irclog2html for #openslug on 20060528

00:54.29*** join/#openslug jacques (
03:29.02*** join/#openslug tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
04:07.39*** join/#openslug [gr (
07:31.17*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
07:36.20*** join/#openslug jacques (
08:30.55*** join/#openslug eFfeM_log (
08:37.15*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
08:37.29eFfeMhi rod
08:40.21rwhitbyMy NAS100d refuses to spin up disks.
08:40.37rwhitbyTried another disk - same result.
08:41.20rwhitbySo I'm thinking of taking the disk out of the top of the nas100d, and replacing it with an ATA (Linksys SPA3000) and turning the nas100d into an asterisk box.
08:43.25eFfeMlooks good, I'm very interested in your results. I have a spa3000 and did install asterisk on my slug, but did not really get into configuring it
08:44.09eFfeMactually at the momemt I'm trying to get bluetooth running so I can use my BT headset with the slug (and perhaps even use it as a phone)
08:44.16rwhitbyEven better would be the SPA3102, cause it has an extra ethernet port which could be connected to the nas100d
08:44.32rwhitbybluetooth on slugos?
08:45.04rwhitby(I have a dedicated BlueSlug which is the DUND gateway for my Treo650 when it's at home.
08:46.22eFfeMi have the BT stuff running, and once managed to get audio to the headset, but then suddenly it stopped working
08:47.18eFfeMwith the .16 kernel and alsa 1.0.11 I thought I'd try again as my Philips USB sound card which worked on PC under .15 suddenly also started to work on openslug with a .16 kernel
08:48.14eFfeMactually I have been playing with the idea to use my symbian based cell phone as a remote for the slug
09:02.09*** join/#openslug killing-joke (
09:06.10killing-jokeI have a small root (/) and a large opt (/opt) set up as ipkg targets. When I try to install the compiler suite, using "ipkg -d opt", the packages are invariably written to /. This fills up my root fs, making the system unusable.
09:06.59killing-jokeOther packages install into the "opt" target just fine. Is there something else I need to know about installing openslug-native?
09:43.13*** join/#openslug jacques (
09:48.49*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
09:52.01killing-jokeHi rwhitby.
09:52.35killing-jokeI have a question about installing openslug-native via ipkg. Is that up your alley?
09:53.23rwhitbya bit. what's the question?
09:53.33killing-jokeI have a small root (/) and a large opt (/opt) set up as ipkg targets. When I try to install the compiler suite, using "ipkg -d opt", the packages are invariably written to /. This fills up my root fs, making the system unusable.
09:53.50killing-jokeBut other packages install into the "opt" target just fine.
09:57.28killing-jokeIs there something else I need to know about installing openslug-native via ipkg?
09:57.56*** join/#openslug gerdi (
09:58.16killing-jokeHi gerdi.
10:06.01rwhitbykilling-joke: what firmware are you running?  OpenSlug packages install in /, not /opt.  Optware packages install in /opt, but are only designed for use with the Unslung firmware.
10:08.19killing-jokerwhitby: I am running OpenSlug 2.7
10:09.25eFfeMkilling-joke: you can try ipkg -d /opt
10:09.34eFfeMdon't know if that will work (never done that)
10:09.40eFfeMbetter put / on a hard disk
10:09.44rwhitbythen you should not be expecting things to install in /opt unless you give special flags to ipkg.
10:09.48eFfeMand on a large partition
10:10.21eFfeMand if ipkg -d is not working perhaps file a PR
10:11.09killing-jokeMany thanks :)
10:11.50rwhitbythat is file a PR with #oe, not #nslu2-linux.
10:11.51killing-jokeI think what I will do is mkfs over the existing disk partitions and re-"turnup disk".
10:12.23eFfeMif you do not have anything valuable on your disk that seems the proper way.
10:13.15killing-jokeThey are a brand new pair of laptop HDDs in little black cases. It's going to be the RAID array for my traveling network circus.
10:15.37eFfeMkilling-joke: I have a 1.5 GB /, a 1 GB swap and the rest is /home, / is now 72 % filled so if I had to do this over I'd probably go for a 2 GB /
10:15.37eFfeMthen again my slug is heavily loaded ....
10:15.58eFfeMand if you really run into problems you can always offload /usr or so to another partition
10:15.59killing-jokeGrief! I was bound to run into problems.
10:16.20killing-jokeI thought, "Little bitty computer, little bitty slash."
10:16.30killing-joke... and formatted 128 MB ext3.
10:16.41eFfeMthe 1G swap is probably grossly overdimensioned but I once ran into a perl script that ran havoc and caused the slug to crash by running out of swap
10:17.59eFfeM128M is doable if you do not want to install large packages. I know someone running a slug with a 512M memory stick and he also has a 400M web site on that stick (but of course he only installed apache, php and mysql)
10:19.57killing-jokeI wanted to keep / small and install the packages on other partitions. I was happy to see the " -dest " flag in ipkg. It just doesn't seem to do what I want it to. The quick hack, I think, will be to make a separate /, /var, and /usr, and to make them all quite a bit larger than I otherwise would have.
10:20.04killing-jokeThanks very much for your tips!
10:26.14eFfeMkilling-joke: it might be that with -d you need to say /opt iso opt (or maybe even /opt/ )
10:26.29eFfeMthis is one of the lesser used options of ipkg
10:31.16killing-jokeeFfeM: I am writing a script to remove all the tools from root ...
10:31.43killing-jokeI will try the '/opt' and '/opt' after I get some space back.
10:31.58eFfeMbe careful not to remove too much ...
10:32.27eFfeMif you really want to use your existing setup then perhaps just re-mkfs the 128 M partition and rerun turnup
10:32.47eFfeMotherwise you might up with more headaches and misery ...
10:33.46killing-jokeI think I will try to isolate the bug (?) in ipkg, if there is one.
10:34.15killing-jokeAfter that, I will reformat the whole mess and start over with much larger partitions.
10:34.56eFfeMbtw if you really want to know what is going on: you can unpack an .ipk file using ar, it will give you a control.tar.gz which has 3 files that say how things are going to be installed
10:35.42killing-jokeFabulous. >:)
10:36.06killing-jokeSo, the extra pkgs are gone now. And I get this error ...
10:37.49*** join/#openslug gerdi (
10:38.11killing-jokeIf I want to read the source to ipkg, will I find it in the OE Monotone?
10:38.34eFfeMkilling-joke, I assume you have /opt
10:39.06killing-jokeI have a mounted / (128 MB), and a mounted /opt (512 MB).
10:39.47killing-jokeFilesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
10:39.53killing-joke/dev/sda1               119.1M     67.9M     45.1M  60% /
10:40.00killing-joke/dev/sda3               473.5M     26.3M    422.8M   6% /opt
10:40.30eFfeMyeah, just tried it doesn't work for me either
10:41.01eFfeMif you have set up a cross compile environment the best way to see the source is to build the package
10:41.36eFfeMlooked into the ipkg source before, it is not a very nice program
10:41.38killing-jokeAh, but I was trying to bootstrap my dev environment by installing these compiler packages. :)
10:41.56eFfeMoh, you do not want to do that, believe me
10:42.12eFfeMbest way is to set up a cross environment
10:42.28killing-jokeWill it take a month to compile?
10:42.30eFfeMa native build is deadly slow especially for C++
10:43.01eFfeMnot if you want a simple program or module, but if you want to do some serious work (like rebuilding the kernel) it will take ages
10:43.24killing-jokeGood advice. You are saving me months of my life.
10:43.36eFfeMyou would have found out the hard way
10:43.47killing-jokeI ... tend to. Yes.
10:43.58eFfeMsetting up a cross build system is easy. just check out the wiki page on MasterMakefile
10:44.16eFfeMhey, that's how most of us learned things
10:44.28eFfeMand actually that are the lessons that are remembered best
10:44.54killing-jokeYes, Development/MasterMakeFile
10:45.31eFfeMtry that on a pc linux box. feel free to stop by if you encounter problems
10:45.46eFfeMlast august i was where you are now
10:46.03killing-jokeI appreciate the tips. Thanks!
10:46.12eFfeMlots of interesting things and challenges but also lots of fun
10:46.30eFfeMkilling-joke: don't forget the rules
10:46.49eFfeMespecially the one about updating the wiki if you discover something new or find things unclear
10:46.59eFfeMthat also helps to reduce the learning barrier for others
10:47.15eFfeMand enjoy!
10:49.38killing-jokeI should add or update a wiki page to cover these gotchas.
10:50.26killing-jokeI should add to or update a wiki page with these gotchas.
10:50.33eFfeMgood. meanwhile I'll file a PR on ipkg -d
10:51.08*** part/#openslug killing-joke (
10:56.14eFfeMhi all, are we planning to move from gcc 3.4.4. to 3.4.6? (3.4.6 is the last one in the 3.4 series)
10:56.27eFfeMi had some problems compiling btsco with 3.4.4 ...
10:56.39eFfeMoops food has arrived back later
11:56.45*** join/#openslug eFfeM-log (
12:43.58*** join/#openslug Harvy (
14:46.44*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
14:52.05eFfeMhi, this might be a little bit off-topic, but I ran into problems connecting my bluetooth headset to my NSLU2.
14:52.36eFfeMI've installed a BT dongle and on a hcitool scan I see my cell phone, but not my head set
14:52.57eFfeMonly if I put the headset into pairing mode it is seen by hcitool scan
14:53.07eFfeMhowever if I then try to ping it I get:
14:53.23eFfeMCan't connect: Permission denied
14:53.31eFfeMno idea what is going on
14:53.37eFfeManybody a clue?
15:09.52*** join/#openslug caplink811_log (
15:10.21eFfeMno bt wiz around ?? I'm now onto "Connection timed out" ....
15:46.35*** join/#openslug t[cc]smar (n=[cc]
16:28.34*** join/#openslug eFfeM-log (
17:10.03tuvhas anyone tried connecting an APC UPS data port to nslu2 and running some ups monitoring?
17:12.10EvilDeviltuv, yeah, but not with an APC UPS
17:12.31tuvEvilDevil, so it works?
17:12.45EvilDeviltuv, yes :) try nut
17:37.03mwester-awaytuv: monitoring works.  shutdown on Unslung isn't very straightforward though.
17:37.41tuvusing DebianSlug here.. so i don't think there will be any shutdown problems
17:37.56tuvmwester-away, does unslung have a ups package?
17:40.45mwester-awayNo.  I've had one on my list of things to do for almost a year, but I've always gotten stuck on what to do about the powerdown sequence with the NSLU2.
17:42.59tuvbtw, how does one shutdown an unslung properly? i've always had disk corruptions after web-if shutdowns and halt just does a hard instant dirty shutdown
17:56.17tuvmwester-away ?
18:02.01mwester-away:p IMO there is no proper way to shutdown unslung or the native linksys firmware -- its more like a controlled crash.  The command line "DO_Shutdown" does what the GUI does, and that's the closest thing to a proper shutdown the box has.  If you look in /bin, you'll see "halt-test" (IIRC) -- that's not used anywhere but is a leftover on the linksys image.  just reading it makes it pretty...
18:02.03mwester-away...clear that Linksys didn't know how to shut it down either.  With R63 we finally got the source to the busybox "halt" routine, so we now have the tools to "fix" it (and I still hope to put in the hooks to make a UPS-triggered orderly shutdown happen).  Basically the "halt" code in busybox was hacked by Linksys so that it kills a set of processes, waits one second, kills the rest (or sends...
18:02.04mwester-away...them the signal anyway), waits only one more second, then calls the SetLed utility to turn off the power.  It doesn't even call the kernel "halt" routine!  I think what happens on any "loaded up" slug is that the amount of time to wait for all the processes to shutdown isn't enough; but I haven't looked at it lately to see if that's really the case.
18:09.40tuvhmm.. so that wasn't only my problem.. i basically switched to debianSlug only for this problem
18:16.53mwester-away:-D I tried an experiment based on Unslung 6.9-alpha -- and replaced the entire Linksys init and halt/reboot mechanisms with something more like the standard "init" technique.  It shows some progress, fixes lots of problems, but it's not Unslung anymore.  So someone needs to come up with a compromise approach.
18:22.45EvilDevilhas someone already tried to use a "windows media center edition" usb-infrared receiver on openslug?
18:23.52EvilDevil that's the /proc/bus/usb/devices entry for that thing
18:29.42EvilDevili think lirc has support for it (mceusb2)
18:59.48*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
19:04.28tuvcan debianSlug handle usb hubs naturally or does it need some tweaking?
19:29.14EvilDeviltuv, it can handle it without tweaks
19:37.35*** part/#openslug tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
19:37.43*** join/#openslug tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
21:53.37*** join/#openslug gerdi (
23:53.24*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

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