IRC log for #openslug on 20110719

06:57.52*** join/#openslug kolla (
13:21.46*** join/#openslug frikandel (
13:21.59frikandelhello guys need some help
13:22.21frikandelbuoght a nslu2 with older version of openslug but i dont know the ip adres
13:22.27frikandelhow can i get it
13:32.40*** join/#openslug frikandel (
14:15.44*** join/#openslug frikandel (
14:28.56*** join/#openslug frikandel (
14:49.53kollatcpdump on the local wire
14:58.42frikandelwhat is login pass for openslug on nslu2
16:54.30*** join/#openslug osas- (~osas@
20:00.09frikandelthis is weird
20:00.14frikandelcannot update packages
20:05.55frikandelwget: server returned error 404: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
20:05.55frikandelAn error ocurred, return value: 1.
20:05.55frikandelCollected errors:
20:05.55frikandelipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-RM2DYb'

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