IRC log for #openslug on 20090831

01:26.48*** join/#openslug caplink811_log (
06:02.05*** join/#openslug toi (
07:34.58*** join/#openslug McSalty (
07:36.56McSaltyHi, I'm messing around with a few of my slugs, and when I try to reflash a device with the newest slugos(BE) version, the default password doesn't work. What can I do?
07:37.32McSaltyneither Openslug or opeNSLUg works
07:41.13McSaltyI'm building a security system with a few cameras, and since I can't login, I cannot work any further.
08:14.27*** join/#openslug kolla (
08:54.02*** join/#openslug McSalty1 (
08:54.12McSalty1I solved it. I reflashed the entire EEPROM (also redboot). Now the slug works as it should be:)
08:54.12McSalty1But still thanks,
08:54.22*** part/#openslug McSalty1 (
17:58.05*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
21:15.31*** join/#openslug kolla (

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