irclog2html for #openslug on 20070121

00:06.26*** join/#openslug ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
00:06.26*** mode/#OpenSlug [+o ChanServ] by
01:44.14*** join/#openslug mwester_ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
05:07.16*** join/#openslug WPv (
06:43.18*** join/#openslug mwester__ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
07:45.25*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
07:51.56*** join/#openslug mwester_ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
08:59.19*** join/#openslug [ubm] (
09:19.48*** join/#openslug jelle (
09:32.32[ubm]anyone around?
09:32.45[ubm]I have a question - kinda of topic but nobody is around in #openjtag
09:48.44*** join/#openslug jelle (
10:07.54*** join/#openslug jelle_ (
10:49.00*** join/#openslug jelle (
11:17.41*** join/#openslug benji (
11:20.57*** join/#openslug gerdi (
11:33.27*** join/#openslug benji_ (
11:45.52*** join/#openslug [ubm_] (
12:01.29*** join/#openslug HoStyle (n=synko_we@
12:22.45*** join/#openslug jelle (
12:40.40*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
13:17.37*** join/#openslug jelle (
13:46.27*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
14:00.06*** join/#openslug jelle (
14:14.13*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
14:25.41*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
14:57.35*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
15:05.52*** join/#openslug kolla_ (
15:08.39*** join/#openslug jelle (
16:46.58*** join/#openslug jelle (
17:03.08mgrossHow come changes to ~/slug/openslug/config/local.conf don't effect my openslug build?
17:11.30*** join/#openslug jelle (
18:04.26*** join/#openslug H4rvy (
19:17.13*** join/#openslug [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
19:35.05*** join/#openslug H4rvy (
19:35.11*** join/#openslug gerdi (
19:53.05*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:32.08*** join/#openslug Daze (
20:32.25DazeHey guys
20:33.49DazeAnyone have any experience in using monotone?
20:34.01DazeI need some hand holding :)
20:34.20DazeHi joshin
20:34.35DazeI want to contribute a few packages for OpenSlug...
20:34.46DazeIf I could just get some help, I'd be able to contribute.
20:35.18joshinI have a bit of experience with it but not much.  You might have better luck in #oe.  (OpenSlug is built on top of OpenEmbedded)
20:38.06DazeI'll be persistent about this, and hopefully, I'll find someone willing to help :)
20:40.49[g2]Daze what packages are you looking to add ?
20:41.08Dazenoip client for sure
20:41.18DazeI have it compiled, and working.
20:41.32DazeThere was another one, I can't remember now.
20:41.42[g2]BE ?
20:41.55[g2]Big Endian ?
21:08.20DazeBe back later.
22:25.14*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.