irclog2html for #openslug on 20070212

02:03.21*** join/#openslug xvts (
02:08.55xvtsso im new to the project, trying to fingure out which way is up
02:09.41joshinWell, are you in the Northern or Southern hemisphere?
02:09.56xvtsi have a slug with an older version of openslug... would like get more involved in the nuts and bolts of development
02:10.51joshinThen your up is here :  ^
02:11.37*** join/#openslug ptan (
02:12.11joshinThis is a developer's channel so if you're building OpenSlug, ask away.  General questions should go to #nslu2-general
02:12.33xvtsi see
02:13.05ptanHi, can I ask anyone a quick question on building openslug-3.10 from the tarball?
02:14.06ptanI downloaded the tar and I'm trying to do a 'make openslug-distro' and I'm running into the following errors:
02:14.20ptanERROR: function do_compile failed
02:14.20ptanERROR: see log in /home/slugdev/slugos-3.10-beta/openslug-nslu2.tmp/work/glibc-2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6/temp/log.do_compile.5997
02:14.20ptanNOTE: Task failed: /home/slugdev/slugos-3.10-beta/openslug-nslu2.tmp/work/glibc-2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6/temp/log.do_compile.5997
02:14.38ptanThis is being done on a debian-etch machine.
02:14.53joshinWhat is the error in the file?
02:15.10ptanhang on... let me get it.
02:15.26joshinAnd I'd recommend that you just do a "make slugosbe" or "make openslug"
02:15.38joshinYou probably want a newer version than 3.10
02:17.04ptanarggghhh.. never mind... my bad... 'df' shows my disk full.
02:17.45ptanI tried  to build a newer version using the master makefile, but I could not get the image to work
02:17.57ptanwith the pl2303 USB/RS232 serial.
02:18.01joshinI love the easy questions!
02:18.21ptando you know if there are any problems with the latest build and the USB/RS232 serial?
02:18.24joshinThe newer versions of openslug are much better.
02:18.33joshinI don't know of any problems with it.  
02:18.47joshinI don't know of any successes with it either.  No experience...
02:20.13ptanwhen I built the system from the master makefile to get the latest openslug build, I found that the ipkg for the kernel-module-pl2303 was tagged for .19 kernel, but the latest build gave me the .20 kernel.
02:20.45joshinThere was some flux in kernel versions.  The kernel is now a .20 one.
02:20.47ptanI've never built kernel modules before, so I'm trying to figure out how to rebuild the kernel-module-pl2303
02:20.51ptando you have any hints?
02:20.56mwesterptan: if you build your own kernel, you must use the kernel-modules that are built along with your kernel.
02:21.00joshinSee if it is in your ipkg directory
02:21.17ptanI could not find a .20 version in the ipkg directory.
02:21.36ptanipkg install gave me the .19 version.
02:22.29mwesterThat's what's in my ipk directory after building the latest openslug version...
02:22.46ptanok, I'll try rebuilding it again and see if I can find it.
02:23.06joshinptan: If you haven't done any customizations, you may just want to nuke the tmp directory, update, and rebuild.  
02:23.23joshinIt may also free up a goodly amount of disk space.  ;)
02:24.12ptanI'll give that a try.  Thanks!
02:26.47joshinGood luck!
02:28.11rwhitbyptan: there was a short period in time when the kernel build was bad and produced wrongly versioned modules - you must have been unlucky and hit that.
02:28.18rwhitbynuke tmp and start again is the easiest.
02:28.42ptanThat's probably what happened.  I'm nuking tmp and trying it again right now.
02:29.16rwhitbybut be prepared for a major upheaval in a couple of days time.
02:30.05joshinAnd that is why I have 2 slugs...  :)
02:32.04ptanI'm the mentor for a FIRST robotics team, I'm helping them using a slug for their robot as a co-processor
02:32.25ptanI've got 1 week to help them get a stable platform before the competition.
02:32.47ptanso hopefully I can get a stable build today ;)
02:32.48joshinNeat.  The slug is a good starting point for computing.  I know a bunch of people using the gumstix for robotics.
02:34.29kollathe question is.. when will the house cleaning robot finally be here? :)
02:34.41joshinThat is called a wife.  :)
02:36.34kollaproblem with wife is that they're not cost effective :)
02:36.59*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
02:37.02kollaand they make lots of noise too, I've heard
02:43.12joshinYeah.  They are pretty expensive.  And replacing them is REALLY expensive.
02:50.18kollano refund, huh?
02:52.06rwhitbyptan: if you want a stable platform, you should use the 3.10 release.  unless you need something from the later version.
02:52.27rwhitbyslugos head is in a state of flux at the moment, and it will only get worse over the next week.
02:52.55rwhitbymake openslug-3.10-beta should work if you have enough disk space.
03:33.07ptanrwhitby:  My problem is that I have an issue with the pl2303 driver
03:33.26ptanIt seems to be dropping characters on a test system.
03:33.53ptan(I have two USB/Serial adapters connected to each other with a null modem cable)
03:34.13ptanEven using minicom on both ports, I have characters being dropped.
03:34.34ptan(this is on the 3.10-beta)
03:35.00rwhitbyok, what's on HEAD right now should build fine, but my next checkin later today or tomorrow will be a big change.
03:35.05ptansearching google, I find that earlier pl2303 drivers had similar problems.
03:35.35ptanI'll try to grab everything right now and build with what I've got.
03:44.31ptanDo you guys know if there is an easy way that I can just rebuild the kernel-module-pl2303 just for the 3.10 build but with some modifications to the source code if needed?
03:45.27ptanI have the RH9 version of the code that is supposed to work.
03:45.45ptanso I was going to compare it with the existing versions on the Openslug
03:55.51rwhitbyptan: ok, if you end up with a patch required, just let us know and we can add it to the standard build.
03:56.24ptanI'll be sure to let you guys know.
05:07.39*** join/#openslug uLD (
06:45.05*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
07:15.05*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
07:33.52*** join/#openslug jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
08:16.36*** join/#openslug AwayNAiL (n=repvik@nslu2-linux/
08:24.15*** join/#openslug CieD (
08:27.56*** join/#openslug saladino (
08:32.12*** join/#openslug osas ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:05.10rwhitbysaladino: let's discuss here
09:05.36rwhitbysaladino: psyco is optional I believe
09:06.26rwhitbysaladino: you should also join #oe, and announce there that you are working on getting uclibc distro to work.  others there might have some good input
09:06.56rwhitbyin fact, unless it is nslu2-linux-distro specific, we should discuss getting uclibc to build in OE things in #oe
09:14.26NAiLpsyco is optional indeed.
09:14.59NAiLespecially since psyco only works on x86 (not even x86-64)
09:26.08*** join/#openslug kolla (
11:17.54rwhitbysaladino: use "make ucslugc-packages" in MasterMakefile.
11:18.47rwhitbythe latest MasterMakefile should set up DISTRO=ucslugc and MACHINE=nslu2be for that target
11:19.03saladinorwhitby, if i do a make ucslugc-packages in the MasterMakefile
11:19.09saladinobitbake fails
11:19.22rwhitbyare you sure you have the latest Makefile?
11:19.32rwhitby(i.e. from about 4 hours ago)
11:19.35saladinoi've wgetted now
11:19.45saladinoi'll check
11:19.48saladinoim with 2 machines
11:20.15rwhitbyanyway, check conf/auto.conf for DISTRO=ucslugc and MACHINE=nslu2be.
11:20.35rwhitbybe aware that even that may break, cause I haven't tested that after the big restructuring.
11:20.53saladinoi'll start again
11:38.57saladinorwhitby ucslugc-packages fails ->ERROR: Nothing provides dependency ucslugc-packages
11:39.43saladinoas far as i know it is because there is no openembedded/packages/meta/
11:40.28saladinobut there is a openembedded/packages/meta/ that i supose we may adapt it?
11:42.19*** join/#openslug jonbaine (
11:42.58saladinojonbaine "make setup-host-debian" && "make ucslugc-packages"
11:43.00saladinobut it fails
11:43.44jonbaineim already with the first make :S
11:44.02jonbaineinstaling gcj ... ZZZzzZZ
11:51.57saladinorwhitby shall i copy to or there is another solution?
11:55.09*** join/#openslug jonbaine (
12:00.22rwhitbysaladino: in conf/auto.conf, put DISTRO_TARGET="slugos-packages"
12:03.25rwhitbysaladino: master makefile updated - "make update-master" will get the new version (so it will set up auto.conf correctly for a new directory setup)
12:03.38rwhitby(or just edit conf/auto.conf manually)
12:08.40*** join/#openslug jelle (
14:04.54*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
15:42.28saladinorwhitby the uclibc compilation doing ucslugc-image should be different than when doing ucslugc-packages ?
15:59.24*** join/#openslug jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
16:00.17*** join/#openslug gerdi_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:00.17*** join/#openslug CieD (
16:05.11*** join/#openslug [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
16:16.24*** join/#openslug pleemans (
16:18.39saladinorwhitby with the recent changes make ucslugc-image does not work, is it inteded to work?
16:18.47saladinoERROR: Nothing provides dependency ucslugc-image
16:47.54saladinoare we using the openembedded official monotone BD?
16:48.55saladinoi've just try to download their monotone base and monotone fails because of bd versions, i am using the 0.28 version for nslu2 monotone but seems that is not working for the official ones
17:03.18*** part/#openslug [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
19:14.23*** join/#openslug kolla (
19:53.03*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
22:24.28*** join/#openslug saladino (
23:07.30*** join/#openslug kapookee (
23:07.57kapookeeIs the new slugos/le okay to build from HWEAD?
23:25.40mwesterer, sure.  It might even run ;)  :p    (actually it built fine for me, haven't tested it yet)
23:33.41*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
23:34.47kapookeeI grabbed the new Makefile and did a "make update" I'm getting a 3-way merge error.  Is that something to fix here, or is that something upstream?
23:35.20rwhitbyhave you previously checked in local conflicting changes?
23:36.19kapookeeNo no..  I don't check in anything, I just tried to build slugos/be.
23:51.21rwhitbykapookee: I just did a "make update" here with no problems.
23:51.46rwhitbyif it persists, you can simply remove monotone/ and the makefile will re-download a new version
23:54.09kapookeeYea, I did that too.  Hmmm..   I'll start clean.   Are the Intel files needed for the new slugos?
23:54.40rwhitbyjust the microcode file
23:56.54kapookeeThat would by IPL_ixp400AccessLibrary or IPL_ixp400NpeLibrary, or another?
23:57.10kapookeeGot it, thanks
23:58.25rwhitbyHmm - I should rename this channel to #slugos or something now ...
23:58.39kapookeeYes!  :-)

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