irclog2html for #openzaurus on 20050309

00:52.03*** join/#openzaurus Battousai (~bryan@battousai.developer.gentoo)
00:52.42Battousaiallo mother, ave you idden moy atchet?
01:01.07Battousaihow do i force the lcd off on a collie? say, for the purposes of it serving as a music player or such
01:02.35hardwireread the source, luke :)
01:02.50hardwiregrep the source :)
01:03.18BattousaiLuke-Jr: got that? ;)
01:04.15BattousaiswitchLCD(bool on) in a serverapp class doesnt really help me though :)
01:04.35Battousaiwell it does but i dont really feel like writing an opie applet for it
01:07.43hardwirethats where you grep for the switchLCD function in the base libs :)
01:07.47hardwirewhere its defined.
01:07.52hardwireand there on and so forth.
01:08.09hardwirebecause I don't know how many people in this room have that kind of information memorized :)
01:21.42*** join/#openzaurus marcanso1t (1337@
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01:33.19sevaif one is to install OZ should i rename gpe-image.rootfs.img to initrd.bin?
01:41.53Luke-JrBattousai: hmm?
01:42.06sevaok well i tried installing 3.5.2 assuming above
01:42.15sevait seems to stop booting at the gpe 2.5 welcome screen
01:42.17BattousaiLuke-Jr: get it? he said luke...and i...nevermind
01:42.22sevauh.. never mind
01:42.24Luke-JrBattousai: yea
01:42.26sevait just takes a very very long time
01:42.34Luke-JrBattousai: tho usually, it's "Use the source" o.o
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06:04.58darmoulooking forward to the next release of openzaurus:)
06:14.23*** join/#openzaurus Battousai (
06:49.09*** join/#openzaurus Com[Plex] (256k@
06:49.48Com[Plex]`/j oe
06:53.07Com[Plex]I have an issue
06:53.12Com[Plex]the last two "versions" of openzaurus have not supported my ethernet card
06:53.20Com[Plex]the last version seemed to detect it okay, but not do anything with it.
06:54.39Com[Plex]3.5.2 mounts the card, but says its an "unsupported card" when I click on the card manager icon in the tray/bar
06:59.00Com[Plex]shit, it worked after I configured the network settings for eth0, and then remounted the nic card
07:02.34Com[Plex]how well is vnc working on the latest rev?
10:17.20*** join/#openzaurus ibot (
10:17.20*** topic/#openzaurus is OpenZaurus user discussion/support channel | developer discussion in #oe | | Don't ask to ask, just ask. | OZ 3.5.2 -> | Report OZ bugs at l/p: guest/guest
10:17.35RockClimberhave you tried obex-ftp on your laptop
10:20.47Bernardono, only irobex_palm3
10:22.10RockClimberI just got irobex_palm3 to work from the command line, seems it only fails when called by Opie
10:23.07hrw|workRockClimber: libopieobex0 installed?
10:25.07RockClimberopie can beam to 6510 and laptop (winXP) but not nokia 6610i
10:28.22hrw|workhmm.. so maybe I should check with my 6310i
10:30.03RockClimberhrw|work, does libopieobex to the transfer or call "irobex_palm3".
10:30.34BernardoRockClimber: did it send to your 6610i when you called it from the command line?
10:31.15*** join/#openzaurus bisho (~bisho@
10:32.26RockClimberBernardo, yes
10:33.38RockClimberWhen I send from Opie, it tries to send, phone IR symbol goes solid, nothing appears, then IR-applet says "Nokia 6610i lost", followed by "Nokia 6610i found"
10:35.22hrw|workRockClimber: I dont know
10:36.25BernardoFor my 6600, it won't work at all
10:39.58RockClimberBernardo, have you compiled openobex-apps for you laptop
10:40.44Bernardoyes, I had to get the gcc34 patch from oe to get it to build
10:40.55BernardoI also have openobex 1.0.1
10:50.05RockClimberBernardo, try obex-ftp
10:53.11*** join/#openzaurus bisho (~bisho@
10:53.25Bernardook, I will
10:53.30*** join/#openzaurus physos (~physos@endres.kde)
10:53.38Bernardodoes it run as server, or only sends?
10:54.54*** part/#openzaurus physos (~physos@endres.kde)
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12:27.24RockClimbersomeone mentioned being able to open a serial console to an AT phone. How do you do this, I can't get it to connect? Do you have to load any modules, or kill irattach?
12:31.31hrw|workRockClimber: tried connecting to /dev/ircomm?
12:31.49RockClimberjust hangs
12:33.47RockClimberperhaps I'm attaching wrong, what should I type
12:34.17hrw|workdont know
12:34.36RockClimbergetty /dev/ircomm ?
12:34.49hrw|worktry to google for it
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14:38.05RockClimberno luck with google, before lunch I'm sure I typed something which had an effect, but I'm not sure if I need have everything loaded (modules) to do AT over IR
14:49.19hrw|workrsync is nice
14:49.37XorAyeah, gpe initrd transfered in 5Meg instead of 22Meg
14:52.11hrw|workmy first method of doing backups
14:52.28XorApish, I wish gpe worked :-(
14:53.03RockClimberI see the gpe homepage has had a thorough doing up in the last few days
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15:39.21*** join/#openzaurus lardman (~lardman@
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15:45.20lardmanbloody BT
15:45.41lardmanuni network's been down all day - I'd been hoping my opie-image would be done by now
15:48.57hrw|workI build at home usually - but my home computer is in a box since moving and will stay there until I buy desk for it
15:49.35lardmanI've only got a dial-up at home and can't afford to run OE from there
15:50.01lardmanBut it appears that my uni also use BT for their network infrastructure
15:50.30lardmanat least they got it fixed I suppose (and as I couldn't be playing with my Z I've done some lab report marking)
15:51.18lardman(for those who aren't from the UK - BT=British Telecom)
15:52.26hrw|workuk version of tpsa
15:53.34CoreDump|homeah, btw, time to flash my Z
15:54.08hrw|workI hate my collie when have to flash it
15:55.02CoreDump|homewhy is that?
15:55.07hrw|work1. flash 2. remove all unneded packages (too lazy to build own image :) 3. mount /dev/hda2 4. restore /etc/ parts from backup 5. move /opt/ to cf card
15:55.10hrw|worketc.. etc..
15:55.16XorAlardman: Uni uses Super JANET, that shouldnt be running over BT lines
15:55.16RockClimberserial access to my phone is asking for a password "getty 38400 ircomm". I have tried all the codes I know for my phone, any idea what password this is (Nokia 6610i if that helps)
15:56.00XorAlardman: well non leased line BT lines anyway
15:56.13CoreDump|homehrw|work: heh I use cardfs and "mhbackup" to restore /etc.
15:56.22lardmanXorA: supposedly our connection to it is via BT leased lines or some such
15:57.16hrw|workCoreDump|home: I keep just few files from /etc/ - last time it was only /etc/pcmcia/ide.opts
15:57.26CoreDump|homei c
15:57.49tronikmime type seems incorrect n icant dl it
15:57.51CoreDump|homei keep my ssh host and root keys and /e/n/interfaces
15:57.58hrw|workI think about changing pcmcia-cs package to support two partitions on cf cards right from OE
15:58.01tronikanything in opera
15:58.12CoreDump|homehrw|work: been there done that
15:58.15tronikon collie 5000
15:58.37tronikim trying to get some pkgs on this thing
15:58.46hrw|worktronik: using sharp-compat-libs
15:58.58tronikcause my sdcard hasnt come ibn yet
15:58.58CoreDump|homeI've added support for an external script to /etc/pcmcia/ide in OE
15:59.06troniki cabt flash to oz yet
15:59.15lardmanYay, Just got my powered hub, time to get my webcam driver compiled in OE
15:59.22troniki got a wireless cf
16:00.28tronikhrml. im just trying to get some ipkgs on this ssh and vnc (clients not servs)
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16:02.43hrw|workCoreDump|home: with my ide.opts hda2 is mounted automagically
16:02.52CoreDump|homehrw|work: i c
16:04.24XorAhrw|work: there is precedent, mmc.agent file supports 4 partitions automatically
16:05.15CoreDump|home/etc/sdcontrol (now) supports any number of partitions ;)
16:05.16tronikcan i flash to oz with an sd card
16:05.26tronikon collie
16:05.31CoreDump|hometronik: not a 5000, nope
16:05.37tronikor does it have to be cf
16:06.02hrw|workXorA: I have one sd card now - sandisk 64M which I found so unreliable so I dont even use it
16:06.20XorAhrw|work: I couldnt survivie without SD
16:06.38XorAalthough my Z is dead for now until I can debug gpe
16:06.47hrw|workXorA: I have few megs free on / and all opie stuff is on cf
16:07.25hrw|workCoreDump|home: I mkfs.ext2 it and nearly each day had massive destruction derby on it
16:07.28XorAhrw|work: I need my wlan in CF
16:07.39hrw|workI want collie with 64M flash...
16:08.27hrw|workI tested rboot recently... nice thing - until you want to suspend
16:08.57hrw|workmy collie + sandisk + rboot on sd + suspend = greyed screen and death
16:09.23XorAhrw|work: does rboot still work out of box on current oe builds?
16:11.47XorAhrw|work: must give it a try when I can get oe to make ext2 images
16:12.00hrw|workXorA: building ext2 images is easy
16:13.09XorAhrw|work: they dont work
16:13.28XorAhrw|work: last time I checked genext2 just generated garbage images that dont work
16:15.51hrw|workah - never tested them
16:19.43XorAhrw|work: though I suppose I could get it to kick out a tar then use that to make an image by hand
16:24.03hrw|worksometimes I had a day when I think that ipaq 3(8|9)xx would be better then collie
16:24.49XorAhrw|work: Id miss the eyboard
16:26.18hrw|workI would not miss 16MiB flash
16:26.54XorAhrw|work: get with the soldering :-)
16:27.22CoreDump|homehrw|work: that's what CF and SD is for :)
16:27.28XorAhrw|work: chances are there is a pin compatible 64Meg version of the chip used, we used to do tat all the time at my old work
16:29.24hrw|workCoreDump|home: with that fscking ipkg-link shit? no fscking way
16:29.44CoreDump|homeheh works perfectly for me
16:29.58hrw|workCoreDump|home: when libstdc++6 had 3.7MiB in size then after each reboot I HAD to ipkg-link add it
16:30.05hrw|workeach reboot (so few times a day)
16:30.16CoreDump|homehrw|work: it was a bug in 3.5.1 IIRC
16:30.33XorAhrw|work: why did ipkg-link suddenly need to be run every boot? It used to be done once, did jff2 lose support of symlinks?
16:30.57hrw|workXorA: some symlinks were gone
16:31.15CoreDump|homenahh, some crazy script went nuts and removed all "broken" symlinks of libraries on boot - before SD was mounted :)
16:31.22XorAhrw|work: It is behaviour I have noticed, it annoys me
16:31.46XorACoreDump|home: ah, that explains it
16:32.10lardmanAnyone know how to handle building kernel modules with 2.6? They are supposed to need to write to the kernel source tree - how should I pass that location across?
16:32.13CoreDump|homenever saw this again after the bug was fixed
16:32.18hrw|workso I ignore existance of ipkg-link
16:32.57XorAunionfs interested me
16:35.33Bernardohrw|work: I got my collie to suspend with rboot and sd by removing usbdmonitor
16:35.47BernardoI found that was what was making my collie hang
16:36.09hrw|workBernardo: on my collie usbdmonitor take care of usbnet
16:36.13Bernardonow I need to find why my collie is having problems with a 1GB sd card, but that is a different problem
16:36.57BernardoI only get my collie to suspend and resume with usbnet if I put the lines "modprobe -r sa1100_bi; modprobe sa1100_bi" in the resume scripts
16:37.26BernardoIf I have usbdmonitor, or try to remove that module on the suspend script, it will hang 3 times out of five...
16:39.10hrw|workcollie suxx
16:39.32hrw|work2.4.18-sharp-shit suxx even more
16:40.03XorAhrw|work: sounds like slow progress is happening on 2.6 though
16:40.49hrw|workXorA: on collie the problem is sdcard part for which only kergoth have a docs
16:41.58Bernardoyep... but my financial director (translation: wife) doesn't ok buying a new pda
16:42.04hrw|workand first I have to buy a desk, then power iron solder and create some serial cables
16:42.35hrw|workBernardo: if I will buy new pda then collie problems will be my problems - Ania will take it
16:43.23Bernardohrw|work: serial cables for what? 2.6 on collie?
16:43.29lardmananyone know where I can grab the 2.6 kernel as a tarball?
16:43.43hrw|worklardman: maybe?
16:43.56hrw|worksomeone have high-res photo of collie?
16:44.13lardmanwhat the insides?
16:44.45lardmanin which case, yes I do
16:44.49hrw|workno - screen part
16:45.05lardmanhow do you mean?
16:45.08hrw|workeach collie has that ugly black plastic on right side of screen?
16:45.47Bernardoonly if the silver paint was removed...
16:45.48XorAhrw|work: mine did
16:45.55hrw|worklike here
16:46.17Bernardoah, that one.
16:46.19XorAhrw|work: mine was like that from new
16:46.32hrw|workit looks like hand made - screen looks like little rotated to left
16:46.37XorAbugged the hell out of me
16:46.51XorAhrw|work: you must have same batch as mine :-)
16:47.00lardmanI don't think mine has that - seemed fairly symmetrical
16:47.09hrw|workXorA: "this product was refurbished by sharp company"
16:48.38hrw|workI want to have spare cach to buy few pda
16:50.08lardmanso you'll have a cache? :)
16:50.35BernardoI just want a 760/860 to replace my collie...
16:50.41hrw|worklardman: I had L4 some months ago
16:51.05lardmanhrw|work: What's L4?
16:51.52XorAnext #oe developer that flys to Japan should take orders for cheap 860's :-)
16:51.59hrw|workhmm.. how to call in english...
16:52.14hrw|workpaper which I get from doctor to get soe free days for being sick
16:52.26lardmanok, sick-note?
16:52.33hrw|workthx for word
16:52.43XorAor doctors line
16:52.56lardmanYay, opie-image has finished!
16:53.20lardmanXorA: why's that?
16:53.40XorAlardman: no_max patch
16:53.50lardmanthat's fixed now
16:54.01XorAlardman: I think my CVSDATE is behind the fix
16:54.09XorAlardman: I cant be bothered fixing it now
16:54.10lardmanOh, I see
16:54.47lardmanRight, time for me to get cracking on trying to add my ratoc card driver to the 2.6 kernel (hmm, sounds painful)
16:55.02lardmanhence all the funny questions
16:55.31lardman(and my refering to the card, not the driver :))
16:56.20Bernardohrw|work: here we get only 50% income while on medical leave, how is it there in poland?
16:56.23hrw|workok. time to go home (where I dont have network or desktop machine running)
16:56.27hrw|workBernardo: 80%
16:57.29Bernardowe had the current President of the Comission as our prime minister... that was one of the ideas of his government
16:57.50Bernardoyour home network is broken?
16:58.14XorABernardo: its good, but encourages me to skive as I hate my work
16:58.16hrw|workBernardo: I moved
16:58.39hrw|workBernardo: network here is ....
16:58.39BernardoXorA: I also hate my work...
16:59.00XorAtime me me to leave, cya
16:59.08Bernardohrw|work: I have to start trying to get net access at the place I'm going to move to in a month
16:59.10hrw|worktwo choices: 1. 1000/128 for 130-150 pln or 2. 512/128 for 130 pln
16:59.22hrw|worknetwork prices suxx
16:59.25*** join/#openzaurus lardman_ (~lardman@
17:00.37lardman_looks like BT is still on the blink
17:00.56lardman_how do I remove what was my previous login name? There are now two of me here
17:03.30hrw|workI hope that today I will finally get "new" keyboard
17:04.51hrw|workbye all
17:04.51lardman_not sure that's help my 2 finger typing
17:05.14hrw|worklardman: I use all hands fingers
17:05.25lardman_broke my wrist - just getting back into typing now
17:05.57hrw|workI hope that that keyboard will help me with wrists - they are pain sometimes
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17:17.00lardman_does opie-meta build all of the opie-packages?
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20:59.42kolla_ok, then so I should build on the zaurus itself?
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.