irclog2html for #openslug on 20060430

00:02.27D|dgei'm getting crazy, no gcc womits: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
00:10.09*** join/#openslug Harvy (
00:28.54D|dgeI'll try it again, but go to bed now
00:29.03*** part/#openslug D|dge (n=Didge@2001:960:624:1:0:0:0:1)
06:41.57*** join/#openslug D|dge (n=Didge@2001:960:624:1:0:0:0:1)
06:42.31D|dgebuild faild again
06:42.37D|dgecan I somehow change to a different gcc version?
06:48.14D|dgeI also added my 64bit expirience to the Makefile page
07:08.10*** join/#openslug kfm82 (
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11:42.50*** join/#openslug Jah_ (n=Jah__@
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12:10.25kami22hi can anyone help me to configure and setup a nfs server on my openslug? i cannot mount
12:13.44eFfeMkami22: have you looked at
12:14.28kami22yes and i configured it but my problem is when i mount a device it always takes a very long time
12:14.44eFfeMdoes it mount eventually?
12:15.55eFfeMon my ubuntu system mounting takes quite some time (a minute or so). haven't found out why, my fedora system does mount very fast
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12:33.33D|dgejuhe, build finished!!!
12:33.54rwhitbyD|dge: congrats
12:35.19D|dgenow I have to find the image and flash it
12:39.19*** join/#openslug Harvy (
12:40.09rwhitbyD|dge: tmp/deploy/images
12:47.06D|dgeOK, flashing now
12:47.31D|dgeI hope there are now problems when flashing over unslug 3.2
12:52.48D|dgeare there any limitations where I can use the flash stick or the disc over a hub?
12:52.55D|dgeI mean which port
12:53.50eFfeM-awayassuming you have a decent 2.0 hub
12:54.07eFfeM-away(you don't want to use a 1.1 hub for your disk, do you?)
12:54.28D|dgeno :-)
12:55.05eFfeM-awayguessed that
12:55.13eFfeM-awayactually there is an issue
12:55.27*** join/#openslug mr_claus (
12:55.47mr_claushi, how i can find out the ip address of my nslu2? i forget the address i have set :(
12:56.10eFfeM-awayif you use a hub and there are too many other devices bus iteration might cause that your disk is not found yet when the system wants to access it, use turnup with -s 2 or so to deal with that if you encounter this problem
12:56.53eFfeM-awayalso as a starter perhaps connect the disk directly to the slug (better safe than sorry)
12:59.21D|dgeI want root on the flash
12:59.36D|dgeand only the data on the disc(s) behind a hub
13:00.46EvilDevilmr_claus, you can try nmap -sP 192.168.n.0/24  (replace n with the appropriate number for your network). nmap is available at (even for windows)
13:03.54mr_clausEvilDevil: ok, i will try that, ty
13:13.48mr_claushmm, i cannot find it, upslug detect the slug but i don't know the ip
14:05.05mr_clauswho knows where i can download the setup utility of the nslu2?
14:06.43EvilDevilmr_claus, google? or the nslu2 setup cd?
14:06.56mr_clausi cannot find the setup cd :(
14:07.01mr_clausi googled but didn't find it
14:07.47mr_clausand it's not possible to download from linksys it seems
14:07.49EvilDevilmr_claus, (german)
14:11.30mr_clausty, i registered i download is working now
14:11.59EvilDevilmr_claus, i think the page could be useful for you anyway
14:12.14mr_clausyes it seems
14:12.38mr_clausi didn't use my slug since a few month and now i forgot a lot of things :/
14:13.38EvilDevilthere were some neat changes. You can use Debian on the Nslu2 without any additional hardware
14:14.09EvilDevilunslung 6.8 was released and more additional hardware is now supported
14:16.41mr_clausat i stopped working on my slug i used openslug, not it seems that udev is available
14:26.09EvilDevilmr_claus, you're invited to join #nslu2-german
14:52.16*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
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20:41.19*** join/#openslug Tiersten (n=tman@nslu2-linux/Tiersten)
20:47.30Jah_hi there
20:47.48Jah_during an apt-get my DebianSlug hanged up
20:48.00Jah_so i had to unplug replug power cable
20:48.14Jah_now the slug does not respond to ping
20:48.33Jah_and it seems that the drive is accessed
20:48.39Jah_according to the drive LED
20:49.09Jah_can anyone help
20:56.30caplink811_logreboot without disk attached, then login and mount (after reattached the drive) /dev/sdax (whatever you use) and search and delete a file named .recovery
21:25.20*** join/#openslug gerdi (
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22:10.36*** join/#openslug gerdi__ (
22:25.16*** join/#openslug likewise (
22:25.33likewiseIs 2.6.16 running stable on your boxen?
22:25.41likewise(to anyone)
22:26.01koenit's quite stable on my slug and pdas
22:26.12koenbut I haven't been pushing those too hard
22:28.23likewisekoen: thnx. Got ixp400_eth problems here...grr
22:41.19*** part/#openslug D|dge (n=Didge@2001:960:624:1:0:0:0:1)
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23:45.46*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)

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