irclog2html for #openslug on 20070308

01:28.14*** join/#openslug Sublim3 (
01:29.04Sublim3ive owned a nslu2 for about 1&1/2 year and recently put unslung on it
01:29.20Sublim3i need another nas device as all the ports are used up on this one
01:29.26Sublim3any recommendations?
01:31.02Sublim3anyone here active?
01:35.27kollazzz ;)
01:37.10Sublim3hi kolla :p
03:27.41*** join/#openslug jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
04:50.17*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
05:07.01*** join/#openslug eXm (
05:44.15*** join/#openslug LeXo (n=lexo@
07:46.58*** join/#openslug CieD (
09:48.20*** join/#openslug kolla (
10:28.10*** join/#openslug jelle_ (
10:57.45*** join/#openslug mwester_ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
14:06.07*** join/#openslug NAiL (n=repvik@nslu2-linux/
14:07.07*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
15:00.18*** join/#openslug H4rvy (
15:33.58*** join/#openslug Sinclair73de (
16:30.28*** join/#openslug pleemans (
17:14.40*** join/#openslug Bitmaster (
17:41.21*** join/#openslug saladino (
19:13.03*** join/#openslug pleemans (
19:53.08*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
22:10.31*** join/#openslug NSLU2-IRC (
22:56.01*** part/#openslug stein (
22:59.31*** join/#openslug kapookee (
23:52.55*** join/#openslug H4rvy (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.