irclog2html for #openslug on 20070107

01:54.57HoStylehow are you?
01:55.51chackoHoStyle, I cannot send to you in private msg, it is not setup for that here
01:56.04HoStylek no problem
01:56.16HoStyleso ao u have an open slugga?
01:56.22chackoHow can I help u?
01:56.38HoStylei need an opinion
01:56.57chackoI have only a couple of minutes
01:57.05HoStylei want to make a super slugga
01:57.19chackomeaning ... ?
01:57.36HoStylei already made a bind, ssht, and finally im going to install a postfix
01:58.05HoStyledo yuo hink this slow down like a real slugga?
01:58.15chackoI had installed postfix under unSlung long time ago, but now not using it now
01:59.01chackoFor my limited use, it worked ok, but I cannot handle all the spam blockings
01:59.21HoStyleim a really dummy newbie, so gimme exp plz :)
01:59.23chackoSo I am now not using a mail server at all.. going with gmail only
01:59.55HoStylebut it was faster like the begin or not?
02:00.29HoStylei wanna add also a light http srv, is it an error?
02:00.36chackoFor my limited traffic of mail, it was fine.  But if you have spam filtering type of things, it can be very processor heavy
02:01.11HoStylei wanna put the spamassasin
02:01.17chackoI think light httpd will work fine... I am using apache with php, which is a full pkg
02:01.31HoStylebut did you try to put a spam filter?
02:01.43chackothings like spamassassin might clog up the slug, again depneds on the volume
02:02.15HoStylei will attak with the glu another cpu XD
02:02.32chackoI remember, I had to disable the spam filter at some time
02:02.40chackobecause of slow speed
02:03.16chackoBut again, it all depends on all the stuff you want to do together on the slug
02:03.32chackoWhat os?  unSlung, slugos/be?
02:04.04HoStylehere we are on openslug, which do you think im using? :)
02:04.34HoStyleconnect your brain before move the mouth
02:04.44HoStylewtf? be?
02:04.50chackoOk if you want to be like that bye
05:11.10*** join/#openslug nSiclair73de (
06:28.56*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
06:43.39*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
08:42.32*** join/#openslug chacko (
14:30.52*** join/#openslug pleemans (
15:50.57*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
16:42.58*** join/#openslug mwester_ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
16:44.52*** join/#openslug mwester__ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
17:00.01*** join/#openslug jelle (
17:18.15*** join/#openslug bubba (
17:18.58bubbais the right channel to ask questions about debian on the slug?
17:20.50jellebubba: you can try... challenge us
17:21.53bubbaits really simple. i use apache2, but i want to install php for it now. i tried the old 'apt-get install php5' and it said there were dependancies which could not be installed. i guess my sources.list is out of date..? if so, does anyone know where to get the right sources.list please?
17:22.10bubbaif not, any pointers would be very much appreciated.
17:25.49bubbais there some central place for sources.list examples for the debian slug people?
17:29.26jelledid you try apt-get update?
17:29.40bubbayeah... but i think i am using the wrong sources
17:29.49bubbacould i use your list?
17:30.18jelleeh, doing openslug over here...
17:30.29bubbaso no debian?
17:30.35jelleNAiL: you here? doing debian perhaps?
17:31.17jellebubba: sorry... if I had some more time I'd reflash my testslug for you. maybe later if you wish
17:31.33bubbadont go to any great trouble
17:31.53bubbai think its just me stupidly breaking sources.list or my slug being too old for the php packages out there
17:32.04jellecan you delete (or rename or move)  the list and do a new apt-get update?
17:32.25[cc]smartbb qemu tries to fetch source code via cvs. the command issued by bitbake is ok but it returns with cannot get working directory: No such file or directory. i'm trying to find out where bb actually does try to do the checkout to because i guess that the target doesn' exist. where can i find that information ?
17:32.31bubbadelete sources.list totally?
17:33.30jelledont delete, just rename it into sources.list.jan7th
17:34.08bubbawont it just have no packages at allt hen?
17:34.36jelleyes, so it will try to fix that by downloading the list I'd assume
17:35.26jelleit doesn't hurt to try
17:35.29bubbaaha, just complains there's no sources.list :)
17:35.45bubbaE: Opening /etc/apt/sources.list - ifstream::ifstream (2 No such file or directory)
17:36.08bubbaam i in the wrong channel for this?
17:37.32*** join/#openslug H4rvy (
17:40.22bubbathanks jelle
17:41.04jellebubba: still looking for you, hold
17:41.11bubbaok thanks!
17:42.59bubbabtw, you dont use apache+php do you?
17:43.35jellemy brother does, but he is running unslung
17:43.42jelleworks like a charm. installs fine too
17:45.07bubbai think i just have apache2 on here
17:45.14bubbahwo do you tell if you have php (really dumb q)
17:45.22bubbais there a php command?
17:48.26jelleyes, it is calles php
17:48.32jelleor php5 perhaps
17:48.36jelletry "which php"
17:48.42jellesee if it replies something
17:48.51bubbayeah, not on my system
17:48.58bubbai think i need that sources.list
17:49.04bubbaare there other channels i could try?
17:55.28jelleyes, perhaps #nslu2-linux
17:59.22jellebubba: maybe this page points you to some good sources.list files... or tells you how to set one up to update itself:
17:59.31jellealso look at the aptitude pages
18:06.16bubbaseems i am using a very out of date version of things
18:06.16bubbasomeone in nslu2-general is helping me
18:06.16bubbathanks for yur time jelle
18:06.18bubbamuch appreciated mate
18:06.23[cc]smarti even get an error message when i try to login to trac :P
18:13.42[cc]smartis there a way to join nslu2-linux mailing list without specifying birthday, postal code and whatnot ?
18:17.13jellei see, np bubba
18:21.48bubbathanks jelle
18:21.52bubbawhere you from mate
18:25.14jellenl here
18:25.47jellethat's nice, just one little puddle between us
18:26.28bubbayou ever been here?
18:27.10jellesure, a couple of times, I did some walking (North Downs, Cotswalds, Peak district) and some more travelling
18:27.54bubbanice choices seems very progressive
18:28.05jelleI believe so
18:28.08jellethat too
18:28.08bubbawould like to go there one day
18:28.47jellecome on over, the puddle is waiting
18:29.47bubbai have a friend in the hague
18:30.37jellequite close, I'm in Rotterdam
18:30.49jellebut it is all quite close, such small country
18:30.53jellewell, gotta go
18:30.55jellehope you get your debian running just fine
18:30.59bubbaok thanks bud
19:00.37*** join/#openslug jelle (
19:00.42*** part/#openslug bubba (
19:08.43[cc]smartdoes "bb qemu" work for you in openslug ?
19:29.32jelle[cc]smart: -sh: bb: not found
19:53.05*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:13.38*** join/#openslug chacko (
20:53.29*** join/#openslug Daze (
20:53.38DazeHi people.
20:54.46DazeAnyone around?
20:58.26mwester-laptopCertainly - but it's best to just ask your question, and be patient - more people are likely to answer your question that way.
21:23.41DazeNo worries.
21:24.16DazeI was wondering if someone can help me get started using monotone on Mac?
21:24.39DazeI have everything installed. Just need some pointers on how to get started in contributing a package to OpenSlug.
21:24.54jelleI tried that, but ran into some problems. seems to not be suppoeted yet
21:25.52Dazemonotone on Mac?
21:28.55DazeI just want to submit a package that doesn't exist in OpenSlug. I have it compiled and running properly on OpenSlug.
21:30.29jellegood for you, so you got monotone running on a mac? could you compile a firmware for slig on it? using linux/mac or osx?
21:30.48jelleany chance you can update the wiki to let us know how you got it working>
21:31.18DazeI followed instructions from here
21:34.26jellealright, maybe the wiki should have a link to that as well (if it doesn't)
21:36.07DazeI'll add it.
21:36.35DazeNo problem, I've been updating wikis all over the places on the site.
21:37.32DazeOpenSlug has so few packages.
21:37.50Dazemt-daapd has an old release which does not work with iTunes 7
21:38.33DazeWhile I can compile the source, I'd rather update the package, so other people don't have to go through this exercise.
22:09.12jelleDaze: true!
22:09.58jelleI'd say go for it. try to contact NAiL or rwitby, they'll be thrilled.
22:10.22jelleI dont think they're here now, but they'll be back
22:10.41jelleas will I.  bye for now
22:14.10*** join/#openslug caplink811_log (
22:18.05*** join/#openslug Martiini (
22:18.23Martiinihello, sorry, .. where can I find help about setting up 2 routers .. using one of them as a switch?
22:21.24caplink811_logwhen they use openslug as os, here, but maybe channel #router is a good choice too
22:24.41Martiinik , I can install openslug onto my wrt54gl .. I guess , if it helps :)
22:27.34caplink811_logmaybe, that openwrt, or dd-wrt is another choice, two of my wrt54 running with the latter
22:28.10caplink811_logimho, channel #ddwrt should be available at
22:29.31caplink811_log#dd-wrt it is
22:29.36MartiiniThere's so much confusing forums and howtos and info on google... its hard to find a  simple howto .. I only need to make linksys work as a switch which is connected to d-link (connected to adsl modem)
22:30.45caplink811_logso, the d-link is your wan-router?
22:30.49MartiiniI dont even know basic networking stuff .. like gateways and and such ... those routers do work with each other with default settings .. but ..
22:31.16caplink811_logand the wrt is your lan router?
22:31.53Martiiniyep .. adsl modem > d-link di-614+ > linksys wrt54gl > 2 PC-s , 1 wirelell laptop
22:32.43Martiiniwireless laptop cannot connect to internet now, but can access linksys at ..
22:32.48caplink811_logbut, why you need the d-link, the wrt can handle pppoe as well as the d-link can?
22:33.21Martiinimy neighbour has d-link for his 3 pc-s .. and my linksys is connected to his d-link
22:34.10MartiiniI think I need to use linksys as swtich (or something) .. to disable firewall, nat etc
22:34.13*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
22:34.36caplink811_logthen you should set up the wan port static with an ip adress from your neighbours network, and it should work
22:34.37MartiiniI cannot figure out how to set up all ip-s gateways etc
22:37.00caplink811_logMartiini, join channel #jrb pls, yout topic is untopic here, but the setuo is easy
22:41.02Dazehow is your linksys connected?
22:41.09Dazevia ethernet?
22:42.17DazeYou should disable DHCP on your Linksys, so that your network will get all its IPs from the D-Link at your neighbour's
22:43.05DazeThat should be all you need to do...
22:43.07Martiiniyea, caplink811_log  .. was just telling me somthing like as well ..
22:43.30DazeI work in the Networking field. Gimme a shout if you run into issues...
22:43.50Martiinifirst, its hard to figure out the whole logic of networking and , second , its a bit hard to figure out the router interfaces
22:44.17DazeNaah, it's not too difficult. You just need to mess with it a little bit.
22:45.01DazeDon't connect to your neighbour's D-Link via the WAN port of the Linksys
22:45.12DazeUse one of the 4 switch ports.
22:45.20DazeLog in via the address
22:46.01DazeYou should specificy static ip address on your PC first, e.g.
22:46.11Dazethen via the web interface of the linksys, disable DHCP
22:46.32caplink811_logwhy? so i lost all fw control, and it works also, if i use the wan port with a static ip adress?!
22:46.47MartiiniI only need to get my emule work with high-id (open ports) .. and I've plugged d-link lan cable into linksys lan cable .. just need to set up ip-s etc correctly
22:47.16DazeTry it this way first, then you can worry about the firewall later...
22:47.45DazeDisable DHCP on linksys, and go from there.
22:47.50Martiinishould i tell d-link first to accept ip that Im gonna assign to linksys ?
22:48.07Dazeassign linksys a different ip address than the D-link
22:48.18Dazewhats the d-link using?
22:48.24Dazeput it in the same network
22:52.55Martiiniblah, I dont even know .. which to set up first.. 1. my PC TCP/IP propeties, 2. linksys or 3. d-link
22:53.28DazeOK, what's your current IP address?
22:53.43DazeKnow how to find that out?
22:54.16Dazelet's start with that
22:54.35Martiiniit on autoconfig
22:54.52Daze192.168.0.1 is D-Link's IP?
22:54.58Daze(default gateway)
22:55.33MartiiniI think so
22:55.47Martiini192.168.1.1 should be linksys
22:55.57DazeLet's keep it in the same network
22:56.07DazeSo assign it an IP of
22:56.28DazeSo your Linksys:
22:57.04Dazecaplink, he doesn't need a router... :)
22:57.16Dazeit's all layer 2 here at switch level
22:57.41caplink811_logif he use his neighbours router, and like to save his own data...
22:57.44MartiiniI think I need some sense, to be honest :)
22:58.18DazeMartiini, make sure is D-Link
22:58.26Dazeopen it up in the web browser.
22:58.41Dazeotherwise nothing will work for you
22:58.44Martiinican I paste here ?
22:58.55MartiiniMAC Address
22:58.55MartiiniIP Address
22:58.55MartiiniSubnet Mask
22:58.58MartiiniDHCP Server
22:59.18Dazenow, go to your linksys
22:59.29Dazeassign it
22:59.32Dazeand disable DHCP
23:00.01Martiini.. I need to make pc gateway .. so I lose connection for a while
23:00.51Martiinibut whenever Ive tried turning off linksys dhcp and assign static ip .. I cannot connect to dlink anymore
23:01.18Martiinimaybe Ive done smth wrong or .. .. I'll try anyweay
23:01.49Dazeif everything worked, you should be able to ping d-link and linksys
23:01.56Dazeat and
23:02.04Dazedo a "ipconfig /release"
23:02.09Dazeand then a "ipconfig /renew"
23:02.36Martiiniafter Ive assigned static ip to linksys?
23:02.46Dazeyes, first assign ip to linksys
23:03.10Dazeand DISABLE DHCP
23:03.28Dazecant have two DHCP running, or it cause problems for you and the neighbour
23:09.41DazeGuys, I have to run. If Martiini has problems, please help him or ask him to email me at
23:11.27*** join/#openslug Bitmaster (
23:16.43*** join/#openslug HoStyle (
23:17.07HoStylehi there
23:26.28*** join/#openslug chacko (
23:27.55*** join/#openslug HoStyle (

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