irclog2html for #openslug on 20060606

01:35.44*** join/#openslug jacques (
04:03.35*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
04:05.38*** join/#openslug PEe (
05:16.56rwhitbyCan people fix to refer to the imminent SlugOS (DebianSlug, OpenSlug) 3.8 binary release?
05:17.05rwhitby(looking for wiki editors ...)
05:17.36rwhitbyI just copied it from OpenSlug, and it needs some fixing.  If you want to help get 3.8 out the door, now is your chance.
05:22.50rwhitbyWe also need written
06:11.04*** join/#openslug koen (
08:52.08*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
09:27.14*** join/#openslug kolla (
13:16.04*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
13:16.43VoodooZNAiL, Hey! Long time no chat.
13:18.01*** join/#openslug spungles (
13:27.01NAiLVoodooZ: yes!
13:27.15NAiL11:18 < rwhitby> OpenSlug 3.8 and DebianSlug 3.8 are released.
13:27.21koenah, cool
13:27.33koen30 minutes before I leave for holidays :)
13:27.35NAiLIt's not entirely announced yet :-P
13:28.04NAiLthere's apparently two "bugs". We need to figure out why they're there before the release is announced
13:28.32NAiL <-- those two.
13:46.07NAiLI guess someone should write a page describing the new leds subsystem on the wiki.
13:49.42VoodooZhey! Sorry. I'm at work (new job and real busy one at that)
13:50.47VoodooZcool. I'll have a look at it. I haven't touched my robot since the April competition and I'm moving soon.
13:50.55NAiLIt should probably be me. I guess I'm the most familiar with the leds subsystem anyway.
13:51.01VoodooZBut I'm definitely going to try to be more active here.
13:51.04NAiLIt's looking good :-D
13:51.12VoodooZGreat work buddy!
13:51.31VoodooZI promise I'll break it for you! You know I'm good at that! :)
13:51.36NAiLhehe, good ;)
13:51.46NAiLjust don't break the rootfs :-P
13:51.55VoodooZIs it fully usable though?
13:52.17VoodooZwhat are themajor  highlights/features?
13:52.19NAiLIt appears to be. There's a lot of changes that will go into the next release (I hope)
13:52.49NAiLI can mail you a short list I wrote from memory... what's your mail addy?
13:53.02VoodooZcool. I'm looking forward to using it on my robot. I've been kludging the old 3.1 version for too long now. from now on.
13:56.32NAiLit's just a quick "from memory" thing.
14:00.32NAiLWasn't there someone claiming that the network performance of slugos-lag was lower than slugos-bag?
14:03.21VoodooZreally? Possible. Not that I use it much on my bot. I use my ZD1211 now. More power drain but worth it for debugging.
14:05.46NAiLpower drain should be ~200mAh during network traffic IIRC
14:06.30NAiLunfortunately, this slugos-release won't support the zd1211rw-driver (The rewrite-project that hopefully makes a *proper* driver).
14:07.34NAiLso we'll have to stick with the "old" release (iirc, there's 8 revs between what's in the feeds and the latest driver available. Gotta test the new driver soon)
14:08.45NAiLThe kernel modularization didn't happen for this release. There's too much work getting the proper modules loaded at boot, and it'll need a fair bit of testing.
14:09.05VoodooZa complete rewrite? by the same guys? cool.
14:09.20NAiLwell, kindof
14:09.26NAiLthey can't rewrite the firmware ofcourse
14:09.32VoodooZyeah, the usb dongle is 150ma at idle the spec says.
14:09.35NAiLbut they're rewriting the kernel module
14:09.57VoodooZnice. It wasn't that unstable before but that should be even better.
14:10.04NAiLthey're talking to the zydas engineers and suggesting fixes ;-)
14:10.55NAiLif we're lucky, the zd1211rw driver will be in the next release as an official vanilla kernel-module
14:11.34NAiL(the -rw driver requires some in-kernel wireless fancyness that wasn't added until 2.6.17-pre-something
14:12.49VoodooZI see.
14:13.22VoodooZI hope the new release has a better turnup as I couldn't get turnup memstick to stick. it worked only some times.
14:13.30NAiLthere has been fixes
14:13.44VoodooZI needed it to install all the junk required by zd1211 and others.
14:13.45NAiLhappened between 3.6/3.7 IIRC
14:14.05VoodooZI'm not sure which version my robot used anymore. 3.1 or maybe 3.6
14:14.55NAiLit's been a messy road to release :-P
14:24.16VoodooZyep. Almost there though.
14:41.19VoodooZAnybody has a text based Hex editor to recommend? unless vim can do it?
14:50.32*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
15:52.33*** join/#openslug malfi (
17:48.11*** join/#openslug koen (
18:50.26*** join/#openslug Harvy (
18:53.55*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
19:11.49*** join/#openslug kolla (
21:05.32*** join/#openslug apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:05.32*** topic/#openslug is Developer (not end-user) discussion about the OpenSlug custom firmware for the Linksys NSLU2 device.
21:19.10*** join/#openslug apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:19.10*** topic/#openslug is Developer (not end-user) discussion about the OpenSlug custom firmware for the Linksys NSLU2 device.
21:28.51*** join/#openslug eFfeM2_ (
21:29.01eFfeM2_hi, what does it mean if my slug flashes red-orange during booting ?
21:29.14eFfeM2_don't think i ever saw that before
21:29.23eFfeM2_it even happens if the slug is booting without hard disk
21:43.48*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
21:54.19*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
22:15.30rwhitbyAnyone tried the 3.8 binary yet?
23:51.40*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

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