irclog2html for opie on 2002.06.09

01:07:58spiralmanis away: dinner
01:24:47CraHanheh, just noticed, but no matter what the settin, opie-today always starts when resuming the ipaq
01:24:56CraHani can say, don't start, or do start
01:25:00CraHanit starts either way
01:25:29CraHanscrollbar setting in the konsole doesn't get saved
01:27:08spiralmanis back
01:28:17spiralmansubmit it to bugzilla...
01:28:56spiralmanis away: agian...
01:33:11spiralmanis back
01:37:18CraHanbugs added
01:37:44spiralmanthey might be fixed in cvs, but i dont know, and thats the best way to be sure...
01:37:57CraHani'm running that pre 0.9 feed
01:38:01spiralmanwe need a scrollbar setting that is system wide here
01:38:07spiralmanthen they probably arent fixed...
01:38:11CraHancompiled on the 6 of june or so
01:38:26CraHani added that to the bugreport
01:38:40CraHanthat it happened on the official feed and the latest cvs builds
01:38:54spiralmanok, cool
01:38:56CraHani tried that qnx thing this weekend
01:39:05CraHanafter 30 mins opie was back :)
01:39:13CraHanit's a nice environment
01:39:17CraHanbut too limited atm
01:39:20CraHanno pim apps
01:39:33CraHana few games... a terminal app
01:39:42spiralmanyeah, it doesnt really have many devels or users, so there arent many apps for it yet
01:39:56CraHanit looks nice though
01:40:05CraHancomparable to opie actually
01:40:05spiralmanis there a list app available for opie/qtopia that you know of?
01:40:16CraHanlist app?
01:40:25spiralmanyeah, like for grocery lists and stuff
01:40:33CraHanerhm... can't remember
01:40:44spiralmank, i was thinking of making one
01:40:59spiralmanbut ive got enough other projects planned that its sorta at the bottom...
01:41:02CraHandid you check ?
01:41:29spiralmanno, i havent actually looked yet, just wondering if you knew of one...
01:41:50CraHani do remember something
01:41:51CraHanhang on
01:41:57CraHanlemme see of ot was for opie
01:41:58spiralmani found ShoppingLIst
01:42:30CraHanyeah :)
01:42:37CraHanjust found that too
01:43:00spiralmanlooks like its a pain to add items though...
01:43:44CraHana more general app would be nice
01:43:50CraHannot only grocery lists
01:43:58spiralmanwell, this looks general enough
01:44:26spiralmanjust cause it says "shopping list" at the top doesnt mean you cant use it for something else...
01:44:45spiralmanhavent downloaded it yet, though...
01:48:02spiralmanhmm, the ipkg doesnt seem to work w/ C ipkg...
01:48:45spiralmanand im to lazy to compile it from source...
01:51:14spiralmanhrm, i should work on one of those projects i was talking about : )
01:53:01kergothah son of a bitch
01:53:05kergothsomebody shoot me
01:53:26spiralmanslaps kergoth around with a small 50lb Unix Manual
01:53:34spiralmandid that help?
01:53:43kergotha bit, thanks
02:00:52kergothwhats good for dealing with emotional anguish? other than alcohol and/or a shrink
02:01:17spiralmanwell, there are some other drugs besides alchohol that might do the trick...
02:01:30kergothhey theres an idea
02:01:37spiralmanbut their legality and availability is suspect...
02:02:12kergothyeh Ive got no sources for that shit anymore. grr
02:02:36spiralmanwhere i live, you have to know somebody who knows somebody...
02:02:45spiralmanand everybody i know moved out a year ago...
02:04:03kergothyep similiar situation here
02:04:04kergothah well
02:04:12kergothdigs out the bottle of Jack
02:06:51ljppulls out ye ole electric guitar
02:09:17spiralmanis away: stuff
02:09:39kergothjack, guitar, and stuff. fun
02:41:28spiralmanack, can you use QToolBar w/out a QMainWindow?
02:49:09spiralmannm, i just made my main widget a MainWindow...
02:49:15spiralmanhopefully, itll work the way i want it...
03:00:21spiralmanis away: movie
03:26:30WiseGuy58hi all
04:07:21WiseGuy58anyone home?
04:41:05NicodeimousIs thier a bejewelled like game out in the opie world?
04:51:02spiralmanis back
04:53:39NicodeimousIs thier a bejewelled like game out in the opie world?
04:53:57kergoth`heard you the first time
04:54:09spiralmantry one of the zaurus software sites
04:56:25hashi went through hell to write a bdf font charset converter
04:56:45hashand now that i have the converted bdf file that i want
04:56:45hashmakeqpf just segfaults on me
04:58:14spiralmanthat sucks...
04:59:07hashi wanted a korean only font in unicode
05:00:31spiralmanis there source for makeqpf? perhaps building it yourself will fix the segfault
05:01:58spiralmanlike if it was compiled against an incompatable library, or some such...
05:03:55spiralmanor run it in strace, and see what happens...
05:04:37ha5hconnection problems
05:04:51ha5hspiralman: did you say something a few minutes ago?
05:05:17spiralmani said that if there is source for makeqpf, compiling it might help, if there is an incompatable library, or something...
05:05:29spiralmanor run it under strace or gdb
05:17:01ha5hthe thing is...
05:17:11ha5hthere are patches for qt-2.3.3's makeqpf
05:17:14ha5hbut not for 2.3.2
05:17:17ha5hand that's what i got
05:17:59spiralmanyou should be able to **just** compile qt 2.3.3's makeqpf
05:18:10spiralmanjust run configure, then cd into the source directory for it, and run "make"
05:18:15ha5hi should be able to...
05:18:24spiralmanyeah, should is the key word there...
05:18:40ha5hbut my version of makeqpf is from 2.3.2
05:18:41ha5hnot 2.3.3
05:18:46ha5hand the  patches are for 2.3.3
05:18:55spiralmanthat doesnt matter
05:19:05spiralmanonce you compile the 2.3.3 version, just use that one...
05:19:19spiralmani doubt they changed the format of qpf between two bugfix releases
05:26:51ha5hah shit
05:26:53ha5hi give up
05:27:07spiralmanno luck?
05:27:11ha5hcan someone please try to make this font?
05:27:16ha5hyeah, can't get it to compile
05:27:44spiralmani would, but i dont have makeqpf : (
05:28:36ha5hanyone have makeqpf working?
05:55:06hashi'm out
07:23:52spiralmannight all
07:38:48marktreke|home: ab out?
08:23:03markhi Harlekin_
08:23:04Harlekin_short stop in
08:23:08Harlekin_ljp: awake?
08:23:39markQObject::connect: No such signal QDialog::accept()
08:24:27Harlekin_ljp: obex is done
08:24:35markHarlekin_: really? :)
09:27:55Grouchohi there
09:27:59markhi Groucho
09:28:01marktreke|home: ping?
09:29:44Harlekin was last seen on #opie 17 hours, 30 minutes and 35 seconds ago, saying: away [Sat Jun  8 16:59:09 2002]
09:29:44Grouchoibot:seen Harlekin
09:30:12markGroucho: how ws linuxtag?
09:30:27GrouchoGreat- we raised lots of interest
09:31:05GrouchoEven a german TV station team appeared- they came only for opie...
09:33:17marksomeone told me there is a KProcess somewhere in opie cvs - where is it?
09:33:32Grouchoin oipkg I believe
09:35:16markwondering what they did about QMap
09:35:41markor is QMap a qt 3 class?
09:36:07marknope, it was there in qt2.3, hmm
09:37:31markGroucho: nope, not in oipkg
09:38:03markHarlekin_: do you know where kprocess is in opie cvs?
09:38:09Grouchoas soon as my cvs update is through I will have a look
09:38:14markGroucho: cheers
09:48:50Grouchoibot: message for kergoth: URGENT- What is going on with CVS and why is it filled with Qtopia instead of opie ???
09:59:46markGroucho: he tried an import
09:59:59GrouchoOh my goodness. CVS is completeley wrotten- There is Qtopia in it and OPIE features are gone ...
10:00:31markis it completely Qtopia?
10:00:41markvendor import hasn't gone to well then :)
10:01:07GrouchoIt seems so...
10:01:51markoh dear
10:01:55markkergoth`zzz: wake up! :)
10:02:01GrouchoHarlekin noticed it on Friday morning but could not check further...
10:03:05GrouchoIt seems that someone did not do a cvs import or commit but copied it manually in the file system ...
10:03:19marknah he wont have done that
10:06:19GrouchoArgh- I see...
10:06:28GrouchoImport of qpe from cvs into TT vendor branch as of 20020606
10:09:23Grouchoibot: message for kergoth: CVS looks odd but I might be wrong here. Please check the structure regarding opie and qtopia dependencies
10:15:19GrouchoHmm, could not find KProcess...
10:22:18Grouchomark: There is a QProcess used in qipkg.
10:22:50GrouchoAnyway, I am away now as I am not using a flat rate
10:22:58GrouchoHave a nice remaining weekend
10:23:05Grouchocu all
10:39:27markhi jeff_
13:25:37GrimGrinningGhosWhere could i go to download the opie packages?
13:25:54i guess feed is a package repository or or or for OpenZaurus
13:25:54markibot: feed
13:26:59GrimGrinningGhosThanks.  I understand that if I do not have a direct connection to the internet for my handheld, that I can download the packages through xmodem to the device and install the packages that way.  Is that true?
13:27:25mark: i'm not following you...
13:27:25markibot: opie-feed
13:27:27opie feed is
13:27:27markibot: opie feed
13:27:31markGrimGrinningGhos: thast the one you want
14:36:54markkergoth`: ping
15:34:39GrimGrinningGhosI have downloaded all of the packages for opie, but should I wait until the release and then download new packages?
15:43:34markGrimGrinningGhos: up to you :)
16:23:59GrimGrinningGhosmark, how extensive will the changes be in the new release?
16:24:14markGrimGrinningGhos: no idea
16:24:18markdepends how productive we are :)
16:24:26markGrimGrinningGhos: ur best to get net connectivity on ur ipaq
16:24:41GrimGrinningGhoswill a compact flash lan be enough?
16:25:23GrimGrinningGhoswhen I install familiar, will support for the card be automatic, or will I need to build it in?
16:38:07markno idea
17:08:52WiseGuy58hey all
17:09:01WiseGuy58does anyone know if GL works in QT/Embedded?
17:10:18markWiseGuy58: it doesnt
17:10:45WiseGuy58how willing is QT/E to share the framebuffer?
17:10:48marknot compiled in
17:10:54markuse QDirectPainter or something
17:11:02markgives you direct access to it
17:11:22WiseGuy58I know next to nothing about QT, I just want to get an OpenGL app I wrote to go on the iPAQ
17:11:32WiseGuy58i've compiled mesa, but I need X for that...
17:11:51WiseGuy58is there some QTE/X compat layer or anything?
17:12:37marki really dont know how youd do that
17:12:44WiseGuy58do what?
17:12:49WiseGuy58X and QT/E?
17:12:54markget an opengl app running on the ipaq
17:13:05markwell, running qTE
17:13:19WiseGuy58Mesa software renderer, and QDirectPainter?
17:13:35markyeh that should do it
17:14:36WiseGuy58i'll see what I can do
17:14:40WiseGuy58Mesa is huge tho :(
17:15:24treke|homeand slow
17:22:10lanboHi all. I was wondering if kitchensynch is a reallity... or when will it be?
17:22:44George-what is kitchensync?
17:23:04lanboAn app to synch opie with KDE
17:23:12treke|homelanbo : its in progress
17:23:37lanbotreke|home: ah. Ok. Which app will it face to? Korganizer?
17:23:53treke|homelanbo : Dont know, probably
17:23:57markhi spiralman
17:24:08treke|homeI dont use kde, and dont follow its development much
17:24:56lanbotreke|home: ok. If you are a gnome fan, I think evolution works pretty well. ;-)
17:25:18treke|homenot a big gnome fan either :)
17:25:29treke|hometried evolution though, it worked ok
17:25:45lanbotreke:umm... fwmw2 + xterm?, then? :-P
17:26:03treke|homeclose enough
17:26:08markspiralman: knights release soon
17:26:13spiralmanmark: cool
17:26:26lanbo: what?
17:26:26lanboibot knights
17:26:31spiralmani find that i either want fvwm2 or kde, and rarely something inbetween
17:26:43OK, spiralman.
17:26:43spiralmanibot knights is the chess interface for opie
17:26:58lanbothanks ;-)
17:27:37lanbokde is a bit bloated... My P3 400 Mhz and 64Mb ram cannot run it nicely... :-(
17:27:55spiralmanhrm, i ran in on a k62-300 w/ 64mb just fine
17:28:09lanbospiralman: which distro?
17:28:09markspiralman: hmm, not sure if its gonna go into opie yet
17:28:20spiralmanlanbo: slackware
17:28:28spiralmanmark: well, its **for**opie...
17:28:49spiralmanmark: and im certainly not gonna make another one : )
17:29:29markspiralman: hmm, not sure its for opie yet
17:29:30markwe'll see
17:29:34lanbospiralman: I will give it a try. MAybe gentoo aswell.. Actually, opie for the desktop also works. May be a good idea to switch to opie on the PC to have a speedy system :-)
17:29:44spiralmanmark: as in, itll run in opie...
17:29:52markspiralman: sure
17:30:12spiralmanmark: there for its written for opie, even if its not a part of the official opie project
17:30:34spiralmanlanbo: yeah, opie as a desktop for low end machines would be cool
17:30:44markspiralman: true :)
17:31:12spiralmanlanbo: i started trying to get it running on my dreamcast, but just didnt have enough docs, time, and interest.  but ill probably start up again later
17:31:28lanboon the dreamcats?
17:31:46lanbospirlaman: But does linux run on this platform?
17:32:05spiralmanunfortunately, their site has been down for a while now : (
17:32:22spiralmanbut theve got a site to a article on it..
17:32:32George-spiralman: tell me, what's the point of running linux on the dreamcast?
17:32:43spiralmanGeorge-: for fun, or to make it easy to develop for it
17:33:17George-what's the point in developing linux s/w for the dc, when most of the dc users don't run linux?
17:33:32spiralmanGeorge-: my main idea was i wanted to port a game i was working on to it, and linux made a good base, cause i could write at near hardware levels w/out having to reimplement a bunch of stuff
17:33:41spiralmanGeorge-: the OS is on the game disc...
17:33:55spiralmanGeorge-: so some ports of windows based games are actually running on top of CE
17:34:04George-I suppose...
17:34:11George-well, the DC runs WinCE anyway
17:34:33treke|homeGeorge- : most games run on either ce or segas os
17:34:44spiralmanso, you could write a linux game, and then put linux + your game on the disc, have the game boot linux and then start your game immediately, and it looks like its just a game...
17:34:51George-i c
17:35:33George-oh right
17:44:19lanboI just read: Tux goes mobile: OPIE 0.9 debuts at LinuxTag Jun. 04, 2002
17:44:26lanboSo do we have a new version?
17:45:01lanbowhere is the changelog? Or improvements to the last version?
17:45:38spiralmanthe new version is still just in cvs
17:45:40spiralmanno feed yet
17:46:00lanbospiralman: what about a list of improvements?
17:46:02treke|homelanbo : you can read the cvs logs though
17:46:02spiralmanfor a changelog, the best i can give you is the wiki page describing the differences between opie and qtopia...
17:46:24spiralmanWhatsNewIn is the name of the page
17:47:04lanbospiralman: umm... what can you say about the next version, then? Compared to the current one? Any special features? Opie is stable with me... Should I have to upgrade?
17:48:25spiralmanlanbo: you can compare the list of features on that wiki page w/ what youve got...
17:48:47spiralmanlanbo: since this is technically the **first** release of opie, a changelog hasnt been kept before...
17:49:46lanboI guess there are not special improves.... I'm gonna read this wiki
17:49:49spiralmanall the other feeds where just made whenever somebody who could put up a new feed decided it was time for one, and current cvs was relatively bug free
17:50:08spiralmanlanbo: the main thing for the 09 release should be bugfixes
17:50:44spiralmanlanbo: even though opie is "stable" there are several major bugs that are annoying, even if they dont cause it to crash
17:50:48treke|homelanbo : short answer. cool stuff. upgrade
17:51:18lanboany tricky way to upgrade using ipkg?
17:51:27spiralmanipkg update; ipkg upgrade
17:51:28treke|hometricky way?
17:51:50spiralmanlanbo: thats **after** the new feed is out, and its not out yet...
17:51:51lanbotreke|home: I don't want to upgrade all the ipaq. Just opie...
17:52:00treke|homeremove the other feeds
17:52:01lanbospiralman: true
17:52:21lanboI'll wait until official packages
17:52:34spiralmanis there any way i can remove that little tear off thing in QToolBar?
17:52:46treke|homespiralman : try using a QPEToolbar
17:52:51spiralmanahh, cool
17:53:06treke|homeI dont know if that fixes it, I just know there is/was one
17:55:54lanbohey, is it possible to get from Compaq the money of windowsCE? Maybe now it's too late, but for the future, is it possible to buy an IPAQ and not WindowsCE?
17:56:40spiralmanlanbo: no
17:56:41mark_lanbo: no
17:56:45spiralmangonz: hey
17:57:08spiralmantreke|home: either i did something wrong, or that didnt fix it : (
17:57:16spiralmantreke|home: oh well, it really a minor thing...
17:57:54lanboJust the upgrade it's $29...
17:59:44spiralmanwell, the way you get money back from that is by not buying it...
18:00:00spiralman: )
18:00:58spiralmanmy little web browser can browse local files now (well, it did last night also...)
18:01:18spiralmanQTextBrowser is very spiffy
18:01:24lanbospiralman: sure.. I was wondering how much is the license. After all 29 is for the upgrade, so maybe I payed $50
18:01:30spiralmanjust need to create a new QMimeSourceFactory for http
18:02:16treke|homelanbo : The cost of the upgrade may not in away way be related to the cost of the upgrade
18:02:23treke|homedepends on ms' licensing scheme
18:02:24spiralmanlanbo: that 29 includes the box, and a bunch of other stuff that compaq didnt pay for, not to mention they have a major bulk order
18:03:19lanboCome on... So how much is the OS?
18:03:24treke|homeGiving you the upgrade for your ipaq may in fact be free if they have a sufficiently nice agreement with ms
18:03:33lanbo$20? Still a nice dinner domewhere... :-)
18:03:43spiralmanthey have offered rom updates for free in the past...
18:04:04treke|homeits not something you can just attach a price to
18:04:16lanbospiralman: It's not the same as in the PC market, then
18:04:17spiralmanin fact, you can restore CE from them if you mess up or loose your backup image
18:05:22treke|homelanbo : besides. you agred to keep your Win CE license
18:05:45treke|homeWith the windows refunds, they were only for unused licenses
18:06:24mark_George-: you going?
18:07:24George-mark_: going where?
18:07:30mark_George-: school
18:07:57George-it's 10 past already
18:08:05George-I'm going at 8
18:14:24mark_does 'White is checked'
18:14:28mark_imply why is under check?
18:14:54spiralmanhmm, does to me
18:15:04spiralmanbut its not entirely clear
18:15:34mark_i know
18:15:37mark_any other way?
18:15:42spiralmanperhaps it makes more sense to somebody who plays chess
18:15:50spiralmanblack checks white?
18:16:29mark_yeah thats better
18:17:01WiseGuy58wb honeypea
18:17:09honeypeaoh hey WiseGuy58 :)
18:17:22mark_cheers spiralman
18:21:19mark_/usr/include/stdio.h:30: syntax error before string constant
18:21:24mark_/usr/include/stdio.h:633: parse error before `}'
18:21:52mark_i've got pages of silly errors
18:21:56mark_engineio.h:38: warning: `class QMetaObject * staticMetaObject()' declared `static' but never defined
18:22:04mark_core.h:108: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for `template <class type> QList<type>'
18:24:53mark_whoah shit
18:27:35lanbohey, is it there a free (with adds) version of opera? I'd like to see how it perfoms on my IPAQ ... ;-)
18:28:00spiralmanthe only way to get it on the ipaq is to rip it off a Z rom image
18:28:08spiralmanand i dont know if anybody has really tried it...
18:28:11mark_i did
18:28:13mark_it doesn't work
18:28:26lanboLOL I guess that was not very legal...
18:28:28spiralmanmy guess is, it performs about as well as it does on the Z, since they are basically the same device
18:28:37mark_lanbo: no, it wasn't
18:28:38lanboI don't have a Z
18:28:42mark_and they had copy protection in ther
18:29:00lanbomark_: just kidding...
18:29:19lanbomark_: I guess it would have not been legal distributing it...
18:29:31mark_lanbo: wasn't legal me trying prolly
18:29:34mark_but who cares
18:30:23spiralmanyeah, would be nice if they and hancom would pull their heads out of their asses, and at least sell an ipkg to non Z users, if not offer a trial for download...
18:30:26treke|homemark_ : sure it was copy protected?
18:30:52treke|homemark_ : I think probably missed something, one of the sharp guys was working on a script to back all that stuff up for openzaurus users
18:31:36lanbomark_:does the zaurus license say anything about redistributing the ROM apps?
18:32:06lanboIt would be nice having hancom....
18:33:24spiralmananybody here familiar w/ QMimeSource?
18:33:46treke|homehancom is easy to find...
18:34:12honeypeacan anyone give me a clue how to sync with QtopiaDesktop? is the desktop on my pc supposed to just see my ipaq and prompt to sync? or do i need to run something on my ipaq?
18:34:23honeypeaor is their an IP trick like with Intellisync?
18:34:37spiralmanhoneypea: did you set the linkver file correctly?
18:35:07honeypeawell, i set it as per your wiki page for Intellisync?
18:35:16spiralmanhoneypea: yeah
18:35:35honeypeai wondered if im missing a program to kick it off on the desktop?
18:35:37spiralmanhoneypea: w/ that set correctly, all you should have to do is point qtopiadesktop at your ipaqs ip
18:35:53honeypeaoh, ok thats what i dont get :) how do i point it
18:35:55spiralmanhoneypea: did you set up the security app in opie
18:36:03honeypeai have a feeling im being horribly blind
18:36:07spiralmanhoneypea: should be a config somewhere
18:36:22lanbohoneypa: Just make sure to have this IP: in the IPAQ
18:36:24spiralmanhoneypea: ive never gotten qtopia desktop to run properly, so i cant help you there...
18:36:26honeypeain QtopiaDesktop?
18:36:37spiralmanlanbo: not necessary w/ qtopia desktop
18:36:39honeypealanbo, i cant change my ipaq IP though!
18:36:51spiralmanlanbo: in fact, its not necessary w/ intellisync either
18:36:58honeypeaim trying to sync over wireless, btw
18:37:20honeypeaok, what i dont get is this: what *is* the sync program called, and should i be seeing it on my desktop?
18:37:25spiralmanhoneypea: i synced w/ qtopia desktop on a windows machine to my ipaq connected through usb on another linux machine
18:37:37spiralmanhoneypea: its all built into the one qtopia desktop binary
18:37:58spiralmanhoneypea: in there, there should be a dialog that lets you set the ip of the ipaq, you set that, and then it should sync w/ it
18:38:03lanboYou can change the IP on the qtopiadesktop setting menu but this won't work! The app is broken. At least with the very last one...
18:38:03honeypeaso, does it just notice the ipaq's ip as active, and a "sync" button pop up..?
18:38:13spiralmanhoneypea: if you have the security app install and configured properly on the ipaq
18:38:32spiralmanhoneypea: when you click "ok" in the dialog, it automatically tries to sync w/ that ip
18:38:35lanbohoneypea: You can change the IPAQ IP just modiffying your /etc/ppp/peers/ipaq fiņe
18:38:44honeypeaok.. so i set the security app on the desktop and the ipaq ok for each other?
18:38:49honeypeaand then click ok?
18:38:54spiralmanlanbo: not if he is using usb net, or wireless (which he just said he is)
18:39:08spiralmanhoneypea: security app only on ipaq
18:39:08lanbospiralman: ouch! sorry :-P
18:39:25spiralmanlanbo: sorry, if i came off as rude there...
18:39:32honeypeaisnt sure about the he, but ok :)
18:39:39honeypeaok... so..
18:39:52spiralmanhoneypea: install opie-security or whatever its called on the ipaq
18:40:00honeypeaits just copying xml files between the two really?
18:40:04honeypeaok i have that
18:40:09spiralmanhoneypea: open it up, and make sure syncing from your desktop's ip is allowed
18:40:22honeypeai thought maybe i was looking for a program equivalent to WinCE's ActiveSync..
18:40:32lanbotreke|home: what do you mean with "hancom is easy to find"?
18:40:35honeypeayes, theyre allowed in both
18:40:49spiralmanhoneypea: both?
18:40:51lanbotreke|home: Is is available on the IPAQ? Is it free?
18:41:08honeypeain security on desktop and ipaq
18:41:27spiralmanhoneypea: desktop has a security app? where?
18:41:57honeypeaso, you're not supposed to initiate the sync as such, spiralman, it just happens when the ip's.. coincide?
18:42:02treke|homelanbo : its not free. but its easy to find if you look around :)
18:42:14George-mark_: Opera for Qt/E has copy protection?
18:42:16spiralmanhoneypea: when qtopia desktop starts up, it automatically tries to sync
18:42:18George-spiralman: yeh, I emailed them to see if I could get a trial version or a time bombed version to see how well it would fare on my Psion 5mx
18:42:21George-spiralman: I didn't even get a reply
18:42:23George-surely, it's legal to use the ROM apps on the licensed machine, whether it's running OZ, TrollTechs crap etc
18:42:23treke|homeI wanted to to try it and it took about 5 minutes with google
18:42:28George-Konq/E rocks over Opera anyway
18:42:37honeypeaoh.. hmm ok spiralman, i must be missing something.. i'll have a play :)
18:42:38George-what type of a power cord does the Z use?
18:42:39George-a 2 part one?
18:42:39George-or a single lead?
18:42:43George-wrong channel
18:45:12spiralmanhrm, is anybody familiar with QMimeSource?
18:47:39treke|homelanbo : its three different programs
18:47:42mark_/usr/include/stdio.h:633: parse error before `}'
18:47:42mark_ ggrrrrr
18:48:09lanbotreke|home: ok.
18:48:21lanbotreke|home: .... [ 15%]
18:48:23spiralmanmark_: try running make clean in your source...
18:48:29lanbotreke|home: thanks ;-)
18:49:00mark_spiralman: oh i've done that
18:49:01mark_many times
18:49:02mark_ :)
18:49:19spiralmanmark_: k, just checking...
18:49:26mark_this is just silly
18:50:28lanbotreke|home: It's strange... I found newer versions than the one coming on the Z...
18:50:41spiralmanis away: brb
18:50:57lanbotreke|home: and and there are no official upgrades...
18:55:12lanboAny killer game for opie?
18:55:36treke|homestrategic assault
18:55:58lanbotreke|home: d'ya know the web page?
18:56:13lanbotreke|home: sounds like shooting game
18:56:34lanbotreke|home: ok
18:56:34treke|homekinda like command and conquer
18:56:49lanbotreke|home: also $$$?
19:11:25lanboapart form strategic assault, is it there any action like good game?
19:11:38lanbowhat about 3D?
19:14:19spiralmanis back
19:14:43spiralmanlanbo: doom should be able to run, but i dont think anybody has made it available easilly in opie...
19:16:02lanbospiralman: doom? Do you mean it's available only for X11?
19:16:15spiralmanlanbo: there are ports that run in the framebuffer
19:16:31spiralmanlanbo: i dont know how well one fb app will run when another (opie) is already running though
19:16:58lanbospiralman: not an easy task... I guess
19:16:58spiralmanlanbo: presumably, you could write a script that callse /etc/init.d/qpe stop then runs doom, then calls /etc/init.d/qpe start
19:17:51spiralmanthe thing is, they all use SDL these days
19:17:51hashfb version of doom?
19:18:05hashthat actually might be fun
19:18:08hashdoom on a ipaq
19:18:28hashthere are SDL libs for qte?
19:19:41spiralmanand i dont think thats the optimal solution
19:19:47spiralmanQT isnt very fast for that kind of thing
19:19:54hashlanbo: you have doom for arm?
19:20:07spiralmanwould be better to stop opie, run doom, and then start opie back up again...
19:20:10lanbohash: I used to play with PPC...
19:20:14lanboNot with opie
19:20:17hashi see
19:20:24hashppc embedded?
19:20:53spiralmanshould just be a matter of cross compiling SDL without X or GL support, and then cross compiling doom w/ that SDL lib...
19:20:57lanboppc=M$ pocket pcx
19:21:11hashi see
19:21:16hashi thought... the other ppc
19:22:15hashdang.. i wish the gnuboy port could scale the screen size
20:03:00mark_spiralman: ping
20:03:29spiralmanmark_: png
20:03:31spiralmanpong even
20:03:34mark_spiralman: heh
20:03:42mark_I think I sent you a .tar.gz of knights a while back
20:03:49mark_or sent you to a url
20:03:53mark_do you have a copy?
20:04:04spiralmanneed it?
20:04:37mark_yes please
20:04:43spiralmancan you accept dcc?
20:05:01mark_when is it dated?
20:05:34mark_ouch :)
20:05:43spiralmanyep, its old...
20:06:01mark_its got what I want :)
20:07:57mark_shall be a good boy and back up in future
20:26:17mark_/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: BFD 20011121 internal error, aborting at elf32-i386.c line 2028 in elf_i386_relocate_section
20:52:39spiralmani have a function called data(qstring, qstring), and in it, i need to call the overloaded function data(qstring) from the same class, how do i do that?
20:52:56spiralmani thought it would just work, but i get errors that im not calling data w/ enough parameters
20:53:34bowserHi ppl
20:53:48spiralmannvermind, typo
20:53:51spiralmanhey bowser
20:54:06bowserCan anyone tell me how to install linux on my compaq ipaq h3870?
20:54:22mark_spiralman: make clean j ust did the same again!
20:54:30mark_leaves it for a while
20:54:44bowserI've got the bootloader installed and loaded, but now i don't know how to go on....
20:55:08spiralmanbowser: ok, first you want to install familiar
20:55:22spiralmanbowser: so get the root image that you want, and install that with load root
20:55:27spiralmanbowser: read the instructions
20:55:51bowserspiralman: I don't know how to make a terminal connection..
20:56:11spiralmanbowser: this isnt really the channel for this, but ok...
20:56:22spiralmanbowser: minicom in linux, hyperterminal in windows
20:56:33spiralmangive it the settings listed in the instructions
20:58:50bowserhmm ok i think i've got it...
20:58:52bowserthank you
20:59:02bowserhas anyone been on the linuxtag?
21:00:18spiralmansome of the people here attended, but they arent arround at the moment, i dont think...
21:00:32spiralmanHarlekin was showing off opie there, i think...
21:01:26bowserI've been there today and i've seen opie so I thought I could install it..
21:01:41bowserbut as linux newbee it isn't really easy....
21:02:36mark_bowser: you following instructions at
21:02:54mark_bowser: where you stuck?
21:02:55bowserBut i don't know how to configure minicom now...
21:03:11bowserDo you speak german *s*
21:03:16mark_ein bischen
21:03:59bowserI'm speaking english, it's OK... it would be just easier to talk german but its OK :-)
21:04:18mark_ich kann Englisch besser als Deutsch sprechen
21:05:00bowserThen lets talk english
21:05:07mark_yep :)
21:05:10bowserCan U tell me how to configure minicom?
21:05:16spiralmancontrol A
21:05:21mark_do Control A Z
21:05:23bowserCoz I absolutely don't know..
21:05:32spiralmanmaybe Z, maybe not
21:05:37mark_dontrol A, then Z brings up help
21:05:42bowserI've got an error now
21:05:45spiralmanwhen you type control A, itll tell you what to type to get help
21:05:46bowserminicom: cannot open /dev/ttys0: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
21:05:50spiralmanmark_: its not always Z
21:06:12bowserAn Input/Output error..
21:06:22spiralmanit should be /dev/ttyS0
21:06:38spiralmanassuming COM1
21:06:48bowserBut I don't know at witch port my modem is...
21:06:55spiralmanis it internal?
21:07:14bowserlets check it ;-)
21:07:19spiralmanwell, try 0, if that doesnt work, try S1
21:08:17bowserminicom: cannot open /dev/ttys0: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
21:08:24bowserstill the same error...
21:09:19mark_spiralman: ah ok
21:09:21spiralmanS0, not s0
21:10:25bowserIts the right port i guess, coz when i push the calendar button on my ipaq it returns an error:
21:10:37bowserboot> ser_con                                                                
21:10:38bowserDon't understand command>ser_con< Try help for a command list.
21:10:50spiralmanso minicom is running?
21:11:09spiralmanso, when are you getting the problem?
21:11:25bowserwhen i push the calendar button
21:11:49bowserperhaps another error in the connection?
21:11:54spiralmanno, the minicom: cannot open /dev/ttys0: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
21:12:05spiralmanwhen do you get that error
21:12:26bowserNo, this was the tty"s"0
21:12:38bowserI've corrected it to ttyS0 now it works
21:12:56mark_bowser: pretty much everything in linux is case sensitiv
21:13:04spiralmanoh, ok
21:13:06bowserthat means?
21:13:16bowserSo now I'm connected
21:13:18spiralmanbowser: that means that S is different from s
21:13:26spiralmanbowser: and linux knows it
21:13:30spiralmanbowser: ok
21:13:30bowserI know...
21:13:36spiralmanbowser: now, control a
21:13:45spiralmanthen type whatever key it tells you to get help
21:13:53bowser CTRL-A Z for help |115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.00.0 | VT102 |      Offline  
21:14:30bowseris that what you wanted me to do?
21:14:35spiralmanyes, hold on
21:14:48spiralmanafter typing control a, type o
21:15:02bowserand now?
21:15:03spiralmanthen go to "serial port setup" or whatever it is in german
21:15:13bowserIt's english
21:15:22spiralmanmake sure that hardware and software flow control are both off
21:15:32bowseryeah it's off..
21:15:50bowserI've turned it off 10 min. ago
21:16:06spiralmanok, escape till you get back to your boot> prompt
21:16:11bowser F - Hardware Flow Control : No - Software Flow Control : No                                        
21:16:23spiralmannow, you have to install a root image
21:16:33spiralmanfollow the instructions on
21:16:40bowserThank you :-)
21:16:53spiralmanif you need help, ill still be here, or in
21:17:39bowserMay I ask U where U'r from spiralman?
21:18:13spiralmantexas, in the US
21:20:21mark_right, knight all (hehehe)
21:20:33bowsergood night mark_
21:22:17spiralmanmark_: night...
22:02:50bowserHi Harlekin
22:03:57bowserHarlekin are you german?
22:04:23bowserwarst du aufm Linuxtag heute?
22:05:56bowserHmm dann glaube ich wir kennen uns...
22:06:14bowserMuss man hier englisch reden?
22:08:29bowserAre you still there?
22:08:54Harlekinopie is english
22:09:05bowserOK then I'll talk english to you
22:09:05Harlekin50 % here only speak english
22:09:10bowserI know..
22:09:53bowserI was on the linuxtag today and asked someone how to install linux on my H3870
22:09:57bowserwas that you?
22:10:05Harlekincannot remember to much
22:10:21bowserit was after 3pm
22:11:02bowsercan you please help me with a problem?
22:11:23bowserthe others are english and don't understand the problem the german minicom returns
22:12:17bowserJoin /
22:15:44spiralmanHarlekin: you ever dealt w/ QMimeSourceFactory s?
22:17:28Harlekinnot yet
22:18:17spiralmanim setting the factory to my own subclass of it in QTextBrowser, but when i call setSource, it doesnt seem to be using my subclass, but the default one instead...
22:18:17Harlekinspiralman: any great changes in cvs? except kergoths accident
22:18:24spiralmanHarlekin: not that i know of
22:18:27spiralman: )
22:19:59Harlekinwhat is calc2
22:20:55spiralmani think its some new calculator...
22:20:59spiralmanbut im not sure...
22:21:44spiralmanyou know of any other places to ask about my mimetype problem?
22:23:16Harlekinask again tomorrow
22:23:37Harlekin100% flattend
22:23:48Harlekincvs looks like in bad shape
22:23:48spiralmanhrm, ill try kde-devel
22:23:51Harlekinlots of U
22:23:56Harlekinin basic stuff
22:24:05HarlekinU taskbar/launcherview.cpp
22:24:11Harlekinwho did that
22:24:14Harlekinis still accident
22:24:23Harlekinor did he rename launcher to taskbar
22:24:55spiralmani dont know
22:25:05spiralmancheck the cvs mail archives i guess
22:29:59Harlekinhope he did not break anything
22:35:48Harlekini am tired
22:36:55Harlekinljp: ping
22:36:55Harlekinljp: ping
22:40:57Harlekinljp: any news from your side?
22:42:31ljpside of what?
22:43:09Harlekinchanges to cvs
22:43:25Harlekinlt booth staff was locked out pretty much for 5 days
22:43:27ljpI thought kergoth bACKED IT AL LOUT
22:43:29Harlekinno real net connection here
22:43:40Harlekinljp: is he finished yet?
22:43:44Harlekinljp: what is taskbar/
22:44:11ljpsounds like qpe's launcher
22:44:30ljpI havent done a cvs up yet ;)
22:44:42Harlekinlooks like it need more cleaning
22:44:48Harlekini hope we wont loose anything there
22:44:59Harlekinthat was really _not_ good
22:45:56ljpjust do cvs up -CPdA -D 2002_05_06 or somthing like that
22:46:14ljp06_05 mayne
22:47:01Harlekini know
22:47:03Harlekinbut still
22:47:12Harlekinwanted to continue working tomorrow
22:48:42ljpheh nice screenshot
22:48:50Harlekincould all awake devels please join the "special #" ?
22:49:15spiralmanwhat is it?
23:48:26Harlekinibot: message for kergoth: is taskbar needed for something or did you just forgot it during clean up session .-)

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