irclog2html for #openslug on 20061008

02:28.58*** join/#openslug leoncamel (n=leoncame@
02:29.58*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
02:41.53VoodooZNAiL, I finally got my ov511 build working as an OE package.
02:42.11VoodooZI'll post the .bb file soon so somebody w/ write access can add it.
03:27.19*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
04:24.18*** join/#openslug HOi (
05:21.49*** join/#openslug jacques (
05:32.30*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
05:32.31*** join/#openslug eno__ (
08:28.38*** join/#openslug koen_ (n=koen@
08:46.28*** join/#openslug baua (
08:49.38bauamy nfs connction is breaking after transfering a bigger file .... is that a known problem?
08:50.04bauaok its actually transfer 10MBs only
09:43.56*** join/#openslug baua (
09:45.09bauai have some problems with my nfs server on my nslu .... i can mount from it but then it suddenly hangs up during file transfer
09:45.16bauais that a known problem?
11:26.41*** join/#openslug CieD (n=CieD@
13:06.27*** join/#openslug leoncamel (n=leoncame@
13:29.54*** join/#openslug fleetfoot (
13:32.35*** join/#openslug joshin (i=josh@VDSL-130-13-154-27.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
14:07.51*** join/#openslug fleetfoot (
14:18.21*** join/#openslug minsu_ju_ (n=minsuj@
14:26.39*** join/#openslug fleetfoot (
16:11.17*** join/#openslug koen (n=koen@
16:47.20*** join/#openslug baua (
17:18.39*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
18:53.02*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:11.00*** join/#openslug mwester-laptop (n=chatzill@nslu2-linux/mwester)
20:14.10*** join/#openslug baua_ (
20:35.37*** join/#openslug koen (n=koen@
21:34.00*** join/#openslug koen_ (
21:39.47*** join/#openslug koen__ (n=koen@
22:36.04*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
23:06.38*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.