IRC log for #opensuse-us-ut on 20080702

15:35.11sontekmy blog is up to 76 subscribers :)
15:53.24decriptorsontek: nice
16:04.40sonteki'm famous!
16:06.26sonteki'm going to need you to reset my pass tonight so I can blog on tutorials
17:25.13decriptorsontek: ping
17:25.20decriptoruser: sontek
17:25.28decriptorpass: junk01
17:43.34sontekstop giving my passwords in a logged channel! :P
17:47.21decriptorsontek: then change it :P
17:47.30decriptorthere is some incentive
18:15.56sontekdecriptor: I just talked to Jared
18:26.09sontekHe has a developer position on the Desktop team
19:50.24decriptorsontek: cool
19:50.28decriptorthat would be awesome
19:51.08sontekYeah, He gave me 3 positions that were available
19:51.19sontek2 on a11y and 1 on desktop team
19:51.30sontekI told him desktop team sounds like the most fun
19:52.38sontekBut it'd be a pretty big learning curve for some of the things they want
19:52.45sontekthe first part of the job would be hacking on Firefox
19:52.48decriptorlike what
19:53.06sontekdunno if you've ever looked at Firefox's code, but even getting it to build is a nightmare
19:53.12sontekso many dependencies
19:53.28decriptorthat's crazy, but you learn stuff pretty fast
19:53.47sontekI'm not worried about having to learn it, but FF is a huge project =)
19:54.04sontekBut I think it'd be awesome to hack on
19:55.22decriptorthat would be awesome
20:08.56sontekYeah, it sounds pretty cool, so if I get it, i'm definitely going to take it

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