irclog2html for #openslug on 20060529

01:18.37*** join/#openslug jacques (
02:06.34tuvi just found out that i don't have sysfs mounted on my debianSlug.. is that ok? i can't get to my ups via usb
02:09.15tuvis there a package responsible for mounting sysfs?
02:22.06tuvhmm.. sysfs is mounted, but there is no /proc/bus/usb and no /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hiddev (there is usbhid though)
02:23.00tuvand i have the following in syslog: apcupsd FATAL ERROR in linux-usb.c at line 649 Cannot find UPS device
02:38.14tuvi think i narrowed down the problem a bit.. it seems hiddev is not compiled into nslu2's kernel, neither is it loadable.. so assuming it is needed, i'm stuck :(
02:41.07tuvwill i be able to build/use any kernel modules if i compiled my debianSlug kernel using the Makefile?
02:49.07rwhitbyif you compile your own kernel and modules, then you can easily change the defconfig and send us the patches for incorporation.
02:52.57rwhitbytuv: what is the relevant CONFIG_* symbol in .config?
02:53.32tuvrwhitby, # CONFIG_USB_HIDDEV is not set
02:54.09tuvrwhitby, while on my x86 laptop: CONFIG_USB_HIDDEV
02:54.39rwhitbyCONFIG_USB_HIDDEV=y in the SlugOS/DebianSlug kernel
02:55.23tuvrwhitby, well.. looks like d-i's bundled kernel is different
02:55.53rwhitbytuv: indeed it is.
02:56.18rwhitbyone day they should converge, but that day is a long way off at the moment
02:56.36rwhitby(just due to having to push changes upstream and have them come back down again into the Debian kernel)
02:58.09rwhitbyif you want the fastest turn-around time for kernel changes, then cross-compiling the SlugOS/DebianSlug kernel in OE using the MasterMakefile is way faster than native Debian compiles on the slug.
03:35.12*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
04:05.16*** join/#openslug iDr (
07:04.23*** join/#openslug jacques (
08:17.31*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
09:16.00*** join/#openslug kolla (i=kolla@
10:23.27*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
10:29.16*** join/#openslug rwhitby-away (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
11:42.21*** join/#openslug eFfeM_log (
11:43.49*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
13:07.39*** join/#openslug socketERR (
13:10.31socketERRhi, how to nslu2 map the usbdisk to spezified mountpoints?
14:01.01*** part/#openslug socketERR (
14:36.30*** join/#openslug tzanger (
14:36.45tzangermorning...  is there an end-user IRC channel?  
14:38.10EvilDeviltzanger, no problem
14:46.54*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
18:19.43*** join/#openslug ingeba (
18:31.52tzangerI need a nice small simple config file library
18:31.59tzangerrather than write yet another one
18:53.36*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
20:22.50*** join/#openslug HopsNBarley (
21:26.42*** join/#openslug eatmypiano (
21:53.56*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
22:33.07*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

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