irclog2html for #openslug on 20060131

00:04.01*** part/#openslug EvilDevil (
00:51.57*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
00:59.27*** join/#openslug beewoolie-afk (
02:03.05*** join/#openslug gerdi (
02:44.59*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
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05:43.45*** join/#openslug ByronT (n=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
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11:53.06*** join/#openslug andrea_ (
12:20.11*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
14:29.08HopsNBarleyi'm having some difficulty compiling apache on the slug.
14:29.23HopsNBarleythe toolchain is working fine, and configure and compile run via bitbake.
14:30.02HopsNBarleyi "do_package" i get tons of "Couldn't find shared library provider for <many libraries here>"
14:30.10HopsNBarleyany hints?
14:31.27VoodooZ_Logandrea_, did you see my reply about pand?
14:35.22*** join/#openslug kitno455 (
14:36.29kitno455did i get a chance to mention that slugos/oe/master makefile rocks?
14:36.46kitno455oh, and reflash and turnup too
14:40.22HopsNBarleyit doens't work compiling natively on the slug...
15:28.53*** join/#openslug kolla (n=kolla@
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17:09.48*** part/#openslug Sinclair73de (
17:18.09*** join/#openslug mwester-away (n=chatzill@
17:20.20*** join/#openslug ByronT (i=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
17:34.54kitno455jbowler- have you seen anything weird with terminal on a recent ucslugc? sorry to cross-post
18:01.38kitno455i see missing chars when either minicom to serial port, or ssh'd into a slug running current ucslugc
18:01.45kitno455both from an fc4 box
18:02.12kitno455problem seems primarily related to display, esp. of \r\n
18:02.42kitno455the data goes in correctly, but you have to type blind and ignore what is on the screen in vi, for instance
18:25.07jbowlerkitno455: minicom seems totally broken to me
18:26.06jbowlerssh, no problems I'm aware of but bitbake vi is less than perfect.  The term caps need to be vt100 I think - i.e. you must use a vt100 compatible emulator on the remote end.
18:26.19VoodooZI've noticed the same issue on openslug-3.1 when editing a file in vi thru my FC4 minicom.
18:27.22kitno455i thought it was minicom or my homebuilt serial adapter at first
18:27.26jbowlerminicom is clearly telling the other end that this is a raw vt100 (80x24) - it doesn't do the screen size stuff.
18:27.34kitno455but it seems to be vi over ssh as well
18:28.26kitno455i could try installing a real vi and see if that helps
18:28.42jbowlerNot for me, vi over ssh does full window (!80x24) fine, vi over minicom only works if the minicom window really is 80x24
18:29.00VoodooZyep. Same here. vi over ssh is broken. On deletion of single character especially.
18:29.07kitno455yes, yes
18:29.47kitno455can we change TERM var on either side of connection, will that help?
18:30.06kitno455VoodooZ, i am using fc4 as well. wonder if that is it
18:30.10VoodooZopenslug-3.1 returns a TERM of vt100
18:30.19kitno455so does ucslugc
18:30.31VoodooZI'd be suprised though.
18:30.45VoodooZbut it's the same over ssh though.
18:31.03kitno455with all of rh's locale crap, i am no longer surprised
18:31.11kitno455i have been setting LC_ALL=C
18:31.24kitno455not on this box, though, lets try it :)
18:31.38VoodooZwhat's LC_ALL again?
18:32.04kitno455override locale settings, put them back to old-time unix C
18:32.17kitno455capitals before lower case in alpha sort, etc
18:32.34eFfeMkitno455, are it always the same chars you are missing?
18:32.53kitno455dont think so, but maybe- hold on
18:32.53eFfeMVoodooZ, decided to buy the same audio thing that you have, ordered it yesterday
18:33.16VoodooZeFfeM, good!
18:33.18eFfeMkitno455, if it is it might be a parity issue
18:33.28VoodooZeFfeM, btw, I tried rebooting a few times and the sound always works.
18:34.00eFfeM$ 1 for the device, $ 8.5 for shipping and decided to fork an additional buck for insurance
18:34.13eFfeMfirst ebay purchase for me :-)
18:35.14VoodooZsound good.
18:35.30VoodooZI've been buying stuff from ebay since 2003 and I've never been frauded.
18:35.38eFfeMVoodooZ, good; forgot to ask if rebooting did keep the device working. Figured out it would from the reports in the wiki.
18:36.11eFfeMI'm not afraid of fraud, this one definitely sold quite a lot. Also the amount is not dramatical
18:43.01*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
18:43.14*** join/#openslug S0LaRWnI (
18:44.36kitno455ok, the messed up chars problem seems to me unrelated to which char you are typeing
18:44.44kitno455it is more about the sequence of chars
18:45.49eFfeMhm. nr of bits and nr of start/stop bits ok ?
18:46.04kitno455i am using ssh
18:46.18kitno455it happens over minicom too
18:46.49*** join/#openslug Sinclair73de (
18:47.03kitno455if you are against the left margin, and you hit i, it goes into insert mode. then the first char you type prints out twice
18:48.12VoodooZyep. Sounds similar to mine. Where I hit x once and it looks like two chars were deleted but if you refresh the screen (page up then down) everything is fine.
18:52.33VoodooZkitno455, actually, I don't seem to have the x problem anymore under an ssh session but I do have the i one.
18:52.46VoodooZI'd have to test the same thing via minicom tonight from home.
18:55.16eFfeMoh, seems I've seen this as well (over ssh). is this the busybox vi? that one is pretty lousy, I've installed vim
18:57.17kitno455ok, here-s the really weird part- if i shell into the box, then use minicom on it (to the usb serial adapter), minicom has the same problem
19:00.11tkimballOoh, thanks for that note, I've been getting fustrated about vi on the slug. *installs*
19:01.26tkimballI've been so intent on getting irssi cross-compiling correctely (still not happening), I've had no time to really look at the ipkg listings.
19:02.17*** join/#openslug DeadZed (
19:03.43DeadZedHello. I know this is a firmware development channel .. but I cannot find a soultion googling. How do I access/configure my Linksys BEFW11S4 when Im using it as a switch?
19:04.46kitno455wrong place DeadZed
19:04.57kitno455we work on the nslu2
19:05.06kitno455not the BEFW...
19:05.18DeadZedyou guys know about linksys routers prolly :)
19:05.39kitno455are you trying to set it up with the default software on it?
19:05.53kitno455or with a custom software
19:07.58DeadZed3-rd party firmware cannot be used with this model. Im trying to access my router through web-interface ... I was able to do that with when i was using it as a router, but Im using it as a switch now (to bypass NAT - plugged wan cable into lan port)
19:13.59HopsNBarleyi finally got rid of my BEFW's... they just stopped working several times per week...
19:14.29HopsNBarleythat said, you should be able to connect to it even if the internet port is unused.
19:14.47HopsNBarleyi used one of them that way as a wireless long haul.
19:14.51DeadZedI got it cheap .. they do crash :( ... latest linksys wrt-s are good i think
19:15.16HopsNBarleyi've had no problem with wrt54g v4 (linux) or v5 (the non-linux one)
19:16.06HopsNBarleywe should switch channels, but i'm a chat noob...
19:16.14kitno455the config interface only runs on the switch side ports anyway, right- it should make no difference
19:16.38kitno455what does the wrt54g v5 run if not linux?
19:16.44DeadZedHopsNBarley can you remember how you accessed it when using as a switch
19:17.17DeadZedI think its common knowledge .. I need to enter some correct IP or smth
19:17.45kitno455DeadZed, can you disconnect the wanlink, and hit a reset swtich?
19:17.50kitno455if it has one
19:17.56kitno455then you config as normal
19:17.59HopsNBarleyi dunno.  vxworks.
19:18.11kitno455i wonder why?
19:18.19kitno455lets them use less flash/ram?
19:18.52HopsNBarleyguessing - they got burned on that GPL fiasco.  the flash is half the size.
19:19.18HopsNBarleyto reset to factory defaults don't you hold the switch in while you power it up?
19:19.30HopsNBarleyeven this should be in the nearly worthless manual  (-;
19:19.50DeadZedyea, yea , nevermind
19:20.13DeadZedI just thought i could access it the way its set up now
19:20.30HopsNBarleyafter factory reset, i think it comes up as on the switch ports.
19:20.34DeadZedI know how to configure a linksys router
19:20.55DeadZedthe default dont work when its set up as switch
19:21.18*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
19:21.20DeadZedI'd need to reconnec cables and set it as a router again
19:21.23kitno455DeadZed, you might be on your own
19:21.41kitno455dont bother hooking up the wan link to the outside
19:21.44HopsNBarleythat doesn't make any sense - there isn't a software setting that says "switch" or "router".  it is simultaneously both.
19:22.07kitno455have you turned off dhcp on the machine?
19:22.29kitno455if so, just change your desktop machine to be on the ipnetwork that it used to give dhcp for
19:22.36kitno455and connect to its address!
19:22.47HopsNBarleydid you reset the lan side address?  You might try using a linux box and see if it emits any packets when it boots -that could help you recover the address.  you could also ping various broadcast addresses and see if it appears in the arp cache.
19:23.17kitno455if the lan side address used to be, i bet it still is!
19:23.32kitno455just change your desktop machine to .2, and try it
19:23.33DeadZedHopsNBarley I needed to bypass NAT and dhcp on this BEFW11S4 and google told me that linksys can be used as switch if I plug wan into one of the lan ports - it does work :) .. cause I need have unforwarded access to internet
19:24.00kitno455sure- sure but you did not really cut off the router function
19:24.05kitno455its still there
19:24.39kitno455just set your desktop to an ip on the same subnet as the machine used to use, and connect to it
19:25.04HopsNBarleyyes, that can work, but only if your upstream device knows about the multiple addresses you will be using.  this would not be the norm for standard DSL/cable modem (although available as an option)
19:25.57kitno455i wonder if it is sending dhcp out of your wan port :)
19:26.32HopsNBarleythink of it this way - your upstream router is at X.1, you'll need to set your switch at X.2, and your devices at X.3, 4, ...
19:27.02HopsNBarleyit probably is, but that doesn't matter.
19:28.08kitno455HopsNBarley, i bet his switch lan ip is not on the subnet from his isp. i bet its on the old rfc1918 addr
19:28.46kitno455i once took over a hotel guest network by bringing in my own dhcp server...
19:28.54DeadZedok, I have d-link (, (router 1 - connected to internet), linksys (was, 2 - connected to d-link) (now using it as switch)
19:29.31HopsNBarleythe 0.1 is the lan side dlink?
19:29.33kitno455DeadZed, now change th ip on your desktop to be on the 192.168.1 network, and connect to the .1
19:31.03DeadZedso I'll change my current desktop gateway address from (d-link) to (linksys)?
19:31.39DeadZedI think I'll become disconnected
19:31.43kitno455not your gateway, your IP!
19:31.46HopsNBarleythe LAN side dlink, linksys address, and desktop must all be in the same network!
19:31.48kitno455yes, you will
19:31.57kitno455HopsNBarley, not tru
19:32.16kitno455the linksys can be off on its own, it wont hurt anything
19:32.23kitno455you just cant reach it to config it
19:32.27HopsNBarleyif you want them to talk to each other without proxy arp it's true...
19:32.35HopsNBarleybut wasn't that the question to start?
19:32.47kitno455the question was how do i config
19:32.55kitno455now that i cant reach it :)
19:33.08DeadZedyea, cause I'd want to config wireless on that linksys
19:33.14HopsNBarleyof course, he can use it as a dumb switch...  ah, i misunderstood.
19:33.21kitno455right- now you see
19:33.45kitno455DeadZed, if you want to config the linksys, your pc must be on the same subnet
19:33.52HopsNBarleyno - then i did understand - you need config acess to it, so they all must be on the same IP network.
19:34.06DeadZedI need to use it as a switch , cause if I use it as a router, I cannot accept incoming connections (I think)
19:34.07kitno455you must change the ip of your machine to be
19:34.19kitno455ITS ONLY TEMPORARY
19:34.40HopsNBarleywe still don't have enough info - is the LAN address of the dlink 0.1?
19:35.03kitno455i think it must be a router to use the wireless?
19:35.15kitno455or does it act as a bridge?
19:35.21HopsNBarleyi didn't use it that way - think of the wireless as an extention of the switch.
19:35.44DeadZedumm d-link is .. wait I'll thy what kitno455 suggested
19:36.08kitno455move it to be on the dlink subnet when you get acess to it
19:36.19kitno455then you wont have to do this stupid thing again
19:36.38kitno455better yet- trash all this low grade consumer crap, and get somehting that doesnt suck :)
19:37.38HopsNBarleythen kitno is right - 1.2 should get you TEMP. config access to the linksys at 1.1 - though you will loose your internet connection to do so.  be sure just one of the devices is your DHCP server!
19:38.47eFfeMfor some reason I still have problems with wget:
19:38.48eFfeMConnecting to[]:80... failed: Address family not supported by protocol.
19:39.10eFfeMdoes this work for any of you
19:39.20eFfeMno ipkg update for me without it !
19:39.52HopsNBarleyi had to comment out the --enable-ipv6 line in the bb file.
19:40.15*** join/#openslug DeadZed-- (
19:40.20HopsNBarleyyou're back!
19:40.33DeadZed--heh, i was able to access linksys with :)
19:40.59eFfeMHopsNBarley, will try that (actually I changed config.h but probably that was not enough)
19:41.27HopsNBarleythis was in the 1.9.1 version.  there was talk of a fix, and i haven't done a pull to see yet....
19:41.36DeadZed--I dont know ANUTHING about routers or netwotworks really, so thanks guys
19:42.26HopsNBarleyDeadZed: no problem, happy to help.  Did you turn off the DHCP in the linksys, or did you fix it's address to 192.168.0.X ???
19:42.43eFfeMHopsNBarley, I did an update yesterday, and it was not there.
19:42.53DeadZed--I didnt configure it yet
19:43.00HopsNBarleyeFfeM: thanks - that'll save me some time.
19:43.18DeadZed--so now that Im using it as a switch I should turn off dhcp and nat in it?
19:43.19eFfeMalso tried 1.10.2, but it complains out-of-the-box about a file missing (aclocal.m4 or something like that)
19:43.39eFfeMHopsNBarley, my pleasure, we're here to help eachother isn't it?
19:43.47HopsNBarleyDeadZed: NAT doesn't matter - that's on the WAN port.  
19:43.57DeadZed--I've seen some REALLY complicated setups and howtos with several routers on the network, but for now I'll just use one router as a switch
19:44.25HopsNBarleyDeadZed: on DHCP - it depends - who do you want to serve DHCP - the Dlink or the Linksys - there could be good reasons for either - my point is make sure it's just ONE of them!
19:44.58HopsNBarleyDeadZed: and also that the linksys ison the right network for future config work (-;
19:45.35HopsNBarleyeFfeM: betcha'
19:46.34DeadZed--what if i put both routers on same subnet, will d-link boxes be able to see linksys boxes?
19:46.47DeadZed--nevermind, its all too complicated
19:47.14kitno455DeadZed--, yes
19:47.17HopsNBarleythat's not complicated - these are just IP devices - and sure you could do that.
19:47.25kitno455but they cant do anything to each other
19:47.51eFfeMHopsNBarley, commented out the --enable-ipv6 and a force-reinstall and it started working again; thanks
19:47.54kitno455just give everything under the sun an ip on your main nat'd network
19:48.08kitno455only have one dhcp server, and you are set
19:48.10DeadZed--do you know a good page I should read to educate myself about multiple router cofigs and networks?
19:48.33kitno455anyone who is capable of writing such a page would not build such a network :)
19:48.38HopsNBarleyuh,  any good IP introduction.  there must be thousands of them.
19:49.01kitno455kidding- HopsNBarley is right
19:49.30eFfeMeFfeMnet is one router, one router as switch only with wifi and one switch, couldn't get it all connected otherwise
19:49.41HopsNBarleyit's really all pretty simple once you grasp ARP, that an address must always be paired with a mask, and the fundamental IP routing algortihm.
19:49.59eFfeMsome 7 networked devices in the house
19:50.25DeadZed--which devices?
19:50.36HopsNBarleyHops net is 3 wireless AP's, 2 switches, linux firewall, 5 or so computers
19:51.08HopsNBarleyNeed coffee.  will return...
19:51.29eFfeM3 computers, 1 laptop, 2 digital media adapters, 1 stereo set suppoting internet radio and of course a slug (oh that makes 8)
19:51.59kitno455i'm at the office, the net here is pretty good. the net at home is a linux box with a modem!
19:53.27HopsNBarleyeFfeM - do you know how to compile natively?  I set up the tool chain and that works.  but apache "do_package" fails with "Couldn't find shared library provider for <various libraries>"
19:54.01DeadZed--do you guys develop this firmware for free?
19:54.07HopsNBarleyshould you even be running bitbake on the slug natively?
19:54.11kitno455DeadZed--, yeap- i live in the boondocks
19:54.19caplink811_logwow, a travel to the past
19:54.33kitno455no cable, no dsl
19:54.40DeadZed--are you all on linuxboxes somewhere in new york?
19:54.45tkimballHmm.  Two cable modems (roommmate is paying for his), my Netgear switch supports a desktop and two notebooks.  His Linksys (first version) supports a desktop, two ReplayTV, and an occasional 'floater' PC of some sort or other.
19:54.55kitno455out in the country
19:54.57HopsNBarleydude - a modem? actually, i'm in the sticks too, and just made the jump last year when dsl finally came in.
19:55.05kitno455no dsl here.
19:55.13HopsNBarleyhow about EVDO?
19:55.15kitno455i am thinking about direcway
19:55.45HopsNBarleyon verizon i think you get unlimited 9pm-7am.
19:55.52tkimballOh, correction.  Mine is a desktop, slug, and two notebooks. ;)
19:57.10DeadZed--Whats OpenSlug firmware like? is it like ordinary linux with unix tree etc, except less files or smth
19:57.11kitno455never looked at it closely
19:57.31kitno455DeadZed--, it is a full-featured linux box
19:57.45DeadZed--can I install debian on it then :)
19:57.47kitno455you can install packages for many apps
19:57.51kitno455you can
19:57.53DeadZed--really :O
19:59.54eFfeMHopsNBarley, i compile natively if needed but without bb. i've never set up a native toolchain, just an ipkg install gcc (and g++ and probably also some friends like gdb)
20:00.49eFfeMfor apache you might need to build those missing libs first (maybe adding them in the RDEPENDS in the .bb file also helps)
20:01.19eFfeMHopsNBarley, there are two things I compile natively
20:01.38eFfeMone are a few proggies I've developed myself (e.g. my recording daemon)
20:02.01eFfeMthe other are some progrs that are not available
20:02.14eFfeMespecially when I started and did not know anything about bb
20:02.25tkimballeFfeM:  How well has that worked so far, doing native compile?  And do they use glib?
20:03.06*** part/#openslug DeadZed-- (
20:03.07eFfeMtkimball, native compile works fine and at some point I even compiled php natively. No idea on glib
20:03.29eFfeMor do you mean glibc?
20:03.36HopsNBarleyi misphrased my question.  I should have "how to I package natively".  The libraries bitbake is complaining about are infact installed.
20:03.36tkimballI'm curious, since every attempt of an irssi cross-compile has failed.
20:03.41tkimballglibc I think yes.
20:04.24eFfeMyeah that is on my sys
20:04.38eFfeMjust tried ipkg list | wc
20:04.43eFfeMguess what: 4357
20:04.53eFfeMHopsNBarley, have never done that
20:05.07tkimballThe ipkg irssi or your own compile?  ipkg has perl etc turned off, I want them enabled.
20:05.55eFfeMtkimball, was that to me. Don't think I use irssi (actually no idea what it is ...)
20:06.27tkimballeFfeM:  irssi is IRC client.  What I'm using from the slug today to reach here. :)
20:13.03*** join/#openslug jelle (
20:19.51eFfeMtkimball, understood, I use xchat on my pc to connect to miau running on my slug
20:20.16eFfeMtook some time ro respond as I created a reboot-neede situation :-)
20:21.18tkimballI'd love to use a BNC, but work requires connections via http/https only now.  So I'm thinking of generating an irssi module.
20:21.57tkimballProblem of course is that irssi on slugos is not compiled with openssl, perl, or proxy.
20:26.44EvilDevil[A]does anyone knows how the find out the pi
20:27.35EvilDevil[A]pins of some pl2303 usb-to-serial cell phone data cable
20:32.33kitno455EvilDevil[A], a volmeter or scope while its plugged in
20:33.11EvilDevil[A]i got 4 pins: black, blue, red, white.... black<-> blue (gnd on black) gives 0.07 volts, black <-> white 3.26 volts
20:33.41EvilDevil[A]black <-> red: 0 volt
20:34.06kitno455try opening minicom to it, and type a whole bunch
20:34.16kitno455while looking at black to blue
20:34.24kitno455with the meter
20:34.36kitno455if the voltage jumps around, that is tx
20:34.44kitno455do the same with the others
20:35.16kitno455i bet white is 3.3v power
20:35.43kitno455i bet white is 3.3v and red/blue is rx/tx
20:35.49kitno455though that could be tx/rx
20:36.40EvilDevil[A]black <-> red 0.8 volts ...
20:36.55kitno455does it jump around?
20:37.04kitno455while you type
20:37.22EvilDevil[A]no clue.. tried hyperterminal, but it crashed *??*
20:37.32kitno455hahah get a real os :)
20:37.55EvilDevil[A]that would mean that i have to change my notebook
20:37.56kitno455can you install minicom on your slug?
20:38.04kitno455and ssh into your slug?
20:38.50EvilDevil[A]that would mean that i have to go to the floor.... :-/
20:38.50kitno455i have run minicom from slug over usbserial connector, it works ok, not great, but good enough
20:39.07kitno455just for testing
20:39.43kitno455only other option is to cut open the part where the chip is, and trace the pinout
20:39.58kitno455or get a friend with a scope and a linux box :)
20:40.59EvilDevil[A]i got a linux box... well.. i got 4 of them
20:41.33EvilDevil[A]well... ok, i'll go to the icy, cold room where they reside
20:45.06*** join/#openslug evildevil (
20:47.18kitno455you are smaller now :)
20:47.49kitno455the gnd and Vcc lines should stay stable while typing
20:48.02evildeviltx should change?
20:48.05kitno455the tx line should fluctuate
20:48.16evildevilrx should stay stable i guess :)
20:48.19kitno455compaired to either gnd or vcc
20:48.32kitno455the rx is anyones guess
20:48.49kitno455connect the rx to the tx, and type to yourself :)
20:49.26evildevilthis is creating a whole new meaning...
20:49.47kitno455no- loopback plug
20:50.29evildevili once saw them on some weird lesbian tv show ;)
20:51.06kitno455thats something else i think
20:51.22kitno455you get minicom fired up?
20:51.49evildevilinstalled it... i'm configuring it now
20:53.24evildevilwhat was the connection you suggested? black to red?
21:05.31kitno455evildevil, yeah- try black to red thru the meter, and type
21:09.00*** part/#openslug phatmonkey (
21:09.20evildevili'm setting baud rate to 300... maybe this helps
21:12.20evildevilit's just changing from 0.00 to -0.00 :-/
21:13.50evildevili think blue is tx :-)   black to blue gives me little peaks
21:14.11evildevilblack to white ~ 3.3 v
21:16.17evildevilblack = GND, white = V+, red = RX, blue = Tx
21:17.24evildevilblue to red -> 200mV
21:17.41kitno455connect blue to red dirrectly. no meter
21:17.44*** join/#openslug kolla (n=kolla@
21:17.45kitno455then type
21:18.20evildevilbut it put some @@@ on the screen while connecting
21:18.38kitno455but no @@@ if it is disconnected?
21:18.48evildevil.... 8
21:19.45kitno455i bet you got it.
21:21.04evildevilfunny.. if i touch blue, it puts chars on the screen :)
21:21.51evildevilseems like my fingers got something to tell
21:22.13evildevilwould be cool to use this as an alternative to the keyboard ;-)
21:23.02evildevilwell.. i guess i need some more training for that
21:23.19kitno455blue might be rx then?
21:23.55evildevilmight be ...
21:25.16evildevilsometimes when i touch blue and released it again, it still is drawing chars.... it stops after i touch red
21:25.50evildevildamn electronics
21:26.04evildevil(damn cheap voltmeter)
21:27.42caplink811_logan analogue one is better for that kind of  task
21:28.15evildevilsure... but i don't have one :-(
21:31.08kitno455anyone know how to FORCE reflash to write out the fs image?
21:31.26kitno455i screwed up the contents, and now it refuses to overwrite it
21:31.36kitno455even though mtdblock4 is empty
21:32.02evildeviluse dd if=... of=/dev/mtdblock4  
21:34.14kitno455lets see if i have dd
21:34.59evildevildd is the one with the blue and the red wire
21:36.21kitno455yes, seems to have dd :)
21:37.33kitno455boy dd sure is slow
21:38.13*** part/#openslug stein (
21:40.43evildevilwell.... i still have no clue what color is tx/rx
21:41.00kitno455evildevil, it does not matter
21:41.09kitno455hook it up, if it does not work, switch it
21:41.18kitno455it wont hurt it
21:41.24kitno455i hope :)
21:41.40evildevilif it breaks, i'm gonna (virtually) throw it at you
21:41.53kitno455hell- i will virtually buy you a new one
21:42.08evildevilthis would be virtually nice
21:43.06evildevil <- this seems a little too analogue
21:43.15kitno455the slug side is very robust. i connected all four pins of the serial header to ground once. my minicom session stopped
21:43.25kitno455but the slug was fine
21:44.14evildevilok, i'll give it a try... tomorrow :-)
21:44.21evildevilthanks for your help kitno455
21:44.46*** join/#openslug Sinclair73de (
21:45.07kitno455i was looking to do this myself
21:45.26kitno455my current serial adapter is build from components
21:45.53kitno455the cell-phone route seems faster
21:46.56evildevilwell.. this cell-phone usb-to-serial adapter was never working... piece of crap
21:48.50evildevili'm starting to freeze. *brrr* switching to notebook/livingroom again
22:05.15*** join/#openslug mtb (n=mtb@
22:06.00mtbHi -  is there a known USB storage problem with 2.7? I'm getting a crash when inserting some USB sticks...
22:17.38tkimballmtb:  What's maker of the stick?  I'm using a wiped Lexar Secure myself, perfectly happy.
22:33.58*** join/#openslug dyoung-a1ay (
22:47.54mtboops sorry. Um the one giving me trouble today is an ipod shuffle
22:48.22mtbworks fine on my x86 desktop with 2.6.12, but not on the slug
22:53.20tkimballAh.  I thought you were mentioning a mounted drive for filesystem.
22:56.41NAiLmtb: do you get any info in the log?
22:58.09NAiLI don't think there has been problems with the slug crashing when inserting a usb-stick. Some stick have not been detected, but no crashes.
23:16.01mtbsorry - fighting the thing here
23:16.16mtbcrashing on insert - not when mounting
23:16.59mtbIt behaves as normal until it gets to:
23:17.03mtbuser.debug kernel: usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
23:17.33mtbusuanlly there is about a 1 sec delay and then the scsi driver does it's stuff
23:17.52mtbbut I'm getting nothing for about 30 sec, and then:
23:18.13mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) kernel: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery: host 4 channel 0 id 0 lun 0
23:18.13mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) kernel: usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 7
23:18.13mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) user.debug kernel: usb-storage: device scan complete
23:18.14mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) user.alert kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000008
23:18.14mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) user.alert kernel: pgd = c0004000
23:18.16mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) user.alert kernel: [00000008] *pgd=00000000
23:18.18mtbJan 31 21:26:14 (none) user.warn kernel: Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1]
23:18.38NAiLwell, OpenSlug 3.x is probably right around the corner
23:18.45mtbwhich is only really recoverable by a reboot:(
23:19.07mtbis there info on whats new anywhere?
23:19.22*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
23:19.24NAiLIf I understand correctly, there's only one problem left to fix before a release
23:19.27NAiLmorning, rwhitby
23:20.41NAiLThe kernel is upgraded to (Could probably change to .2 before release)
23:20.50NAiLthe network drivers are updated
23:21.07NAiLA lot of packages are updated :)
23:22.40NAiLYou might wanna wait until the 3.x release and see if the problem goes away
23:22.43mtbis there anyway O could get my hands on the firmware to see if that sorts this USB issue?
23:22.59NAiLYou could build the almost-3.x from HEAD
23:23.31NAiLYou'd need a linux box to build it on... Google for MasterMakefile. The first hit is the one you want.
23:24.52mtbok cool - I have a cross dev enviroment set up for my adventures with slug-gentoo
23:25.33NAiLthe MasterMakefile will build a new one though
23:29.26mtbIt is recommended, but not essential, to make a new user, to build using the Master Makefile. -- -- NB: Root access required
23:29.29mtbHuh? :)
23:33.16NAiLRoot access is required to make a user ;)
23:33.41NAiLthe user does *not* need root. If you build as root, you risk b0rking your system.
23:34.25NAiLand, root user is needed for the "make <distro>-setup" targets
23:34.35mtbAh ok:)
23:34.35NAiLthey just install the required packages
23:42.28mtbOK, thanks NAiL, I'll give it a spin tomorrow when in the office

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.