irclog2html for #openslug on 20060126

02:02.25*** join/#openslug gerdi (
02:25.12*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
04:26.35*** join/#openslug senneth (i=senneth@irssi/staff/senneth)
04:49.08*** join/#openslug jacques (
05:14.19*** join/#openslug DrZimmerman (
10:50.03*** join/#openslug t0mt0m (
12:13.10*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
12:15.19*** join/#openslug kolla (n=kolla@
12:48.15*** join/#openslug ByronT (i=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
13:19.33*** join/#openslug kami22 (
15:30.51*** join/#openslug eFfeM_log (
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16:03.15*** join/#openslug eFfeM-log (
16:16.17*** join/#openslug kitno455 (
16:19.07*** join/#openslug eFfeM_log (
16:54.06*** join/#openslug ByronT (i=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
17:08.59*** join/#openslug EvilDevil (
17:56.19*** join/#openslug phatmonkey (
18:15.27*** join/#openslug senneth (n=senneth@irssi/staff/senneth)
18:42.01*** join/#openslug caplink811-log (
18:42.09*** join/#openslug senneth (n=senneth@irssi/staff/senneth)
19:14.07*** join/#openslug sinclair73de (
19:20.34sinclair73deanyone there help me to config/compile actual version of apex to boot slug with 128MB RAM?
19:39.52*** join/#openslug stein (
19:47.57*** join/#openslug beewoolie-afk (n=beewooli@
19:48.37VoodooZ_Worksinclair73de, 128Megs? Nice. I'm starting to think going to 64Megs would be nice.
20:00.54*** join/#openslug stein (
20:03.29*** join/#openslug EvilDevil_ (
20:17.01sinclair73de:-) ITS RUNNING :-) :-)
20:19.24sinclair73deVoodooZ: do you know how to check the complete ram?
20:20.44VoodooZ_WorkI'm still at 32megs but I might consider upgrading to 64 if it's well documented enough.
20:20.57sinclair73dei want test the ram
20:21.32VoodooZ_WorkNot sure. I know linux has a memory tester but I wonder if it's available as a OE package.
20:22.11VoodooZ_Workactually yes, the OE package is called memtest.
20:22.23EvilDevil_don't you need a custom built kernel to use more than 32 mb?
20:22.28VoodooZ_Workoops s/memtest/memtester/g
20:22.38VoodooZ_Worknever tried it though
20:22.48sinclair73deno, openslug works with more than 32MB
20:23.21VoodooZ_Worksinclair73de, did you use special soldering equipment to yours?
20:23.29sinclair73debut you need apex bootloader
20:24.05VoodooZ_WorkI actually started using apex recently.
20:24.16VoodooZ_Workmostly to shorten my robot's boot time.
20:24.24EvilDevil_oh, then i must have confused it with unslung... i think
20:24.26VoodooZ_WorkI'm down to 31secs now. much better
20:25.59VoodooZ_WorkI got my usb sound dongle working with the flite text-to-speech synth but the problem is it takes loads of ram so 64megs would be better.
20:26.17sinclair73dei have the equipment at work, but my english is not good enough for describe
20:26.39VoodooZ_Workthat's ok.
20:27.03VoodooZ_WorkI had all the equipment at my old job but now I only have a simple soldering iron.
20:27.28VoodooZ_WorkI have to read the wiki first to see which method is best for me and find some RAM chips.
20:27.44sinclair73dei want to use udrec for recording my dbox2 (digital-tv-receiver) data to hdd, but these runs only under .NET/mono an needs much ram
20:28.08VoodooZ_Workyeah. .net crap is not exactly lean.
20:29.38sinclair73deit runs with 32mb but when swaping, data is lost
20:30.08EvilDevil_losing data is not very usefull when streaming
20:31.49sinclair73dethats right
20:32.30EvilDevil_why don't you use nfs for streaming?
20:32.48sinclair73deand if 128MB is not enough, i have 2 more chips :-)
20:34.50EvilDevil_sinclair73de, what would it cost if you put the two other chips on my slug? :-)
20:38.10sinclair73deoh sorry... i have for one week a dead slug, because of one bad soldered pin and i thought i must buy a new one...
20:39.32EvilDevil_okay :-)
20:41.00sinclair73debut if anyone want to now the ram data. I buyed this at a pc-shop here:
20:41.58sinclair73desorry, no shorter link found
20:43.24sinclair73dei unsolder it with hot air
20:46.53EvilDevil_i see... but that wouldn't be an option for me. I don't have the experience and the tools needed for doing that :)
20:51.00sinclair73deVoodoo: where have you found memtest?
20:58.04NAiLsinclair73de: if you've got the native compile environment installed, you can just google for "memtester".  IIRC, it's the first link.
20:58.09VoodooZ_Logmemtest is available as an OE package under openembedded/packages/memtester
20:58.24NAiLyeah, but it doesn't build now
20:58.35NAiLatleast it didn't on nudi
20:58.50NAiL(I put it in the feeds, but it broke all the feeds)
20:59.04VoodooZ_LogYou might have to add the package to openslug conf files though as it's not part of the default list.
21:01.23sinclair73deone more question :-) do you know how to change to boot commandline?
21:04.57VoodooZ_LogI remember seeing one in the kernel's defconfig but it's also referenced somewhere else.
21:05.24VoodooZ_LogRead the various .conf files for openslug. the comments explains it.
21:05.56sinclair73dei can print it from apex with printenv, but how edit it?
21:05.57VoodooZ_LogApex also has a command line compiled in (optionally). That would probably be your best bet.
21:06.08VoodooZ_Lognot sure. You might have to recompile it.
21:06.25sinclair73deok, i do this
21:08.55VoodooZ_Logbut to be sure which one is used check with jbowler or beewoolie-afk or [g2]. They know their stuff much more than me.
21:09.08VoodooZ_Loganyways, I have to leave so take care.
21:09.22beewoolie-afksinclair73de: speak my name...
21:09.27sinclair73deok, bye bye! Thank for help!
21:09.34beewoolie-afkAre you trying to change the command line of APEX?
21:10.29beewoolie-afkYou can just use APEX commands  to change the boot command  as  long as the flash is available.
21:10.47beewoolie-afkWhat does APEX say about the environment in the version command.
21:11.05beewoolie-afkIn other words, APEX will tell you if it can write to its environment.
21:11.42beewoolie-afkIt will say, nowrite or empty or inuse.
21:11.50sinclair73detakes a few minutes, trying something else...
21:12.13beewoolie-afkOr as VoodooZ_Log wrote, you can compile in a different default boot command string.
21:12.25beewoolie-afkIt is configurable with make xconfig (or whatever you prefer)
21:14.52sinclair73dei want to add "noirqdebug" because of the irq26: nobody cared
21:15.57*** part/#openslug EvilDevil (
21:16.24beewoolie-afkThat should be simple enough.
21:16.53beewoolie-afkThe easiest way is to rebuild APEX with a different boot command line.  That way, you don't need a console port to make the change.
21:17.28sinclair73dei have a console port
21:18.01sinclair73dethere i see the irq debug message
21:18.27beewoolie-afkWhen you reboot and APEX signs on, what does it say about the environment?
21:19.53sinclair73deok, i'm at reboot
21:20.26sinclair73dedo printenv?
21:20.37beewoolie-afkWhat is in the signon message about the environment?
21:20.54beewoolie-afkIf it is gone, you can use the 'version' command to show it again.
21:21.03sinclair73deenv  => nor:128k+64k            (no-write)
21:21.11beewoolie-afkOK.  That means that there is something else there.
21:21.33beewoolie-afkI recommend that you rebuild APEX.  do you have facilities for that?
21:22.23beewoolie-afkI think I'm also going to change the default config to put the environment in the first block with the loader.
21:22.40sinclair73deyes, i build the apex 2 hours ago
21:24.02sinclair73demake xconfig or must i edit a file?
21:24.59sinclair73demake xconfig and envirenment... :-)
21:25.20beewoolie-afkxconfig is the easiest.
21:25.26beewoolie-afkLook in the environment section.
21:26.44sinclair73dei can add it to the end of the commandline or?
21:27.06*** join/#openslug spudse (
21:27.40spudseI have a few questions regarding the nslu2
21:28.45spudsecan I ask them here?
21:29.23beewoolie-afkhere or #nslu2-linux
21:29.28sinclair73deok, binary is ready
21:29.39spudsedoes the nslu2 have any moving parts?
21:29.44beewoolie-afksinclair73de: I built one, too.  It also moves the environment.
21:30.35beewoolie-afkspudse: Have you looked here
21:30.51beewoolie-afkLots of pics and basic system information.
21:30.54spudseyes I have been looking around there
21:31.14sinclair73debeewoolie: can you say me step for step how to upload, test and flash it? I only have these upload from redboot
21:31.38spudsemaybe I can ask one more question before I start reading
21:31.47beewoolie-afkOnce apex in in memory, you can use xmodem to download a new version.
21:32.19beewoolie-afkspudse: you can ask as many as you like.  It's just easier for everyone if you've read what's out there.  BTW, there are no moving parts.
21:32.30beewoolie-afksinclair73de: use the xdownload command.
21:32.38beewoolie-afkapex> xdownload $bootaddr
21:32.48beewoolie-afkThis will download to the same place it puts kernels.
21:32.49sinclair73dedo you mean xreceive?
21:32.53beewoolie-afkOh, right.
21:33.03beewoolie-afkIt's been a while.
21:33.04spudseI'm planning to create a public webserver with nslu2,is that possible or doesnt it have enough processor power? (i will run apache)
21:33.18beewoolie-afkspudse: I've got a couple of people doing that.
21:33.24spudseIs it for instance possible to serve 10000 page requests a day ?
21:33.47spudseI already had a webserver (celeron366
21:33.49beewoolie-afkspudse: Don't know.  set one up and do some performance testing for us.
21:33.57spudsebut I just toasted it :)
21:34.07beewoolie-afksinclair73de: Once it is downloaded, just do this:
21:34.18beewoolie-afkapex> g $bootaddr
21:34.39beewoolie-afkThe newly download version will execute.  You can verify that the command line has changed
21:34.42beewoolie-afkapex> printenv
21:34.52sinclair73dei need parameters for xreceive
21:35.39beewoolie-afkapex> xr $bootaddr
21:37.47sinclair73deok, it is in printenv
21:37.47beewoolie-afkspudse: BTW, AFAICT, the number of page requests a day isn't nearly as interesting as the number of page requests a minute.
21:37.49sinclair73debut it is still only in sdram ?
21:37.49beewoolie-afksinclair73de: then you can verify that all is well by booting.
21:37.58beewoolie-afksinclair73de: Yeah, but you can go through that process again once you've verified that the new command line parameter works.
21:38.16sinclair73deok, let him boot
21:38.18beewoolie-afksinclair73de: when you are satisfied, there are just a couple of commands to make it permanent.
21:40.46sinclair73deoh, something wrong... my ram >32MB is away
21:43.48sinclair73debut ram bank size is 0x08000000
21:43.55sinclair73dein xconfig
21:45.07beewoolie-afksinclair73de: Reboot to APEX and look at the output of the version command.
21:45.16beewoolie-afkIt will tell you what APEX thinks is present for memory.
21:45.26beewoolie-afkYou can download the new version and compare.
21:48.50sinclair73deok, apex boot from flash: memory: 0x0 0x08000000 (128 MiB)
21:49.07beewoolie-afksinclair73de: And that's correct?
21:49.42beewoolie-afkthen you need to modify the apex configuration to tell it you've got a fat slug.
21:49.49beewoolie-afkdidn't you do that before?
21:50.14sinclair73deone moment...
21:50.25sinclair73dei try it from ram
21:51.57sinclair73destill: memory: 0x0 0x08000000 (128 MiB)
21:54.13sinclair73deoh, there is a line in the boot messages:
21:54.17sinclair73deKernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw rootfstype=jffs2 mem=32M@0x00000000
21:55.28beewoolie-afksinclair73de: That's wrong.
21:55.39beewoolie-afkthere should not be a mem= on the command line.
21:56.06sinclair73dewhen booting apex from flash, there is not mem= in the line
21:56.17beewoolie-afkThat isn't in the APEX source code.
21:56.25beewoolie-afkPerhaps you added it previously?
21:56.39beewoolie-afkAnd where is the noirqdebug?
21:59.39sinclair73defrom flash: no "noirgdebug" and no "mem=.."
22:00.02sinclair73defrom sdram: "noirgdebug" AND "mem=..."
22:00.19sinclair73devalue in xconfig is:
22:00.24sinclair73deconsole=ttyS0,115200 rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw init=/linuxrc noirgdebug
22:03.14beewoolie-afkThat's right.
22:03.31beewoolie-afkTry strings on the version of APEX you uploaded
22:03.39sinclair73deoh... a error, i write noirGdebug instead of noirQdebug in xconfig
22:03.40beewoolie-afk# strings apex.bin | grep console=
22:03.56beewoolie-afkOh, yeah, that's not right.
22:04.11beewoolie-afkBut it doesn't explain the differing environment.
22:04.28sinclair73deone more try
22:04.33beewoolie-afkI built APEX with this command line option.  I can make it available on my FTP server.
22:07.29sinclair73dei build it...
22:07.35sinclair73dethis looks better
22:08.18sinclair73de128MB and noirqdebug
22:08.44beewoolie-afksinclair73de: Is there a mem= in the environment?
22:10.39sinclair73denow ist is exactly that from xconfig
22:12.48sinclair73depossible the line with the mem is the "target default kernel command line" ?
22:13.09sinclair73deand because of the write-error it used this?
22:14.27sinclair73dehow to flash?
22:14.50beewoolie-afksinclair73de: I don't understand what you are saying.
22:14.59beewoolie-afkIf you are ready to flash, it takes two commands.
22:15.08beewoolie-afkapex> erase nor:0
22:15.16beewoolie-afkapex> copy $apex nor:0
22:15.54sinclair73deah, the same as before
22:20.14sinclair73deok, everything fine... many thanks!!!
22:21.00*** join/#openslug rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
22:23.03sinclair73deVoodooZ was right with: "* VoodooZ_Log thinks beewoolie-afk is the omni-present god of bootloaders. :)"
22:23.58*** join/#openslug cheef-daniel (
22:24.13beewoolie-afkyeah!  Now I have three APEX users.  Is it time for a users' group?
22:24.29NAiLdid you count me? ;)
22:24.41beewoolie-afkFour users!
22:25.12beewoolie-afkNAiL: in the next release, the environment will move down to be in the same block as the loader so that you can set it at runtime.
22:25.13sinclair73dein da yahoo-group database i'm the fourth user
22:25.23NAiLbeewoolie-afk: cool :)
22:25.36beewoolie-afkI've also added this noirqdebug option to the default command line.
22:25.48beewoolie-afkI'll appreciate it as well.
22:25.53NAiLbeewoolie-afk: btw, the last time I checked, apex had a changelog entry about something changing in the openslug layout? what was that?
22:25.59beewoolie-afkI didn't know there was a way to disable those messages.
22:26.30beewoolie-afkNAiL: the latest release of openslug doesn't put a kernel in the JFFS2 partition.
22:26.40beewoolie-afkWe were reading the kernel from there, by default.
22:26.54sinclair73dei log the redboot messages to file and there is noirqdebug in the commandline too
22:26.57beewoolie-afkNow, apex reads the kernel from flash
22:27.17beewoolie-afkNothing to worry about.
22:32.28cheef-danielis there a debianslug channel?
23:07.36*** join/#openslug phatmonkey (
23:24.45sinclair73deok, going to bed... bye
23:29.59*** part/#openslug sinclair73de (

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