irclog2html for #openslug on 20060617

00:16.09*** join/#openslug jacques (
02:46.03*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
04:09.56*** join/#openslug nSiclair73de (
06:45.40*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
07:27.13*** join/#openslug rammy2 (
07:28.02rammy2what do i have to do when i want to install my new kernel locally on the slug?
07:28.16rammy2i work on the slug and compile my own kernel there
07:28.25rammy2its supported by some distccs on the network
07:28.56rammy2now i dont want to getthe kernelimage to another box, bring my slug into upgrademode and upslu2 the kernelimage
07:29.09rammy2i want do dump it directly on the machine
07:29.44rammy2has anybody done this? eg. using dd to get it on /dev/mtdblockX?
09:33.18*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
11:19.16eFfeM-awayrammy2: use reflash
14:57.02*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
17:33.01tuvi get a password-old warning when i su to any system user. i think this is because the system date was too old on install, which i corrected later. but how can resolve this now? cron jobs of e.g. www-data won't work because of this. (using debianSlug installed via d-i)
18:17.03*** join/#openslug caplink811_log (
18:46.25*** join/#openslug caplink811_log (
18:53.49*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:05.10*** join/#openslug eFfeM (
20:45.13*** join/#openslug koen (n=koen@
21:10.03*** join/#openslug koen (n=koen@
21:40.21*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
21:48.47*** join/#openslug kolla (
21:56.22eFfeMrwhitby, fixed the asm error for ucslugc, apparently one of the patches didn't make it into 4.1.1
21:56.38rwhitbyeFfeM: excellent!
21:56.39eFfeMhowever still cross-initial-gcc fails to build
21:56.51rwhitbyeFfeM: bummer :-(
21:56.51eFfeMhaven't had time to look into it today
21:57.24eFfeMyes, it is odd the gcc initial builds a file called libgcc2. this goes ok on openslug but fails on unslugc
21:57.31eFfeMneed to examine the diffs
21:57.48eFfeMthe odd thing is that gcc says there is a bad instruction in a .s file
21:58.03eFfeMso this could be in the code generator backend for thumb
21:58.12eFfeMwhich would make it pretty nasty.
22:00.19eFfeMhm. tried to google a similar problem is reported for uclinux with gcc3.2 so there must be a patch or some info around
22:06.52eFfeMhm. got a clue by googling but it is too late to check this out now. tomorrow morning hopefully.
22:07.13eFfeMdo want to get this fixed before I leave on tue for work
22:13.08eFfeMnite all

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