irclog2html for #openslug on 20060421

03:11.19*** part/#openslug jaxson (
04:52.49*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
08:42.37*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
09:56.16*** join/#openslug Jah_ (n=Jah__@
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10:10.08Prometeoanybody here ?
10:26.14*** join/#openslug kfm8202 (
12:11.50*** join/#openslug d4rr3ll (
12:13.02d4rr3llafternoon everybody... just taken delivery of my first nslu2, just about to reflash it now :)
12:44.22*** join/#openslug kami22 (
13:00.14*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
13:22.31*** part/#openslug d4rr3ll (
14:07.06*** join/#openslug kitno455 (
14:07.36*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
14:09.02kitno455ok guys- trying to get a handle on where the beeps went in current ucslugc. not sure if this is related to the new udev stuff?
14:09.47kitno455does anyone building current openslug HEAD get beeps when their slug boots?
14:10.43EvilDevil_kitno455, i'm not sure. my slug doesn't boot with ucslugc or openslug
14:11.32EvilDevil_haven't flashed a recent version of debianslug
14:11.52kitno455are you still on kernel 2.6.15?
14:12.42EvilDevil_no, 2.6.16, but still the old kernel (scsi + usb modules compiled in)
14:13.13kitno455can you shell into your slug and see if the command beep works?
14:14.58EvilDevil_kitno455, i can do "beep" as root and i can hear it
14:15.17kitno455are you using serial connection?
14:15.24kitno455at all?
14:16.21EvilDevil_i have 1 slug with serial mod and 1 without. the one without is running debianslug (2.6.16 scsi+usb compiled in), the other one is running nothing atm
14:17.09kitno455i am trying to narrow this down- do you have /dev/tty0 on that slug?
14:18.13EvilDevil_which slug?
14:18.24kitno455the one that beeps
14:18.26kitno455no serial
14:19.51*** join/#openslug gerdi (
14:21.17kitno455i dont have /dev/tty0 on my slug, only /dev/tty and /dev/ttyS[01]
14:21.28kitno455beep claims to want to open /dev/tty0
14:21.47EvilDevil_same here
14:22.09kitno455weird- it works for you though?
14:22.20EvilDevil_Could not open /dev/tty0 or /dev/vc/0 for writing   <- when running as a non-root user
14:22.34kitno455i shelled in as root
14:24.00EvilDevil_there's no tty0 nor vc/0
14:24.15kitno455so wtf is beep openning?
14:24.31kitno455when it works... use the source luke
14:24.35kitno455lets see....
14:26.37kitno455there is another choice that beep tries first
14:27.09kitno455EvilDevil, do you have /dev/input/event0 ?
14:27.20kitno455i dont
14:27.29kitno455new udev setup maybe?
14:27.33EvilDevilcrw-rw---- 1 root root 13, 64 2006-04-16 23:41 /dev/input/event0
14:27.44kitno455i dont even have /dev/input dir
14:27.51kitno455but i do have stuff in /sys
14:27.57kitno455lets try that :)
14:28.35kitno455hmm, none of this stuff seems to be the same format...
14:35.11HopsNBarleykitno455, how ya feeling today?
14:36.18EvilDevili think he's feeling kinda beeped
14:36.30kitno455HopsNBarley, terrible
14:36.52kitno455you know, i've never had allergies before, but i think that might be the cause
14:37.02kitno455i remember having a cold around this time last year
14:37.28HopsNBarleybummer.  same story here.  no allergies at all, ever.  but this year, persistent cough, occasional headache.  I know perhaps 5 other people with the same story this year.
14:37.43EvilDevilbird flu
14:38.38kitno455cool, we are all gonna die
14:39.38kitno455anyway- i bet the kernel haxors have this all figured out, but i am stumped
14:39.44*** join/#openslug gerdi (
14:39.54kitno455where is /dev/input?
14:45.07HopsNBarleykitno455, no beep on my semi-recent openslug head reboot.
14:45.22HopsNBarleyno /dev/input either
14:53.50kitno455looks like we need udev 0.087-2 ?
14:54.11kitno455but HEAD contains udev-084 ?
14:54.41*** join/#openslug gerdi (
14:55.08EvilDevili got udev-0.89 on my debianslug (the one that beeps)
14:55.45kitno455this is little-ended debian?
14:56.11EvilDevillittle endian
14:56.25kitno455so you benefit from all those prebuilt packages
14:56.35EvilDevilyes :)
14:56.56kitno455i wonder how hard it will be for me to make a .bb for later udev :)
14:57.17*** join/#openslug gerdi (
14:57.28EvilDevilkitno455, for openslug?
14:57.48kitno455openslug should be same
14:58.06EvilDevilyes, but you could use the opendebianslug package in openslug
14:58.18EvilDevilthey're both BE
14:58.26kitno455but that does not have all the packages that LE has
14:59.19kitno455i am confused about the relationship between all those...
14:59.31EvilDevili'm not sure about the exact number of packages, but i think there are 15k+ packages for BE Debian
14:59.46kitno455well, in my case i really want small.
14:59.57EvilDevilthere is a .bb for udev-089
15:00.01kitno455i am trying to squeeze the entire image down
15:00.15kitno455i am looking at it...
15:01.03EvilDevili think there's some config file which chooses the prefered version of a package that goes into the image...
15:01.15kitno455looking for it now... :)
15:02.43kitno455my copy does not mention udev?
15:03.09EvilDevilmine neither
15:05.20*** join/#openslug gerdi (
15:05.52HopsNBarleyi think you could put that anywhere on the .conf file chain.  i put some preferreds in local.conf as i recall.
15:07.20*** join/#openslug gerdi (
15:07.32kitno455ok, but where is it set now?
15:07.58kitno455most other packages just move forward when newer versions are available
15:09.20*** join/#openslug gerdi (
15:11.23kitno455first line of
15:11.32kitno455DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1"
15:16.19*** join/#openslug gerdi (
15:24.45kitno455ok, got udev 089-r1 installed, but still no /dev/input
15:25.05kitno455wonder if some rules need to be updated
15:27.13HopsNBarleywhat device are you trying to create a node for?
15:27.38kitno455/dev/input/event0 if that is still correct for latest kerneles
15:28.08HopsNBarleywhat is event0?
15:28.32kitno455it was the beeper
15:33.29kitno455boy, static dev never bothered me at all :)
15:37.12kitno455hmm, there is still a /sbin/hotplug. i wonder if that is a problem...
15:41.18*** join/#openslug Sinclair73de (
16:04.47*** join/#openslug jake_ (i=jake@
16:05.07jake_hmm.. his not here..
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17:43.23*** join/#openslug RammY (
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18:53.21*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
19:10.46*** join/#openslug kitno455 (
19:11.56kitno455re all
19:21.08*** join/#openslug stein (
19:21.22*** part/#openslug stein (
19:38.21HopsNBarleykitno455 - do you know about /lib/udev/devices ???
19:39.46kitno455HopsNBarley, no
19:39.49kitno455just reading udev docs now
19:40.31kitno455hmm- dont have that on my desktop box
19:41.00HopsNBarleywhat version of udev is on your box?
19:41.05kitno455but it has 071
19:41.13kitno455lets look at slug
19:42.21kitno455no such file on slug, but there is a /lib/udev dir
19:42.33HopsNBarleyi've got 0.87 (gentoo), and slug 0.84r3
19:42.49kitno455my slug now has 089
19:42.53HopsNBarleyand i've got it on the gentoo.
19:42.58HopsNBarleyyeah, i saw you upgrade.
19:43.16kitno455i am confused anyway
19:43.18HopsNBarleythe udev start script will copy anything in /lib/udev/devices/* to /dev upon startup.
19:43.33HopsNBarleyi don't know if this helps you, but i thought i'd toss it out there.
19:43.36kitno455do a df on your slug
19:43.40kitno455i see this:
19:43.45kitno455/dev/mtdblock4            6528      2988      3540  46% /dev/.static/dev
19:44.07HopsNBarleyi see the same thing - 'cept on the hd.
19:44.43NAiLthe /dev/mtdblock4 is just the mtdblock4 /dev bindmounted to /dev/.static/dev
19:44.47NAiLie, the original dev
19:44.56NAiLnot usually required
19:45.06kitno455required at boot?
19:45.28NAiLIt's there for compatibility
19:45.44kitno455NAiL, here is my issue:
19:45.53kitno455beep does not work anymore under HEAD
19:46.02kitno455there are no /dev/input files
19:46.19kitno455beep opens /dev/input/event0 first
19:46.47kitno455so i am trying to figure out how those get created
19:46.54kitno455i can see the buzzer in /sys
19:47.30NAiLI think someone like lennert would know that...
19:47.44NAiLI'm not familiar with how the buzzer works yet
19:47.50kitno455unfortunately, i might be on the wrong path anyway
19:48.24kitno455cause when i manually create the nodes, it still does not work.
19:48.50kitno455i know there have been alot of changes in sysfs/udev recently to remove need for /sbin/hotplug
19:56.12HopsNBarleykitno455, think i'm onto something...
19:59.00HopsNBarley...nevermind.  thought there was a missing patch.
20:10.29kitno455looks like the beeper patch got mainlined for 2.6.16
20:11.46kitno455comparing two slugs i have one that works, one that does not
20:13.58kitno455both say: input: ixp4xx beeper as /class/input/input0
20:14.01kitno455during bootup
20:16.05kitno455the /sys/class/input/input0/ dirs look a little different
20:59.09*** join/#openslug koen (
21:10.03*** join/#openslug HopsNBarley (
21:11.23kitno455ok, if i diff the copy of drivers/input/misc/ixp4xx-beeper.c
21:11.45kitno455in and 2.6.16, they are not the same
21:31.24*** join/#openslug gerdi_ (
21:56.31*** join/#openslug phatmonkey (
21:57.55*** join/#openslug HopsNBarley (
22:15.31kitno455HopsNBarley, technical difficulties?
22:19.53*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
22:20.08kitno455morning rod
22:20.55kitno455do you know anything about the buzzer under 2.6.16?
22:22.13kitno455having some trouble
22:26.46*** join/#openslug kitno455_ (
22:27.04kitno455_hmm, technical difficulties
22:27.52kitno455_rwhitby, seems that slug's buzzer does not work under current HEAD
22:28.03kitno455_trying to get a handle on it
22:42.35*** part/#openslug phatmonkey (

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