IRC log for #openslug on 20070406

00:19.03fendordamn, it failed
00:19.07fendorthat sux
00:19.12NAiLand how?
00:19.14fendorsame place as last time
00:19.32fendor2 sek
00:20.13fendorNOTE: package gcc-cross-4.1.1: failed
00:21.11fendorfrom log: slug/slugosbe/tmp/cross/bin/armeb-linux-as: unrecognized option `-Qy'
00:21.49NAiLwhat distro?
00:23.09fendorubuntu 6.10
00:23.14fendorserver version
00:23.21fendorrunning in vmware
00:23.29NAiLshouldn't be a problem at all
00:23.36NAiLI compile on the same, IIRC
00:23.45fendorI didn't think either
00:24.02fendorI just removed everything and started fresh
00:24.41NAiLany toolchain gurus awake?
00:25.28fendorand did: make setup-host-ubuntu & make update & make setup and copied Intel files+md5 to download & make slugosbe-image
00:25.41NAiLyeah, it's not a host-issue
00:25.49NAiL(unless it has been introduced the last few days)
00:26.32fendorjust weird that smt6k actually succeed to build it...
00:26.33mwesterWorks fine here; just built from scratch.
00:26.45NAiLwhat distro?
00:27.04mwesterIt's dying on the native build for fendor; I'm betting there's something not right with the native toolset on that OS.
00:27.09mwesterWhat gcc version?
00:27.21mwesteralso, does bash==dash on your system?
00:27.43NAiLI think ubuntu 6.10 uses:
00:27.44NAiLroot@apollo:/home/repvik# gcc --version
00:27.44NAiLgcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)
00:28.41NAiLwhich has worked just fine on my end
00:28.41fendorI belive Im using bash
00:28.41mwestergcc (GCC) 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)
00:28.41NAiLls -las /bin/sh
00:28.41NAiLfendor: ^
00:28.41fendorgcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)
00:28.45fendorI AM using dash
00:28.54fendorstupid me
00:28.54NAiLit *might* be that
00:29.04mwesterNot the usual symptom, though...
00:29.14mwesterStill, worth changing
00:29.16NAiLno, usually it fails a lot later than that
00:29.29NAiLfendor: link sh to bash, clean and start over (again)
00:29.41NAiLif it works, you should file a bug in the OE bugtracker
00:30.13NAiLafaik, the only ones that have touched that gcc lately have been koen and ifaistos
00:30.27NAiLI'm using bash on ubuntu 6.10 x64
00:30.45fendoryes, I will try again with bash then
00:31.24NAiLyou will probably notice that your ubuntu will boot a lot slower when sh is linked to bash
00:32.47NAiLdash is a fast, posix-compliant shell. Quite similar to bash. So much infact, that errors are a pain to catch
00:33.09fendorquite annoying
00:33.22NAiLeg, dash doesn't like 'if [ "$variable" == "something" ]'
00:33.26fendorso now i do: make clean && make slugosbe-image right ?
00:33.34NAiLrm -rf slugosbe/tmp
00:33.39NAiLmake slugosbe-image
00:33.48fendorgood I asked :)
00:34.40NAiLThe net result is probably the same, I just don't use the Makefile as much as I should :-P
00:34.44fendorof course givin it a quick thougt I can see that make clean doesn't make sense
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00:34.56fendorthere are so many targets
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00:36.14NAiLI have to abort watching Happy Feet to install feisty fawn on my htpc
00:40.45*** part/#openslug CoreDump|home (
01:26.46fendoris still crunching hard away...
01:27.02fendorIm going to bed :)
01:41.44*** join/#openslug kapookee (
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09:51.33fendorhappy friday NAiL
09:51.51fendorIt failed same place :(
09:52.45fendorYou know what would be great.. if you could compile the image and send it to me :)
09:53.26fendorif it's working for you that is ;)
10:44.55rwhitbyNOTE: package madfu-1.2-r1: task do_configure: started
10:44.55rwhitbyERROR: function do_configure failed
10:45.01rwhitbymadfu failed on the autobuilder
10:45.23rwhitbychecking for udev version... /home/slug/slugosle/tmp/work/armv5te-linux/madfu-1.2-r1/madfuload-1.2
10:45.24rwhitbyconfigure: error: udev version 057 or later is required
11:29.46*** join/#openslug mwester (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
11:41.04NAiLrwhitby: that test fails on old boxes apparently
11:41.26NAiLSomeone with leet autofoo skills should take a look at it. My patch is just an ugly hack.
12:08.56rwhitbyNAiL: in a couple of months we'll be moving the autobuilder to Etch.
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22:28.22fendor<-- trying on a fedore core 4
22:30.28NAiLIt didn't work when you replaced the sh link?
22:30.45NAiLwell, I've started setting up a repo now
22:30.55fendornope, failed same place
22:31.26fendorso now I threw a fc4 on vmware
22:31.39NAiLWaiting for mtn to finish updating my db
22:31.42NAiLtakes ages
22:48.20fendortoo bad, there aren't a make setup-fedora-host :-/
22:55.05rwhitbyfendor: when you work it out, please submit the patch to the MasterMakefile for setup-fedora-host
22:55.38rwhitbyfendor: BTW, I know it works on RHEL4, cause that (and Debian Etch) is what I use
22:56.18NAiLmtn:   regenerated
22:56.18NAiLmtn:  9,465/13,624    
22:56.23NAiLstill a while to go...
23:04.09fendorI mainly looked at the package-lists that should be installed on the other distros
23:04.32fendorluckily the makefile finds out if some programs are missing and complains about it
23:16.39*** join/#openslug jan (
23:59.56fendorI should have chosen the serverinstall of FC4 :D

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