IRC log for #openslug on 20070907

01:36.15*** join/#openslug mwester-road (n=chatzill@
04:17.39*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (n=theo@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:6af1)
04:21.53*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (n=theo@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:6af1)
04:47.59*** join/#openslug iaOZoIeUPHGnwa` (
05:12.30*** join/#openslug pleemans (
08:15.30*** join/#openslug pleemans (
08:56.31*** join/#openslug kolla (
09:12.11*** join/#openslug pleemans (
09:18.15*** join/#openslug gerdi__ (
14:42.55*** join/#openslug lu666devil (
15:07.19*** join/#openslug lyakh (
15:08.15lyakhis there any work in progress to make a native (first stage) LE bootloader for NSLU2?
15:09.42mwester-roadlyakh: APEX works and boots any endian kernel.
15:10.11mwester-roadI don't remember if it is big or little endian itself; it doesn't matter in the least
15:11.01lyakhwell, the kernel can only be booted with the CPU in a certain endianness, right?
15:11.49mwester-roadYes, and the bootloader needs to ensure that the machine id and the endianness are set correctly, IIRC.  Apex does so.  Redboot on the NSLU2 does not.
15:12.19mwester-roadAs long as the bootloader sets things up correctly before passing control to the kernel, it matters not what endianness the bootloader uses.
15:12.23lyakhright, so, at least directly before booting the kernel apex has to switch to LE?
15:13.26mwester-roadThe recommended solution for the NSLU2 is to use the native redboot to load apex as a second-stage bootloader; apex then sets the machine id and endianness correctly.  This eliminates the risk that users will brick the device by reflashing bootloaders.
15:14.01lyakhand can one halt in bootloader prompt to load kernel manually or some such? which bootloader would it be then - redboot or apex?
15:14.13lyakhyeah, but there's console and jtag extensions?
15:14.43lyakhdoes one have to solder or are there headers installed?
15:16.11mwester-roadjtag on most devices
15:16.24mwester-roadif you have jtag, feel free to reflash bootloaders.
15:16.54mwester-roadmost don't have skills or equipment, so we do not recommend replacing the bootloader
15:17.15mwester-roadYou can halt in the bootloader to do all sorts of things.  The wiki has much informaiton on this.
15:17.31mwester-roadgotta run to the airport now.  Good luck.
15:18.47*** join/#openslug lyakh_ (
15:22.13lyakh_sorry, had ISP problems... last I sent:
15:22.18lyakh_and can one halt in bootloader prompt to load kernel manually or some such? which bootloader would it be then - redboot or apex?
15:22.22lyakh_yeah, but there's console and jtag extensions?
15:22.25lyakh_does one have to solder or are there headers installed?
15:22.44lyakh_and didn't get any answers (well, if there have been any:-))
15:28.51lyakh_ok, I have been lazy:-) it is described on wiki. cool, there's even the header installed! so, no losing guarantee!
15:29.21lyakh_no, there's not:-(
15:30.17lyakh_oh, ttl too...
15:39.46*** join/#openslug osas (n=nnnnnnnn@
17:09.32*** part/#openslug lu666devil (
17:09.58*** join/#openslug nslu2-log (n=nslu2-lo@nslu2-linux/dyoung)
18:16.06*** join/#openslug pleemans (
18:36.01*** join/#openslug lyakh (
18:39.47*** join/#openslug Ragnor (
18:53.11*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:00.42*** join/#openslug lyakh (

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