irclog2html for #openslug on 20060206

00:44.37*** part/#openslug Sinclair73de (
01:19.05*** join/#openslug mwester (n=chatzill@
02:03.33*** join/#openslug gerdi (
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02:33.21*** part/#openslug astroid (
03:11.36*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
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07:16.05*** join/#openslug dyoung-away (n=dyoung@nslu2-linux/dyoung)
07:29.34*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
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09:57.57*** join/#openslug kolla (n=kolla@
11:01.01*** join/#openslug Jah_ (n=Jah_@
11:06.02*** join/#openslug emm_is (
11:10.27emm_isThe boot scripts in DebianSlug differ in some important ways from SlugOs (hwclock, leds, others?) -- is anyone working on some form of automated resolution?
11:11.24rwhitbyautomated resolution?
11:11.39rwhitbythere is an nslu2-utils debian package in the works ...
11:12.10emm_isis it planned that that will patch up the boot scripts to Debian SlugOs versions?
11:12.26rwhitbyNote that the current DebianSlug is just a stepping stone until the kernel patches are accepted upstream and make their way into Debian.  Then DebianSlug will no longer be built in OE.
11:12.52rwhitby(and will have almost no relationship to SlugOS anymore)
11:13.34emm_isWhat build system will then be used (to add cross-compilation etc)
11:15.29rwhitbyDebian kernels are built in debian
11:18.05rwhitbythere are arm autobuild machines that build all the arm kernel package flavours automatically.
11:18.35emm_isanyway, let me take this moment to thank you for all your work
11:19.50rwhitby(so nslu2-linux will no longer be responsible for the autobuilding of the kernel
11:20.11rwhitbyyou're welcome.  The best way to do that is to help on the wiki :-)
11:30.12emm_isrod, is the file 'reflash' in initrd/sbin/reflash save to use to reflash when using DebianSlug?
11:32.39rwhitbyI doubt it.  You should touch /.recovery, and then turnup to ram, then reflash from there.
11:33.21emm_isor boot without discs attached?
11:37.11rwhitbyyep, you could do that too
11:37.33rwhitbyyou'd still need to turnup to ram to be able to write the jffs2.
11:37.55rwhitbyso it's easier just to touch /.recovery, then reboot.  Saves having to walk over to where the slug is.
11:39.23emm_isI presume one does % touch .recovery, % reboot, % turnup ram, % reflash  
11:40.11emm_is(with a %mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/x between turnup and reflash
11:41.09rwhitbyyep, that'd do
11:55.49*** join/#openslug pTweety (
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13:40.36*** join/#openslug kolla (n=kolla@
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14:39.36*** join/#openslug kitno455 (
16:05.26*** join/#openslug ByronT (i=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
16:06.47*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
17:17.01kitno455morning jbowler
17:50.41*** part/#openslug Sinclair73de (
17:59.03eFfeManybody knows where I can get the module audio.ko?
17:59.13eFfeMi see no flag in defconfig to generate it
17:59.49eFfeMand no module called audio in ipk or in lib/modules
18:00.41koeniirc audio.ko has a knob under usb ->
18:01.37eFfeMok, i'll check
18:01.51eFfeMjeroen told in nslu2-developers that this might be needed
18:07.23eFfeMkoen, until now I only found ./sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko. but I understood from Jeroen that he also has an audio.ko; haven't found it yet
18:08.19eFfeMoh, probably it is in usb/class
18:08.48VoodooZfighting with your new audio dongle?
18:08.56eFfeMnope, still the old one
18:09.20eFfeMdidn't have audio.ko and according to nslu2-developers I might need that one
18:09.58VoodooZI don't remember that one.
18:10.31VoodooZI can't find it anywhere on my build system so I guess I never used it.
18:11.02VoodooZoh. wait a second. I had the wrong name.
18:11.14eFfeMnot usb_snd_audio.ko
18:11.20koeneFfeM: in the worst case your locate audio.c
18:11.35eFfeMyeah, found it in usb/class
18:11.50VoodooZaudio.ko appears in a number of places: /local/openslug_2.7/tmp/work/openslug-kernel-
18:12.16eFfeMi'm on the head, it is not there
18:12.34*** join/#openslug p-crat_ (
18:12.46VoodooZstrangely I don't see it anywhere under the HEAD version.
18:12.51eFfeMbut there is a config USB_AUDIO in usb/class/Kconfig, that is not in our defconfig.
18:13.04eFfeMjust added it, what it todays command to rebuilt the kernel?
18:13.34koenbitbake virtual/kernel -c clean ; bitbake virtual/kernel
18:13.43VoodooZls -l
18:13.46koenor bitbake -i <enter> rebuild virtual/kernel
18:14.10VoodooZis the head now using ixp_kernel instead of nslu2-kernel?
18:14.24eFfeMtnx, thought virtual/kernel would not work any more; NAiL mentioned yesterday something about ixp4xx_kernel or something like that
18:14.32eFfeMbut bb virtual/kernel still works
18:14.53eFfeMspoke too early
18:15.12NAiLixp4xx-kernel  works ;)
18:16.06eFfeMhere is the reason for my oooops:
18:16.07eFfeM[slug@Woonkamer class]$ bb ixp4xx-kernel
18:16.07eFfeMTraceback (most recent call last):
18:16.12eFfeMOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
18:16.54koensounds like a broken PYTHON_PATH
18:16.57eFfeMok works now
18:17.08eFfeMexplanation to come
18:17.51eFfeMwhat I did was bb in the kernel dir, but that one was gone with the -cclean; did the bb in the openslug dir and it works fine
18:18.00eFfeMstupid user error
18:18.19eFfeMlol: would that parse as (stupid user) error or as stupid (user error)
18:19.13eFfeMi had 2.7 in the past and it could well be that I had audio.ko the one time it worked (moved to 2.6.14 or 15 after my first tests)
18:19.29eFfeMi'll report back if audio.ko works
18:23.16*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
18:25.48VoodooZNAiL, Did you end up trying initng?
18:26.12NAiLHaven't really had much time for it
18:26.21VoodooZcool. Just checking.
18:26.34kitno455re all. looks like lots of patches to since last week
18:26.41kitno455pr is up to 2.1?
18:26.47VoodooZNot that I had time either as the departmental server died on me at work friday so I've been chasing my tail since.
18:43.39*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
18:50.29*** join/#openslug Sinclair73de (
18:51.14*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
18:58.45*** join/#openslug eatmypiano (
19:09.00VoodooZjbowler, I guess we might see a release of openslug sooner that I thought. good work.
19:09.40NAiLIt is looking good now
19:15.01VoodooZgood this way I won't havge to take crap from monotone's 3-way merge again. :)
19:15.16NAiLHave you had that lately?
19:15.29NAiLI haven't seen any threeway merges since the dawn of time :-P
19:16.07VoodooZyes but I guess it was normal because I made changes.
19:16.18VoodooZBut that shitty meld merging tool is a pita
19:16.48VoodooZIt probably just doesn't like me. ;)
19:17.35VoodooZHow long do you think before an actual source tarball release?
19:18.13NAiLWhen jbowler's done with the Makefile magic and has put the thing into SVN, I presume
19:18.20NAiLbbiab, gotta go buy food
19:18.47VoodooZok thanks.
19:29.41*** join/#openslug evildevil (
19:30.35kitno455Hmm, when you get back, just what is the new makefile magic?
19:33.28eFfeMneed some help getting this audio.ko; figured out that this depends on CONFIG_OBSOLETE_OSS_USB_DRIVER
19:34.54eFfeMhowever if I enable this in packages/linux/nslu2-kernel/2.6.15/defconfig and I do a bb -cclean virtual/kernel followed by a bb virtual/kernel the defconfig in tmp/work/ixp4xx-kernel- does not have this define set (although timestampwise it is newer)
19:35.01eFfeMam I barking at the wrong defconfig ???
19:36.01eFfeMgrr, of course I am, I should be modifying ixp4xx-kernel/*/defconfig
19:36.05VoodooZI think the HEAD now uses ixp4xx-kernel so you would need to change it's defconfig
19:36.59eFfeMrebuilding again....
19:46.07NAiLkitno455: the makefile that is going into SVN
19:47.08NAiLie, only the release tarball
20:37.35eFfeMbuilt audio.ko but that does not seem to make any difference
20:59.23*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
21:01.50*** join/#openslug beewoolie-afk (n=beewooli@
21:01.50kitno455what is changing about makefile? is it just going into svn repo?
21:06.35VoodooZeFfeM, Be careful not to confuse ALSA and OSS.
21:06.54VoodooZBecause the more recent ALSA has an OSS emulation layer too.
21:08.05eFfeMVoodooZ, apparently audio.ko is indeed superseded by alsa. the Kconfig said this, but I wanted to give it a try anyway as it was mentioned as necessary in the nslu2-linux mailing list
21:08.32eFfeMdidn't work for me anyway, thought snowbike reported he played with this and got things working
21:19.34*** join/#openslug caplink811 (
21:28.43*** part/#openslug evildevil (
21:30.09*** join/#openslug caplink811 (
22:28.18*** join/#openslug nomeata (i=jojo@tor/session/x-d7758f12b180eba9)
22:33.33nomeatatbm: hi, I joined the rank of debian-on-openslug users today. sarge is already running fine, thanks for the armeb port
22:33.42nomeatapopcon is running too, of course :-)
22:33.54NAiLhehe ;)
22:34.30tbmnomeata: that wasn't me... sarge -> lennart
22:36.18nomeatatbm: well, thanks to all that helped. I just saw your posting on d-d-a
23:01.53tbmnomeata: Ithink what you're running has nothing to do at all with the work I did. ;)
23:01.53*** join/#openslug kami22 (
23:09.40*** join/#openslug astroid (
23:10.18*** part/#openslug astroid (
23:17.07*** part/#openslug Sinclair73de (
23:30.39*** join/#openslug nubs0r (

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