ipaq in a backpack, bit of hiking, very nice :)
10:08:03DrJonesAre there any good gps tools for Familiar/opie yet?
10:08:29Indi-theres pygps or something, but i dunno if it runs under opie
10:08:33Indi-i believe its an X app
10:08:50Indi-i was just copying the data over by hand
10:08:56Indi-ancient, but works ;)
10:09:10DrJonessome xapps seem to work.
10:09:18Indi-the GPS company want $115 for there 9 pin serial cable with special connector as well
10:09:25DrJonesWhich one?
10:09:37Indi-$115 australian
10:09:54Indi-im gunna get around to making one some day
10:10:12Indi-the GPS itself was only like $200
10:10:17DrJonesHere in the states, there is gpsgeek. They make cables pretty cheaply
10:11:10DrJonesThis is really wierd.. I can run apps from today panel, but I can't run them from the pim tab.
10:15:05DrJonesSeems like only opie-mail2 and opie-appearance2 have problems.
10:38:35DrJoneshey sandman, can you help me with a little problem?
10:38:52sandmanDepends .. ;)
10:39:24sandmanDrJones: What _is_ your problem ?
10:39:32DrJonesIm trying to get opie-appearance2, opie-mail2 to work. When I click them from the tab, I get nothing. (hour glass) and nothing.
10:39:46sandmanWhich feed ?
10:40:02DrJonessrc opie
10:40:03DrJonessrc opie
10:40:38sandmanthe mail2 bug is fixed in CVS -- I'm not sure if it is in the feed yet
10:40:49sandmanDrJones: Which one of the two ?
10:40:52DrJonesAlso mediaplayer2 doesn't work
10:41:10DrJonesI put the opie.handhelds in after the fact.
10:41:13sandmanThat won't work very well ..
10:41:22sandmanremove the
10:41:49sandmanBTW: There is no appearance2 ... only opie-appearance
10:42:15DrJonesopie-appearance - Appearance settings dialog
10:42:15DrJonesopie-appearance - Appearance settings dialog
10:42:15DrJonesopie-appearance2 - Appearance settings dialog
10:42:26DrJones /mnt/card/root # ipkg list | grep appearance
10:42:28sandmanThis is an old outdated version
10:42:44sandmanipkg remove it and install opie-appearance
10:43:40sandmanThe appearance2 packages were just test versions till version was stable enough to replace appearance
10:43:42DrJonesWhen I look at appearance, I don't see any place to choose an image for the background
10:43:53DrJonesRight now Im using the liquid theme
10:43:55sandmanipkg install opie-launchersettings
10:44:04sandmanper tab configuration
10:46:11DrJonesok, but I still can't find the place to choose a pic :)
10:46:29sandmanlauchersettings -> Tabs -> select tab -> edit
10:48:03DrJoneswow! thanks :)
10:52:42DrJonessandman : you rock :)
10:53:06Burner23Does anyone know why I have to hardreboot my Ipaq after Suspending it 5-6 times. ??
10:53:15Burner23Is this a known problem?
10:53:22Burner23The bateries are ok.
10:53:25sandmanBurner23: H36xx ?
10:54:15sandmanThis is a known, but mysterious problem -- Most likely a kernel bug
10:54:56Burner23strange :)
10:55:07sandmanAnd it affects only a few units .. mine for example works perfectly
10:56:23sandmanBurner23: You could try to upgrade the kernel to hh21 -- i've made some apm fixes, that should be in -- this _might_ help
10:56:52Burner23hmm I try it, when I go home.
10:57:02Burner23is there a feed for the kernel?
11:03:36sandmanBurner23: No need to worry -- I just checked it -- the patches are not in yet
11:04:03DrJonesSo sandman, when do you think the mail stuff will be fixed? ;)
11:04:09sandmanBurner23: But the normal kernel is in the standard familiar feed
11:04:24Burner23how can I find out what version I got ?
11:04:37sandmanDrJones: When Groucho recompiles the feed
11:05:14DrJonesIm new to this whole thing, how often does that usually happen?
11:08:03sandmanDrJones: ~ 2 times a week -- but he is currently at the Systems in Munich
11:08:13sandmanBurner23: ipkg list |grep ^kernel
11:08:42sandmanBurner23: or ls -l /boot
11:08:48DrJonesSo, any idea on the other problem, getting mediaplayer2 to work?
11:09:13sandmanreinstall mediplayer + codecs from the 131.... feed
11:09:57DrJones131 feed?
11:09:58Burner23thx sandman
11:10:15hmmm... opie feed is or newer on or at or or
11:10:15sandmanibot opie feed
11:10:46Burner23sandman: rmk3
11:11:26DrJones # ipkg install opie-mediaplayer-codecs
11:11:26DrJonesSyntax error: "(" unexpected
11:11:26DrJonesipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 2: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-khsIUe'
11:11:27DrJonestype11error: Failed to download opie-mediaplayer-codecs. Perhaps you need to run `ipkg update'?
11:12:09Burner23did you do a ipkg update ??
11:13:23DrJones# ipkg update
11:13:24DrJonesUpdated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/v0.6-rc1-base
11:13:24DrJonesUpdated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/v0.6-rc1-x
11:13:26DrJonesUpdated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/v0.6-rc1-opie
11:13:30DrJonesUpdated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/opie
11:14:51sandmanDrJones: Did you really name both of the two opie feeds in your /etc/ipkg.conf "opie" (as in src opie http://.. )
11:15:13sandmanDrJones: If so, you could have screwed your packages list
11:15:21DrJonessrc v0.6-rc1-base
11:15:21DrJonessrc v0.6-rc1-x
11:15:21DrJonessrc v0.6-rc1-opie
11:15:22DrJonessrc opie
11:15:53sandman12:39 < sandman> Which feed ?
11:15:53sandman12:40 < DrJones> src opie
11:15:53sandman12:40 < DrJones> src opie
11:16:22DrJones<-- lame
11:17:42DrJonesCan I fix it?
11:18:35sandmanDrJones: rm /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/opie ; rm -rf /opt/QtPalmtop ; ipkg update; ipkg install task-opie (no guarantee on this one ;)
11:18:39AntiProxyDrJones: sandman told you howto.. an hour back
11:18:56AntiProxy<sandman> That won't work very well ..
11:18:57AntiProxy<sandman> remove the
11:19:22sandmanAntiProxy: He screwed the package list
11:19:33sandmanToo late to remove it from /etc/ipkg.conf
11:19:59AntiProxysandman: he can fix it by cleaning /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/*
11:20:05AntiProxy( happened to me before )
11:20:16DrJonesit didn't do anything. :(
11:20:34AntiProxyDrJones: well.. then go the status file. and clean the duplicated manually
11:20:35DrJonesIt thinks task-opie is already instlaled
11:20:52AntiProxyi always remove the dummy packages after installing them
11:23:11DrJonesHow do I get /opt/QtPalmtop back?
11:23:22AntiProxyyou reinstall all of opie
11:25:16DrJonesIt won't let me, it thinks its all still installed
11:25:44sandmanipkg -force-reinstall
11:26:35DrJonesThat doesn't work.
11:27:18sandmanMach ich heut abend -- dann kann ich auch mit ljp gleich reden, wegen Permissions auf den Verzeichnissen
11:27:24sandmanwrong window
11:28:14AntiProxyDrJones: as i said... edit the status file, and remove all the opie-related packages manually
11:28:31DrJonesOk, which is the status file?
11:28:38AntiProxyor as an easy way out.. take a backup of your stuff, and reinstall everything from scratch
11:28:43AntiProxy( flash a new image )
11:29:23DrJonesOk, I removed it, and ipkg install task-opie-complete
11:29:45AntiProxydid i ask you to remove the file ?
11:29:52AntiProxynow all your other stuff is messed up .\
11:30:05AntiProxytake a backup, and flash a fresh image
11:33:16DrJonesok, boot to the boot loader, and load root ?
11:34:32DrJonesdo I have to do a partition reset ?
11:34:55AntiProxyjust load root
11:35:11AntiProxyyou can 'set ymodem=1' and use ymodem to transfer the image
11:35:14AntiProxy( faster )
11:35:56DrJonesI don't have ymodem.. i have x and z
11:37:01AntiProxyminicom has all of them
11:37:26DrJonesIm doing this from a XP machine.. I don't have a linux box at home
11:37:43AntiProxyblah.. well i dont know then
11:37:46AntiProxystick to xmodem
11:37:58DrJonesIm getting the new image
11:38:07DrJonesFamiliar v0.6-rc1 bootopie-v06-18.jffs2
11:39:45DrJonesok, Im goin to sleep.. its 4:39am here and I've done enough damage.
11:39:56DrJonesThanks sandman and AntiProxy
11:40:14DrJonesIll try to not be sucha dumbshit next time.
11:40:50AntiProxyon windows XP ?
11:41:20Indi--there is a doze BX port isnt there ...
11:41:21AntiProxyto that extent?!
11:41:52Indi--at least he's saved his ipaq :)
13:38:49nris opie-player-2 able to catch a video stream and play it ?
13:39:38spiralmanyeah, should be able to
13:40:02spiralmanas long as the filetype is streamable, and is supported by player2 (xine)
13:40:23nrop2 is xine ?
13:41:09nrxine is for X11, I think, isnt ?
13:42:04spiralmanthe GUI for it is x based, but the decoder stuff isnt, which is all op2 uses
13:42:11spiralmanand is also the most important part
13:52:12nrfor url should I type something like "udpstream://server:1234/" ?
14:00:02Indi--does the irda port show up as a serial device ? (assuming you have the modules, lirc, etc.. installed and working)
14:00:12Indi--if not, can it be configured ?
14:03:21spiralmannr: only http works
14:03:34spiralmanIndi--: lirc does not emulate a serial device
14:03:58spiralmanIndi--: you need the modules that make the irda port look like a serial port (i dont remember what they are called)
14:08:52nronly http ? so I can't use vlms as server :(
14:09:16spiralmanvlms uses http
14:09:35spiralmanit can be configured to anyway
14:13:53nr? someone on #videolan said  vlms only does UDP   so ??
14:14:08nrI'll check the docs :)
14:14:15spiralmanudp is like tcp, its not analagous to http
14:14:22spiralmanhttp runs over udp or tcp
14:15:07spiralmanwell, it should be able to
14:15:11nrso I could use op2 and vlms together ?
14:15:38spiralmanyes, you should be able to, i know somebody used op2 and vls togother, i dont know why vlms wont work
14:16:39nrok thanks
14:22:24nranyway which servers would you recommend to stream video with op2 ?
14:22:46spiralmanwhere is the video comming from?
14:23:20spiralmanie, is it off a tv card, just some file somewhere, a dvd, what?
14:23:39nrfrom a mpg file
14:23:46spiralmanthen use some web server
14:23:54nrreally ?
14:25:22nrapache will just stream it instead of sending it entirely ?
14:25:38spiralmanits really not up to the server, its up to the player
14:25:47nrcool :)
14:31:21nrspiralman: it works, that's great !
14:32:07nrbut it keeps telling me "there is enough memory again"
14:32:20spiralmanthere is enough, or isnt?
14:32:46nrit sound queer, I guess there isnt enough
14:32:52nrbut it says:
14:33:10nr"there is enough memory again"
14:33:26nrsays that again and again
14:33:36spiralmanwhere did you get the ipkg?
14:33:59nrmean op2 ? killefiz I think
14:34:08spiralmanok, i dont know
14:34:13spiralmanask Harlekin what it means i guess
14:34:17spiralmanive gotta run now...
14:34:20spiralmanis away: class
14:34:22nrthanks for help
15:03:49benmeyerHey kergoth
15:03:51benmeyercvs update
15:04:02benmeyernetwork setup should recognize usb0 now
15:04:38Harlekinbenmeyer: btw, package name from backup is wrong
15:04:42Harlekinshould be opie-backup
15:05:00benmeyeryou can name that package that, but the exe is backup
15:05:04benmeyeror databackup
15:05:07benmeyeror whatever it is
15:05:22ljp_workhow about calling it 911
15:05:58ljp_workas in the frickin phone number
15:07:16benmeyerhmmm... I am trying to edit a vi file and it says that it is busy
15:07:22benmeyerhow do I "unbusy" it
15:07:36kergothbenmeyer: wlan config is being lost, last i checked. that is, it writes out the wireless.opts, but the Config isnt being written, cause when i go back in on that interface its still empty, back to defaults
15:07:53Harlekinkergoth: hey
15:07:56benmeyeryah, that is that Config error
15:07:59ljp_workuse emacs
15:08:02Harlekinkergoth: could you move the old netsetup stuff to unsupported?
15:08:09benmeyerI don't really understand why use use Config anyway in that case
15:08:21benmeyerljp- no emacs on the z
15:09:26ljp_workI have it
15:11:10benmeyerDoesn't the app read the wireless.opts?
15:13:52benmeyerok, fixing that
15:30:03benmeyerkergoth & Harlekin: ok, added and updated icons and got the rest of the interfaces to show up
15:30:24benmeyernow disconnected interfaces show up also
15:30:26Harlekinand maybe write online doc
15:30:43ljp_worktoday needs docs
15:30:44Harlekinfor the (?) button
15:30:47benmeyerMy code is very well documented thank..
15:30:48Harlekinljp_work: yes
15:30:49benmeyeroh that
15:30:51Harlekinljp_work: working on it
15:30:57Harlekinbenmeyer: forusers
15:31:02Harlekinhow to use the app
15:31:15Harlekinbenmeyer: btw, on my desktop eth0 shows with ip
15:31:19benmeyerhehe still figuring it out myself
15:31:22kergothk netsetup is in unsupported
15:31:29Harlekinkergoth: fs move?
15:31:38benmeyerHarlekin: what is its ip?
15:31:41kergothHarlekin: yeah
15:31:55Harlekinkergoth: great
15:32:00benmeyerodd, via info you get that/
15:32:10Harlekinbenmeyer: you mean ifconfig?
15:32:25benmeyerI mean in the app you get that when you click on information?
15:34:16Harlekinbut netmask etc are right
15:34:39benmeyercat me your ifconfig output
15:34:53benmeyerlike my wlan icon?
15:35:01benmeyerspent all of maybe 10 minutes on it
15:35:14benmeyerinet Adresse?
15:35:20benmeyerwhat is Adresse?
15:35:35benmeyerinet addr:
15:35:41benmeyerthat is what normally it would show....
15:35:47Harlekinits german
15:35:57Harlekinso you dont parse proc dir
15:36:00Harlekinbut ifconfig output
15:36:08benmeyerproc would be better
15:36:24benmeyeractually if you can make a class that parses it and gives me that info....
15:36:32benmeyerit would be most aprichiated
15:36:56Harlekinpost opieI
15:37:00Harlekinto much on my list before that
15:38:19benmeyeris there any special usb stuff?
15:38:24benmeyerto configure/show?
15:38:34benmeyeri.e. is there any point to a usb module
15:38:59kergothnothing special about usb, its just a regular interface
15:39:08benmeyerwhat about stats?
15:39:26benmeyerany usb specific stats that could be shown
15:40:32benmeyerwhere would that be configured?
15:41:33benmeyeryah, my bad
15:41:34kergothhotplug does it all, you dont need to do anything
15:41:38kergothit'll run ifup/ifdown
15:42:03benmeyeryah, but still to add a new usb device I guess the driver ipk would set that up wouldn't it
15:42:24kergothwell, yeah, you dont 'add' a usb device in the app
15:42:34kergothif you plug it into usb and you have the right bits installed, its all done for you
15:42:54benmeyertrue, ok cool, so no usb module to write :-D
15:42:54Harlekinbenmeyer: can you rename the backup control file?
15:43:07benmeyerisn't really sure where it is :-D
15:43:23Harlekinor simular
15:43:31Harlekinid like to add it to ipaqs bootstrap task
15:43:37Harlekinas also netsetup
15:44:00Harlekinwhen its able to configure usbnet too
15:44:24benmeyerconfig7ure usbnet?
15:45:25kergothusbnet should use interfaces
15:45:30kergothhotplug should call ifup/ifdown
15:45:36kergothin which case networksetup already supports it
15:45:45Harlekinkergoth: yes
15:45:47kergothbenmeyer: ipaq usbnet interface is usbf, btw
15:45:56HarlekinJasonNJ: but to set ips
15:46:04Harlekinnetsetup is usefull
15:46:11kergothis confused
15:46:11Harlekinnot everybody has the default ips set
15:46:24Harlekinand yes, it allready supports it
15:46:24kergothnetworksetup can alter the ip config of any interface usign interfaces
15:46:28kergothdoing so for usbf is easy
15:46:30nchipeveryone should use dhcp :P
15:46:34Harlekinthe point was that i wanted to add it
15:46:46benmeyerisnt' that done via interfaces?
15:47:39kergothHarlekin: so you wanted to configure usbf before plugging it into usb
15:47:40kergothHarlekin: right?
15:49:08Harlekinthe point is more that currently people need to edit with vi via embeddedconsole
15:49:16Harlekinafter they flashed the bootstrap
15:49:17Harlekinon ipaq
15:49:24Harlekincase they do not have the default ips
15:49:35kergothbenmeyer: can it add a configuration for an interface that doesnt yet exist, either up or down?
15:49:37Harlekinand want others fro usbnet
15:49:52Harlekinkergoth: he uses ifconfig -a
15:49:54kergothHarlekin: why not familiar include a interfaces entry for usbf, with default options?
15:49:56Harlekinthats enoughj
15:49:58kergothHarlekin: i know
15:50:01Harlekinit does
15:50:06Harlekinits full configured allredy
15:50:09kergothusbf exists when you arent plugged into usb?
15:50:13Harlekinbut to a 192. something ip
15:50:20kergothits not on the zaurus.
15:50:23Harlekinbut still shows via ifconfig -a
15:50:27kergothhotplug loads the module only when necessary
15:50:29Harlekinso its in
16:00:27kergothbenmeyer: so will we have the abilityi to "add" a interfaces entry for an arbitrary interface even if its not shown in ifconfig -a?
16:15:16Nermal_Workis away: at home
16:16:34kergothbenmeyer: or what about just showing interfaces set up in /etc/network/interfaces even if the interface doesnt exist atm? like for usbd0 when we arent in teh cradle
16:21:35nris there a webpage explaining what are the relationships between qtopia, openzaurus, qte, qpe, opie ?
16:22:11kergothnr: qpe = qtopia, qtopia and opie use qte, opie is a fork of the qtpoia codebase, openzaurus is a linux distro for the zaurus that uses opie as its GUI
16:24:31nrso, is the /home/QtPalmtop/ in opie usefull ?
16:25:52nri mean when using oz ?
16:29:02nrHarlekin: :) guess it has been gimp'd
16:29:26Harlekinbut still
16:30:05benmeyerkergoth: yes if you normally would such as with a ppp
16:30:30benmeyerkergoth: to answer your seconds question 'cvs update'
16:30:50benmeyerrm Makefile
16:31:02benmeyerI changed a class from pure class to QObject
16:31:15benmeyeradded icons too
16:31:22Harlekinnr: yeah its quite usefull
16:34:33JasonNJcheck that pic out
16:34:41JasonNJthats him with the salmon he smokes
16:34:57JasonNJhe's a VLSI engineer
16:35:06JasonNJdesigns FPGA's
16:35:28JasonNJright now he is out of work, so I am helping him earn extra money on the side doing boutique smoked food by mail order
16:35:34JasonNJthats his hobby
16:35:48JasonNJeveryone in seattle is unemployed practically
16:35:55JasonNJ30,000 people at boeing got laid off
16:36:03JasonNJand the whole tech industry there is shit
16:36:22kergoththe tech industry is shit in most places
16:36:37JasonNJworse in seattle
16:36:57JasonNJseattle has apparently one of the highest unemployment figures anywhere
16:37:16nchipdont you have ms there?
16:37:28JasonNJyeah, but they arent hiring like they used to
16:37:41JasonNJyou also got real, and they canned a lot of folks
16:37:54JasonNJI was at MS last week
16:38:01JasonNJthings are very down
16:38:04JasonNJall over
16:38:41nchipwhat's the unemplyment rate?
16:39:33JasonNJI dont know the exact number but its very, very high.
16:41:15JasonNJhere ya go.
16:41:54nchipseattle is in washngton?
16:42:41JasonNJ7.2 percent
16:42:47JasonNJI beleive that is the highest in teh country
16:42:50benmeyerNYC is higher
16:42:51JasonNJaccording to that table there
16:43:04JasonNJyeah but thats nyc
16:43:07JasonNJnot the whole state
16:43:08benmeyerAlaska 7.3
16:43:34benmeyernotes North Dekota only has 3.2....
16:43:37nchip7.2, here in finland the rate is still 9%..
16:43:47kergothbenmeyer: so whats the scoop on devices that 1) arent in ifconfig -a and arent in interfaces, and 2) arent in ifconfig -a but *are* in interfaces .?
16:43:48JasonNJanyways, for such a high tech city, its pretty miserable
16:43:53nchip1995 we where close to 20
16:44:07benmeyerkergoth they show up now as disconnected devices
16:44:13benmeyer_new_ icon
16:44:21kergothbenmeyer: what about ones that arent in interfaces, and dont exist?
16:44:33kergothbenmeyer: can we add arbitrary interfaces entries yet? :)
16:44:38kergothvia the add button of course
16:44:39benmeyerlike what?
16:44:46benmeyera usb ppp connect?
16:44:59JasonNJhey, south dakota is looking pretty good.
16:45:03benmeyerthat will be part of the ppp module which hasn't been written yet
16:45:03JasonNJ2.6 percent.
16:45:12kergothif the user was stupid and removed their usbd0 entry from interfaces, and its not plugged in to usb yet :)
16:45:16benmeyerwhat else would you like to add?
16:45:17kergothbut thats a rare circumstance
16:45:26benmeyerkergoth: try and remove the usb interface
16:45:39benmeyeralready thought of that
16:45:43benmeyercan't remove hardware interfaces
16:45:52benmeyersense the hardware is always there
16:45:52kergothgood good
16:45:53nchipno wonder your goverment is trying to make you think about saddam instead on unemployment...
16:46:08benmeyeryou can remove dynamic connections such as ppp stuff
16:46:14benmeyeror ipsec stuff
16:46:20kergothokay, no more gripes out of me :)
16:46:29kergothgotta make sure you catch the corner cases, you know
16:46:34benmeyeryah I know
16:46:41benmeyerspent three months designing this
16:46:50benmeyerthis is probably the 30th or so design
16:47:04benmeyerI literally have a stack of papers of design ideas
16:47:30kergothneeds to learn to design
16:47:34kergothall i'm good at is bug fixes
16:47:37kergothand tweaks and hacks
16:47:53kergothbut make me design something from teh ground up, and i'll not do well
16:49:40benmeyerkergoth: you played with the code a little bit no?
16:49:46JasonNJnchip: bombing saddam is good for the economy
16:50:07JasonNJmore bombs man
16:50:15nchipJasonNJ, yep, bombs are expensive these days..
16:50:30JasonNJmore bombs more labor
16:50:48JasonNJwartime economies are awesome
16:50:56JasonNJmore growth during wartime than any other
16:51:35nchipbut you have to get the money somewhere for the war..
16:51:36ljp_worknot so.. look at vietnam
16:52:00JasonNJwell, thats because we screwed up the monetary system.
16:52:05JasonNJwe went off the gold standard
16:52:07nchipin long term wars allways kick back
16:52:17JasonNJread milton friedman
16:52:54JasonNJwas an econ major and is a monetarist.
16:53:29Harlekinit allways depends where the  money comes from, it think
16:53:45ljp_worktoo bad innocent people die in wars
16:54:01JasonNJharlekin: never listen to germans about economic theory :)
16:54:08treke|laptopmorning all
16:54:17Harlekinljp_work: but they are evil
16:54:20Harlekinljp_work: didnt you listen
16:54:43JasonNJharlekin: your track record sucks worse than ours
16:55:11Harlekinyeah, just getting a third world country on first world level in 10 years
16:55:15Harlekincosts some money
16:55:31JasonNJharlekin: a lot
16:55:47Harlekinits just 3/5 of germany .-)
16:55:49JasonNJand the jury isnt out yet as to whether it was a good idea or not in hindsight
16:56:50HarlekinJasonNJ: and encomony has problems, since worker are not slaves
16:56:53Harlekinthey have rights .-)
16:56:55Harlekinhard to fire
16:57:35JasonNJyes, theres a huge downside to that :)
16:59:22JasonNJhey neo.
17:00:51Harlekinhey neo, impressed some people yesterday with IF
17:01:59JasonNJIF is a kickass game.
17:02:09JasonNJI cant wait until the motorcycle one.
17:02:24Neo|Workneither can I
17:02:30Neo|Workyou've probably seen it though right?
17:02:39JasonNJyeah I saw it last week at MS.
17:03:11HarlekinNeo|Work: so wheres the beta to test .-)
17:04:19Neo|WorkI don't have the source for MSR yet
17:04:23Neo|Workso no beta or even alpha
17:05:17nri keep getting the message "The memory is very low, please end this application immediately", whereas I have a lot of memory in /mnt/ram. is there a way to resize /mnt/ram ?
17:08:43Neo|Worknr: You are mixing up memory and storage it'd seem
17:09:41nrby the way, i don't understand why data on the ram is still there after rebooting
17:10:35nris it real RAM ?
17:11:12ljp_workits a warm reboot, leaving it intact
17:11:49nrok, I guess removing the battery would erase it
17:12:17benmeyerkergoth: why does wlanimp.cpp use Config?
17:12:29benmeyersense it parses the config file anyway....
17:13:28Harlekinnow we need a matchbox adaption
17:13:32benmeyerthe wireless.opts
17:18:40kergothbenmeyer: probably to avoid having to write a class for parsing wireless.opts that catches every corner case
17:22:20kergothbenmeyer: but feel free to change it, I'd much prefer avoiding Config at all. i mean right now the first time you run it, its default settings regardless of the contents of wireless.opts
17:23:08benmeyervery true
17:23:22benmeyerI will probably do something similar to what I had for interfaces
17:23:37benmeyeronce I more fully understand what wireless.opts does
17:24:46kergothits just a shell script. now the annoying part, is the way it handles pcmcia schemes.
17:24:55kergothbenmeyer: are you using pcmcia schemes directly, or are profiles your own system?
17:25:21kergothin networksetup
17:25:29kergothhow is that handled
17:25:33benmeyeroh, my own system that works with the mapping
17:25:36benmeyerin interfaces
17:25:44benmeyerdon't know how pcmcia handles it
17:25:58kergothokay, so on profile change you rewrite wireless.opts?
17:26:05kergothcause you'd have to
17:26:12kergothunless you use pcmcia schemes
17:26:16benmeyerup to the module
17:26:20benmeyerbut yes
17:26:35benmeyerprobably re-name the file or something, still reading about wireless.opts
17:26:37kergothand where will the config be stored?
17:26:43benmeyerlooks like it is almost a per-card deal
17:26:45kergothwireless.opts.[profile] or something?
17:26:54kergothnot per card, per scheme, which may or may not be per card
17:26:59kergoththat case statement is the whole deal
17:27:12benmeyercan you cat my you default setting?
17:27:28benmeyerwhat is $ADDRESS?
17:27:30kergothdefault wireless.opts contents?
17:28:54kergothscheme,[unknown],[unknown],[mac address]
17:28:58kergothfrom what i can tell, for a wireless card
17:29:04kergothbut address depends on what type of card you're using
17:29:50kergothunderstand why pcmcia-cs sucks now?
17:29:56kergothits a horrid implementation
17:30:33benmeyerdo we use pcmcia-cs?
17:30:40benmeyerI thought we used the kernel pcmcia
17:31:22kergothkernel pcmcia is *drivers*
17:31:23kergoththats all
17:31:27kergothpcmcia-cs also includes drivers
17:31:31kergothwhich drivers you use is irrelevent
17:31:40kergothpcmcia-cs is the configuration scripts and daemon that manages pcmcia
17:31:44kergothand its the only option for doing so atm
17:32:03benmeyeroh ok
17:32:19kergothcardmgr, cardctl, /etc/pcmcia/*, *thats* pcmcia-cs
17:32:24benmeyerthe *,*,*,*) thing
17:32:32kergoththats the address
17:32:33benmeyerwhat goes before the ")"
17:32:39kergoth*,*,*,*) matches anything
17:32:46kergoth12:38 < kergoth> scheme,[unknown],[unknown],[mac address]
17:32:46kergoth12:38 < kergoth> from what i can tell, for a wireless card
17:32:46kergoth12:38 < kergoth> but address depends on what type of card you're using
17:32:49benmeyeryah, but what are the 4 values
17:32:56kergothpasted from 5 mins ago
17:33:01benmeyerwhat about when they have more then 4
17:33:15kergothi dont believe it gets called with more than 4 values
17:33:41benmeyerand example in the file
17:33:49kergoththis or that
17:33:53kergothmatches multiple addresses
17:34:15kergothsee why this is a bitch?
17:34:22kergothi would avoid locking down the config to a given mac addy
17:34:48kergothbut you could use the first parameter (pcmcia scheme), along with setting /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme to use schemes to manage the profiles
17:34:59kergoththe thing is, how do you determine which interface will be handled by pcmcia, and which not
17:35:04benmeyerfor home/work etc?
17:35:06kergothas this applies to more than just wlan, also lan
17:35:18kergothand usbd0 obviously isnt dealt with using pcmcia
17:36:29benmeyerhow wo7uld it apply to lan?
17:36:44kergothwell, in your case, because we arent using network.opts to configure, it hsouldnt
17:36:46benmeyerwhere is the scheme stored?
17:36:48kergothin the netsetup case it does
17:36:52kergoth /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme iirc
17:36:54kergothlook in netsetup
17:36:56kergothit uses it
17:37:00kergothbut hardcodes it to LANTCPIP
17:37:02benmeyer /var/lib/pcm... doesn't exist for me
17:37:06benmeyeroh it is a z thing
17:37:08kergothits 3 possible paths
17:37:12kergothits a pcmcia-cs thing.
17:37:18kergothand it wont exist unless you have pcmcia-cs installed
17:37:24kergothfun stuff, eh
17:37:35kergothpester david woodhouse to finish the pcmcia subsystem rewrite to use hotplug and other niftiness
17:37:39kergothand pcmcia-cs will go away
17:37:42benmeyerhmm, but I do
17:38:06kergothwell, if the scheme file in proc doesnt exist
17:38:17kergoththen it uses whatever default scheme is set in the pcmcia.conf
17:38:36kergothfor OZ thats hardcoded to LANTCPIP cause my /var scheme file is lost on reboot, so when netsetup sets it, it gets reset
17:38:43kergoth(/var is a ramdisk)
17:39:13kergothso anyway, scheme file and pcmcia.conf control the active scheme
17:39:24kergothand the case statement assigns config options on a per scheme basis
17:39:53kergothstabs pcmcia-cs repeatedly
17:40:02benmeyerhmm no pcmmcia.conf
17:40:15kergothbenmeyer: /etc/pcmcia.conf, or /etc/default/pcmcia, or ..
17:40:24kergothbenmeyer: could be distribution dependent, that default config file
17:41:04benmeyerok debian has a /etc/pcmcia/pcmcia
17:41:07benmeyerbut no sceme
17:41:14kergoth /etc/pcmcia/pcmcia?
17:41:23benmeyerguess it asums that you are using interfaces for that stuff
17:41:23kergothi think deafult scheme if nothing is set is DEFAULT
17:41:43kergothi can double check, i had to dig deep into this shit to make sure netsetup actually worked in oz
17:41:46benmeyerI can always just make the file in /var/
17:42:14kergothso is there a function(s) in the module that gets called to handle profiles?
17:42:19benmeyeror even better the pcmcia package can do it for me
17:42:23kergothin that case we just need to implement it in wlanmodule
17:42:36kergothbenmeyer: cardctl scheme [blah]
17:42:40benmeyerwonders if I added that
17:42:42kergothbenmeyer: then cardmgr takes care of the details
17:42:50benmeyeror something
17:43:38kergothtake a look at netsetup, it has scheme handling
17:43:46kergothbut it has no way to change the current scheme, so it never got utilized
17:44:10kergothyou know, it may be worthwhile to revamp the netmonapplet as well, perhaps add a means of changing scheme via the applet on those interfaces
17:44:16kergothgiven that much thought?
17:44:21kergoth(netmonapplet i mean)
17:44:55benmeyerpretty much each module should have an applet
17:45:10benmeyeralong with one genaric network module
17:45:27benmeyerppp applet, 802.11b, and network
17:45:36kergothand the generic network module interfaces with the rest? cause having multiple icons on the taskbar, one for each interface, coudl get tiresome
17:45:39benmeyerall to be taken in as part of network setup in due time
17:45:40kergoththere isnt much room on the taskbar :)
17:45:56Harlekinbenmeyer: better one applet in taskbar
17:46:05benmeyerwell you have the ability to turn on/off applets....
17:46:05Harlekinand then that applet with plugins
17:46:12kergothHarlekin: exactly.
17:46:19Harlekinso each "subapplet" is an entry in the "parent" applet
17:46:31kergoththat would be best for usability
17:46:37benmeyerin essence just a copy of the status dialogs from the network setup
17:46:47Harlekinmaybe talk to Mickey|away to include his wireless applet as plugin
17:46:53kergothHarlekin: good idea
17:47:10Harlekinsince its pretty much all you might want as status applet for wireless
17:47:12benmeyeri.e. lots of code re-use, thus intigrate the projects for multiple binaries built from 1 code base
17:47:19benmeyeralready done
17:47:30kergothyeah, and scheme/profile changing would be generic
17:50:04benmeyerhow is the sceme defined in /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme
17:50:12benmeyeror something?
17:50:19benmeyerjust a 1 line of text?
17:51:02kergothjust a single line containing the scheme
17:51:03kergoththats it
17:51:19kergothyou only need to read that to check what the current scheme is, eh
18:00:56benmeyerin a shell script how do you tell if one string contains another?
18:03:28benmeyeris rusty
18:03:40kergothwastes so much time on scripting and distribution issues
18:03:45kergothOZ has sucked me away from coding
18:03:48kergothand into this crap
18:05:09benmeyerif [ `grep $profile` != 0 ] echo $profile; exit 0; fi
18:05:14benmeyerhmm is ^ valid?
18:05:39benmeyerif [ `grep $iface $profile` != 0 ] echo $profile; exit 0; fi
18:05:41benmeyerI mean
18:06:14kergothif [ "`grep $iface \"$profile\"`" != 0 ]; then echo $profile; exit 0; fi;
18:06:27kergothif profile is multiword or if grep's output is multiword yours will explode
18:06:29kergothugly shell errors
18:06:39kergothsighs that he knows this
18:07:57benmeyerwait grep greps files
18:08:03ljp_workis a shell error
18:08:11benmeyerwondemmrs how grep became a verb there
18:08:34kergothif [ "`echo $profile | grep $iface`" != 0 ]; then echo $profile;
18:08:47kergoththeres a better way
18:09:01kergothif ( echo $profile | grep -q $iface ); then echo $profile; exit 0; fi;
18:09:07kergoththat will rely on exit status
18:09:11kergothrather than stdout from grep
18:09:20kergothgrep -q is silent, doesnt output messages
18:09:34benmeyerDoes while need a done?
18:10:17kergothwhile blah; do heh; done;
18:10:48benmeyersource /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme
18:10:48benmeyerwhile read profile; do
18:10:49benmeyer    if [ "`echo $profile | grep -q $iface`" != 0 ]; then echo "$profile"; exit 0; fi;
18:10:50benmeyerecho "$iface";
18:10:52benmeyerexit 0;
18:11:00benmeyerThere we go
18:11:03benmeyerexcept the last echo doesn't work...
18:11:04benmeyernot sure why
18:11:12kergotheck, change the if to use grep's exit status
18:11:20kergothusing `` means you're comparing its output from its stdout
18:11:27kergothwhich is hackish
18:12:11kergothi thought 'read' reads from stdin?
18:12:20benmeyerthat it does
18:12:25kergothif so, read wont pull the scheme from your 'source'
18:12:39kergothwhile read profile; do echo $profile; done < /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme
18:12:49kergoththat will work
18:12:58benmeyerthis is for interfaces
18:13:09benmeyerthe man page is wrong
18:13:14benmeyersee debian bugs
18:13:20kergothman page of what?
18:13:23kergothi'm confused
18:13:37kergothwhat does that have to do with the syntax of using 'read'?
18:14:00benmeyerthis script will be run with arg[0] being the itnerface to check for, and then piped in will be possilbe profiles
18:14:09benmeyerif one matches then it should echo it and exit
18:14:17benmeyerelse echo the interfac name and exit
18:14:42kergoththen wtf is the source /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme for?
18:14:46kergothstill doesnt get it
18:14:47benmeyerThis script doesn't set the sceme
18:15:01benmeyerto see what the current sceme is
18:15:05benmeyerone sec
18:15:06kergothand whats it do with it?
18:15:10benmeyertrue I forgot that
18:15:13kergothi dont see you using that input anywhere
18:16:12benmeyerif [ "$profile_$SCEME" == "$iface_$SCEME" ]; then echo "$profile"; exit 0; fi;
18:16:15benmeyerthat works
18:16:31benmeyerstill doesn't give me that last echo though...
18:17:05benmeyerif [ "$profile_$SCEME" == "$iface_$SCEME" ]; then { echo "$profile"; exit 0; } fi;?
18:17:07benmeyerhow do I do that?
18:17:14kergothyou dont need a {} block
18:17:31kergotheverything befoer the fi is implicitly part of the if block
18:17:32kergothhey zecke
18:17:43benmeyerwell I only want to exit is there is a match
18:17:50benmeyeri.e. exit is part of the then
18:18:08kergothexit is before fi
18:18:17kergoththerefore, exit is part of the if block, only if that is true
18:18:22kergothso its fine as is
18:18:34benmeyerso why doesn't it call that last echo $iface if nothing is imputed?
18:18:35kergothtry something like echo "test"; exit 0;
18:18:38kergothas as sanity check
18:18:44kergothit may be echo'ing, but profile may be empty
18:19:02benmeyerI am echoming arg0
18:19:10benmeyerwhich I know exists :-D
18:19:14kergothjust echo test
18:19:20kergothsomething definitive
18:19:31kergothand put echo's of the variable contents in there to sanity check
18:19:36kergothecho iface, profile, etc
18:21:23benmeyerok works
18:26:31zeckehi kergoth
18:26:47zeckekergoth: Opie now (almost) runs on X11
18:26:53kergothzecke: nice :)
18:27:15zeckeljp_work: WM needs an update for the OK and X button
18:27:23zeckeljp_work:  and launcher needs to be kicked arse
18:27:36zeckeljp_work: maybe a clean rewrite... but this will take place past Opie1.0
18:28:07JasonNJzecke: neat
18:28:29zeckeat least CRL and Alan Cox will be happy
18:28:50JasonNJyeah, but how much overhead does it add and is performance as good as the FB?
18:31:14ljp_workwhy will they be happy? that dont like using the fb?
18:31:28treke|laptopthey like X
18:31:42zeckeljp_work: imagine a PDA is a X11 client
18:32:07treke|laptopJasonNJ: GTK perfmance is great. fonts and rotation rock hard. Guess it depends on QT
18:33:01ljp_workwhens SHarp going to have a fuelcell pda? ;)
18:34:00ljp_workor.. a fuel cell battery for the zaurus :D
18:34:30zeckeJasonNJ:  at this state I'm happy that it runs at all
18:35:08Harlekinljp_work: most major X guys are at CRL
18:35:23ljp_workohhh.. heh
18:36:04ljp_workonce you get it running, it would be interesting to do side by side performance comparisions
18:40:50JasonNJI am not convinced that X is the way for us to go
18:41:19JasonNJand it annoys me to no end that at the end of the day this is being done just to make Gettys happy
18:41:33JasonNJwe're supposed to do this stuff for end users
18:41:36ljp_workI think X on pda is overkill
18:41:37JasonNJthats teh bottom line
18:41:44HarlekinJasonNJ: hmm, there might be cases where its usefull
18:41:51HarlekinJasonNJ: not for people useing it as pda
18:42:00Harlekinbut in productive environments
18:42:03JasonNJHarlekin: 802.11 use possibly
18:42:04Harlekinfor companies
18:42:14HarlekinJasonNJ: or umts in europe
18:42:14JasonNJbut it has very little use over Wireless WAN
18:42:19Harlekinfrom next year on
18:42:39JasonNJsoething more along the lines of .Net or a similar RPC based client server protocol is better
18:43:00benmeyerWhy doesn't Red Hat use interfaces?
18:43:05JasonNJI had a demo of the .Net component framework at MS last week, and its actually good stuff. Linux needs something like that.
18:43:20JasonNJthey can do some cool stuff on handhelds with that.
18:43:33kergothbenmeyer: good question.
18:44:31JasonNJat the end of the day, once X works in OPIE, the CRL guys are gonna go with GPE anyways.
18:44:41JasonNJthey have no interest in propoting a Qt based technology
18:44:47JasonNJer promoting
18:45:34JasonNJOPIE has to stand out on its own
18:45:40ljp_workya, because they are gnomer worshipers
18:45:58JasonNJand in reality, needs its own support infrastructure
18:46:04JasonNJit should rely on CRL/HH.ORG
18:46:06JasonNJer shouldnt
18:46:07ljp_workand we all know Qt is tainted because it once had a non gpl license
18:46:20benmeyeryah <snicker>
18:46:24treke|laptopljp_work: no. Because a large portion of familiar is gtk dependent
18:46:52benmeyerbla dump fammiliar
18:47:06JasonNJgtk is a mess to use on a handheld.. but it doesnt matter if QT is better and more mature, they will go with what makes stallman happy
18:47:15JasonNJor gettys for that manner
18:47:27JasonNJif CRL loses its funding by HP its all over
18:47:43JasonNJOPIE and OZ needs its own infrastructure sponsor
18:48:03JasonNJHP has no interest in commercializing a linux PDA
18:48:14kergothagrees wholeheartedly
18:48:57JasonNJwe should stop worrying about what everyone else thinks and do whats right for OPIE and OZ
18:49:01HarlekinJasonNJ: servers wouldnt be a problem for us
18:49:09Harlekinlikes X
18:49:21JasonNJI like X too.. on  a desktop
18:49:35Harlekinmaybe we should let us influence more by the direction where money comes from .-)
18:50:36JasonNJokay, I agree with that, but we should stop deluding ourselves that is one big happy familiy
18:50:58JasonNJit aint
18:51:16benmeyerI like X on a pda!
18:51:25benmeyerjust never ever as the standard
18:54:33Neo|Workin all honest
18:54:46Neo|Workhonesty, qte/qtopia/opie is far from a _great_ pda system
18:54:58Neo|Workbetter than X11 in many ways perhaps but it's big and slow, really
18:55:12JasonNJpersonally I think its cool that OZ will have the ability to run X and PicoGUI as alternatives. But if this stuff is to be made commercially viable we have to start thinking about whats good for a consumer end user
18:55:18HarlekinNeo|Work: tried latest opie version which was compiled  with optimisation?
18:55:39JasonNJNeo: OPIE is improving a lot, but I agree with you, a lot of work needs to be done
18:55:39Neo|WorkHarlekin: doesn't matter. It's still large
18:55:46Harlekinbut fast
18:55:49Harlekinand wince is larger
18:55:51Harlekinand palm will die
18:56:01Neo|Workit's "wrong" to start with a large library and slim it down. it's better to start with a small one and beef it up
18:56:25JasonNJbut frankly I am impressed that in 6 months the OPIE guys have managed to make a pretty workable system whereas in 2 years the HH.ORG folks are just starting to get to the point where the first opie CVS was
18:56:27Neo|WorkPicoGUI is doing the right thing
18:57:03benmeyerit depends on the talent working on the projects
18:57:10HarlekinNeo|Work: but when other slim libs reach qt qual
18:57:14Harlekinthey will be as big
18:57:22treke|laptopJasonNJ: has never really seemed to be working on making a pda though
18:57:24Harlekinand if you rip the template stuff out if qt
18:57:27Harlekinis much smaller
18:57:29JasonNJthe GPE stuff is going to be bigger
18:57:31Neo|WorkQt has nice widgets and all that, but it makes it hard to do things at a lower level (really) and the gui isn't great for a handheld
18:57:33benmeyerif the large project is designed well and is the 'right' choice then it will be ok
18:57:55JasonNJneo: the launcher has to be redesigned, I agree.
18:57:56Neo|WorkHarlekin: right, C++ bloating is often unintentional but very possible to add
18:57:59JasonNJbut baby steps.
18:58:08Neo|Workit's not like using for example STL is any better in that aspect
18:58:15treke|laptopJasonNJ: It wasnt until gpe got started that I really saw much effort on the PDA front
18:58:20JasonNJand Qt needs to be further optimized
18:58:28HarlekinNeo|Work: TT is working on size for qt3.1/e
18:58:40JasonNJall of which are acheivable
18:58:45Neo|WorkHarlekin: wouldn't surprise me if qte3 is larger and slower personally. :P
18:58:51benmeyerqt3.1 combined with gcc 3.2 should be a significant improvment
18:58:56HarlekinNeo|Work: and wait for gcc3.2 and glibc2.3
18:59:02JasonNJneo: not from what I am hearing
18:59:12HarlekinNeo|Work: it is larger currently
18:59:14JasonNJqt 3.1 is supposed to be better performing
18:59:19Harlekinbut just because all work goes into qt2
18:59:24Harlekinsince sharp whats to use qt2
18:59:27benmeyerand TrollTech is working on making it smaller
18:59:37JasonNJHarlekin: that is not set in stone
18:59:45benmeyerall the Qt2 work is getting in Qt3
18:59:54benmeyersense Sharp will eventually move to qt3
19:00:00Neo|Workall I'm saying is that although qt is great in many ways, it's an uphill battle to make it more suitable for handheld targets
19:00:02JasonNJI can assure you, Sharp HAS to move to Qt3
19:00:14JasonNJthere are devices planned that would make it impossible to use Qt2
19:00:19Neo|Workof course as speed / memory / storage on handhelds increases it becomes less important
19:00:26JasonNJor rather, extremely painful to do.
19:00:41Neo|WorkI think Trolltech are pretyt good GUI designers / developers
19:00:50HarlekinNeo|Work: i guess next gen pdas will have 64 flash 128 ram
19:00:52Neo|Workhowever they are horrid desktop environment developments
19:00:59JasonNJneo: they make good tools, GUI designers they are not.
19:01:03JasonNJthere is a difference
19:01:05Neo|Workqtopia pretty much could have been done SO much better using the same gui
19:01:19Neo|WorkJasonNJ: gui designer == designer of a gui library
19:01:23HarlekinNeo|Work: allways report feature whises via mantis
19:01:26Neo|Worknot designers of user interfaces
19:01:34JasonNJok gotcha
19:01:48Neo|Workthe most obvious example is the document tab
19:01:57JasonNJcause UI design is a totally different animal
19:01:59Neo|Worksomeone sharp japan has pretty much fixed in the A300
19:02:07HarlekinNeo|Work: yes, we change that too, in a ofileselector
19:02:16HarlekinNeo|Work: after the terminal app is done
19:02:25Neo|Workbut the fact that the launcher is not configurable even to th extent that the base PalmOS one is is rather bad
19:02:29Neo|Worki.e list view vs icon view etc
19:02:30ljp_workthe docs tab is there, because TT had an idea of a Document-centric system
19:02:35HarlekinNeo|Work: we have it
19:02:40HarlekinNeo|Work: list view / icon view
19:02:55Neo|WorkHarlekin: right, but I'm talking about Qtopia nad how bad TT is at design
19:03:02Neo|Workthey want to make it simple and instead make it dumb
19:03:13Harlekinfor japanese
19:03:23Neo|Workand I must say that the tiny little (x) (ok) buttons are rather bad
19:03:39benmeyersize yes
19:03:44benmeyerbut I LOVE the OK button
19:03:52Harlekinthe look
19:04:06JasonNJI like the way Windows CE handles the ok / x buttons
19:04:09benmeyerrather then having to add it to the dialog as an ok/cancel button
19:04:14JasonNJpocket Pc really has a good interface
19:04:15treke|laptopJasonNJ: how do they handle it?
19:04:27treke|laptopdoesnt like the wasted space of the titlebar
19:05:08Harlekinthink wince has the worst interface
19:05:09Harlekinof all
19:05:41JasonNJtreke: context sensitive, its either an ok or an X
19:05:41treke|laptophavent used wince since 2.0 so it's hard for me to judge :)
19:06:32zeckeok I was away and read some parts of this channel
19:06:50zeckePerformance and Memory wise Qt/E should kick X tinies ass...
19:07:21zeckebut there are some parts where you really want X to be somewhere
19:07:39zeckefor my school you could even imagine an X11 Opie/Kiosk systems
19:07:46zeckethis would definately kick ass
19:08:13zeckeConcerning speed and size: I do not know any toolkit which is as great as Qt
19:08:28JasonNJzecke: Pocket PC also does not use dialog boxes
19:08:29Neo|Workbenmeyer: they are annoying because you can't control them
19:08:34JasonNJit shows everything full screen
19:08:41Neo|Workbenmeyer: if I could decide to put them there or not fine. besides, they aren't needed
19:08:48Neo|Workthe ok/cancel hardware buttons do the same thing
19:08:50benmeyeryou can
19:08:57benmeyerWhy do you think you can't?
19:09:25JasonNJit looks like they do use dialog boxes
19:09:28JasonNJbut rarely
19:09:34JasonNJlike when you delete something
19:09:36benmeyerIf anything it improves code making users use QDialog or QMainWindow/QWidget in the right place
19:09:39JasonNJbut you cant move the dialogs around
19:09:43Neo|Workzecke: speed and size is now where Qt is best, it's the toolkit itself that rocks (programming it)
19:09:47benmeyerand if you are really lazy you just set the widget args
19:10:14JasonNJwe need to also waste less screen area on the widgets
19:10:20Neo|Workbenmeyer: if I have a QDialog I can't turn them off. How do I get a title bar without (X) and without (ok) exactly?
19:10:24JasonNJright now the default qtopia wastes a lot
19:10:31benmeyerNeo|Work: see QWidget docs
19:10:37benmeyerit is simply an arg
19:10:42benmeyeryou can overload it
19:10:45Neo|Workbenmeyer: I have read docs, tried various arguments that should do it and it doesn't work
19:10:49JasonNJthe pocket pc and palm OS interface is very clean by comparison
19:10:54JasonNJthey make the most of the screen
19:10:56Neo|Workand I've asked about it with the answer that "why would you want to do that"?
19:11:05Neo|Workanswer from TT people
19:11:42benmeyerNeo|Work: ok well then it is simply the shitty programming of the interns in australia that did qpe that rather then doing it the right way did it the fast way
19:11:46benmeyerBUT it shoudl work
19:11:50benmeyerit is not a limitation of qt
19:11:58Neo|Workbenmeyer: thing it, it doesn't
19:12:01zeckeJasonNJ: and concerning the make gettys happy...
19:12:02Neo|Workand therein lines the problem
19:12:05Neo|Workat least I never got it to work
19:12:14benmeyerNeo|Work: I have done it for KDE apps
19:12:15zeckeJasonNJ:  I'm happy that CRL gave away hardware..
19:12:23Neo|Workwhich is why my highscore dialog for Eligo has both x and ok, while I only want ok or neither
19:12:52Neo|Workbenmeyer: Uhm. In X11, there is no such titlebar. the titlebar is controlled byu the windowmanager in X
19:13:02Neo|WorkQtopia / OPIE is the windowmanager that goes with qte
19:13:25Neo|WorkQt(e) => well written, Qtopia => not so good
19:13:51HarlekinNeo|Work: enhanced matchbox with (?) (x) (ok)
19:14:14Neo|WorkHarlekin: hmm?
19:14:31Neo|Work? is another fun one. It's added automatically but I can't do it myself if I want my own builtin docs
19:14:34Neo|Workwhich would make sense
19:14:46HarlekinNeo|Work: then set eligo to just have x
19:15:02Harlekinand you can
19:15:04Harlekinadd it
19:15:08Harlekinwe do it by default
19:15:16Harlekinthe autoadd is a hack from lineo or whoever on sharp rom
19:15:31Harlekinqtopia 1.6 (TT version) does it our way to
19:16:51JasonNJtreke: the OPIE guys getting hardware should have nothing to do with Getty's preferemce for X/
19:17:09treke|laptopJasonNJ: that was zecke
19:17:20Neo|WorkHarlekin: I can't no. The dialog can't be changed. it has x and ok
19:17:37JasonNJthats like saying the OPIE guys get hardware from Sharp because I like to eat sushi.
19:17:42Neo|Workand nothing I have tried has worked to change it and the "official" TT response was "you don't want that"
19:18:10Neo|Workand if it's a problem in the sharp rom, so be it. it's still my main target platform
19:18:44Neo|Workwhat is CRL and Getty anyway?
19:19:12JasonNJzecke: the OPIE guys are now getting hardware from Sharp because we recognize the value of your work, period, not because of some stupid technological bias.
19:19:26ljp_workopie devs get hardware?
19:19:39JasonNJljp: some of them are getting it on loan now
19:19:43benmeyerNeo|Work: the TrollTech QPE guys just don't want to do quate
19:19:44JasonNJthey just started to
19:19:50ljp_workzaurus? or a300?
19:20:01ljp_workhmm cool
19:20:17ljp_workI have enough free zaurus, thank you very much! :)
19:20:21Neo|Workbenmeyer: they don't seem to get UI / app design either
19:20:27JasonNJljp: talk to harlekin
19:20:31Neo|Workactually Qtopia kind of reminds me of BeOS
19:20:36Neo|Workit's ok but feels half done
19:20:38ljp_workdont need another one.
19:21:07ljp_workbut I'm glad cause now I'll have an es\asier time with 'this doesn't work on zaurus. would you fix it'
19:21:32JasonNJCRL is compaq research labs, now HP. Its run out of massachusets out of the old DEC labs. Jim Gettys is one of the original X guys, and now they sponsor the site, which is all the familiar and linux and IPAQ stuff.
19:21:33Neo|Workmost apps are very basic and all that. Obviously OPIE is moving faster in this aspect
19:22:01JasonNJGettys is also a member of the GNOME Foundation
19:22:12JasonNJso he's mega biased.
19:22:42benmeyerwell I am a kde core developer....
19:22:52benmeyerto each his own
19:23:09ljp_workor softcore? ;)
19:23:26JasonNJben wont show penetration
19:23:37ljp_workhehe or do threesomes
19:23:45zeckeJasonNJ: I'm a guy taking much things too serious
19:23:52JasonNJljp: his wife wouldnt appreciate it
19:24:01zeckeJasonNJ: I got an iPAQ from the CRL and I really appreciate it
19:24:30kergothpeeks into the channel, shudders, and goes back to eating
19:24:34zeckeJasonNJ: opie/X11 is likely to be influenced by 30% from the fact CRL kindfully gave me an iPAQ...
19:24:39JasonNJzecke: and you should, but the technologies you work on should not be based on what the hell they tell you to work on
19:24:46zeckeJasonNJ: besides that I had fun to create an IPC System
19:25:07zeckeJasonNJ: nobody told me what I should do...
19:25:27JasonNJzecke: if thats the case, then its fine.
19:25:29zeckeJasonNJ: I had some emailing with Alan Cox too
19:25:38Harlekinalan was fun at linuxtag .-)
19:25:42zeckeAlan is a guy I really really like
19:25:52JasonNJbut it gets on my nerves just how inflexible the CRL guys can be
19:25:54zeckehe's giving me a network stack for Linux
19:26:00JasonNJI've met with them in strategic meetings
19:26:17zeckeand I'm happy if he even talks to me
19:26:41zeckeHarlekin:from Waynes World "Wir sind unwuerdig..."
19:26:58ljp_workAC is too intelligent for his own good ;)
19:28:07zeckeJasonNJ: and thats the Point Of View which different. You think from a Company and profit point of view
19:28:30Harlekinzecke wants to be like alan
19:28:34Harlekinworking for fun and not money
19:28:45treke|laptopwho doesnt :)
19:28:45zeckeJasonNJ: I think man it would be kewl if Opie would run on my fridge, watch, TuxScreen yeah and on this small X Terminal too
19:29:06zeckeHarlekin: guess why i'm not cutting the hair coming from all over my face ;)
19:29:31Harlekinfridge to go
19:29:32zeckeJasonNJ: Money is currently like.. "wtf if've to sue my dead to get the fscking child support"
19:29:51zeckeHarlekin: just put the iPAQ with a wlan card a camera into the fridge
19:30:12zeckeHarlekin: for one project im getting paid for I'll do an Opie/Oracle barcode scanning app...
19:31:52zeckeHarlekin: is there any Linux Telephone API for the TuxScreen?
19:32:26Harlekinof something like that
19:35:13treke|laptopwishes he would have bought a tuxscreen when they were available
19:35:42Harlekinhas one
19:35:51zeckeHarlekin:  don't lie to us
19:35:58Harlekindoestn bzflag has some left for
19:36:03Harlekin"special friends"
19:36:17kergothhavent asked
19:37:03treke|laptopI did the whole "ah I'll have the money to buy one next month
19:37:10treke|laptopthen next month they were gone :)
19:37:16kergothtreke|laptop: same here actually
19:37:46Harlekinneed to get a hd in there
19:37:57kergothgeh atd sucks
19:37:57zecketreke|laptop: shipping was more expensive than the phone
19:38:07kergothhave the familiar folks got suspend/resume scripts being handled by apmd yet?
19:38:15treke|laptopzecke: probably wouldnt be soo bad to the us though
19:39:01kergothsecurity hole in apm?
19:40:14benmeyerwhere do you see that?
19:57:24benmeyerWho here is good at ppp?
19:57:42dwmw2benmeyer: }}}yy}}
19:58:12kergothdwmw2: back vile ppp speaking daemon
19:58:34kergoth`mtg"performance and goal training meeting"
19:58:49dwmw2sounds more like bollocks to me
19:58:52dwmw2take ipaq, play nethack
19:58:58kergoth`mtgah i know
19:59:00kergoth`mtgbuzzword bingo
19:59:01dwmw2benmeyer: why do you ask?
19:59:08kergoth`mtgwanders off to the meeting
19:59:08benmeyerfor networksetup
19:59:20Harlekinwe should throw (our) nethack out
19:59:23Harlekinand take warwicks
20:00:50dwmw2benmeyer: anything in particular or just 'developer wanted'?
20:01:09Harlekinbenmeyer: kppp port
20:01:16Harlekinnice code
20:01:20Harlekinand a dial database
20:01:23Harlekinans very little gui
20:01:26Harlekineasy port
20:05:23benmeyerit doesn't replace it yet
20:08:20benmeyerI could just copy kppp
20:08:30Harlekinadapt the gui a little bit
20:08:40Harlekinand then ah
20:08:44Harlekinyou mean as plugin for netsetup?
20:08:56Harlekinkppp is good documented
20:14:39Harlekinbenmeyer: could you change the backup package name
20:17:11benmeyerto what?
20:17:24benmeyerback to databackup :-D
20:17:34Harlekinthe control file
20:17:37benmeyerit isn't
20:18:45benmeyerhas no frigin clue where control files are kept in opie
20:18:47benmeyer's cvs
20:18:58benmeyeropies cvs is a mess
20:19:08Harlekinthey are ann in the dir of the app
20:19:10Harlekinas it should be
20:19:20benmeyeroh, then I guess it doesn't have one
20:19:24benmeyercan you make it
20:21:07Harlekinyyou ahve one
20:21:11Harlekinbut its called backup.control
20:21:15Harlekinso thats also the package name
20:21:20Harlekinill change it
20:22:16benmeyerI do?
20:22:29benmeyeroh someone must have made it
20:22:41benmeyerdoes update -d
20:24:47ljp_workman, that keyview app sure is fun!
20:25:57 I can search easier if you give me something to look for.
20:25:57benmeyeribot search zsi keybiew
20:26:01 I can search easier if you give me something to look for.
20:26:01benmeyeribot search zsi keyvew
20:26:04 I can search easier if you give me something to look for.
20:26:04benmeyeribot search zsi keyview
20:27:16ljp_workbenmeyer: its in the development dir in opie cvs
20:27:59Harlekinkergoth`mtg: whats netsetups package name?
20:28:26benmeyernew or old
20:31:57Harlekinlooks like it
20:32:01Harlekinill add it to the bootstrap task
20:33:05Harlekinglibc2.3.1 in sid
20:38:16TheMasterMind1what's the ETA on the new documents tab (ofileselector)
20:39:04Harlekinwhen you make it
20:39:22TheMasterMind1isn't someone working on it?
20:39:38TheMasterMind1also, who's the maintainer for cardmon
20:39:49Harlekinofileselector lacks the calssic icon view
20:39:53HarlekinTheMasterMind1: i am
20:40:05TheMasterMind1ah i see
20:40:09TheMasterMind1are you working on it any?
20:43:04Harlekinany bugs?
20:45:34ljp_workcardmon? yes, on z- trouble with sd
20:45:49ljp_workpull out if theres cf also
20:46:28ljp_workif there cf, and you pull out cf, sd and put cf and sd back in, sd doesnt show up
20:46:42ljp_workor something like that
21:13:58spiralmanis back
21:47:17markany up to date mirror up yet?
21:48:58markHarlekin: thanks.  konq/e is gone :(
21:49:26markgot it elsewhere though
21:52:24opie feed is or newer on or at or or
21:52:24sandmanibot opie feed
21:55:01Harlekinmark: report it as bug
21:55:07Harlekinmark: its in one of the older feeds
21:55:12Harlekingroucho forgot it
21:55:29it has been said that opie bugs is
21:55:29markibot: opie bugs
21:56:18Harlekinmark: or write oliver a mail
21:57:48mark: i'm not following you...
21:57:48markibot: message for groucho konq/e doesn't appear to be in the new opie feed, I've been asked to let you know
21:57:56well, groucho is the feed maintainer of Reach him at
21:57:56markibot: groucho
22:19:39AntiProxythe right-click menus in opie are so darn hard to use.. cuz of the bug in the way opie handles menus
22:20:00kergothAntiProxy: what bug?
22:21:05AntiProxywhen you have two overlapping menus ( a menu, and a submenu ), clicking anywhere on the top menu seems to opie as if you clicked the one in the back
22:21:11AntiProxydunno if i'm being clear
22:21:24kergothi know what you're talking about
22:21:27AntiProxy <--
22:21:31kergoththats annoying
22:22:11AntiProxyyeah .\
22:22:21AntiProxynot just annoying
23:48:09AntiProxybash-2.03# ipkg install opie-mediaplayer-codecs
23:50:50AntiProxy./opieplayer2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
23:51:03AntiProxywhats with the broken dependency list ?
23:51:08sandmanAntiProxy: The Packages file is screwed -- it has tabs in the codecs entry
23:51:30treke|laptopAntiProxy: be happy, I think the package is broken :)
23:52:05AntiProxyhttp:// ?
23:52:14sandmanNo .. it worked perfectly at Systems running matrix2 as demo ;)
23:52:55treke|laptopok. I've heard reports of it crashing
23:53:05AntiProxyif is the same that i have on a backup.. that's a whole 128kbs!
23:53:27AntiProxytreke: it aint crashing.. it's looking for which i don't have
23:53:40treke|laptopoh well. lunch time
23:53:42sandmanAntiProxy: which is ine the codecs package ..
23:55:44AntiProxythe codecs ipk downloads.. but doesn't install
23:55:49AntiProxyipkg exits with status 0
23:56:14AntiProxyhowever.. i extracted from a xine ipk and copied it manually
23:56:17AntiProxy./opieplayer2: relocation error: ./opieplayer2: undefined symbol: xine_fast_memcpy
23:58:05AntiProxy630KBs for the codecs ipk!
23:58:09AntiProxythat's even compressed
23:58:13AntiProxybleh.. too much
23:58:28AntiProxybash-2.03# ipkg install opie-mediaplayer-codecs_0.4_arm.ipk
23:58:32AntiProxywhat's this about?
23:58:44AntiProxy( i've pretty much given up on this already.. but i'm still wondering )

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