irclog2html for opie on 2002.08.03

01:16:36Feral_KidI have just inadvertantly installed the qpe stuff (task-familiar-complete)... How rubust and useful is qpe compared to opie? And now I am having a hard time getting rid of the qpe stuff... It is running at the same as opie... Definitely screwing things up!
01:16:56spiralmanqpe isnt in familiar complete, gpe is
01:17:24spiralmangpe isnt as complete, i would say, and its also based on gtk instead of qt, and it runs in X, instead of directly in the framebuffer
01:18:35Feral_KidLooks like I am going to have to re-install the opie root again... And hopefully it will load correctly again... Seems to be some issues when I do a task-opie-complete
01:19:06spiralmanumm, dont do a task-opie-complete
01:19:12spiralmantask-opie-complete is already on it
01:19:52Feral_KidSo I should just do an individual opie package, huh?
01:20:20spiralmanyes, install the individual opie packages that you want that are not already on it
01:20:28spiralmanthere is no point installing stuff that is already there
01:20:46alviseguys ..
01:20:49alvisespiralman: re hi
01:20:56spiralmanalvise: hey
01:21:02alvisespiralman: how can i start the game of opie-pacman ?
01:21:09spiralmanalvise: press space
01:21:24alvisespiralman: of the virtual keyboard ?
01:21:31alvisethx :)
01:59:08Feral_KidIs there a copy of konqueror available for pre-0.6
01:59:31spiralmanumm, just get it from somewhere else feed is good...
02:01:18spiralmanactually, it segfaults ipkg for me
02:01:32spiralmanbut there is also one in one of the older feeds that did work for me
02:06:16Feral_KidAnd I noticed there is an opie remote... Is that based around lirc?
03:49:31spiralmanhey again : )
03:49:55alvisei lost the image of the original firmware (of ipaq 3870) . Any1 have that ??
03:50:37alvisei think is important because i can't upgrade my wince !
03:50:49alviseis it possible ?
03:51:02spiralmanis what possible?
03:51:09spiralmanyou can restore from a ce rom update
03:52:14spiralmanits technically illegal for somebody to give you their rom image, but you might find somebody who can.  more likely on or #familiar
03:53:22alvisespiralman: i must have that to upgrade my wince ? Because when i have to restart the ipaq , "pressing some buttons" nothing happen
03:54:15rumour has it wince restore is or
03:54:15spiralmanibot wince restore
03:54:26spiralmanalvise: look there for instructions on restoring from the upgrade files
03:54:33alviseok thx
03:54:53spiralmanalvise: youll need to read the directions from, obviously the microsoft instructions wont work...
03:55:10spiralmanalvise: but why do you want to upgrade ce if you are using linux?
03:56:10alvisespiralman: because i need linux and CE
03:56:32alviseand the version of Ce that i have suks a lot
03:56:36spiralmanout of curiosity, what do you need ce for?
03:56:45spiralmani wouldnt count on the new version being any better...
03:57:52alvisebecause i sync my nokia 7650 in BlueTooth to send image and connect trought gprs , and because i have some programs that i need
03:57:58alviseand Divx player !
03:58:12spiralmanyou can buy tkcvideo that plays divx
03:58:22spiralmanand opieplayer 2 will support it, i think
04:01:08spiralmanalso, have you checked any of the zaurus sites for programs that do what the ce ones do?
04:01:55alvisemmm ..
04:02:07spiralmantry and
04:04:18alvisespiralman: i bought an SD card .. and on linux doesn't work .. this is another problem
05:24:16VainNihilhow's everybody?
07:15:20alviseis there a support for foldable keyboard ?
07:15:57treke|ho1esome are supported
07:16:15alvisei mean "in opie"
10:35:29lanbohey huys. Isn't opie 0.9 slower than the "stable" version (I think it was 0.6)?
10:35:47lanboI get that impression, but that can be only me....
10:36:34lanboIt's like it's a bit unresponsive (it takes more time to reacr after pressing a button)...
10:36:48Harlekinwhy style
12:10:51ljphmm i guess I need to commit my changes to xinecontrol
14:27:59Mickey0is leaving for a while...
15:44:49spiralmanis opie's qt/e built with QThread support?
15:47:39drwspiralman: no it's not
15:55:45spiralmanhrm, threads arent really what i need though (at least, i dont think)
15:56:19spiralmani need one function to stop, while another execution loop runs, and when that is done, the first function has to return...
15:57:14ljp_there's pthreads
15:57:25spiralmanyeah, im probably going to use em
17:41:14lesebneed help....
17:41:32lesebtrying to use qtopiadesktop on linux rh7.3
17:41:48lesebcore dump
17:42:08spiralmanyou sure all the libs got linked properly?
17:42:39lesebgdb says the app use qt from my system and not from qtopiadesktop
17:43:24spiralmanhrm, youll probably want to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (i think thats the one you want) to wherever the libs are that come with QtopiaDesktop
17:43:35lesebi have two qt 3.0.3 lib : the redhat one is /usr/lib and the qtopiadesktop  one
17:44:06lesebi have set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/qtopiadesktop
17:44:20raistlinspiralman: is it possible to use the SD memory stick in the iPAQs (H3800)?
17:44:25lesebbut the /usr/lib qt version is still used
17:44:45Harlekinraistlin: no
17:44:48spiralmanraistlin: no, you have to use an mmc card in that slot.  its not possible to write an open source sd driver
17:44:49Harlekinraistlin: only mmc
17:45:37raistlinZaurus can use SD, correct?
17:45:38Harlekinsame look, different hardware
17:45:40spiralmanraistlin: its a different type of card, slower and doesnt have all the content protection crap built in
17:45:44lesebgdb trace : in QTranslator::clear () from /usr/lib/qt-3.0.3/lib/
17:45:57Harlekinleseb: on qtopiadesktop?
17:46:19Harlekinleseb: its qt3
17:46:21Harlekinleseb: its qt2
17:46:31Harlekinqtopia desktop wants 2
17:46:41raistlindoes the zaurus use SD or mmc?
17:46:46Harlekinraistlin: both
17:47:02raistlinI thought the zaurus kernel was open source...
17:47:05lesebqtopia desktop use qt3
17:47:12spiralmanraistlin: the kernel, yes, but not all the drivers
17:47:25spiralmanraistlin: and it doesnt fully implement the SD spec anyway
17:47:26lesebi've downloaded it from
17:47:41spiralmanHarlekin: yeah, qtopiadesktop comes with qt 3 libs
17:47:46raistlinso the Embedix SD driver isn't available?
17:48:00spiralmanraistlin: it wouldnt work on the ipaq anyway, different hardware
17:49:04raistlinhas anyone had trouble installing teh Bahia Networking Driver?
17:49:14lesebtry to compile it from source, works better: got a window, connection is done but no plugin are displayed
17:49:36lesebis someone using redhat there?
17:49:58Harlekinno, i prefere real linux .-)
17:50:09lesebyou mean suse
17:50:21spiralmanslackware !
17:50:42Harlekini have a good network connection
17:59:18lesebfinnaly qtopiadesktop is launched but login as root failed
17:59:36spiralmanleseb: are you using the latest feed of opie on your ipaq?
17:59:54spiralmanleseb: two messages were just posted to the mailing list about this...
18:00:00spiralmanleseb: i suggest you read them
18:00:34lesebwhat protocol is used for sync?
18:00:55Harlekinleseb: ftp
18:00:59Harlekinleseb: to get the files
18:01:04Harlekinthe xml files
18:01:09lesebon port 4...?
18:01:11Harlekinthen teh apps itself merge
18:01:14Harlekinleseb: .-)
18:01:23Harlekinleseb: thats why its currently not working with opie
18:01:29Harlekinleseb: except you patch it back
18:01:45Harlekinor use zeckes patch that asks you on root without password
18:01:55tux_mikei really don't think grabbing the XML files is the best way to sync
18:02:24spiralmantux_mike: unfortunately, thats not for us to decide, since its done by the desktop software...
18:02:25Harlekinthats why opie will switch
18:02:40Harlekinand sharp too
18:03:12tux_mikespiralman: well, Kitchensync can change that, just leave the XML file grabbing for Qtopiadesktop
18:03:46lesebargg, no where is the mailing-list archive!!
18:04:41spiralmanleseb: i think is down right now
18:05:08spiralmanleseb:  src opie
18:06:13lesebgot another question
18:06:30lesebwhat happens when installing an ipkg on sd or cf
18:06:59spiralmanleseb: the files are put on the cf card, and then links are created that point to the files on cf from where they would be if they were installed to /
18:07:04spiralmanleseb: its in the user manual
18:07:15lesebuser manual?
18:07:17spiralmanleseb: also, mailing list archives are back up
18:07:24spiralmanleseb: go to
18:09:06spiralmanleseb: user manual link is on the front page
18:10:00lesebok but here is my problem: i have to include a document into an ipkg
18:10:18tid-wavei can't compile opie
18:10:20tid-wavepasswordbase_p.cpp:31: implicit declaration of function `int trUtf8(...)'
18:10:26tid-waveand after that
18:10:31lesebfor zaurus, path is /home/root/Documents/...
18:10:35tid-wavea bunch of error messages like this :
18:10:49tid-wavepasswordbase_p.cpp:101: no matching function for call to `QLabel::setText (int)' /opt/qte/include/qlabel.h:100: candidates are: void QLabel::setText(const QString &)
18:10:58lesebbut when the ipg is installed on sd/cf the document doest appears in doc tab
18:11:56lesebdoest not...
18:12:00spiralmanleseb: are you using oipkg to install to sd/cf?
18:12:24lesebdont know, i gave an ipk to soemone who have a Z
18:12:41spiralmanleseb: ahh, so this is a problem on their device?
18:12:53lesebdont know
18:13:13spiralmanleseb: i think that for them, the links arent being created, because they are not using oipkg.  ipkg will insatll to cf, but it wont create links
18:13:41spiralmanleseb: and qipkg (what comes with the z) doesnt create links (im not even sure you can change the destination in it)
18:13:52tid-waveanyone can help please ?
18:14:01tid-wavei have qt-2.3.2 installed
18:14:01lesebthat explains...
18:15:05spiralmantid-wave: might be broken at the moment (that happens with cvs).  try updating first
18:15:40spiralmantid-wave: then, make sure that its really pointing at the qt/embedded includes (looks like it is)
18:16:12tid-waveit is pointing there
18:16:14tid-wavecvs [update aborted]: received broken pipe signal
18:16:18tid-wavethat function
18:16:45tid-waveint trUtf8(...)
18:16:53tid-waveis not part of qt right ?
18:17:21spiralmani think it is
18:17:31tid-wavesomething is strange because a lot of packages give this error
18:18:02tid-wavei changed QTDIR to my qt 3.0.5 normal and it doesnt givethis error
18:18:06tid-waveit compiles this file
18:18:13tid-wavebut cannot compile others
18:18:22spiralmanwell, it shouldnt be able to
18:18:36spiralmanmaybe that file, but not all of them
18:19:37tid-waveint trUtf8(...) is returning an integer type...and the setText(const QString &) needs a Qstring ...
18:19:47tid-waveit VERY strange
18:19:57tid-wavei don;t think that updating will resolve this problem
18:20:14spiralmanhrm, trUtf8 really should return a string, since its supposed to translate the string
18:20:28spiralmanperhaps your qt headers are broken in some way?
18:20:42tid-wavei don't know
18:20:43spiralmanor maybe zecke's qt3 compatability stuff has gone awry
18:20:51tid-waveno no
18:20:58tid-wavei have qt 2.3.2 embedded
18:21:22tid-wavewhere is the int trUtf8(...) function located ?
18:21:25tid-wavethe header
18:21:31tid-wavei wanna see it
18:21:33spiralmanyes, but zecke did a bunch of stuff to make it compile with qt3, and some of that may have ended up in the qt2 code accidentaly
18:21:43spiralmantid-wave: no idea, check the qt docs
18:22:24tid-wavehowever...opie won't compile neither with qt 3 nor qt2
18:23:31spiralmantid-wave: yes, if only some of the qt3 stuff ended up in the qt2 code, then it wouldnt compile either way
18:23:51lesebcvs broken?
18:23:59spiralmantid-wave: qt2 code would choke on qt3 stuff, and qt3 code would choke on lack of qt3 stuff
18:24:03spiralmanleseb: possibly
18:24:25tid-wavei can't find any trUtf8(...) function in qt headers
18:24:35tid-wavei've orded a search with mc
18:24:43tid-wavespiralman:can you do the same thing ?
18:24:51tid-wavesearch the headers for that word
18:25:58spiralmantid-wave: nope
18:26:23tid-waveyou can't or you didn't find it ?
18:26:42spiralmantid-wave: not there, couldnt find it
18:26:57tid-waveyou see...told you
18:27:17tid-wavei can't find it in opie dir :)))
18:27:25tid-wavei can't find it anywhere
18:27:59spiralmantid-wave: i guess some qt3 code got in there by mistake
18:27:59tid-wavecan you search for it in OPIEDIR ?
18:28:25spiralmantid-wave: you shoudl be able to change it to tr() and itll work
18:29:22spiralmantid-wave: no, its not in my opiedir either, but my opie source is kinda old
18:29:35drwspiralman:  I did an update and rebuild about 4 hours ago and had no problems
18:30:02spiralmanhrm, then i dont know where its from, cause i think zecke finished his qt3 port a few days ago
18:30:54drwspiralman:  He sent a patch to the mailing list, but don't think he updated CVS (Head at least)
18:31:09tid-wavespiralman:it works !!!!!!
18:31:28spiralmandrw: hrm, wonder where it came from then
18:31:45tid-wavesome time ago i did a ./configure -qt3
18:31:51tid-wavebut after that i did a cvs up
18:31:56tid-wavei don't know
18:32:12spiralmantid-wave: it might have been the ./configure -qt3
18:32:14drwtid-wave: that's probably the problem
18:32:16tid-waveyesterday was my last update
18:32:26spiralmantid-wave: you have to rerun configure...
18:32:33tid-wavebut i did the ./configure some days ago
18:32:38drwDoing an update won't change the Makefiles you created
18:32:40tid-waveyesterday i did a cvs up
18:32:48drwwith configure
18:32:51spiralmantid-wave: the files created by ./configure arent in cvs
18:32:51tid-waveand today i did a configure
18:33:00spiralmantid-wave: so a cvs up wont touch them
18:33:17tid-wavehowever the Makefiles are ok !! the source files are ruined !!!
18:33:20spiralmantid-wave: configure script might have cached something wrong then
18:33:24tid-wavethe .cpp are not good
18:33:38tid-waveand 1 hour ago i did a make clean and ./configure
18:34:05tid-wavei guess that ./configure will not change the source files
18:34:17spiralmantid-wave: make clean doesnt remove the files ./configure creates either
18:34:45spiralmantid-wave: and what itll do is change whats defined, so things that wouldnt be compiled in due to #ifndef statements will be compiled in
18:42:38spiralmanis it safe to use pthreads to fork to another member function in a class that exists in the main thread already?
18:45:46tid-wave"exists in the main thread" ???
18:46:07spiralmanok, i have a class called someclass with two functions in it: func1 and func2
18:46:13spiralmancan i, in func1, fork to func2
18:46:45spiralmanand will func2 still have access to all the variables that it would have if it wasnt a part of a separate thread
18:46:46tid-wavewhy not ? i think yes
18:47:16tid-wavethe class is not part of any thread ...
18:47:30tid-waveso i think the function can access the class
18:47:57spiralmanwell, the class is instantiated in the main thread
18:48:06spiralmanits a specific instance of the class
18:48:17spiralmanim calling class->func1, not class::func1
18:48:32raistlinhi again
18:48:55spiralmanraistlin: hey
18:50:31tid-wavei don't think it's important in which thread you declare a class
18:50:46spiralmantid-wave: the problem that im forseeing is that the instance of "class" is a private variable of the main thread, and will func2 which is in a thread of its own still have access to **that instance** of class, or will it be some other instance, and thus any private variables of the class would be at their default values
18:51:05raistlinI was wondering if someone could help me configure USB networking for WinXP -> iPAQ
18:51:40tid-wavedeclare the class static
18:52:02spiralmanraistlin: first, this isnt the correct channel for that.  second did you read the wiki page on usb networking? it has info on using the bahia driver
18:53:30raistlinspiralman: sorry. Yes I have read it all... Where is the right channel? I'm having trouble with the Bahia driver
18:53:32raistlinis all
18:53:32spiralmanraistlin: im not trying to be stuck up about which channel you are in, but its to your advantage to ask in because there are likely to be more people who might be able to help
18:53:44raistlinno problem. thanks!
18:55:31tid-wavespiralman:i don't know if it is safe
18:55:50tid-wavespiralman:if you decalre the class static the thread shouldn't have access to it
18:55:57tid-waveso it is not safe
18:56:11spiralmanill have to come up with some other way of doing it
18:56:21tid-wavewhat do you want to do ?
18:56:39spiralmani need the second thread to have access to some variables from the first thread
18:57:00tid-wavethan make the variables global
18:57:04tid-waveand it should work
18:57:07spiralmansome of them are private to the class that i am forking from though
18:57:13tid-wavenot than ...
18:57:24tid-wavei'm always messing with these words :)
18:57:50ljpyou'd like with all the cars I'd owned in my life, I could keep track of the titles better.. hmmmpft
18:58:24tid-wavespiralman:it's easy...pass the pointers to the variables with the thread call
18:58:59ljpa title is a govn't certificate of ownership
18:59:10ljpreplaceable, but stilll...
18:59:27ljpit's registered anyway..
18:59:49ljpwonder how I can get opie installed in that Fiero... :D
18:59:55spiralmantid-wave: so just have some global variables, and before i call the new thread, set the globals to the private variables?
19:00:18spiralmanif qtextbrowser wasnt so braindead, i wouldnt even have to mess with threads create a local class variable and when you create a thread you pass a structure containing the pointers to the variables
19:01:04ljpwe also have to have a car title to transfer ownership
19:01:40ljpI know I threw it on the table 3 years ago when I bought the damn thing...
19:03:08spiralmantid-wave: hrm, im not following you there...'s strange for me since i don't know what you want to do...
19:04:30tid-wavebut if you want to modify variables within a thread you pass their addreses within a structure
19:04:50tid-wavewith a structure
19:05:17spiralmanok, ive got a class called HttpFactory, and another class called HttpComm.  HttpComm needs to have access to some variables from HttpFactory, but it also needs to be executed in a separate thread.
19:06:08spiralmani need it to be in a separate thread because one of the functions in HttpFactory, needs to return a value that it gets from HttpComm, but HttpComm gets it through a series of signals and slots
19:06:09tid-waveyou make the HttpFactory global
19:07:08spiralmanunfortunately, im still not even sure if HttpComm's signals and slots will work correctly in the separate thread : (
19:07:50spiralmanand id be using QThread, but its not compiled into the qt libs that opie uses...
19:08:23tid-waveit doesn't hurt to try
19:08:30tid-wavetry to see if it workd
19:24:59tid-wavedoes anyone know where is the tr() function located ?? in which header
19:25:10lesebin qobject
19:25:57tid-wavefound it
19:26:11tid-waveand how to link it to trUtf8 ?
19:26:20lesebif your class doest herit QObject, use QObject::tr
19:26:34lesebtrUtf8 is in qt3 not in qt2
19:26:44tid-waveyes... i know
19:27:00tid-wavei can't compile opie
19:27:03tid-wavewithou trUtf8
19:27:11tid-waveand there are to many replacements to be done
19:27:15tid-wavein to many files
19:28:02lesebinstall kfilereplace
19:32:20tid-wavewhere can i get it ?
19:32:50HarlekintrUtf8 <- why
19:33:24tid-wavetrUtf8 is a function in qt3 but i have qt2.3.2
19:33:33tid-waveand the cvs source is messed up
19:34:10Harlekinso what for do you need it
19:34:24tid-waveto compile the source
19:34:29tid-waveit gives an error
19:34:32spiralmanHarlekin: a bunch of the code in opie's cvs calls trUtf8 now
19:34:35tid-wavethat it can't find that function
19:34:38tid-waveand many others
19:34:48Harlekinspiralman: ?
19:34:50Harlekinspiralman: WHY?
19:34:55spiralmanHarlekin: we dont know
19:35:05Harlekingcc3 changes
19:35:13Harlekinspiralman: which excectly?
19:35:19spiralmanHarlekin: ask tid-wave
19:35:32tid-waveHarlekin:i have gcc 2
19:35:40tid-wavein opie/library for example
19:36:01tid-wavethere is a file called passwordbase_p.cpp
19:37:31tid-wavethat is generated at make process by
19:37:37tid-wavei think
19:38:23Harlekincould it be that you have the "wrong" uic?
19:38:33drwWrong ver of uic
19:39:01tid-wavethat's it
19:39:09tid-wavehow can i make a new one ?
19:39:21tid-wavewithout compiling the entre qt
19:39:29tid-wavei still have the source and the objects
19:40:23Harlekintid-wave: email addr?
19:40:25Harlekini send you one
19:40:27drwdownload qt-2.3.2, do a configure, then go into src/tools/uic and do a make
19:40:28raistlinanyone know where to find libuuid1?
19:40:45spiralmanraistlin: e2fsprogs
19:40:57tid-wavespiralman:a lot of ppl asked for that...
19:41:11raistlinit's part of e2fsprogs? what is libuuid1 exactly?
19:42:07Harlekinunique id lib
19:43:42raistlinthe latest opie-taskbar package  complains about this
19:43:52raistlinand I already have e2fsprogs installed
19:44:34raistlinfamiliar v0.5.3?
19:44:47tid-waveHarlekin:thanks for the uic
19:44:58Harlekintid-wave: try with that please
19:45:04Harlekinand do a make clean first
19:45:12tid-waveyeap i'm doing it now
19:46:03tid-wavehow can i build individually ? i don't want everything
19:48:21drwtid-wave: after you configure, go into each directory you want and do a make
19:53:39tid-wavespiralman:how to make a new uic for qt-2.3.2 if i have qt 3 installed ?
19:54:51spiralmantid-wave: youll have to modify the $PATH variable to point to the qt2.3.2 uic and not the qt3 one
19:55:20tid-waveyes but i don;t even have the uic
19:55:24tid-wavehow to build it ?
19:55:31tid-wavewithout building the entire qt
19:57:52spiralmantid-wave: dont know, look at the qt source, you may be able to cd into its directory and run make
19:59:54tid-waveis there any way of building uic if i have qt 3 normal and qt 2.3.2 embedded ?
20:00:42spiralmantid-wave: yes, build it from 2.3.2 embedded source
20:00:46raistlinhas anyone had trouble saving information using the Text Editor?
20:00:56tid-wavespiralman:HOW ?
20:00:57spiralmantid-wave: when you built 2.3.2 it should have been built along with it
20:01:04tid-wavenow it is not
20:01:16tid-wavei've built that and it is not there
20:01:36spiralmantid-wave: it really should be there is NOT
20:01:54spiralmantid-wave: where are you looking?
20:02:15tid-wavein /usr/src/qt-2.3.2/bin
20:02:31spiralmantid-wave: cd into /usr/src/qt-2.3.2/tools and run make
20:03:00tid-wavenothing to be done for all
20:03:05tid-wavesomething like that
20:03:08spiralmanrun make clean first then
20:03:15tid-wavei did it
20:03:17tid-waveand nothing
20:04:39spiralmantid-wave: might be in src/tools
20:05:06tid-waveonly headers there
20:06:33spiralmantid-wave: ok, its in tools/designer/uic
20:07:04tid-waveyes it's there...the source
20:07:29spiralmantid-wave: there is a makefile in there, you should be able to just run make
20:07:41tid-wavenothing to be don
20:07:48spiralmantid-wave: touch *
20:08:32spiralmantid-wave: then run make
20:08:35tid-wavei don't have libqutil
20:08:44tid-wavei need that
20:09:26spiralmani think youll find it much easier to just rebuilt qt
20:09:34tid-wavewhich qt ?
20:09:55tid-wavei only have the embedded
20:10:12spiralmanyes, i know
20:10:19spiralmandoesnt matter itll still get built
20:10:34tid-wavedamn...i did build that
20:10:38tid-waveand i can't see any uic
20:54:51tid-waveit works yes
20:55:00tid-wavei've built that uic
20:55:29tid-waveit doesn't give any errors now
20:55:34tid-wavei have a question
20:55:41tid-waveon my ipaq 3600
20:55:47tid-wavewhen i play a sound
20:55:57tid-wavei hear a strange noise at startup
20:56:00tid-wavea short one
20:56:12tid-wavea bRRRRRR
20:56:14spiralmanwhat application are you using to play the sound?
20:56:35spiralmanmight be a buffer thing, not sure
20:56:45tid-waveit's the sound recorded by vmemo
20:56:52tid-wavewav file
20:56:55tid-waveanother thing
20:57:06tid-waveif i click to hear the taps and the key clicks
20:57:12tid-wavei can hear the sound
20:57:31tid-wavebut if i press often a key one adter another the volume turns higher
20:57:44spiralmanhrm, not sure.  talk to ljp about it, hes the one whos done the most work on the sound stuff i think
20:57:44tid-waveif i pause and click again it' normal
20:58:43tid-wavetoo bad that ipaq hasn't got a mic input
20:58:50tid-waveor some audio input
20:58:56tid-waveonly a mic
21:00:27tid-wavezaurus has one right ?
21:00:37tid-wavebut zaurus hasn't got a speaker :)
21:00:37ljpya don tuse click sounds when using vmemo
21:01:15ljpmy zaurus has a mic
21:01:26ljpAND a mic input
21:01:42tid-waveljp: but it doesn't have a speaker
21:01:45tid-waveright ?
21:01:55ljpkinda... sorta... yess.. no...
21:02:14ljpthe speaker 'buzzer' only plays a few sounds
21:02:41ljpkergoth is trying to make it be able to play real sounds
21:02:53tid-wavei've read that the life of the zaurus is very short...he battery life
21:03:26tid-waveljp: ipaq has a sound output and a sound speaker...
21:03:38tid-wavei can play real sounds on it
21:03:47tid-wavebut i don;t have a mic input
21:03:49tid-waveand that SUX
21:03:59ljpbut it has a mic right?
21:04:40tid-wavei prefer an input rather than a mic
21:04:45spiralmanyou could probably open the ipaq up and replace the mic with a mic input, if you knew what you were doing
21:04:55ljpahh.. better sound quality, no doubt
21:05:18tid-wavespiralman:i have no place for extra wires
21:05:20spiralmanand the builtin speaker really isnt all that usefull except for some really basic stuff.  i wouldnt want to listen to music on it, or anything
21:05:27tid-wavethe hole for the mic is too small
21:05:39spiralmantid-wave: youd have to mod the case as well
21:06:20tid-wavespiralman: an ipaq without mic input it's better than a ruined ipaq :))))
21:06:39spiralmantid-wave: i wasnt suggesting you do it, was just saying it might be possible
21:06:53tid-waveyeah i know
21:07:33tid-wavei love this ipaq... i didn't even know how nice this small things are...
21:09:45tid-wavei had showimg running in my qvfb :)))
21:11:00tid-wavewhat do i have to build in order to have the file selection dialog ?
21:11:53spiralmanits in libopie
21:12:22spiralmantid-wave: why arent you using the feed?
21:12:46tid-waveon my ipaq even if i click the open icon in showimg the dialog won't appear
21:12:51tid-wavebecause i wan't to develop
21:13:15tid-waveat least try
21:13:27spiralmanahh.  i use a prebuilt opie on my ipaq, and then just develop off of libopie...
21:13:32tid-wavei'm not going to build opie to run on ipaq :))))
21:14:26tid-wavei don't understand why open doesn't work in showimg
21:15:55spiralmantid-wave: it only allows you to open whats in the documents tab
21:16:04tid-wavei see :)
22:45:59Xentacquestion... is there an irda control program that sits in the Settings menu, instead of on the appletbar?
22:46:21ljpno, but there should be
22:46:33Xentacok... who do I bug about it? ;o)
22:47:56ljphmm not sure.. might want to ask to th emaillist
22:48:40Xentacok... I'll ask once I get around to it
23:48:54spiralmanis away: out for the night
23:49:24MickeyLis leaving for a while...

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