irclog2html for #openslug on 20061017

00:39.17*** join/#openslug jacques (
00:47.43*** join/#openslug mwester-laptop (n=chatzill@nslu2-linux/mwester)
02:45.09*** join/#openslug leoncamel (n=leoncame@
03:30.51*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
04:01.55*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
04:16.32*** join/#openslug NQC (
06:34.56*** join/#openslug mwester_ (n=mwester@nslu2-linux/mwester)
06:35.18*** join/#openslug koen (
07:33.44*** join/#openslug CieD (
07:51.17*** join/#openslug kolla (
08:28.26*** join/#openslug [cc]smart (n=[cc]
09:33.59*** join/#openslug kolla (
10:13.50*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
10:51.00jake__rwhitby: hi
10:51.33rwhitbyhi jake__
10:52.35jake__rwhitby: I'm planning on some changes with gentooslug, I'm planning to get rid of using that intel's firmware, as openslug uses it, I thought I could just make a symlink in gentooslug rootfs, so I wouldn't really need to provide it..
10:52.42jake__rwhitby: the problem is that..
10:53.03rwhitbyjake__: we will have a version of slugimage which puts the microcode in the flash
10:53.05jake__rwhitby: I haven't been able to locate script which loads it up, nor the actual firmware file in openslug/slugos..
10:53.10rwhitbythen you can distribute a rootfs anywhere
10:53.31rwhitby(without needing a click-through)
10:53.50rwhitbyyou'll only need the click-through for the original image which contains the microcode
10:53.56jake__I don't need a click-through even with this method as I don't provide file, I just provide a symlink to it :)
10:54.21rwhitbyah - but slugos also will no longer contain the file in the rootfs - it will *only* be in the flash
10:54.35jake__This ofcourse brakes compatibility with standalone gentooslug..
10:55.32jake__how can it be extracted from flash to be used? I mean, gentoo propably doesn't provide a special tool needed by operation like this in it's portage..
10:55.57rwhitbyyou can use devio to extract it
10:56.04rwhitbywe will have a script in slugos
10:56.14rwhitby(it's not there yet - do you want to write it ;-)
10:57.49jake__thanks for honour..
10:58.03jake__but I think I'l pass as I got a lot of things to do with gentooslug still..
10:59.08jake__devio does belkong to gentoo's portage..
11:00.22jake__rwhitby: what are those gossips I've been hearing in here and there about new ixp4xx driver?
11:01.17rwhitbyit's in SlugOS 4
11:01.22jake__and I also been hearing about use of new kernel on openslug/slugos.. was that 2.6.19-rc?
11:01.25rwhitbyand seems to work very well
11:01.41jake__is there any significant changes visible to user? Like more stability?
11:01.42rwhitbywe're usually at the bleeding edge of kernels
11:01.58rwhitbyI have a report of networking being at least 10% faster with the new driver
11:02.14jake__wait a sec..
11:02.14rwhitbyand we completely understand it, so we can fix bugs in it.
11:12.30*** join/#openslug caplink811 (n=Joerg@
11:19.35jake__With slugos-3.10..
11:20.07jake__Sometimes when network use is in heavy use or I use a lot of processor power (don't know which one actually makes this happen)
11:20.15jake__I lost my network connectivity..
11:20.28jake__ethernet light goes off..
11:20.34jake__and a reboot fixes things..
11:28.39rwhitbyjake__: let's hope the new driver fixes that :-)
11:33.01*** join/#openslug blaster8 (
13:20.05*** join/#openslug rwhitby-away (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
13:37.07*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
13:41.24*** join/#openslug tzanger (
13:42.05tzangerI'm trying to build openslug, but the links given to the Intel IXP code are no longer valid... I really don't need to build ALL of openslug, I just want to be able to cross-compile an app to run it on the NSLU2.  Is there an easier way to do this?
13:47.33[g2]tzanger grap the master makefile and build just the tool chain, then you can build custom kernel
13:48.10[g2]actually we should add a toolchain option to the master makefile
13:48.23[g2]make openslug-toolchain
13:48.26tzangerok so grab monotone and pull the source from the repo?
13:49.20[g2]I haven't run the master makefile in like 1/2 year
13:50.16[g2]actually I've got my own custom Ubuntu LiveCD that builds straight off the repos
13:53.44tzangerhmm, what's the make target for just the toolchain?  I'm looking through the master makefile but nothing's sticking out just yet
13:54.17tzangersetup-slugos-%-beta-developer maybe
13:55.16tzangeror setup-host-ubuntu seems about as least-distro-specific as there is (I'm running Slackware on the host)
13:56.28rwhitby-awaytzanger: just run make openslug-3.10-beta
13:56.49rwhitby-awaythat will build the image.  there is not a separate toolchain target
13:57.05tzangerok but without the Intel stuff it'll crap out at some point, correct?
13:57.55rwhitby-awayyep, but if you just go through the intel website you can get the correct packages
13:58.17rwhitby-awayyou're reading the MasterMakefile wiki page, right?
13:58.47rwhitby-awayif it gets to the point where it craps out on the intel files, then you have your toolchain built :-)
13:58.58jake__rwhitby-away: btw..
13:59.17rwhitby-awayjake__: yes ...
13:59.19jake__rwhitby-away: I tried to compile package spca5xx but it fails..
13:59.26jake__couple of weeks ago..
13:59.30tzangerrwhitby-away: :-)
13:59.33jake__spca5xx is already deprecated..
13:59.49jake__I built gspcav1 (new spca5xx) natively on slug..
13:59.56jake__and it works..
13:59.57tzangeroh wait, I remember doing this a month or so ago (not with master makefile, but with src) -- I think I did get the correct intel files
14:00.10rwhitby-awayjake__: can you do a bb file?
14:00.22jake__rwhitby-away: that was exactly my point. I can't :)
14:00.29jake__rwhitby-away: I don't understand bb files :)
14:00.45jake__I _really_ tried..
14:00.56rwhitby-awayjake__: send your build script (or whatever commands you typed for the manual native build) to NAiL
14:01.08jake__but it was no luck. Anyway, it IS possible to compile it. And it DOES work..
14:01.09tzangerNOTE: build 200610170959: completed
14:01.09tzangerBuild statistics:
14:01.09tzangermake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/andrew/slugos-3.10-beta'
14:01.09tzangermake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/andrew/slugos-3.10-beta'
14:01.17rwhitby-awayhe'll send back a bb file, and then you'll be able to learn from it :-)
14:01.19tzangerI wonder where my damn build environment is :-)
14:01.26jake__well.. my build is little bit strange :)
14:01.47jake__I used mastermakefile to build openslug-3.10-beta to get same kernel tree and .config :)
14:01.55jake__which I then inserted to my slug..
14:02.17jake__Then I noticed that as my gentooslug uses gcc-4.1.1-r1, modules aren't compatible, so I downloaded ipk of gcc..
14:02.21jake__unpacked it..
14:02.48jake__and changed a bit the Makefile for gspcav1, so it uses gcc which I got from ipk..
14:02.55jake__then I just commanded make..
14:03.00jake__and it worked out..
14:03.06jake__Did same thing to get module for fuse..
14:03.23rwhitby-awayjake__: send that description to nail (at)
14:04.12rwhitby-awayI actually don't have a working slug at the moment (except my production blueslug which is my home treo bluetooth gateway)
14:04.17jake__should I send him also binary of those 2 modules so he can check or is the desc. enough?
14:04.33rwhitby-awaybinaries are no good to anyone :-)
14:04.59rwhitby-away"if it can't be built automatically from the repository, then it doesn't exist"
14:05.35jake__Oh shit! my pizza is burning..
14:06.19jake__huh.. saved by the bell.. it's still eatable :)
14:06.21rwhitbyI need to go to bed.  it's midnight and I have a 24 hour flight to catch early tomorrow morning
14:06.36rwhitby24 hours to the US, 48 hours there, 24 hours to get back.
14:07.04tzangerthere we go, I think I have a cross dev environment on the way now
14:07.20tzangerdoing it via the "AddAPackageToUnslung"
14:07.49rwhitbyI should add a slugos target to optware
14:08.00rwhitby(to make it easy to do a single slugos application)
14:09.49tzangerthe AddAPackage isn't too bad
14:09.59tzangerand straightforward
14:10.10tzangersvn co optware, make directories ipkg-utils and then make any small app
14:10.25tzangerhaving a buildable "hello world" app target might be the only improvement Ic ould think of
14:11.56tzangerjust need to download 900 bazillion megs of compilers :-)
14:11.57rwhitbytzanger: please contribute :-)
14:12.05tzangerrwhitby: I think I just might
14:12.19tzangermy app is pretty straightforward (talks to a ttyUSB) and that's it
14:12.24rwhitbyGNU has a hello world package don't they?
14:12.36tzangerquestion (more general linux than anything else) -- is it possible to autorun an app when a USB device is plugged in?
14:12.38rwhitbytzanger: have a look at puppy for a libusb example
14:13.00tzangerI'd imagine there'd be a hotplug incantation that'd do it but I'm unsure
14:13.20tzangerthis just opens /dev/ttyUSB0 and talks to a standard char device
14:13.28tzangerlibusb is a little too extravagant here :-)
14:22.36jake__description delivered to nail..
14:26.10*** join/#openslug gerdi (
14:43.22*** join/#openslug joshin (i=josh@VDSL-130-13-154-115.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
15:01.01tzangerwell.. at least it LOOKS like it's building something...
15:18.52tzangerwoot I have a build environment now
15:19.48tzangerhahaha you have quemu in this thing?  
15:37.00VoodooZtzanger, and a lot more...
15:37.12VoodooZI even have my slugbot speak to me! :)
15:37.54VoodooZI'm working on getting the pocketsphinx speech recognition package working too.
15:50.12tzangerholy shit I think that worked
15:50.15tzangernow to buy another slug
15:57.50*** join/#openslug joshin (i=josh@VDSL-130-13-154-115.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
16:02.41tzangercan't find a slug
16:02.45tzangergotta find something else now
16:03.00tzangerare any of the comparable openslug-compatible units capable of powering more devices?
16:03.04tzangernot necessarily more ports, just more devices
16:45.31*** join/#openslug pleemans (
16:53.33[g2]tzanger what are you looking for ?
16:54.38[g2]PCI ports
17:06.20tzanger[g2]: specs?
17:09.34[g2]533 Hhz IXP 425, 64MB RAM, 16MB flash, 3 MiniPCI, 2 Ethernet, POE, 2 Serial, JTAG, GPIO, I2C, case and PS and CF
17:17.14tzangeroh minipci... dammit
17:17.21tzangergot anything along that line with two PCI?
17:17.52[g2]tzanger you can get a mini pc with PCI for ~ $100
17:18.20[g2]the real question is what are you going to do with it
17:23.55*** join/#openslug CieD (n=CieD@
17:25.02tzangertrue enough
17:29.16tzangershit... I need a kernel module for this USB serial port on the linksys
17:29.36tzangerhow tricky is it to build a new kernel?  Is the Intel stuff required?
17:30.53[g2]most of the usb serial adapters are already built
17:31.00[g2]just modprobe
17:34.51tzangerhmm I only have one module and that's the ixp400
17:35.10tzangerand some net stuff in kernels/drivers
17:35.32koen'ipkg update ; ipkg list | grep usb'
17:36.18tzangerdanke... waiting
17:40.02tzangerI see two with modules for usb serial
17:40.05tzangertried one
17:40.06tzangernow the other
17:41.59*** join/#openslug mproctor (
17:42.21*** part/#openslug mproctor (
17:42.25tzangermct_u232... that's the on eI need
17:43.31*** join/#openslug blaster8 (n=blaster8@nslu2-linux/blaster8)
17:44.48*** join/#openslug jake_ (
17:48.46tzangerof course the damn serial converter I have in here isn't in an ipkg
17:49.39koenit isn't a keyspan or pl2303?
17:49.49tzangerit's not a pl2303
17:49.53tzangerhaven't tried keyspan
17:50.02tzangerhaving difficulty getting a list of usb serial modules
17:50.12koenthose 2 make up 95% of the market together :)
17:51.03tzangerwell I have an actual branded Belkin one here plugged in it's not finding
17:51.11tzangerlooking for lsusb utility in ipkg too to help me out but no luck
17:53.05koenusb-utils iirc
17:53.20koenusbutils even
17:53.32tzangerjust found it
17:53.34tzangerthanks :-)
17:56.17*** join/#openslug CieD (n=CieD@
17:56.29tzangerBus 003 Device 013: ID 050d:0109 Belkin Components F5U109/F5U409 PDA Adapter
17:56.33tzangerthat's what I'm trying to drive
17:58.24tzangertried it
17:58.24koenor rather belkin_sa.ko is what you want
17:58.33tzangerthe module loads, but it doesn't see anything
17:58.38koenthat should work according to
18:00.50tzangerdo I need to reboot the slug to get autodetect working with new drivers?
18:01.13koenyou shouldn't need to
18:01.29tzangerdidn't think so
18:01.40tzangerembedded linux isn't THAT different from regular linux :-)
18:05.03tzangerusb 3-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 2
18:05.06tzangerit sees the connection
18:05.09tzangerbut nothing claims it
18:09.09*** join/#openslug blaster8 (
18:12.41tzangerfoudn it
18:12.45tzangerkernel-module-mct-u232 - - mct-u232 kernel module; Magic Control Technology USB-RS232 converter driver
18:15.22tzangeraww yeah
18:15.37tzangernow to see if I can get this program to automatically run when this is plugged in
18:16.00*** join/#openslug blaster8 (
18:47.19tzangerthere we go
18:53.05*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
19:05.43*** join/#openslug [cc]smart (n=[cc]
20:37.51*** join/#openslug joshin (i=josh@VDSL-130-13-154-115.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:07.20*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
22:00.54*** join/#openslug mwester-laptop (n=chatzill@nslu2-linux/mwester)
22:53.34*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
23:14.19*** join/#openslug mwester-laptop__ (
23:38.07joshinSigh, looks like the new ethernet driver has a hard coded MAC address.  No wonder my home network was going nuts.

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